• YAMAMO GARDEN CAFEの営業とオンラインでの発信について

    感染症対策が日常となったNew Normal時代に適応すべく、YAMAMO GARDEN CAFEでは入場制限など適正密度や換気などの環境づくりを進めて参りました。ウイルスとの共存には多様な微生物が存在する表土のある環境が最もよく、庭園に隣接するカフェは通気や感染症の観点から非常に良好な環境と考えることができます。また、移動や場面転換のないリモートワークでは「集中」が重要な要素となり、より深く集中するためには自然(グリーン)が目に入る環境と自然音、他に集中する人の存在など、こちらも条件が整っていると分かりました。弊社ヤマモは生活必需品である味噌醤油の販売に加え、人間らしい交流の場としてカフェを利用していただけるような、New Normal時代の変化する社会環境合わせて複数の価値を提供できればと考えております。


    About YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE Sales and Online Transmission

    In order to adapt to the New Normal era when infection control has become a daily routine, YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE has promoted the creation of an environment such as proper density and ventilation such as entrance restrictions. The best environment for coexistence with viruses is the environment with topsoil where various microorganisms exist, and the cafe adjacent to the garden can be considered a very favorable environment from the viewpoint of ventilation and infectious diseases. Also, “concentration” is an important factor in remote work that does not involve movements or scene changes. To concentrate more deeply, the environment and natural sounds in which nature (plants)) is visible, and the presence of people who concentrate on other things. I also found that the conditions are in place. In addition to selling miso soy sauce, which is a daily necessities, our company Yamamo would like to offer multiple values ​​according to the changing social environment of the New Normal era, such as using a cafe as a place for human interaction.


    關於YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE的銷售和在線傳輸

    為了適應新常態,在應對傳染病的對策變得司空見慣的時候,山本花園咖啡廳促進了環境的創建,例如適當的密度和通風,例如入口限制。 與病毒共存的最佳環境是存在各種微生物的表土環境,從通風和傳染病的角度來看,花園附近的咖啡館可以說是非常有利的環境。 在沒有移動或場景變化的遠程工作中,“專注”是一個重要因素,要更深入地專注於自然(植物)可以看到的環境和自然聲音,其他人的存在等。 我還發現條件已經到位。 除了銷售日用品味噌醬油之外,我們的Yamamo公司還希望根據新常態時代不斷變化的社會環境提供多種價值,例如將咖啡館用作與人互動的地方。



    New Normalでは、感染拡大フェーズの閉じた社会環境下ではオンラインを使った活動に注力し、感染抑制フェーズの開いた社会環境下ではオフラインの活動に切り替えていくことが必須となります。オンラインでの活動は会社のブログのみならず、カフェのInstagramを中心に各種メニューや家具・古物などの室礼、蔵や庭、スタッフの近況などを日常的にお伝えできればと思います。一方、オフラインの経済活動は、感染症対策がなされた環境で皆様の対面での社会活動の場を提供することに貢献できればと思います。
    会社のInstagramは七代目の高橋が中心に発信し、カフェアカウントは社会変革事業部の澤口が中心となり発信していきます。双方をチェックしていただき、ヤマモの取り組みや日常の些細な出来事、岩崎地域やコミュニティへの関わりなどをお伝えできればと思います。引き続き、YAMAMO GARDEN CAFEをどうぞよろしくお願いします。


    In New Normal, it is essential to focus on online activities in the social environment where the infection spread phase is closed, and to switch to offline activities in the social environment where the infection control phase is open. Online activities are not limited to company blogs, but I would like to be able to tell you daily about the menu, furniture, antiques, rituals, warehouses, gardens, staff status, etc., centered on the cafe Instagram. On the other hand, offline economic activities would like to contribute to providing a face-to-face social activity place for everyone in an infectious disease control environment.
    The company’s Instagram will be sent mainly by the seventh generation Takahashi, and the cafe account will be sent mainly by Sawaguchi of the Social Change Division. I would like you to check both sides and tell us about Yamamo’s efforts, daily trivial events, and involvement in the Iwasaki region and the community. Thank you for your continued support of YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE.


