Conde Nast Traveller December 2023 ”芸術と芸術的味わい”
    Conde Nast Traveller December 2023 ”ART AND ARTISTRY”
    Conde Nast Traveller December 2023 ”艺术与艺术”


    Discover Japan 2019年11月号 “新種の酵母を発見!発酵をデザインする七代目の味噌づくり”
    Discover Japan November 2019 “Discover a new kind of yeast! Making Miso for the Seventh Generation Designing Fermentation”
    Discover Japan 2019年11月號 “發現新型酵母!為第七代發酵發酵製作味噌”


    Discover Japan Web “150年の伝統を守る「ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元」が革新的と言われる理由”
    Discover Japan Web “The reason why “Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company” who maintains the tradition of 150 years is said to be innovative”
    Discover Japan Web “保持150年傳統的”Yamamo味噌醬油釀造商”之所以創新的原因”


    STAY AKITA “モダンデザインの感性が伝統と調和する”
    STAY AKITA “The sensitivity of modern design is in harmony with tradition”
    STAY AKITA “現代設計的敏感性與傳統和諧相處”


    ONBEAT_vol.10 “世界に醸造業の魅力を発信し、発酵食文化と地域に新たなブランド価値を創出”
    ONBEAT_vol.10 “Disseminate the appeal of the brewing industry to the world and create new brand value in the fermented food culture and region”
    ONBEAT_vol.10 “向全世界傳播釀造業的吸引力,並在發酵食品文化和地區創造新的品牌價值”


    日本VE協会誌 バリュー・コンピテンシー 2017夏号 “ローカルから世界へ「伝統」の価値を届ける”
    Japan VE Association Magazine Value Competency 2017 Summer Issue ”Deliver the value of” tradition “from local to the world”
    日本VE協會雜誌 Value Competency 2017年夏季刊 “從本地到世界傳遞傳統的價值”




    海外メディア情報 | OVERSEAS MEDIA INFORMATION | 海外媒體信息

    新聞メディア情報 | NEWSPAPER MEDIA INFORMATION | 報紙媒體信息

    雑誌メディア情報 | MAGAZINE MEDIA INFORMATION | 雜誌媒體信息

    テレビメディア情報 | TV MEDIA INFORMATION | 電視媒體信息

    書籍メディア情報 | BOOK MEDIA INFORMATION | 預訂媒體信息

    地方メディア情報 | LOCAL MEDIA INFORMATION | 當地媒體信息


  • 番組放送のお知らせ



    Announcement of Program Broadcast

    The media reported on our courtesy visit to the governor of Akita Prefecture. Many media came to the event, and we felt the growing interest in the application of miso-derived yeast and innovative fermentation technology. The Akita TV broadcast was featured on Yahoo! News and spread across the web. NHK Akita’s coverage was also reported on the national news the next morning. (Yahoo! and NHK web news are currently unavailable.) The team realized the great response to our research and development. We will continue to work on this project so that everyone can experience the world of Viamver yeast fermentation, which is based on miso and soy sauce technology. _mediainfo._tv



    據報導,對秋田縣知事進行了訪問。 當天,許多媒體訪問了我們,我感到對味噌衍生酵母和創新發酵技術的應用的興趣與日俱增。 秋田電視台的廣播成為Yahoo!新聞,並在WEB上傳播。 此外,第二天早上,NHK秋田在全國新聞中被報導。 團隊正在感受到研發的巨大反應(目前尚無法獲得Yahoo!和NHK WEB新聞)。 我們想盡一切努力,使每個人都能體驗應用味噌醬油技術的Viamver酵母發酵的世界。


    April 27,2021 21:35 distributed by Akita Television








    Unveiling of Products Using Newly Developed Yeast

    A new product using yeast jointly developed by miso and soy sauce brewers in Akita Prefecture and the Akita Prefectural Food Research Center has been completed, and the people involved visited the Akita Prefectural Government on the 27th to report to Governor Satake.

    The four people who visited the Akita prefectural office included Yasushi Takahashi, Managing Director of Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewery in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture. They reported on the completion of the new products and showed dishes made with Viamver yeast, which was developed in collaboration with the Akita Prefectural Food Research Center based on the yeast strain that produces Yamamo miso and soy sauce.

