• 記事掲載のお知らせ_ONBEAT_Vol.10

    I.L.A. GALLERYを開廊すべく、アート活動を行う中でONBEAT編集者の藤田さんとの出逢いがあり、今回の記事掲載に至ることとなりました。お話させていただいた当初から、我々の活動に対する理解を示していただき、ギャラリーだけではなく、会社のリブランディングや海外展開、岩崎地域や歴代の高橋茂助のレガシーを踏襲したインバウンドツアーまでを取材していただきました。


    I.L.A. GALLERYが掲載されるONBEAT vol.10は9月まで書店にて取り扱いがされております。非常に重厚な美術誌になりますので、ぜひ直接手に取って見て感じていただければと思います。取材いただいた藤田さん、ありがとうございました。またご一緒できることを楽しみにしております。





    Notice of Article Posting_I.L.A. GALLERY

    In order to open the I.L.A. GALLERY, there was an encounter with the ONBEAT editor, Mr. Fujita, during the art activities, which led to the publication of this article. From the beginning of the talk, I showed an understanding of our activities, covering not only the gallery, but also the company’s rebranding and overseas development, and the inbound tour that followed the Iwasaki area and the legacy of Mosuke Takahashi of each generation. Thank you.

    Of course, I was able to share a lot of ideas about art and the perspective of Japan in the world, and I had a very interesting time. The delicate and unique sense of Japanese people can create value in the world and enrich the world. By digging carefully into the context rooted in the land and spinning it, we can make the region a sustainable and creative land for the world. There is still much we can do, and doing it can make the world more interesting. It’s industrially as well as art based and it’s sensibly equivalent, and the creation area jumps the fence and changes the world.

    ONBEAT vol.10, where I.L.A. GALLERY will be published, is being handled at bookstores until September. It will be a very heavy art magazine, so I hope you will take it directly and feel it. Thank you Mr. Fujita for interviewing. I am looking forward to working with you again._mediainfo._magazine


    Comment from the editor, Mr. Fujita

    Mr. Yasushi Takahashi, young the 7th generation of miso and soy sauce brewing company Yamamoto, who has a long history, succeeded in branding and renovation of his company with excellent artistic sense and management skills, and made use of his know-how to move forward with promoting renovation in the area You are In each region of Japan, there is a unique and rich culture that continues in a row, and Takahashi’s activities that are struggling in the local area, Akita, to prove that updating its features to the present day will lead to regional revitalization, Because it contains valuable suggestions for local problems, and at the same time proves the power of design, it is very meaningful to introduce in our journal, and it is important to know not only Japanese people but also foreign people. I thought it would be an opportunity to receive it.


    文章發布通知_I.L.A. GALLERY



    將於9月份在書店處理ONBEAT第10卷,其中將出版I.L.A. GALLERY。這將是一本非常沉重的藝術雜誌,所以我希望你能直接接受並感受它。謝謝藤田先生的採訪。我期待著再次與您合作。



    味噌和醬油釀造公司Yamamo的年輕第七代高橋泰先生擁有悠久的歷史,他憑藉出色的藝術感和管理技巧成功地為他的公司進行品牌和翻新,並利用他的專業知識推進該地區的改造。 你是 在日本的每個地區,都有一種獨特而豐富的文化,這種文化在連續不斷,而高橋在當地掙扎的活動,以證明將其特徵更新到今天將導致區域振興, 因為它包含對當地問題的寶貴建議,同時證明了設計的力量,所以在我們的期刊中介紹非常有意義,重要的是不僅要了解日本人,還要了解外國人。 我認為這是一個接受它的機會。







    秋田県湯沢市の岩崎地区に、幕末江戸末期の慶応3(1867)年から150 年以上続く味噌・醤油の蔵元がある。その老舗、ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元・髙茂合名会社では、地元を流れる皆瀬川の伏流水を用いて天然醸造を行っている。ヤマモは伝統を継承しながら海外にも販路を広げており、HPで日本語・英語・中国語の3 か国語で情報を掲載するなど、国内外に醸造業の魅力を伝える企業活動が高く評価され、中小企業庁の「はばたく中小企業300」、経済産業省の「地域未来牽引企業」にも選定されている。



    Conveying the attractiveness of the brewing industry to the World

    In the Iwasaki district of Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, there is a brewery of miso and soy sauce that has been operating since 1867. The long-standing Yamamo miso and soy sauce brewing company (hereinafter Yamamo) has engaged in natural brewing using subsoil water from the local river Minasegawa. While carrying on that tradition, Yamamo is extending its markets overseas by providing information on its website in English and Chinese in addition to Japanese. With its corporate activities to convey the attractiveness of the Japanese brewing industry both at home and overseas, Yamamo was selected as one of the company to win the Vibrant HABATAKU SMEs 300 of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Driving Company for the regional future.

    This was part of a new management strategy which the 7th President Yasushi Takahashi set forth. After studying zymurgy at the Tokyo University of Agriculture, he received training at a major brewing company and then took over its management. Takahashi originally wanted to become an architect and learned design engineering at Chiba University.