    該公司的Instagram將主要由第七代高橋公司發送,而咖啡館帳戶將主要由社會變革部的澤口發送。我想請您雙方檢查一下,並向我們介紹Yamamo的努力,日常瑣事以及對岩崎地區和社區的參與。感謝您一直以來對YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE的支持。




    YAMAMO / TAKAMO & Corp._Instagram



    インバウンドガイド情報誌”EXPLORE TOHOKU & NIIGATA”のExperiences & Souvenirsのコーナーでヤマモの記事を掲載していただきました。新型コロナウィルス感染症(COVID-19)の感染拡大により、観光や消費は大きく変わりました。しかしながら、人々の興味関心を引くような魅力あるコンテンツを提供していくことは変わりがなく、数ある観光スポットや蔵元の中から弊社を選んでいただいたことを嬉しく思います。新しい時代でも必要とされるもの、伝統産業として残し伝えつつも変化していくこと。それらを考え、実装していくことが製品を進化させ、また、移動が困難な時代でも旅をする人の心に訴求し、皆さまの興味関心を引き寄せる場となることができると考えております。ぜひ、誌面やWEBサイトでご覧いただければと思います。


    News of Article Publication_EXPLORE TOHOKU & NIIGATA

    Yamamo’s article was posted in the section “Experiences & Souvenirs” of the inbound guide information magazine “EXPLORE TOHOKU & NIIGATA”. Tourism and consumption have changed significantly due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). However, we will continue to provide attractive content that attracts people’s interest, and we are glad that we have selected us from a number of tourist attractions and warehouses. What needs to be changed in the new era, while remaining as a traditional industry and being conveyed. By thinking and implementing them, we believe that it will be a place to evolve the product, appeal to the hearts of travelers even in times when it is difficult to move, and attract everyone’s interest. . By all means, I hope you can see it in the magazine and the website. _mediainfo._magazine



    Yamamo的文章發表在入境指南信息雜誌“ EXPLORE TOHOKU&NIIGATA”的“體驗與紀念品”部分中。 由於新的冠狀病毒感染(COVID-19)的傳播,旅遊業和消費發生了顯著變化。 但是,我們將繼續提供有吸引力的內容來吸引人們的興趣,我們很高興從眾多的旅遊景點和倉庫中選擇了我們。 在新時代需要改變的地方,同時又要保留傳統產業並加以傳播。 通過思考和實施它們,我們相信這將是一個發展產品的地方,即使在難以移動的時候也能吸引旅行者的心,並吸引所有人的興趣。 。 希望您能在雜誌和網站上看到它。


    EXPLORE TOHOKU & NIIGATA_Experiences & Souvenirs


    EXPLORE TOHOKU & NIIGATA_Experiences & Souvenirs


    この醤油醸造所は1867年に設立され、伝統的な製品を継承しながら、現代に合わせて新しい製品を開発しています。 いずれも代々受け継がれてきた技術を駆使し、湯沢の豊かで純粋な水で造られています。 ヤマモブランドの評判は近年世界的に広がっています。
    訪問者は醸造所、庭園、蔵の見学をすることができます。 見学者は職人の手による作品を間近で見られることで賞賛し、改造された店舗には、地元の歴史と文化に関連する芸術作品を展示するギャラリーがあります。 味噌と醤油で味付けしたジェラートを提供する人気のカフェ、味噌、醤油などの日常品を販売するファクトリーショップもあります。 蔵に一時停止するだけでも、訪問者は企業について見て学び、その作品を味わうことができます。


    This soy sauce brewery was founded in 1867, and carries on with traditional products while also developing new ones in-step with the modern day. All are crafted with the plentiful, pure waters of Yuzawa using techniques passed on over generations. The fine reputation of the Yamamo brand has expanded worldwide in recent years.
    Visitors can take a tour of the brewery, the garden and the storehouse. Tour-goers praise it for offering a close-up look at the hands-on work of artisans, and the remodeled storehouse contains a gallery exhibiting works of art relating to the local area’s history and culture. You’ll also find a popular café serving gelato flavored with miso and soy sauce, as well as the factory shop selling miso, soy sauce and other goods for daily use. Even a brief stop at the storehouse alone offers visitors a chance to see and learn about the enterprise and taste its creations.