    A dish using caviar marinated in soy sauce made with Viamver yeast made its appearance. The yeast is said to soften meat and fish as well as soften their odor, eliminating the unique smell of caviar and bringing out their umami. In addition, the wine brewed with the yeast is prepared to go well with any dish.

    Yasushi Takahashi, Managing Director of the company, said, “Completing a table with yeast derived from miso and soy sauce is something we have not been able to do before. I think it’s very rewarding to be able to use our company’s yeast. We would like to show the fusion of tradition and innovation. Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company aims to start mail order sales of the new product by the summer of 2021, and also plans to serve it at the café it operates.






    常務董事高橋泰說:“用味噌和醬油衍生的酵母無法完成一張桌子。我們能夠對付細菌的做法非常有益。我想。我想傳達傳統與創新的融合“ Yamamo Miso醬油釀造商的目標是到2021年夏季開始郵購新產品,併計劃在其經營的咖啡館提供這些產品。


    April 27,2021 18:28 distributed by NHK NEWS WEB


    みそ由来の酵母を使ったワイン 県庁でお披露目









    Wine made with miso-derived yeast unveiled at prefectural office

    On the 27th, new products such as wine made with yeast derived from miso, which were jointly developed by the prefectural government and a miso manufacturing company in Yuzawa City, were unveiled at the prefectural government office.

    Three years ago, the prefectural government provided technical support to Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company in Yuzawa City, aiming at the development of fermentation industries such as miso, and succeeded in developing miso-derived yeast that has the characteristic of producing umami.

    On the 27th, four people from Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce visited the prefectural government and presented their new products to Governor Satake.

    Among them, the wine fermented with yeast derived from miso (soybean paste) has a refreshing taste and is easy to drink, and will be sold at cafes operated by the company by summer of this year.

    Governor Satake, who tasted the wine beforehand, said, “It has a very mild taste and I think it will be popular among women. I would like to see it further developed while making use of local products to attract young people,” he said.

    Yasushi Takahashi, the seventh generation of Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, said, “The wine has been made with the umami of yeast from miso. We would like to continue developing new products while aiming to expand overseas.

    Kiichi Kimura, a senior researcher at the Prefectural Food Research Center, said, “We would like to develop the food industry by supporting initiatives like this one that step into other fields.











  • 番組放送を終えて_わがまま!気まま!旅気分

    歴史的な豪雪に見舞われた今季の冬。弊社ヤマモの取り組みを紹介するテレビ番組「わがまま!気まま!旅気分 壇蜜・元爆のぐるっと秋田!地元イチオシ穴場ツアー」の放送が行われました。出演者の皆様にコース料理の一部を召し上がっていただきました。その内容をダイジェストでまとめていただき、動画で見ることができます。ダイジェストにはありませんが、ドイツ人シェフのJonasとの交流やグリューワイン、肉魚のメイン、2種のデザートを召し上がっていただき、感想をいただけたことは、良い経験となりました。


    Report on Program Broadcast_Self-indulgence! Leave your mood! Traveling

    Winter of this season was hit by historical heavy snow. We introduce the efforts of our Yamamo “Self-indulgence! Leave your mood! Traveling DANMITSU and GANBAKU Akita! Local Recommended Tour”. We had some of the course cuisine. You can summarize the contents in the digest and see it in videos. Although there is no digest, I was a good experience that I received an exchanges with Jonas with German Chef and Glieu wine, meat fish, and I had an impression.
    When I was backing for shooting, I would like to bring it back to the staff and the performers, and after delivery to the staff and the performers, the staff members were able to use our company as a customer of eating and drink I’m glad. _mediainfo._tv


    計劃廣播的報告_自我放縱! 抱歉! 旅行






    番組放送後は、多くの地域の方々のお声掛けやコースのご利用をいただき、番組放送の影響を実感しております。番組でご提供したメインの「FERMENTED COD ROTILE:発酵鱈のロティール」や「FERMENTED LAMB GRILLER:発酵ラム肉のグリエ」は土日限定の事前予約制ランチコースでご提供しております。独特のうま味を醸成したViamver酵母による食事体験をしていただきたいと思います。


    After program broadcasting, we have realized the impact of program broadcasting, using voice and courses of many regions. The main “FERMENTED COD ROTILE” and “FERMENTED LAMB GRILLER” provided by a program is provided on weekends only. I would like to experience a meal experience by Viamver yeast that fosters unique umami.


