• 記事掲載のお知らせ_Conde Nast Traveller December 2023

    ラグジュアリートラベル誌Conde Nast Traveller December 2023にてヤマモの記事が掲載されております。以前、弊社のDinner Tourに起こしいいただいたコンシェルジュの方がメディアにご紹介し、今回の掲載に至りました。記事は”BIG IN JAPAN”というタイトルで日本各地の最新のコンテンツを取り上げており、その中の”ART AND ARTISTRY(芸術的な食)”の特集で取り上げていただいております。カフェ業態からはじまり、現在はレストランとしてViamver®酵母を活用した革新的発酵の取り組みを続けてきたことがグローバルで評価されたこと、非常に嬉しく思います。ぜひ皆様にも、ヤマモ独自の発酵の世界を味わっていただきたいと思います。


    News of Article Publication_Conde Nast Traveller December 2023

    Yamamo is featured in the luxury travel magazine Conde Nast Traveller December 2023. The article was written by a concierge who had been on one of our Dinner Tours and introduced Yamamo to the media. The article is titled “BIG IN JAPAN” and features the latest content from around Japan, including a feature on “ART AND ARTISTRY. The article is titled “BIG IN JAPAN” and features the latest content from around Japan. We are very pleased that our innovative fermentation efforts, which began as a café and now as a restaurant using Viamver® yeast, have been recognized on a global scale. We hope that everyone will enjoy Yamamo’s unique world of fermentation._mediainfo._overseas


    報紙出版_Conde Nast Traveller December 2023

    豪华旅游杂志Conde Nast Traveller 2023 年 12 月刊对 Yamamo 进行了专题报道。 这篇文章是由一位曾经参加过我们晚餐之旅的礼宾员撰写的,并介绍给了媒体。 文章标题为 “BIG IN JAPAN”,介绍了日本各地的最新内容,包括 “ART AND ARTISTRY(艺术与艺术) “专题。我们非常高兴,我们的创新发酵举措,从咖啡馆业务开始,到现在使用 Viamver® 酵母的餐厅,已经在全球范围内得到认可。 我们希望大家都能喜欢 Yamamo 独特的发酵世界。










    Develop a taste for Japan’s vibrant visual and culinary arts

    At the other end of the country, in Yuzawa Town in the Akita prefecture, Tohoku, seventhgeneration master miso and soy-sauce maker Yasushi Takahashi has created a fine-dining fermentation restaurant within his family’s 150-yearold brewery. Guests of Audley Travel can discover how Tohoku’s deep winters necessitated its culture of food preservation on a Fermented Foodie Day at Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewery as part of a new tailormade itinerary in Northern Honshu.




    在东北另一端的秋田县汤泽镇,第七代味噌和酱油制作大师高橋康(Yasushi Takahashi)在其家族拥有 150 年历史的酿酒厂内创建了一家高级发酵餐厅。奥德利旅行社(Audley Travel)的客人可以在山茂味噌和酱油酿造厂的 “发酵美食日 “活动中,了解东北的深冬是如何造就其食品保存文化的,这也是本州北部全新定制行程的一部分。



    Conde Nast Traveller


    Conde Nast Traveller”とは

    Conde Nast Travellerとは、アメリカの大手出版社コンデナスト社が出版するアメリカで最も権威ある旅行雑誌の一つです。主にラグジュアリートラベル、ホテル、レストラン、買い物などに関する最新情報が掲載されています。Conde Nast Travellerでは毎年各国の観光業界に関連する部門を、「Readers’ Choice Awards」としてランキング形式で発表しています。高品質のサービスを提供するホテルを選出していることで国内外に広く知られており、旅行誌の読者の投票で発表されます。また、旅に関する読者投稿のランキングとしては最も歴史と権威があるといわれています。


    About “Conde Nast Traveller

    Conde Nast Traveller is one of the most prestigious travel magazines in the United States, published by Conde Nast, a major American publishing company. Conde Nast Traveller annually announces its Readers’ Choice Awards in the form of rankings of categories related to the tourism industry in each country. The awards are presented in the form of “Readers’ Choice Awards”. The awards are widely known both nationally and internationally for selecting hotels that offer the highest quality of service, and are voted on by the readers of the travel magazine. It is also said to be the oldest and most prestigious travel-related reader-submitted ranking.