    這家醬油啤酒廠成立於1867年,在繼承傳統產品的同時,還與現代同步開發新產品。 所有產品均採用代代相傳的技術,由湯澤豐富純淨的水製成。 近年來,Yamamo品牌的良好聲譽已在全球範圍內擴展。
    參觀者可以參觀啤酒廠,花園和倉庫。 參觀者稱讚它是因為可以近距離觀察工匠的動手作品,而經過改建的倉庫中設有一個畫廊,展出與當地歷史和文化有關的藝術品。 您還會發現一家受歡迎的咖啡廳,供應以味o和醬油調味的意式冰淇淋,還有一家工廠商店,出售味噌,醬油和其他日常用品。 即使僅在倉庫短暫停留,也可以為參觀者提供了解和了解企業並品嚐其創造物的機會。








    The various information in this guide was recommended by the 6 prefectures of Tohoku and Niigata, and was selected by an advisory board chaired by Professor Fusao Ito, Tohoku University Graduate School of Agriculture. We hope that more and more people inside and outside Japan will be interested in the excellent nature, culture, special products, tourism, events, etc. of the region, and help to revitalize Tohoku and Niigata. The information in this booklet is current as of the end of March 2020.



    本指南中的各種信息均由東北和新潟的6個縣推薦,並由東北大學農業研究生院伊藤扶雄教授主持的諮詢委員會選出。 我們希望越來越多的日本國內和國外的人對該地區的優良自然,文化,特色產品,旅遊業,活動等感興趣,並有助於振興東北和新潟。 本手冊中的信息是截至2020年3月的最新信息。



    新型コロナウィルス感染症(COVID-19)の感染拡大への対応として全都道府県に緊急事態宣言が出されたことを受け、秋田県で営業時間変更要請が出されました。これに伴い、YAMAMO GARDEN CAFEでは4月25日から5月6日の間、夜間予約制コース料理”YAMAMO FERMENTATION DINNER COURSE”の提供を休止いたします。なお、10:00~17:00の通常のカフェ営業と生活必需品の味噌と醤油の販売や県外への発送業務は継続して行います。ご理解のほど、よろしくお願いいたします。


    Temporary closure of evening reservation course dishes_YAMAMO FERMENTATION DINNER COURSE

    In response to the announcement of an emergency situation in all prefectures in response to the spread of the new coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19), a request was made to change business hours in Akita Prefecture. As a result, YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE will stop providing evening reservation course meals “YAMAMO FERMENTATION DINNER COURSE” from April 25th to May 6th. In addition, the regular cafe business from 10:00 to 17:00, sales of miso and soy sauce for daily necessities, and shipping to outside the prefecture will continue. Thank you for your understanding.



    为响应各县针对新冠状病毒传染病(COVID-19)传播的紧急情况的宣布,要求更改秋田县的营业时间。 因此,YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE将从4月25日至5月6日停止提供晚餐”YAMAMO FERMENTATION DINNER COURSE”。 此外,从10:00到17:00的常规咖啡馆营业,日常必需品的味and和酱油的销售以及向县外的运送将继续。 感谢您的理解。



  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_Sakigake_Apr.20 2020




    News of Article Publication_Akita Sakigake Newspaper

    I was introduced to Yamamo’s efforts in the Akita Sakigake Newspaper on April 20th. Repeated innovative test brewing based on technologies and ideas outside the industry, and research and research from angles other than miso soy sauce such as sake and wine resulted in the discovery of the yeast technology Viamver that corresponds to patented technology It was. Starting with a gorgeous fragrance, each time we conducted various research, we found useful benefits one after another, and within the research team, we began to think about expectations for innovative product development and impact on the industry. We kindly interviewed the flow from the beginning of development to patent application and service provision. I would like you to read the article.

