
    昨年に台湾インフルエンサーの方々にお越しいただき、地域プロモーションの映像作品にご協力させていただきました。以下の動画の中でYAMAMO FACTORY TOURがご紹介されております。感染症問題が解決した暁には、地域文化や固有の豊かさを実感できるコンテンツとして機能していくことができればと思います。関係者の皆様、ありがとうございました。


    Taiwan influencers_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR

    The problem of the spread of the new coronavirus is about to change society’s values. I think that things that have been face-to-face in the past, such as being remote, will change from abstract things, such as the pursuit of happiness of individuals and organizations.
    By opening factories and resolving issues that have accumulated over many years in old houses and through renovation and organizational development, we have provided services with the value that we would not otherwise be able to experience unless we were there. As indirect services and activities expand around the world, we can predict that customers will be less likely to choose a service to visit. Under such circumstances, we believe that the legacy that remains in the invisible fermentation sites and industries spun in the history of 150 years will remain in the future society as a fading charm.
    What survives the era is the idea of ​​the decision-maker and organization at that time, and in many cases, it is possible to realize it by wearing art. Discovering and interpreting the judgments of the times by those living in the present age plays an important role in conveying value to the next era. It is also of great value to know the process in real time, to live and feel in the same era. Our Yamamo intends to work on “value that remains beyond the times” as a traditional Japanese industry.

    Last year, Taiwanese influencers came and cooperated with local promotion video work. The YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR is introduced in the video below. When the infectious disease problem is solved, I hope that it can function as content that allows you to feel the local culture and the unique richness. Thank you to everyone involved.




    去年,台灣有影響力人士來了,並與當地宣傳錄像工作合作。以下視頻介紹了YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR。解決傳染病問題後,我希望它可以作為讓您感受到當地文化和獨特豐富性的內容。謝謝大家參與。









  • 秋田国際教養大学での講義を終えて





    Report from a lecture at Akita International University

    I participated in a program at Akita International University where executives and activists in Akita Prefecture give lectures. Our Yamamo took two lessons from 9 am to 12 am, with a special focus on presentations at Space10 in Copenhagen. A lot of learning in the world does not start from the ground up, but begins with talking about the people you meet and the latest interests in their activities. We guess the background and the core of the content from the latest story, repeat the interpretation, and change from chewing to learning. Basic things such as history and formation are examined in advance or guessed from existing ones, and we will continue to interact with the target people.

    The 7th-generation Takahashi researched and discovered the bacteria, developed dishes that made use of the characteristics with engineers and chefs, and gave presentations overseas according to the company’s activities and global trends. That would be huge. The story that led to the story after taking over the family business should not be conveyed in this lecture, but should be mainly conveyed by information and feelings that can only be understood locally, such as the way of thinking and seeking Japanese traditional technology overseas. I thought. Encouraging active learning is one of the teachings, and that learning is most likely to encourage one’s own growth.

    Participants such as Chef Sato and intern Hattori who cooperated with the lecture, and Sawaguchi of the Social Transformation Division diversified the project and broadened the scope of understanding. The students exchanged opinions mainly on the questions they imagined on the spot, rather than what they had prepared in advance, and the content was dense. I would like to include your report. I hope that you will be able to discover your mission and pursue your interest in life through active learning. Thank you to everyone involved.







    KAYA TEI / 小宇宙感光 _Photo Credit







    G.S Reaction Paper

    最初の1つは、何かを考えるとき、反対側(彼の言葉で”カウンター”)について考えることでした。そしてそれらの間の中央値が、革新や次のステップに進むための本質を示すポイントです。私はその考えに同意しました。 NetflixなどのSVODサービスに関しては、スマートフォンでいつでもどこでも見たい映画、アニメーションなどを見ることができます。このような状況の結果、一部の人はこれらのサービスの拡大が映画館に行く人々の数に負の影響を与えると考えています。しかし、日本映画製作者協会によると、2019年の映画館の来場者数は史上最高でした。また、売上は新記録を達成しました。これらのデータは、人々がライブエンターテイメントを望んでいることを示しています。経験を誰かと共有したいのです。Netflixの拡大により、同じ場所で同じ時間に誰かと一緒にコンテンツを楽しみたいという人々の需要が高まっています。これは、何かがトレンドになったときにカウンターが示す例の1つだと考えます。そのため、今後何かを考えるとき、カウンターの存在を意識したいと思います。