    什麼是”Conde Nast Traveller

    Conde Nast Traveller 是美国最负盛名的旅游杂志之一,由美国著名出版商 Conde Nast 出版。 Conde Nast Traveller 每年都会以 “读者选择奖 “的形式对各国旅游业的相关类别进行排名。 该奖项以各国相关旅游业类别排名的形式发布。 该奖项由旅游杂志的读者投票选出,在评选提供优质服务的酒店方面得到了国内外的广泛认可。 据说这也是历史最悠久、最负盛名的由读者提交的旅游排名。



    Conde Nast Traveller December 2023 ”芸術と芸術的味わい”
    Conde Nast Traveller December 2023 ”ART AND ARTISTRY”
    Conde Nast Traveller December 2023 ”艺术与艺术”


    Discover Japan 2019年11月号 “新種の酵母を発見!発酵をデザインする七代目の味噌づくり”
    Discover Japan November 2019 “Discover a new kind of yeast! Making Miso for the Seventh Generation Designing Fermentation”
    Discover Japan 2019年11月號 “發現新型酵母!為第七代發酵發酵製作味噌”


    Discover Japan Web “150年の伝統を守る「ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元」が革新的と言われる理由”
    Discover Japan Web “The reason why “Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company” who maintains the tradition of 150 years is said to be innovative”
    Discover Japan Web “保持150年傳統的”Yamamo味噌醬油釀造商”之所以創新的原因”


    STAY AKITA “モダンデザインの感性が伝統と調和する”
    STAY AKITA “The sensitivity of modern design is in harmony with tradition”
    STAY AKITA “現代設計的敏感性與傳統和諧相處”


    ONBEAT_vol.10 “世界に醸造業の魅力を発信し、発酵食文化と地域に新たなブランド価値を創出”
    ONBEAT_vol.10 “Disseminate the appeal of the brewing industry to the world and create new brand value in the fermented food culture and region”
    ONBEAT_vol.10 “向全世界傳播釀造業的吸引力,並在發酵食品文化和地區創造新的品牌價值”


    日本VE協会誌 バリュー・コンピテンシー 2017夏号 “ローカルから世界へ「伝統」の価値を届ける”
    Japan VE Association Magazine Value Competency 2017 Summer Issue ”Deliver the value of” tradition “from local to the world”
    日本VE協會雜誌 Value Competency 2017年夏季刊 “從本地到世界傳遞傳統的價值”




    海外メディア情報 | OVERSEAS MEDIA INFORMATION | 海外媒體信息

    新聞メディア情報 | NEWSPAPER MEDIA INFORMATION | 報紙媒體信息

    雑誌メディア情報 | MAGAZINE MEDIA INFORMATION | 雜誌媒體信息

    テレビメディア情報 | TV MEDIA INFORMATION | 電視媒體信息

    書籍メディア情報 | BOOK MEDIA INFORMATION | 預訂媒體信息

    地方メディア情報 | LOCAL MEDIA INFORMATION | 當地媒體信息


  • 番組放送のお知らせ_Discovery Channel

    220カ国以上の国々で放送されるディスカバリーチャンネルにて弊社ヤマモのViamver®︎酵母を中心とした取り組み内容が放送されています。撮影と編集は秋田のローカルチームが行い、イギリス人プロデューサーのDaniel Brookesとフランス人映画監督Yves Montmayeurが監修したものです。




    News of Program Broadcast_Discovery Channel

    The Discovery Channel, which broadcasts in more than 220 countries, is broadcasting the content of our Yamamo’s Viamver®︎ yeast and other initiatives. It was filmed and edited by a local Akita team and supervised by British producer Daniel Brookes and French filmmaker Yves Montmayeur.