    Although the spread of the new coronavirus will cause a great change in society, we would like to continue further development and provision of services with the belief that using Viamver can exert better effects on people’s lives and health. I will. Below, I would like to introduce the new products of fermented lamb and fermented silver cod. Due to the action of bacteria, the odor masking effect and the game are softened like pork and beef, and the fish is soft enough to loosen the body by ignoring the fibers. We have developed a fermentation source that suits each meat and fish by taking advantage of the bacterium’s umami, and we are implementing our own meal experience by repeating the process of low temperature cooking, sauté, and steaming. In the future, I would like to advance the brewing of natural wine using Viamver and realize pairing. Thank you for your new Yamamo product. _mediainfo._newspaper










    New yeast found in Kura
    “Yamamo miso soy sauce brewing company, Takamogo name company” (President Yoshihiko Takahashi) of Iwasaki, Yuzawa City, discovered yeast that can be expected to be used in a wide range of ingredients such as meat, fish and sake in addition to miso and soy sauce. . It is said to have various functions such as the production of umami ingredients, and a patent for the manufacturing method of seasonings that was jointly developed with the Prefectural Food Research Center (Akita City) was filed in early February. The company is seeking new business development centered on this yeast.
    This yeast was discovered in 2017 by a yeast survey conducted by the center, which was carried out by a brewery manufacturer in the prefecture. When the company entered into a joint research agreement with the center and conducted a closer examination of the yeast, in addition to its high ability to produce umami components, it is unusual for yeast derived from miso and has the ability to produce relatively high alcohol in a salt-free environment. It turns out that there is.
    Therefore, we started to develop a seasoning “yeast liquid” that makes the best use of the characteristics of yeast. As a result of trying various food ingredients, in addition to adding umami ingredients, it has the effect of softening fish and meat and eliminating odors, and it can be expected to be used in various ways.

    Used for product development and tours
    Managing Director Yasushi Takahashi said, “Isn’t it possible that yeast was born by trying various manufacturing methods such as using bacteria outside the industry in test brewing? It should be an opportunity to throw it. ”
    The company is focusing on tours of its own brewing factory and garden, and newly established a culture and fermentation room of about 8 square meters near the entrance so that you can observe the development process of soy sauce using new yeast up close. . We are also developing wine and course dishes that use yeast, and are providing a trial mutton and silver cod lunch course (tax-excluded 1800-2200 yen, reservation required) at our in-house cafe.
    In anticipation of the long-term effects of the new coronavirus, we are also considering the development of set products that deliver course meals along with wine by home delivery. Managing Director Takahashi said, “We would like to explore the way the service should be, considering the effects of the new coronavirus.”


    湯澤市岩崎市的“ Yamamo味噌醬油釀造公司,高茂名”(總裁高橋芳彥)發現了酵母,除了味噌和醬油外,酵母還有望用於肉,魚和清酒等多種配料中。據說它具有多種功能,例如鮮味成分的生產,並於2月初申請了與縣食品研究中心(秋田市)共同開發的調味料製造方法專利。該公司正在尋求以這種酵母為中心的新業務發展。
    該酵母菌是由該中心的一家釀酒廠在2017年通過該中心進行的酵母菌調查發現的。 當該公司與該中心簽訂聯合研究協議並仔細檢查酵母時,除了具有生產鮮味成分的高能力外,它還具有在無鹽環境中生產相對較高的酒精的能力,這對於來自味derived的酵母而言是罕見的。 原來有。
    因此,我們開始開發一種調味料“酵母液”,以充分利用酵母的特性。 由於嘗試了各種食品成分,因此除了添加鮮味成分外,還具有軟化魚類和肉類,消除異味的作用,並且有望以各種方式使用。



    ヤマモの蔵から新酵母を発見 肉や魚、うまみ増しやわらかく
    Discover new yeast from Yamamozo’s warehouse: soften meat, fish and umami


    FERMENTED LAMB GRILLER_Viamver Yeast used | 発酵ラム肉のグリエ_Viamver使用

    After lamb meat fermented with Viamver yeast is cooked, the center is cooked at low temperature and the surface is roasted. With fermented berry sauce. Limited to 4 meals per day.
    用Viamver酵母發酵的羔羊肉煮熟後,將其中心在低溫下煮熟,然後烘烤表面。 用發酵的草莓醬。 每天僅限四餐。