    G.S Reaction Paper

    I was amazed to hear every single word he said in the lecture. They are very fresh and exciting for me. There are mainly three things I was astonished.
    The first one was to think about the opposite side (counter in his word) when thinking something. Then, the median between them is a point that shows the essence to innovate or go to the next step. I agreed with the idea. When it comes to the SVOD service such as Netflix, you can watch the movie, animation, and something like that whenever and wherever you want to watch by smartphone. Due to this situation, some people think that the expansion of these services has a negative impact on the number of people who go to the movie theater. However, according to the Motion Pictures Producers Association of Japan, Inc, the number of people who go to a movie theater in 2019 was the highest in history. Also, the sales got new record in 2019. These data show that people want the live entertainment. They want to share the experience with someone. The expansion of Netflix enhances people’s demand in which people want to enjoy the contents with someone together at the same place and same time. This is one of the examples that the counter shows up when something becomes the trend. Therefore, I try to think about the existence of counter when thinking something after the lecture.
    The second one is about Japanese culture. Japanese people have a way of thinking that absorbs everything and then output the maximized result. This is the advantage for Japanese people to survive in this globalized society. On the other hand, it isn’t very easy for them to visualize the culture and export it. As a result, the culture can be deprived by foreigners. I was impressed by the words because I have never thought about it. Probably this comment is beneficial for me to consider my career and what I can do for Japan in the future.
    The last thing is how to improve my sensitivity. What he said was to meet or research persons who change the social standard or value. At the time, you have to care about what he/she felt at the time and is feeling now. Facing what you never felt and thought is the most effective way to improve your sensitivity.
    In conclusion, his words impressed me a lot. I learned many things from his talking. So, I want to utilize his method and way of thinking for my future.


    G.S Reaction Paper

    第一個是在思考某件事時要考慮另一面(他的話反說)。然後,它們之間的中位數是一個點,顯示了創新或下一步的實質。我同意這個主意。對於Netflix等SVOD服務,您可以隨時隨地通過智能手機觀看電影,動畫以及類似內容。由於這種情況,一些人認為這些服務的擴展對去電影院的人數有負面影響。然而,根據日本電影製作人協會的數據,2019年上電影院的人數是歷史上最高的。此外,銷售額在2019年創下新紀錄。這些數據表明人們想要現場娛樂表演。他們想與某人分享經驗。 Netflix的擴展增強了人們的需求,人們希望在同一地點和同一時間與某人一起欣賞內容。這是當趨勢成為趨勢時計數器顯示的示例之一。因此,在課後思考時,我會嘗試考慮計數器的存在。






    K.N Reaction Paper

    高橋泰さんの話の中で、「私はいつも自分の好きなものをビジネスに取り入れようとしている」と言いました。また彼は、「自分の楽しみをベースにした持続可能な開発に取り組んでいます。持続可能な開発を実現するために自分の欲求は制限したくない」と述べました。これらの言葉は私の胸に強く応えました。なぜなら発展途上国に住む人々のための国際協力に専念することは、日本の田舎でスローライフを送ることに反対するのではないかと思っていたからです。 泰さんは伝統に創造性を取り入れることで伝統的な醸造業を継ぐことを受け入れています。 泰さんはアート、ファッション、都市計画が好きです。今、泰さんは醸造業界で好きなものを楽しみ、革命を起こすことに挑戦しています。一方、私は自分の夢を自分の好きなものに結び付ける方法を知りません。まだ答えはありませんが、どうすればそれができるかを考えます。


    K.N Reaction Paper

    When I was an elementary school student, I learned that one child dies every five seconds because of hunger from my teacher. I was shocked to hear that, and I started to think about what I can do for these children and people living in developing countries. Therefore, when I was a high school student, I started a fund-raising campaign and provided wells to South-East Asia countries suffering from water shortage. At that time, in English class, I learned Q-drum which is a rollable water container for developing countries. Since I like making things and I want to get involved in international cooperation, I came to be interested in supporting people living in developing countries by creating products or projects for them. Now, in our daily lives, we receive benefits of diverse well-designed, high-performance and technologically advanced products such as household appliances and electronic devices. However, these products tend to be produced to make daily lives of people living in developed countries more convenient. Most of these products are not for people living in developing countries. Therefore, my dream is to support daily lives of people living in developing countries by creating products or project for them.
    On the other hand, I have another dream. It is to open an omelet rice restaurant in the countryside of Japan. I like omelet rice and pottery. Thus, I want to serve omelet rice on the plate I made. Although I have been to some other countries, I feel that Japanese food and culture are the most comfortable for me. Therefore, I want to lead a slow life in the rural area of Japan.
    In Takahashi Yasushi-san’s story, he said, “I am always trying to incorporate what I like into the business.” Also, he said, “I am trying to tackle sustainable development based on my joy, and I do not like to restrict my desire in order to realize sustainable development.” These words struck home because I wondered whether devoting myself to international cooperation for people living in developing countries opposes to leading slow life in the countryside of Japan. Yasushi-san accepted to succeed a traditional brewing company by incorporating creativity into the tradition. Yasushi-san likes art, fashion and city planning. Now, Yasushi-san challenges to enjoy what he likes in brewing industry and start a revolution. On the other hand, I do not know how I can connect my dream with what I like. I have still no answer yet, but I will think about how I can do that.