    在秋田縣湯澤市的岩崎地區,自宮津江戶時代晚期(1867年)結束以來,有一種味噌和醬油來源已經持續了150多年。 成熟的Yamamo味噌醤油醸造商,一家名為高茂合名会社的公司,使用流經該地區的皆瀬川的底流水進行自然釀造。Yamamo在繼承其傳統的同時擴大了海外銷售渠道,並在惠普上發布了日語,英語和中文三種語言的信息,並因其公司活動而備受推崇,這些活動傳達了國內外釀酒行業的吸引力。它還被選為中小企業廳的“小型和大型企業300”,經濟產業省被選為“區域未來企業”。





    2016 年からは醸造蔵と庭園を巡るツアーを実施。外国語に堪能な高橋氏はツアー客の3分の1を占める外国人に対する案内役を務めている。庭園の借景は、高台にある霊符の森だ。この森の中にある「水神社」は醸造産業が発展したこの地域と水資源である皆瀬川との深い関係性を物語る。蔵の歴史や技術、醸造業の魅力を伝えるとともに、地域の風土も含めて体感できるこのツアーは、今、世界中でトレンドの「地方の地域固有の文化体験」そのものであり、湯沢市に国内外から観光客を呼び込むための試みとなる。


    He exercised his remarkable sense of design from the first year as executive managing director, and worked on the branding of the company’s products. He started out with the updating of the company’s brochure and labeling of Yamamo products.

    Its products with the simple design earned the 2013 Good Design Award. Takahashi also refurbished the brewing house and the garden. Passing through a noren curtain of the entrance of the brewing house, a comfortable space spreads before your eyes within a classy Japanese interior that incorporates the Western-style beauty. Outside the window, a magnificent Japanese garden awaits. The Reifu-nomori forest behind the brewing house serves as a beautiful setting of the garden. Takahashi’s exquisite aesthetic sense is well represented in all of them.


    起初我們開始為我們的產品提供宣傳冊和標籤。設計簡潔,商品名為英文的產品獲得2013年優秀設計獎。高橋先生還著手改造釀造倉庫和花園。倉庫的溫暖已經完成,一個融合了西式美景的舒適空間在純粹的日式內飾中傳播,具有悠久的特色。 日式花園延伸到窗外,所有這些都具有高度的美感。



    J. Manuel Mansylla_Principal_TOTEM_2017





    In 2016, he started offering a tour that takes visitors through the brewing house and the garden. Fluent in English, Takahashi personally guides foreign visitors. The tour conveys the history of the brewing house, brewing techniques and the attraction of its industry, including the natural features of the district. The tour is serving as an important tool to experience a unique regional culture of Yuzawa City.

    Recently, Yamamo opened a café in the brewing house. Following the old practice of promoting culture and art in this district, Yamamo also established an art gallery (photo p.109) in the brewing house. Artist Tetsuya Takizawa exhibited in the gallery works he created on site. High expectations are pinned on the next move of Yamamo, which has demonstrated the brand value of fermented food from the local district in Japan to the world and has been attracting visitors from Japan and other countries.


    在2018年底,咖啡館也在釀酒倉庫的一樓開業。我們提供使用水的咖啡,使用用於烹飪的天然鹽和含味噌醬的冰淇淋。 此外,藝術畫廊(照片第109頁)在二樓開放,因為前名人在該地區推薦文化藝術。滝澤徹也,一位藝術家,製作了當地的作品,如Yamamo種子和皆瀬川製造的紙張,並在同一個畫廊展出。








    About “ONBEAT”

    “ONBEAT” is a complete Japanese-English bilingual book, published twice a year at the same time as a print edition and an electronic edition, introducing Japanese art and culture from a wide variety of genres. In addition to large-scale bookstores such as Kinokuniya Bookstore and Yodoya Bookstore through the Japanese edition and Touhan, it is also sold at museum shops such as the National Art Center, Tokyo National Art Museum and the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. It is also sold at overseas bookstores through a daily overseas business with sales networks in more than 78 countries.

    In “ONBEAT” magazines, artists such as Senju Hiroshi, Takashi Murakami, Miwa Komatsu, Yuji Inoue, as well as leading artists from Japan, as well as Tadao Ando, ​​Issei Miyake, Hiroko Koshino and Junko sisters, Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, etc. We did exclusive coverage to celebrities and released special feature articles. There are no other magazines that introduce Japanese art and culture in complete Japanese-English parallel writing, and they have received high acclaim overseas as well, such as the Sainsbury Institute for Japanese Arts and Sciences (UK), Japan Society (US, UK), and the International Cultural Center. It is stored in prestigious research institutes specializing in Japanese culture, libraries of various educational institutions such as Women’s Art University and Tamagawa University, and Roppongi Hills Library. In addition, the lounges and libraries of large-scale passenger ships such as The Ritz-Carlton Tokyo and Hilton Tokyo, as well as foreign-owned hotels such as Nippon-maru and Pacific Venus are always on hand.



    “ONBEAT”是一本完整的日英雙語書籍,每年出版兩次,同時出版印刷版和電子版,介紹各種類型的日本藝術和文化。 除了通過日本版和Touhan的紀伊国屋書店和蔦屋書店等大型書店外,還在國家藝術中心,東京國立美術館和東京都藝術博物館等博物館商店出售。 它還通過日常海外業務在海外書店銷售,銷售網絡遍布78個國家。

    在“ONBEAT”雜誌,千住博、村上隆、小松美羽、井上萬二等藝術家,以及日本的主要藝術家,以及安藤忠雄,三宅一生,Koshino Hiroko和Junko姐妹,諾貝爾生理學和醫學獎等。我們對名人進行了獨家報導,並發布了專題文章。沒有其他雜誌在完整的日英並行寫作中介紹日本的藝術和文化,並且在海外也獲得了很高的讚譽,如塞恩斯伯里日本藝術與科學研究所(英國),日本學會(美國,英國)和國際文化中心。它存儲在專門從事日本文化的著名研究機構,女子藝術大學和多摩川大學等各種教育機構的圖書館,以及六本木山圖書館。此外,東京麗思卡爾頓酒店和東京希爾頓酒店等大型客船的休息室和圖書館,以及日本丸和太平洋金星等外資酒店隨時待命。



    ONBEAT vol.10_Amazon