    FERMENTED SILVER COD ROTILE_Viamver Yeast used | 発酵銀ダラのロティール_Viamver使用

    After sautéing silver cod fermented with Viamver yeast, steam and steam. With the two sauces of basil and tomato. Grilled abalone mushrooms. Limited to 10 meals per day.
    炒銀鱈魚後,用Viamver酵母,蒸汽和蒸汽發酵。 配羅勒和番茄兩種調味料。 烤鮑魚蘑菇。 每天僅限10餐。


    Appetizer with fermented vinaigrette sauce, chicken soup and fermented vegetable soup. Lunch-only course where you can choose fermented lamb meat or fermented silver cod as the main dish.
    開胃菜,配醋汁,雞肉湯和蔬菜湯。 僅午餐的課程,您可以選擇發酵羊肉或發酵銀鱈魚作為主菜。


  • “ASTRONOMICA”と”Viamver”について

    “With COVID-19″時代における芸術文化と科学の価値
    弊社ヤマモが行うアート活動“I.L.A.(Industry Loves Art 産業は芸術に恋をする)”の中でも、デトロイトやベルリンをはじめ、社会の危機的な状況を縫合するのが芸術であると定義しております。現在進行形である新型ウィルスによる脅威と人類との闘いは、個に分散しながら生命活動を維持し、生活を長期にわたり続けていくことです。そのような状況下で人間的な生活を送るためには芸術文化が必要となり、その価値はこれまで以上に高まります。また、個々人が新型ウィルスや衛生に正しい知識を持って対応をしていくことから、科学の重要性が社会の中で増していくことも明らかです。私たちは、芸術文化と科学を混ぜ合わせた新しい産業の在り方を模索していきたいと考えています。



    About “ASTRONOMICA” and “Viamver”

    The value of art and culture in the “With COVID-19 era”
    In the art activity “I.L.A. (Industry Loves Art)”, which is performed by Yamamo, we define art as suturing critical situations in society such as Detroit and Berlin. . The battle between humans and the threat of the new virus, which is currently in progress, is to maintain life activity while dispersing into individuals and continue life for a long time. Artistic culture is needed to live a human life in such a situation, and its value is higher than ever. It is also clear that the importance of science will increase in society as individuals respond to new viruses and hygiene with correct knowledge. We want to explore new industries that mix art and science.

    New Yamamo Initiatives
    With regard to the discovery of the characteristics of new bacteria and the evolution of miso soy sauce, which I have studied since inheriting my family business, while pursuing scientific and academic pursuits, the pursuit of a human artistic culture that reads in dreams and stories I want to do it. In the world of fungi that extends infinitely, there is a world of dreams and stories similar to the discovery of the universe and new planets in the sky. The discovery of many minerals and new gems that go deeper into the earth has a similar worldview. I wanted to name these and link them to research, activity names, and fungal nomenclature.
    The name of the future research, team name, and product group we have done so far is “ASTRONOMICA”, which means the ancient universe, and the name of the yeast that was filed as a patented microorganism is a coined word combining stars and minerals. Viamver “. I would like to publish the project with the opportunity to apply for a trademark. We will work on further research and products and services in the future. I would like to continue pursuing a healthy and cultural dream world from the aspect of traditional industries. _Microbiology


    關於“ ASTRONOMICA”和“ Viamver”

    “”With COVID-19時代”藝術和文化的價值
    在Yamamo舉辦的藝術活動“ I.L.A.(Industry Loves Art 工業愛上了藝術)”中,我們將藝術定義為在社會如底特律和柏林的緊急情況下進行縫合。 人類與新病毒威脅的鬥爭目前仍在進行中,目的是維持生命活動,同時散佈到個人中,並長時間維持生命。 在這種情況下,藝術文化是人類生活所必需的,其價值比以往更高。 顯然,隨著個人以正確的知識應對新病毒和衛生,科學在社會中的重要性將會提高。 我們希望探索融合藝術與科學的新興產業。