    K.N Reaction Paper

    在高橋靖三的故事中,他說:“我一直在努力將自己喜歡的東西納入業務。”他還說:“我正在努力地基於自己的喜樂來應對可持續發展,我不希望為了實現可持續發展而限制自己的願望。”這些話之所以流行,是因為我想知道是否專心為發展中國家的人們開展國際合作反對在日本農村過慢生活。 泰接受了通過將創造力融入傳統來接替傳統釀造公司的工作。泰喜歡藝術,時尚和城市規劃。現在,靖三先生挑戰享受釀造業中他喜歡的事物並開始一場革命。另一方面,我不知道如何將自己的夢想與自己喜歡的事物聯繫起來。我還沒有答案,但是我會考慮如何做到的。






    O.L Reaction Paper

    ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元は、Community Based Entrepreneurshipの抜きん出てユニークな例です。ヤマモは、日本の経済が繁栄しビジネスが発展しやすかった将軍時代の終わりの1867年に設立されました(YAMAMO / TAKAMO&Corp. 2020、p.1)。それからの間ずっと、ヤマモは地域コミュニティを支えてきました。たとえば第二次世界大戦中、彼らはビジネスを維持し、味噌と醤油を軍隊に提供し、困難な時期にもコミュニティを支援し、彼らのニーズを最優先にしました(YAMAMO / TAKAMO&Corp. 2020、p.3)。現在、ヤマモは七代目まで続くの家族経営企業であり、その代表である高橋泰さんによってCommunity Based Entrepreneurshipとして定義されています。民間企業とコミュニティベースの企業の主な違いは、コミュニティの利益を達成することが民間の利益よりも優れているという目標に表れています。コミュニティの利益になると、泰さんとヤマモは、モダンなアイデア・創造性・文化の実装を通じて事業を行います。プレゼンテーションでは、高橋泰さんがインスピレーションとモチベーションの源泉を説明するために時間を取っていました。これには、他のコミュニティインフルエンサーやアーティストとのコラボレーション作品だけでなくさまざまな国へ旅行し新しいコミュニティを体験した個人的な背景が含まれます。最も印象的な考えの1つは、泰のインターンから言われました。コミュニティの発展に焦点を当てるのではなく、それを危険にさらして、改善のためのアイデアや解決策を考え出すべきだと言いました。私の意見では、それは興味深いアプローチだと思います。実際、プレッシャーがかかると人々はより生産的で創造的になる傾向があるため、「危険な状況」を想像することは中程度のストレスとして有効性を高める可能性があります(Kohn、2017)。もう一つの説得力のある考えが高橋泰さん自身によって語られ、彼は自分がしている活動に情熱を持ち、持続可能な測定を作成する方法を優先するのではなく充実感を持っていることが不可欠であると説明しました。私の意見では、このようなさまざまな背景と経験は、泰さんと彼の同僚が本物のCommunity Based Entrepreneurshipの基準を満たす会社を設立するのに役立っています。それとは別に、彼らの起業家精神は十分に計画された構造を持っています。つまり、豊かな未来とコミュニティへの大きな利益を保証しています。

    YAMAMO / TAKAMO&Corp.(2020)。歴史。 2020年1月31日、YAMAMO / TAKAMO&CorpのWebサイトから取得:http://yamamo1867.com/history/
    コーン、A。(2017年12月18日)。プレッシャーの下でより良いパフォーマンスを発揮しますか? Psychology Today Webサイトから2020年1月31日取得:https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-homework-myth/201712/do-we-perform-b​​etter-under-pressure


    O.L Reaction Paper

    Yamamo Miso and Soy Brewing Company is an outstanding and unique example of community-based entrepreneurship. The Yamamo company was established in 1867, at the end of the Shogun era, when the economics of Japan was flourishing, and business was easy to develop (YAMAMO/TAKAMO & Corp, 2020, p. 1). Throughout the years, Yamamo helped the community. For example, during World War II, they maintained the business and provided troops with miso and soy sauce, somewhat assisting the community during the hard times and putting their needs first (YAMAMO/TAKAMO & Corp, 2020, p. 3). Nowadays, the Yamamo company is a family business in its 7th generation and is defined by its leader – Yasushi Takahashi, as community-based entrepreneurship. The main difference between private and community-based enterprise manifested in its goal, where achieving benefit for the community is superior over the private gain. When it comes to the interests of the community – Yasushi and the Yamamo Company do it through the implementation of modern ideas, creativity, and culture. During the presentation, Yasushi Takahashi took the time to explain the source of inspiration and motivation, which included his personal background of traveling to various countries and experiencing new communities, as well as collaborative works with other community influencers and artists. One of the most striking thoughts was said by Yasushi’s intern, who said that one should not focus on the development of the community but view it as in danger so that you can come up with the ideas and solutions for the improvement. In my opinion, it is an interesting approach because, indeed, people tend to be more productive and creative when under pressure, so imagining a “dangerous situation” can pose as moderate stress to boost the effectiveness (Kohn, 2017). Another compelling thought was said by Yasushi Takahashi himself, where he explained that it is essential to have passion for the activity you are doing and have a sense of accomplishment rather than priorities on how to create sustainable measurements. In my opinion, such a variety of backgrounds and experiences helped Yasushi and his coworkers to establish a company that meets the criteria of proper community-based entrepreneurship. Apart from that, their entrepreneurship has an adequately planned structure, meaning that it ensures a prosperous future and significant benefits to the community.

