• 記事掲載のお知らせ_ONBEAT_Vol.10

    I.L.A. GALLERYを開廊すべく、アート活動を行う中でONBEAT編集者の藤田さんとの出逢いがあり、今回の記事掲載に至ることとなりました。お話させていただいた当初から、我々の活動に対する理解を示していただき、ギャラリーだけではなく、会社のリブランディングや海外展開、岩崎地域や歴代の高橋茂助のレガシーを踏襲したインバウンドツアーまでを取材していただきました。


    I.L.A. GALLERYが掲載されるONBEAT vol.10は9月まで書店にて取り扱いがされております。非常に重厚な美術誌になりますので、ぜひ直接手に取って見て感じていただければと思います。取材いただいた藤田さん、ありがとうございました。またご一緒できることを楽しみにしております。





    Notice of Article Posting_I.L.A. GALLERY

    In order to open the I.L.A. GALLERY, there was an encounter with the ONBEAT editor, Mr. Fujita, during the art activities, which led to the publication of this article. From the beginning of the talk, I showed an understanding of our activities, covering not only the gallery, but also the company’s rebranding and overseas development, and the inbound tour that followed the Iwasaki area and the legacy of Mosuke Takahashi of each generation. Thank you.

    Of course, I was able to share a lot of ideas about art and the perspective of Japan in the world, and I had a very interesting time. The delicate and unique sense of Japanese people can create value in the world and enrich the world. By digging carefully into the context rooted in the land and spinning it, we can make the region a sustainable and creative land for the world. There is still much we can do, and doing it can make the world more interesting. It’s industrially as well as art based and it’s sensibly equivalent, and the creation area jumps the fence and changes the world.

    ONBEAT vol.10, where I.L.A. GALLERY will be published, is being handled at bookstores until September. It will be a very heavy art magazine, so I hope you will take it directly and feel it. Thank you Mr. Fujita for interviewing. I am looking forward to working with you again._mediainfo._magazine


    Comment from the editor, Mr. Fujita

    Mr. Yasushi Takahashi, young the 7th generation of miso and soy sauce brewing company Yamamoto, who has a long history, succeeded in branding and renovation of his company with excellent artistic sense and management skills, and made use of his know-how to move forward with promoting renovation in the area You are In each region of Japan, there is a unique and rich culture that continues in a row, and Takahashi’s activities that are struggling in the local area, Akita, to prove that updating its features to the present day will lead to regional revitalization, Because it contains valuable suggestions for local problems, and at the same time proves the power of design, it is very meaningful to introduce in our journal, and it is important to know not only Japanese people but also foreign people. I thought it would be an opportunity to receive it.


    文章發布通知_I.L.A. GALLERY



    將於9月份在書店處理ONBEAT第10卷,其中將出版I.L.A. GALLERY。這將是一本非常沉重的藝術雜誌,所以我希望你能直接接受並感受它。謝謝藤田先生的採訪。我期待著再次與您合作。



    味噌和醬油釀造公司Yamamo的年輕第七代高橋泰先生擁有悠久的歷史,他憑藉出色的藝術感和管理技巧成功地為他的公司進行品牌和翻新,並利用他的專業知識推進該地區的改造。 你是 在日本的每個地區,都有一種獨特而豐富的文化,這種文化在連續不斷,而高橋在當地掙扎的活動,以證明將其特徵更新到今天將導致區域振興, 因為它包含對當地問題的寶貴建議,同時證明了設計的力量,所以在我們的期刊中介紹非常有意義,重要的是不僅要了解日本人,還要了解外國人。 我認為這是一個接受它的機會。