    We are very happy that even from a foreigner’s point of view, we were able to have an impact on the discovery of special yeast through experimentation while unraveling the roots of the land and environment of the snow country and the breweries located there, and the reconstruction of a traditional industry through innovative fermentation techniques that take advantage of this yeast.

    We believe that indigenous culture and aesthetics unique to a place and its people enrich the landscape of life and become a value to be preserved for the future. Mankind has made the world more colorful by creating a continuum of these things. We would like to contribute to the land and promote our efforts to be part of the beauty of continuity. We hope you will watch the broadcast._mediainfo._overseas_tv


    節目播出公告_Discovery Channel

    在 220 多個國家/地區播放的探索頻道播放了我們 Yamamo 以 Viamver®︎ 酵母為中心的努力。 由秋田當地團隊拍攝和剪輯,由英國製片人丹尼爾布魯克斯和法國電影製片人伊夫蒙馬耶監督。


    我們相信,每一片土地及其人民所特有的原住民文化和審美情趣,將豐富生活的風景,成為未來應該保留的價值。 人類通過將它們連接起來,使世界變得豐富多彩。 我們願繼續努力,為這片土地做貢獻,成為源源不斷的美麗的一部分。 我希望你能看一下廣播的內容。









    Discovery Channel_Explorer’s Collection JAPAN


    ”Discovery Channel”とは

    Discovery Channel は多様性と驚きに満ちた世界の素晴らしさを視聴者に伝える、最高級品質のノンフィクションコンテンツを制作しています。224の国と地域で視聴可能なこのネットワークは、私たちの世界を形作る科学技術、探検、冒険、歴史、そして人々や、場所、組織の舞台裏に至るまで、多岐にわたるジャンルを魅力的でハイエンドな制作技術と鮮明な撮影技術を駆使して提供します。


    About “Discovery Channel

    Discovery Channel produces top-quality nonfiction content that brings viewers into the wonder of a world full of diversity and wonder. 224 countries and territories, the network offers a wide variety of genres that shape our world, from science and technology to exploration, adventure and history, and behind-the-scenes looks at people, places and organizations. The network offers a wide variety of genres ranging from behind-the-scenes looks at the people, places, and organizations that shape our world through engaging, high-end production techniques and crisp, clear cinematography.


    什麼是 “Discovery Channel

    Discovery Channel 製作最高質量的非小說類內容,為觀眾呈現一個多元化和奇妙的世界。 該網絡覆蓋 224 個國家和地區,提供各種類型的引人入勝的高端報導,從科學和技術、探索、冒險和歷史,到塑造社會的人物、地點和組織的幕後故事我們的世界。我們將通過充分利用生產技術和清晰的拍攝技術來提供它。


    Discovery Channel



    世界160の国と地域、約3億8000万世帯に向けて放送されるNHK-WORLD JAPANの「BIZ STREAM」にて、ヤマモの取り組みが紹介されます。番組内の特集On-Site Reportの “発酵によるイノヴェーション / Innovation Through Fermentation”のテーマでVTRとスタジオのコメントがあるようです。




    Notice of Program Broadcast_BIZ STREAM / NHK-WORLD JAPAN

    Yamamo’s efforts will be introduced in NHK-WORLD JAPAN’s “BIZ STREAM” broadcast to about 380 million households in 160 countries and regions around the world. The program will feature a special On-Site Report on “Innovation Through Fermentation,” which will include a VTR and studio commentary.

    At the time of the interview, it was during the preparation period, so the crew stayed at the brewery for three days. In addition, Mr. Kimura, a researcher from the Akita Prefectural Food Research Center who is a member of the development team, Chef Sato who supervises our café, and Mr. Kobayashi from Domaine Chaud who worked with us on the Viamver®︎ wine were also there for the interview.