    YAMAMO/TAKAMO & Corp. (2020). HISTORY. Retrieved January 31, 2020, from YAMAMO/TAKAMO & Corp website: http://yamamo1867.com/history/
    Kohn, A. (2017, December 18). Do We Perform Better Under Pressure? Retrieved January 31, 2020, from Psychology Today website: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-homework-myth/201712/do-we-perform-better-under-pressure


    O.L Reaction Paper

    Yamamo Miso and Soy Brewing Company是基於社區的企業家精神的傑出典範。 Yamamo公司成立於1867年,即幕府時代的末期,當時日本的經濟蓬勃發展,並且業務易於發展(YAMAMO / TAKAMO&Corp. 2020年,第1頁)。多年來,Yamamo幫助社區。例如,在第二次世界大戰期間,他們維持了業務並向部隊提供了味噌和醬油,在困難時期為社區提供了一定的幫助,並將需求放在第一位(YAMAMO / TAKAMO&Corp. 2020年,第3頁)。如今,Yamamo公司已是第七代家族企業,並且由其領導者高橋泰定義為基於社區的企業家精神。私營企業與社區企業之間的主要區別體現在其目標中,即為社區實現利益要比私人利益優越。當涉及到社區利益時– 泰和Yamamo Company通過實施現代思想,創造力和文化來做到這一點。在演講中,高橋泰花了一些時間解釋靈感和動力的來源,其中包括他到各個國家旅行和體驗新社區的個人背景,以及與其他社區影響者和藝術家的合作作品。泰的實習生說過最令人震驚的想法之一,他說不應只關注社區的發展,而應將其視為危險,這樣您才能提出改善的想法和解決方案。在我看來,這是一種有趣的方法,因為事實上,人們在壓力下往往會變得更有生產力和創造力,因此想像“危險情況”可能會帶來適度的壓力以提高有效性(Kohn,2017年)。高橋康史本人也說了另一種引人入勝的想法,他解釋說,對您正在做的活動充滿熱情,並且要有成就感,而不是優先考慮如何建立可持續的衡量標準是至關重要的。在我看來,如此多樣的背景和經驗幫助泰和他的同事們建立了符合適當的以社區為基礎的企業家精神的公司。除此之外,他們的企業家精神有充分計劃的結構,這意味著它確保了未來的繁榮和社會的重大利益。

    YAMAMO / TAKAMO&Corp.(2020年)。歷史。於2020年1月31日從YAMAMO / TAKAMO&Corp網站檢索:http://yamamo1867.com/history/
    Kohn,A.(2017年12月18日)。我們在壓力下表現更好嗎?於2020年1月31日從Psychology Today網站檢索:https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-homework-myth/201712/do-we-perform-b​​etter-under-pressure






    I.S Reaction Paper

    正直に言うと、高橋さんとの3日目の授業は、これまでの人生で間違いなく最高の授業でした。 2時間45分で、私は新しい世界を見て、本当に感動し、視野を広げたいという欲求を達成しました。彼は本質的な知識と非常に広範囲にわたる経験に裏打ちされた、深い知的好奇心と偉大な感性を持っています。



    I.S Reaction Paper

    To be honest, the third class with Mr. Takahashi was the best class I have ever had in my whole life definitely. In two hours and forty-five minutes, I saw the new world, was really moved, and achieve a desire to broaden my horizons more. He has a deep intellectual curiosity and great sensibilities backed up with background knowledge and his highly extensive experiences.
    He is the seventh generation of his family business, a soy sauce and miso brewery. However, he is not an ordinary successor of the traditional business. Revolution is one concept he focuses on to extend his enterprise. Reforming an art gallery and cafe in his factory and establishing an export business by himself is his contribution to the family business. Also, he found new yeast after putting a lot of experience at his factory. Not only to keep traditional business but also to find a new alley to expand his business is what he has done as an ‘entrepreneur.’
    He has visited many countries as well. Perhaps, it could be difficult to find anybody else who can utilize their chance to go abroad than him. He learns a lot of things through the trip. And after that, he makes much effort to interpret his experience into detail, understanding and apply them to his philosophy. Indeed, many people, including me, try to do the same behaviors as well, but we can differentiate him from others with the number of background researches and time to interpretation. Frankly, I could not wholly understand his theory of application to himself.
    However, I realized how important it is to reflect my experience profoundly and have more researches before possible experiences.
    Moreover, his words are completely sophisticated and organized. He told us so many things in the lecture, and all the things he stated is supported by his real experiences and considerable knowledge. In my internship in India last year, my bosses repeatedly said to have experience enables us to make a story. Through Mr. Takahashi’s lecture, I could
    understand more about the concept. People could have a lot of experience in their lives. However, it is difficult but essential to influence others with one’s experience. As he does, it perhaps helpful for us to put all the experience into our scale with our own words and philosophy basis.
    His lecture was slightly difficult to interpret appropriately. And of course difficult to explain in English. However, the last class definitely help me to approach a higher stage as a university student and one human being.