    自從繼承家族企業以來,我一直在研究新細菌的特徵和味o醬油的演變,同時追求科學和學術追求,追求在夢中和故事中讀懂的人類藝術文化 我想做。 在無限延伸的真菌世界中,有一個夢想和故事的世界,類似於發現宇宙和天空中的新行星。 深入地球的許多礦物和新寶石的發現具有相似的世界觀。 我想命名這些並將它們鏈接到研究,活動名稱和真菌命名法。
    到目前為止,我們所做的未來研究的名稱,團隊名稱和產品組是“ ASTRONOMICA”,這意味著古老的宇宙。 Viamver”。 我想發布該項目,並有機會申請商標。 將來,我們將致力於進一步的研究以及產品和服務。 我想繼續從傳統產業的角度追求一個健康的文化夢想世界。




    * “ASTRONOMICA”とは、紀元1世紀のラテン詩人マルクス・マニリウスの著作。マニリウスは、宇宙をその隅々まで神的な力が行き渡った 「神的意志の作品」として捉えていました。宇宙が神の意志によって運動していて、さらにそれ自体が神であると考えていたのです。



    Fermented foods produce and utilize specific components from the metabolic pathway of bacteria. The various components are regarded as stars, and countless components are associated with the starry sky. The fermentation mechanism is associated with celestial bodies, such as the operation of constellations and ordered planets based on the coordination and metabolic pathways between the components. In addition, the discovery of new species and the establishment of their manufacturing methods have become astronomical figures, similar to the discovery of new planets. For this reason, I would like to name and develop the ancient Greek of the universe, “ASTRONOMICA”, for the research team and its products.
    * “ASTRONOMICA” is written by Latin poet Marx Manilius in the 1st century AD. Manirius saw the universe as a “work of divine will”, with divine power spreading to every corner. The universe was moving by God’s will, and he thought that he was God himself.



    Fermented foods produce and utilize specific components from the metabolic pathway of bacteria. The various components are regarded as stars, and countless components are associated with the starry sky. The fermentation mechanism is associated with celestial bodies, such as the operation of constellations and ordered planets based on the coordination and metabolic pathways between the components. In addition, the discovery of new species and the establishment of their manufacturing methods have become astronomical figures, similar to the discovery of new planets. For this reason, I would like to name and develop the ancient Greek of the universe, “ASTRONOMICA”, for the research team and its products.
    * “ASTRONOMICA” is written by Latin poet Marx Manilius in the 1st century AD. Manirius saw the universe as a “work of divine will”, with divine power spreading to every corner. The universe was moving by God’s will, and he thought that he was God himself.



    Viamver Yeast



    Viamver Yeast

    “Viamver Yeast” has multiple effects, including high ability to produce organic acids related to umami components, brewing of alcohol, gorgeous aroma similar to fruit and ginjo, and improving meat quality and masking effect. The seventh generation succeeded to the family business and handled bacteria outside the industry, and found this yeast from a brew that was tested for 10 years from various angles different from the past.
    The oldest shrine in the Iwasaki area, where Yamamo is located, had the religion of the Mysterious Bodhisattva, the goddess of the stars, and opened the forest with the shrine to build a castle, suggesting that the first castle owner had the religion of the stars. Also, inspired by the discovery of the origin of the umami component that this yeast produces from minerals underground, the name of the mineral was linked to the star and named “Viamver”.
    Utilizing gorgeous aroma and umami, we are studying not only innovative miso and soy sauce, but also application to meat quality improvement and masking effect to game, and alcohol production ability to natural wine.


    Viamver Yeast

    “Viamver Yeast” has multiple effects, including high ability to produce organic acids related to umami components, brewing of alcohol, gorgeous aroma similar to fruit and ginjo, and improving meat quality and masking effect. The seventh generation succeeded to the family business and handled bacteria outside the industry, and found this yeast from a brew that was tested for 10 years from various angles different from the past.
    The oldest shrine in the Iwasaki area, where Yamamo is located, had the religion of the Mysterious Bodhisattva, the goddess of the stars, and opened the forest with the shrine to build a castle, suggesting that the first castle owner had the religion of the stars. Also, inspired by the discovery of the origin of the umami component that this yeast produces from minerals underground, the name of the mineral was linked to the star and named “Viamver”.
    Utilizing gorgeous aroma and umami, we are studying not only innovative miso and soy sauce, but also application to meat quality improvement and masking effect to game, and alcohol production ability to natural wine.