    Communicating the characteristics of the fungus discovered from the brewer’s yeast must be done from many angles. We are looking forward to reporting on the wide range of activities, including product development, gastronomy, and tours, while including the voices of the people involved. We hope you will take a look at it._mediainfo._overseas_tv



    Yamamo的努力將在NHK-WORLD JAPAN的“BIZ STREAM”中介紹,該節目將向全球160個國家和地區的約3.8億家庭播出。在節目的專題現場報導中,似乎有來自VTR和工作室的評論以“發酵創新 / Innovation Through Fermentation”為主題。

    面試的時候,因為是準備期,面試組在倉庫里呆了3天。此外,我們還接受了開發組秋田縣食品研究中心的木村研究員、咖啡廳監督的佐藤主廚以及Viamver®︎葡萄酒的Domaine Chaud的小林先生的採訪。









    Innovation Through Fermentation
    From sake and soy sauce to miso paste, fermented foods are a cornerstone of Japanese cuisine. This episode features food manufacturers that are hoping to see sales rise by getting creative with yeast. A miso brewery is serving up full-course meals that feature dishes made with a flavor-enhancing yeast.


    從清酒和醬油到味噌醬,發酵食品是日本料理的基石。 這一集的特色食品製造商希望通過酵母的創意來增加銷售額。 一家味噌啤酒廠正在供應全餐,其中包括用增味酵母製成的菜餚。














    ○About BIZ STREAM
    BIZ STREAM provides the world with the latest economic information from Japan and Asia. We take a close-up look at corporate strategies, the frontlines of development, etc., and introduce their background and impact from a global perspective. It is an economic program that conveys information quickly and in depth, with cutting-edge information from Asia.


    ○什麼是BIZ STREAM
    我們將向世界發送有關日本和亞洲的最新經濟信息。 公司戰略和發展前沿的特寫,從全球的角度介紹了其背景和影響。 這是一檔快速、深入地傳達亞洲最新信息的經濟節目。


  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_Frieze

    世界有数のコンテンポラリー・アートとカルチャーの専門誌“frieze”にI.L.A. Galleryの活動や展示内容が掲載されております。第一回目の滝澤徹也氏の展示に至る経緯とその表現方法について詳細に記述されています。記事はYAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION 006ゲストでお招きした一般社団法人BOOTの矢部佳宏氏の寄稿によるものです。




    Notice of Article Publication_Frieze

    The activities and exhibition contents of I.L.A. Gallery are published in “frieze”, one of the world’s leading magazines specializing in contemporary art and culture. It describes in detail the process leading up to the first exhibition by Tetsuya Takizawa and how to express it. The article was contributed by Yoshihiro Yabe of BOOT, a general incorporated association, who was invited as a guest of YAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION 006.

    It was a very rare time to create a work of land-based history and the world of fungi, and it was a great experience for me, including the staff, to be able to work with him from the beginning of production to the announcement as a residence. I also feel that it is meaningful that the effect will be taken up by the global media beyond the sea. Once again, I feel that Tetsuya Takizawa is very wonderful about the land, history, attitude toward invisible bacteria, and the quality of expression of the deliverables.

    Because it is a global era, focusing on the unique things that shape the land and creating unique things that include roots is not only for the present but also for the future residents of the land that will be created in the future. I see it as an effective means. I think that the acceptance of that idea and method from the locals of Japan to the world is extremely significant. Please take a look at the “frieze” article. __mediainfo._overseas



    I.L.A. Gallery的活動和展覽內容髮表在“ frieze”上,這是世界領先的當代藝術和文化雜誌之一。 它詳細描述了滝澤哲也先生首次展覽之前的過程以及如何表達它。 這篇文章是由一般社團法人BOOT的矢部佳宏先生邀請作為YAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION 006的邀請受邀的。


    因為這是一個全球時代,所以專注於塑造土地的獨特事物並創造包括根源的獨特事物不僅對於現在,而且對於將來將要創造的土地的未來居民而言。我認為這是一種有效的手段。我認為,從日本本地人到全世界對這種想法和方法的接受都是極為重要的。無論如何,我希望您閱讀有關“ frieze”的文章。









    Tetsuya Takizawa Invokes the Memory of the Yuzawa Mountains

    For the inaugural exhibition at I.L.A. Gallery, the artist used the Japanese paper-making technique of washi to connect with rural histories


    With the current pandemic prompting many of us to reflect on the fragility of the relationship between nature and humanity, a show of work by Tetsuya Takizawa – whose practice is undergirded by such concerns – feels especially timely.