    I asked him to invite me as an intern from next summer. I do not know whether I can do or not. However, if I could, I hope to absorb more from him. Anyway, it was so nice experience to meet him in my 20, a sophomore.


    I.S Reaction Paper




  • 東北経済連合会「第2回 わきたつ東北 若手経営者の会」を終えて

    東北経済連合会による「第二回 わきたつ東北 若手経営者の会」にお声掛けいただきました。東北6県と新潟を含む7県から14名の若手経営者が選出され、東経連の会長以下5名の方々と意見交換を行いました。第一回開催時の七代目高橋の発言による「仮想大企業」構想を第二回目の議題に取り入れていただき、嬉しく思います。首都圏を中心に大企業が存在しますが、GAFAのようなグローバル企業に対し、対抗軸を考えていくことが日本の課題となります。その中で新潟を含めた東北地方は全ての企業が中傷零細企業に該当し、その中でどのように次の時代に生きていくのか。仮想大企業がそこに生き残る可能性を持っていることを予感させたのだと思います。

    ・人口減少に伴う地域課題の解決に向けて「若者の還流・定着」に継続して取り 組み、地域の担い手を確保・育成することが重要。
    ・このための取り組みとして、前回、「仮想大企業」(地域内の企業群が連携し て人材面等の課題に対応)に関する意見をいただいた。これを具体化し、地域 企業が連携して諸課題を解決する仕組みづくりの構築につなげられないか。
    ・関連して、人手不足の克服や生産性の向上とともに「若者の還流・定着」にも 資する「中小企業等へのAI/IOT導入促進」に取り組みことが有効ではないか。

    技術を活用できる人材が不足/不在 など

    ・産学が主導し、トップランナー方式で先行導入モデル(ものづくり、人づくり等) の形成に取り組む。そこで得られた知見等を活用し、中小企業へのAI/IOT導 入拡大を広域的に進める(中小企業等の連携による仕組みの構築を目指す)。

    ・貴社や地域における「AI/IOTの利活用」の現状や課題等を含め、地域企 業へのAI/IOT導入促進について、お考えをお聞かせいただきたい。


    Report That The Tohoku Economic Federation “Wakitatsu Tohoku Young Business Association”

    I was invited to speak to the 2nd Wakitatsu Tohoku Association of Young Managers by the Tohoku Business Federation. Fourteen young managers were selected from six prefectures in Tohoku and seven prefectures including Niigata, and exchanged views with the Tokeiren chairman and five other people. We are pleased to see the 7th-generation Takahashi’s remarks at the first meeting, and incorporate the concept of a “virtual large company” into the second agenda. There are large companies, mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area, but the challenge for Japan is to consider a competitive axis against global companies such as GAFA. Among them, all companies in the Tohoku region including Niigata are classified as micro-defamous companies, and how do you live in the next era? I think it foreshadowed that virtual big companies have the potential to survive there.

    [Purpose of exchange of opinions]
    ・ It is important to continuously work on “return and establishment of youth” to solve regional issues due to population decline, and secure and develop local leaders.
    ・ As an initiative for this, we received an opinion on “virtual large companies” (groups in the region cooperate to address issues such as human resources) last time. Isn’t it possible to materialize this and build a system to solve various issues in cooperation with regional companies?
    ・ In relation to this, it may be effective to work on “promoting the introduction of AI / IOT to SMEs, etc.”, which will contribute to overcoming the labor shortage and improving productivity, as well as “returning and retaining young people”.

    [Recognition of issues (necessity of strategic utilization of AI / IOT to solve regional issues)]
    ・ Advances in the use of AI / IOT by local companies are expected to contribute to overcoming labor shortages, improving productivity and value addition, and contributing to the “return and retention of young people”.
    ・ On the other hand, the introduction of AI / IOT is limited for SMEs in the region due to the following situations.
    I do not understand the image of utilization in my company
    High implementation costs (large vendors are expensive and cost-effective is difficult to quantify)
    Shortage / absence of human resources who can use technology

    [Future initiatives (to promote the use of AI / IOT)]
    ・ Initiatives by industry and academia will work on the formation of advanced introduction models (manufacturing, human resources, etc.) using the top runner method. Utilize the knowledge gained there to promote the introduction of AI / IOT to SMEs in a wide area (aim to establish a system through cooperation with SMEs).
    ・ Through these efforts, we will improve the productivity of the entire supply chain.

    [Points to be discussed]
    ・ What are your thoughts on promoting the introduction of AI / IOT to local companies, including the current status and issues of “utilization of AI / IOT” in your company and region?