    在計劃廣播後,我們已經意識到程序廣播的影響,使用許多地區的語音和課程。 主要的”FERMENTED COD ROTILE:發酵鱈魚旋轉”,”FERMENTED LAMB GRILLER:發酵羊肉燒烤”魅力僅在周末提供。 我想經歷Viamver酵母的膳食體驗,促進獨特的Umami。


    /// CAFE LUNCH COURSE / 11:00-15:00 ///
    ・LUNCH COURSE_2,400yen(plus tax)
     with DESSERT & 1DRINK_3,500yen(plus tax)

    ・FULL COURSE_10,000yen(plus tax)
     with FULL PAIRING_20,000yen(plus tax)




    テレビ神奈川の情報番組「関内デビル」にて出演者の加村真美さんにヤマモの取り組みをお伝えしていただきました。番組では「発酵王国秋田」をテーマに秋田県内各地を巡り、弊社ではYAMAMO FACTORY TOURにご参加いただき、製品とSOY GELATOのご試食の様子が放送されました。県全体で特徴ある産業を押し出し、全国的な知名度が上がっていくことは非常に重要なことと思います。また、それをものづくりだけではなく観光業として受け入れを行うことが地方や日本全体の活性化につながると考えます。加村さん、スタッフの皆様、お越しいただきありがとうございました。


    News of Program Broadcast_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR

    On the TV Kanagawa information program “Kannai Devil”, Mami Kamura, the performer, told us about Yamamo’s efforts. The program traveled around Akita Prefecture with the theme of “Fermentation Kingdom Akita”, and we participated in the YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR to broadcast the product and SOY GELATO tasting. I think that it is very important to push out unique industries throughout the prefecture and increase national recognition. In addition, accepting it not only as a manufacturing industry but also as a tourism business will help revitalize the region and Japan as a whole. Thank you for coming to Kamura-san and the staff. _mediainfo._tv



    On the TV Kanagawa information program “Kannai Devil”, Mami Kamura, the performer, told us about Yamamo’s efforts. The program traveled around Akita Prefecture with the theme of “Fermentation Kingdom Akita”, and we participated in the YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR to broadcast the product and SOY GELATO tasting. I think that it is very important to push out unique industries throughout the prefecture and increase national recognition. In addition, accepting it not only as a manufacturing industry but also as a tourism business will help revitalize the region and Japan as a whole. Thank you for coming to Kamura-san and the staff.





  • 番組放送のお知らせ_ABS

    I.L.A. GALLERYの開廊から様々なメディアの方々にお越しいただき、その時のご縁からこの度のYAMAMO GARDEN CAFEの取材と放送になりました。撮影クルーの皆さんは長時間作業して下さり、物撮りの角度や調理工程の写し方等に非常に強いこだわりを感じております。また、YAMAMO FACTORY STORE内でかかる音楽にもご興味を持っていただき、放送の中で同じ曲を流すという判断をしてくださいました。皆さんの丁寧な取材を通じて、ヤマモの取り組みやディテールを本当に尊重していただいているのだなと思いました。ぜひ、放送をご覧いただきたいと思います。


    News of Program Broadcast_YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE

    People from various media came from the I.L.A. GALLERY’s opening, and from that time on, it was the coverage and broadcast of YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE. Everyone in the shooting crew has been working for a long time, and I feel a very strong commitment to the angle of shooting and how to copy the cooking process. In addition, I was interested in such music in YAMAMO FACTORY STORE and made the decision to play the same song in the broadcast. I thought that you really respect Yamamo’s activities and details through the careful coverage of everyone. I would like to see the broadcast by all means._mediainfo._tv



    來自各種媒體的人們來自I.L.A.畫廊的開幕式,從那時起,它就是YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE的報導和播出。 拍攝隊員中的每個人都已經工作了很長時間,我對拍攝角度以及如何復制烹飪過程表現出非常強烈的承諾。 另外,我對YAMAMO FACTORY STORE中的這種音樂很感興趣,並決定在廣播中播放同一首歌。 我認為你真的尊重Yamamo的活動和細節,通過仔細報導每個人。 我想通過各種方式看廣播。








    ABS秋田放送 エビス堂ゴールド_4月19日(金)午後3:50
    ABS Akita Broadcasting Ebisu-do Gold_April 19 (Fri) 3:50 pm
    ABS秋田廣播 惠比壽做黃金_4月19日(週五)下午3:50