    After completing his painting studies, Takizawa mastered the craft of washi (Japanese paper-making) – fundamental to almost all traditional Japanese art forms –, later incorporating the process into his practice. In the resulting body of organic artworks, the artist interweaves layers of meaning by employing natural materials and utilizing water as a means of ‘drawing’ images onto canvas, enabling nature to express itself. Takizawa believes that, by visualizing nature’s attempts to communicate with us, we can discover new perspectives for achieving a sustainable co-existence between humans and the environment.


    Tetsuya Takizawa喚起了湯澤山脈的回憶




    在學習繪畫之後,T澤先生學習了幾乎是日本傳統藝術基礎的“ 和紙”手工藝,後來將生產過程納入了他的作品。他說,滝澤作為一種有機藝術品的最終形式,使用天然材料和水作為在畫布上繪製圖像的方式,交織了各層含義,使大自然得以表達其本質。通過可視化自然交流嘗試,我們相信我們可以發現人類與環境可持續共存的新視角。



    150年前に湯沢地方の小さな地域、岩崎に設立されたヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元は、近年自社を歴史的な変化の渦中にあると捉えています。日本の全国的な過疎化は、家族経営の地元企業に大きな影響を与えており、多くの企業は新しい市場への参入を検討しなければなりませんでした。ヤマモの7代目オーナー、高橋泰氏はブランドの素朴なイメージを再考し、近年スーパーフードとして注目されている発酵食品・発酵文化の観点から製品を宣伝することにより、新しい道を模索しています。刷新された国際的にも魅力的なパッケージと並んで、このブランドの再構築として主要な要素の1つが、I.L.A. (インダストリー・ラヴズアート)ギャラリーの立ち上げです。I.L.A.ギャラリーとは、高橋氏が滝澤氏を同社初のレジデンス・アーティストとして作品制作を依頼し、展示しているスペースの名称です。




    Established 150 years ago in the Iwasaki region, in the small provincial town of Yuzawa, the Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company recently found itself at an historical juncture. Japan’s nationwide rural depopulation has heavily impacted family-run local businesses and many of them have had to look to tap into new markets. Yamamo’s seventh-generation owner, Yasushi Takahashi, has been exploring new avenues by re-envisaging the brand’s rustic image and promoting its products under the rubric of hakko culture – fermented foods that have recently been recognized as superfoods. Alongside revamped, internationally appealing packaging, one of the major elements of this rebrand has been the launch of I.L.A. Gallery (Industry Loves Art), with Tahakashi selecting Takizawa to be the company’s first artist-in-residence and to produce work for the space’s inaugural exhibition.

    In earlier projects, such GANGA・PAPER (2013), Takizawa waded chest-deep into rivers to collect the water required to make washi paper because he wanted to connect physically with the natural environment in order to understand the spirit of the place in which he was working. Likewise, for his I.L.A. Gallery project, Takizawa set out to identify the specific ‘DNA’ of Yuzawa. Using water drawn from the local well, the artist cultured koji-kin mould (yellow aspergillus), photographing it under a microscope. For the final installation, Fermented Painting (2018), he made washi to cover the floor of the gallery using a combination of water from the nearby Minasegawa River and found paper left over from the gallery space’s former incarnation as a school for Japanese calligraphy. Takizawa spread the washi over the gallery floor, on top of a layer of rice and soybeans (the ingredients for miso and soy sauce) mixed with soil wall from the building, as if to invoke the room’s strata of memory.