    繼東北經濟聯合會“ Wakitatsu Tohoku Young Business Association”之後

    東北商業聯合會邀請我與第二屆東北青年經理協會進行演講。 從東北的6個縣和新潟等7個縣中選出了14名年輕管理人員,並與東經聯董事長和其他5個人交換了意見。 我們很高興在第一次會議上看到第七代高橋的講話,並將“虛擬大公司”的概念納入第二個議程。 有大公司,主要在東京都,但是日本面臨的挑戰是考慮與GAFA等全球公司競爭的軸心。 其中,東北地區的所有公司(包括新潟)都被歸類為微型誹謗公司,您將如何生活在下一個時代? 我認為這預示著虛擬大公司有潛力在那裡生存。

    ・為此,我們上次收到關於“虛擬大公司”(該地區的公司集團合作解決人力資源等問題)的意見。 能否實現這一點並建立與區域公司合作解決各種問題的系統?
    ・與此相關的是,開展“促進將AI / IOT引入中小企業”的工作可能會很有效,這將有助於克服勞動力短缺和提高生產率,以及“遣返和留住年輕人”。

    ・預計本地公司在使用AI / IOT方面的進展將有助於克服勞動力短缺,提高生產率和增值,並有助於“留住年輕人”。
    ・另一方面,由於以下情況,本地區的中小企業僅限於採用AI / IOT。

    [未來的舉措(以促進AI / IOT的使用)]
    ・工業界和學術界的倡議將使用領先者方法努力形成先進的引進模型(製造,人力資源開發等)。 利用從那裡獲得的知識,將AI / IOT廣泛地推廣到中小企業(旨在通過與中小企業合作建立一個系統)。

    ・您對促進將AI / IOT引入本地公司有何想法,包括您所在公司和地區的“ AI / IOT利用”的現狀和問題?









    What the 7th-generation Takahashi said

    The discussion on AI / IOT is likely to proceed in the direction of reducing costs and solving the problem of shortage of human resources for social implementation, but there is also a discussion of a model that applies this advanced technology and develops it into a unicorn. is important. It is also important that existing companies have venture spirit and that Tohoku’s climate fosters a pioneering spirit.

    If the Tohoku region is essentially a regional revitalization, the investment aspect is very important, and locals in Japan, where there is no angel investor or donation culture, have less growth than other countries. In order to break this situation, it is necessary to learn how to attract investment and what kind of investment should be made by companies that can do so. You need to attach financial players to the same discussion table.



    關於AI / IOT的討論可能會朝著降低成本和解決社會實施所需的人力資源短缺的方向進行,但是也有關於將這種先進技術應用到獨角獸中的模型的討論。 這很重要。 現有公司必須具有冒險精神,東北的氣候應培養開拓精神,這一點也很重要。

    如果說東北地區本質上是區域振興,那麼投資方面就非常重要,而且日本沒有天使投資人或捐贈文化的當地人的增長低於其他國家。 為了打破這種局面,有必要學習如何吸引投資以及有能力的公司應該進行什麼樣的投資。 您需要將財務參與者附加到同一討論表中。







    〇About the “Tohoku Economic Federation”

    The Tohoku Economic Federation (Tokeiren) is a comprehensive organization consisting of approximately 800 members, including companies and organizations that conduct economic activities in the seven Tohoku prefectures of Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima, and Niigata. It is an economic organization. Since its establishment in December 1966, Tokeiren has conducted research on various problems related to the Japanese industrial economy, etc., and brought together the consensus of the Tohoku economic community to achieve its realization. Through promotion, we continue our activities with the aim of contributing to the development of Japan’s economic society. Currently, the nine committees of the Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Measures, Economic Policy, Industrial Policy, Regional Policy, Pan-Japan Sea Economic Exchange, Transportation, Information and Communication, Environmental Resources and Energy, and Tourism Culture are promoting policy recommendations and projects. It is. We have also established an effective organization to implement these policy recommendations and projects.





  • ヤマモ蔵付酵母の微生物特許とその製法特許出願について





    Microbial patent for Yamamo storage yeast and patent for its manufacturing method

    Ten years since Takahashi took over the family business, a specific yeast was discovered in test brewing for ten years, and we have been studying this with the Akita Prefectural Food Research Center. The test brewing that we conduct meets the needs of customers who demand the same quality as last year, but we have repeated trial and error of various technologies such as handling bacteria outside the industry, changing production time and increasing or decreasing the number of processes. Was. Yeasts that clearly have superior fragrance were isolated from them, and the research was repeated with a focus on an unprecedented angle. Multiple effects were found, including a gorgeous fragrance similar to incense and improving meat quality and masking effects. Based on these facts, Yamamoto’s yeast was used as a patented microorganism, and the fermented product was applied for by a manufacturing patent. _Microbiology

    Title of the invention: Salt-tolerant yeast and fermented product using the same
    Application No .: Japanese Patent Application 2020-17905
    Filing date: February 5, 2020
    Applicant: TKAMO & Corp., Akita prefecture

    There are as many bacteria in the world as the number of stars, and the substances produced vary depending on various conditions. Among them, the discovery of fungi that are delicious and healthy for humans has a probability close to the discovery of a planet. However, finding the potential there and proceeding with the efforts, and having led to such a result, are fortunate and realize the importance of working with conviction. I think that improvements will be needed before we can provide our customers with areas that have yet to be elucidated and customers. Utilizing this discovery, I would like to work on creating a delicious and healthy lifestyle and communicating that Japanese brewing technology can enrich the world.



    高橋接管家族企業已有十年,十年以來,在試釀中發現了一種特殊的酵母,我們一直在秋田縣立食品研究中心進行研究。 我們進行的試飲可以滿足要求質量與去年相同的客戶的需求,但是我們反复嘗試了各種技術,例如在行業外處理細菌,改變生產時間以及增加或減少工藝數量。 是。 從它們中分離出明顯具有優良香氣的酵母,並以前所未有的角度進行了重複研究。 發現了多種效果,包括類似於香的華麗香氣,並改善了肉質和掩蓋效果。 基於這些事實,Yamamo的酵母被用作獲得專利的微生物,發酵產品已申請製造專利。


    世界上與恆星數量一樣多的細菌,並且所產生的物質取決於各種條件。 其中,發現對人類美味又健康的真菌的可能性接近發現行星。 但是,找到那裡的潛力並繼續努力並導致這種結果是幸運的,並意識到堅定信念的重要性。 我認為,在我們可以為客戶提供尚未闡明的領域和客戶之前,需要進行改進。 利用這一發現,我想努力創造一種美味而健康的生活方式,並傳達日本的釀造技術可以豐富整個世界。


    Photographed at Akita Research Institute Food and Brewing


  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_STAY AKITA

    海外向けウェブメディアSTAY AKITAにてYAMAMO FACTORY TOURからI.L.A. GALLERY、蔵付酵母の革新的風味の醸成まで総合的な取り組みがご紹介されております。外国人料理研究家の方の体験と取材を中心に専属の通訳の方とカメラマン、プロデューサーのチーム構成で今回の記事が完成しました。外国人の方の目で見た弊社取り組みの報じ方は、ストーリーを軸にしており、写真の質感からもこだわりの感じられる内容と思います。取材終わりでYAMAMO GARDEN CAFEで時間を過ごしていただきました。仕事の予定時間よりも長くいらっしゃったことが、その場の判断で動く旅の在り方に近く、渡航記のような記事内容と思いました。素晴らしいスタッフとチームの方々、ありがとうございました。ぜひ、記事をご覧いただきたいと思います。


    News of Article Publication_STAY AKITA

    The overseas web media STAY AKITA introduces a comprehensive approach from YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR to I.L.A. GALLERY and brewing of innovative flavors of brewery yeast. This article was completed with a team of dedicated interpreters, photographers, and producers focusing on the experiences and coverage of foreign culinary researchers. The way we report our efforts from a foreigner’s perspective is based on the story, and I think that the content of the photos can also give a sense of commitment. At the end of the interview, we spent time at YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE. The fact that I came longer than the scheduled time for work was close to the way of traveling based on judgment on the spot, and I thought it was an article like a travelogue. Thank you to the wonderful staff and team. By all means, I would like to see the article. _mediainfo._magazine


    文章發布通知_STAY AKITA

    海外網絡媒體STAY AKITA引入了從YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR到I.L.A. GALLERY的綜合方法,以及釀造創新口味的啤酒酵母。 本文由專門的口譯,攝影師和製作人員組成的團隊完成,重點關注外國烹飪研究人員的經驗和報導。 我們從外國人的角度報告自己的努力的方式是基於故事的,我認為可以從照片的紋理感覺到內容。 採訪結束時,我們在YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE花了一些時間。 我來得比預定的工作時間長,這一事實接近於根據當場判斷得出的出行方式,我認為這是一篇類似於旅行的文章。 感謝出色的員工和團隊。 一定要看這篇文章。





    世界中でさまざまな発酵方法がありますが、日本、特に秋田で重要な発酵方法は、麹菌(アスペルギルスオリゼ)を触媒として使用します。 地域の力を活かした地元の職人の技術のおかげで、この地域の発酵文化は数百年に渡り深まりました。


    Akita’s Ancient Fermentation Culture Is a Lively Brew of Diversity and Innovation

    Fermentation: with its alchemistic powers of transformation, fermenting food can heighten flavor, fortify nutritional qualities, and provide longevity. These days, fermentation gets attention around the world for its these properties, but in Akita, it’s been a way of life for hundreds of years. Akita is blessed with a bounty of ingredients from the mountains and the ocean, including the revered Akita Komachi rice strain, but endures long, cold winters.

    There are different methods of fermentation across the world, but the one that is key in Japan – and particularly in Akita – uses koji (aspergillus oryzae) bacteria as the catalyst. Thanks to the skills of local artisans, who harness the power of koji, the area’s fermentation culture has deepened over hundreds of years.
    Miso, soy sauce, sake, hatahata-sushi are some of Akita’s defining fermented products. On a recent trip to Akita, I wanted to do more than just taste or buy these products, but gain a greater understanding of how they are made and the artisans behind them.









    「庭園は私の曽祖父によって造られました。」とヤマモの7代目の高橋泰さんは言います。 彼は伝統的な庭園の椅子に座っている年配男性のセピア色の写真を見せ、庭のある場所を指しました。
    「この写真で彼は自身で建てた離れの前に座っています。 古い庭の見立てによると、彼の向く先には水神が住む城跡の森となり、庭園の借景になっています。」


    Modern design sensibilities align with traditional foundations

    When the light dims at dusk, the doors to the garden of Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewery sparkle with the reflection of the cafe’s elegant chandelier, with the twinkle overlaying the textures of the traditional garden outside.