    To create the wall-mounted works, Takizawa silkscreen-printed onto canvas the photographs he had taken of the koji-kin mould, as well as historical maps and landscapes of the Iwasaki region. Having primed the canvas several times with a milky, rice-powder wash, he then applied a layer of ink made from koji-kin mould. Acting as a living paint, the mould turned a dense ochre over time; Takizawa coated the surface with a final layer of transparent acrylic and gel to prevent the mould from developing further when he felt the work was complete. Many who know Takizawa call him yamabushi – mountain priest – for the way in which he explores the meaning of life through his daily activities: planting, harvesting, washi-making. He follows the traditional Japanese path of living in harmony with nature, allowing his intuition to guide him to discover new moments of beauty and awe.


    Yamamo味噌醬油釀造廠成立於150年前,位於湯澤地區的一小塊岩崎,在近年的歷史性變革中正處於自己的地位。日本全國人口的減少對當地家族企業產生了重大影響,許多人不得不考慮進入新市場。 Yamamo的第7代所有者高橋泰先生正在考慮重新考慮品牌的簡單形象並從發酵食品和發酵文化的角度尋找產品的新方法,而發酵食品和發酵文化近年來已成為超級食品,因此受到了關注。除了改頭換面的具有國際吸引力的包裝外,品牌重組的關鍵要素之一是推出了I.L.A.(行業熱愛藝術)畫廊。 I.L.A. Gallery是高橋先生要求T澤先生作為公司的第一位居住藝術家創作作品的空間的名稱。

    在諸如GANGA PAPER(2013年)之類的早期項目中,T澤先生踏入河中至胸高,以獲取日本紙所需的水。我想與自然環境保持身體聯繫,以便了解自己所在的精神。同樣,在I.L.A.畫廊項目中,T澤先生專注於識別湯澤中的特定“ DNA”。在這項工作中,曲霉菌是用從本地井中抽出的水培養的,並在顯微鏡下拍照。在最終作品《發酵繪畫(2018)》中,日本紙通過將曾經存放在畫廊空間中的書法課中存儲的誤寫紙與附近的美瀨河相結合,覆蓋了畫廊的地板。我做了。此外,T澤在建築物的粘土牆上鋪上了日本紙,並鋪上了一層米飯和大豆(味噌和醬油的材料),彷彿讓人聯想到房間的記憶層。

    此外,滝澤先生還用絲網印刷術繪製了酒麯模具的圖片,岩崎地區的歷史地圖以及畫布上的風景,以創作壁掛作品。用乳白色米粉給畫布上底漆幾次後,他在由苦曲模具製成的油墨上分層了一層。作為活性塗料,黴菌隨著時間的推移會變成深黃色。當T澤覺得工作已經完成時,他在表面塗了透明的丙烯酸和凝膠作為最後一層,以防止模具發生進一步變化。許多認識T澤先生的人稱他為“ 山伏”,因為他的態度是通過種植,收割和製作日本紙等日常活動來探索生活的意義。遵循傳統的日本人與自然和諧相處的道路,將引導他發現美麗與敬畏的新時刻。


    About Friese

    フリーズは、フリーズマガジン、フリーズマスターズマガジン、フリーズウィークの3つの出版物で構成されるメディアおよびイベント会社です。 4つの国際アートフェア、フリーズロンドン、フリーズLA、フリーズニューヨーク、フリーズマスターズがあり、フリーズアカデミーでのコースとトークのプログラム、およびfrieze.com-コンテンポラリー・アートとカルチャーのための決定的なリソースです。


    About Friese

    Frieze is a media and events company that comprises three publications, frieze magazine, Frieze Masters Magazine and Frieze Week; and four international art fairs, Frieze London, Frieze LA, Frieze New York and Frieze Masters; a programme of courses and talks at Frieze Academy, and frieze.com – the definitive resource for contemporary art and culture.


    About Friese

    Frieze是一家媒體和活動公司,由三份出版物組成:弗里茲雜誌,弗里茲大師雜誌和弗里茲週; 以及四個國際藝術博覽會,倫敦弗里茲,洛杉磯弗里茲,紐約弗里茲和弗里茲大師。 Frieze Academy和frieze.com上的課程和講座計劃,這是當代藝術和文化的權威資源。