    “The garden was built by my great-grandfather,” says Yasushi Takahashi, 7th-generation owner of Yamamo. He picks up a sepia-toned photograph of an older man sitting on a chair in a traditional garden, and points to a spot in the garden.
    “He’s sitting over there, in front of the annex my father built for him. He faces the forest nearby where the water spirit lives, according to ancient folklore.”




    “花園是由我的曾祖父建造的,” Yamamo的第七代老闆高橋泰說。 他拿起一張棕褐色調的老人坐在傳統花園裡的椅子上的照片,並指向花園中的一個點。
    “他坐在那兒,在我父親為他建造的附樓前。 根據古代民間傳說,他面對著水靈居住的森林。”



    1867年、高橋さんの先祖は、近くの皆瀬川の地下水を利用できるため、醤油と味噌醸造所を設立しました。 庭園は彼らの生業の源である守護者の水神へのオマージュです。
    高橋さんは建築と世界の旅から学び、2006年、わずか27歳で家業を継ぎました。 彼のデザインセンスは醸造所の7つの蔵に完璧に行き渡っています。 建物のドラマチックな木材の梁と伝統的な土間にシックでモダンな装飾が施されています。 スタイリッシュなカフェやオープンキッチン、エレガントなギャラリー、グッドデザイン賞を受賞した製品パッケージなど、醸造所に新たに追加されたものもすべて高橋さんの功績です。



    In 1867, Takahashi’s ancestors founded the soy sauce and miso brewery because of the pristine water available from the nearby Minase River; the garden is a homage to the water spirit, the guardian of the source of their livelihood.
    Takahashi took over Yamamo in 2006 at the age of just 27, fresh from studying architectural engineering and traveling the world. His sense of design and worldliness echo throughout the seven rooms of the immaculately maintained brewery. The buildings’ dramatic timber beams and traditional earthen floors have chic modern trimmings. There are also new additions to the brewery, like the stylish cafe and open kitchen, the elegant gallery, and the company’s Good Design Award-winning product packaging – all Takahashi’s contributions.

    Another of Takahashi’s contributions is a brewery tour, a rarity in the world of miso and soy sauce. The tour follows the multi-step process of making soy sauce and miso, through different parts of the brewery, where each warehouse serves a different purpose.
    “I want to share the world of fermentation, and local history and culture with the world,” says Takahashi.
    The first room we visit on the tour, the muro, is where the crucial first step takes place: the cultivation of koji. “When we’re preparing the koji, we need to create the right environment for the bacteria we want to thrive, and which is hostile to bad bacteria. The process is very sensitive,” says Takahashi.



    我們參觀的第一個房間muro是至關重要的第一步:種植曲。 “當我們準備曲酒時,我們需要為想要繁殖的細菌創造合適的環境,這種細菌對有害細菌有害。這個過程非常敏感。”高橋說。






    Next, at the moromi-gura, the room is filled with large wooden tanks of moromi, a fermenting mixture of koji rice, steamed soybeans, roasted wheat, and water. “Here, the native yeast that live in the brewery enter the tanks to create the taste,” says Takahashi.
    In another, much smaller room, micro-batches of miso or soy sauce are tweaked in different ways to concoct new products. The little barrels are full of possibilities and, often, surprises – the miso fermenting the day I visit has an intriguingly tropical aroma from the variety of yeast used.
    “Innovation is key to sustainability,” says Takahashi, “Since inheriting my family business, we continue to create new brews through trials,” says Takahashi. “We need to protect the traditional processes, but at the same time make small variable changes, to continue to evolve.”

    Takahashi has recently discovered a new yeast strain inhabiting the atmosphere of Yamamo, thanks to this liberal mindset. He beams when telling me. To a brewer of miso and soy sauce, such a discovery is akin to the discovery of a new planet by an astronomer. This new yeast strain is particularly exciting, Takahashi explain, as it can be used to brew alcoholic drinks like sake and wine – the first yeast that can be used for both worlds.
    After a walk around the garden, we finish the tour in the cafe, to taste the brewery’s traditional and new creations. The ‘Amashio’ soy sauce is the signature soy sauce of Yamamo, with a lowered level of salt, balanced by a gentle sweetness – a style characteristic of Akita soy sauce.


    高橋說:“創新是可持續發展的關鍵,自繼承家族生意以來,我們將繼續通過試驗創造新的啤酒。” “我們需要保護傳統流程,但同時要進行細微的更改,以繼續發展。”

    在花園中漫步後,我們在咖啡館結束了遊覽,品嚐了啤酒廠的傳統和新造品。 “Amashio”醬油是Yamamo的招牌醬油,鹽含量較低,並帶有柔和的甜味,這是秋田醬油的典型特徵。


    _Akita’s Ancient Fermentation Culture Is a Lively Brew of Diversity and Innovation
    _Modern design sensibilities align with traditional foundations