    秋田県湯沢市の岩崎地区に、幕末江戸末期の慶応3(1867)年から150 年以上続く味噌・醤油の蔵元がある。その老舗、ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元・髙茂合名会社では、地元を流れる皆瀬川の伏流水を用いて天然醸造を行っている。ヤマモは伝統を継承しながら海外にも販路を広げており、HPで日本語・英語・中国語の3 か国語で情報を掲載するなど、国内外に醸造業の魅力を伝える企業活動が高く評価され、中小企業庁の「はばたく中小企業300」、経済産業省の「地域未来牽引企業」にも選定されている。



    Conveying the attractiveness of the brewing industry to the World

    In the Iwasaki district of Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, there is a brewery of miso and soy sauce that has been operating since 1867. The long-standing Yamamo miso and soy sauce brewing company (hereinafter Yamamo) has engaged in natural brewing using subsoil water from the local river Minasegawa. While carrying on that tradition, Yamamo is extending its markets overseas by providing information on its website in English and Chinese in addition to Japanese. With its corporate activities to convey the attractiveness of the Japanese brewing industry both at home and overseas, Yamamo was selected as one of the company to win the Vibrant HABATAKU SMEs 300 of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Driving Company for the regional future.

    This was part of a new management strategy which the 7th President Yasushi Takahashi set forth. After studying zymurgy at the Tokyo University of Agriculture, he received training at a major brewing company and then took over its management. Takahashi originally wanted to become an architect and learned design engineering at Chiba University.



    在秋田縣湯澤市的岩崎地區,自宮津江戶時代晚期(1867年)結束以來,有一種味噌和醬油來源已經持續了150多年。 成熟的Yamamo味噌醤油醸造商,一家名為高茂合名会社的公司,使用流經該地區的皆瀬川的底流水進行自然釀造。Yamamo在繼承其傳統的同時擴大了海外銷售渠道,並在惠普上發布了日語,英語和中文三種語言的信息,並因其公司活動而備受推崇,這些活動傳達了國內外釀酒行業的吸引力。它還被選為中小企業廳的“小型和大型企業300”,經濟產業省被選為“區域未來企業”。





    2016 年からは醸造蔵と庭園を巡るツアーを実施。外国語に堪能な高橋氏はツアー客の3分の1を占める外国人に対する案内役を務めている。庭園の借景は、高台にある霊符の森だ。この森の中にある「水神社」は醸造産業が発展したこの地域と水資源である皆瀬川との深い関係性を物語る。蔵の歴史や技術、醸造業の魅力を伝えるとともに、地域の風土も含めて体感できるこのツアーは、今、世界中でトレンドの「地方の地域固有の文化体験」そのものであり、湯沢市に国内外から観光客を呼び込むための試みとなる。


    He exercised his remarkable sense of design from the first year as executive managing director, and worked on the branding of the company’s products. He started out with the updating of the company’s brochure and labeling of Yamamo products.

    Its products with the simple design earned the 2013 Good Design Award. Takahashi also refurbished the brewing house and the garden. Passing through a noren curtain of the entrance of the brewing house, a comfortable space spreads before your eyes within a classy Japanese interior that incorporates the Western-style beauty. Outside the window, a magnificent Japanese garden awaits. The Reifu-nomori forest behind the brewing house serves as a beautiful setting of the garden. Takahashi’s exquisite aesthetic sense is well represented in all of them.


    起初我們開始為我們的產品提供宣傳冊和標籤。設計簡潔,商品名為英文的產品獲得2013年優秀設計獎。高橋先生還著手改造釀造倉庫和花園。倉庫的溫暖已經完成,一個融合了西式美景的舒適空間在純粹的日式內飾中傳播,具有悠久的特色。 日式花園延伸到窗外,所有這些都具有高度的美感。



    J. Manuel Mansylla_Principal_TOTEM_2017





    In 2016, he started offering a tour that takes visitors through the brewing house and the garden. Fluent in English, Takahashi personally guides foreign visitors. The tour conveys the history of the brewing house, brewing techniques and the attraction of its industry, including the natural features of the district. The tour is serving as an important tool to experience a unique regional culture of Yuzawa City.

    Recently, Yamamo opened a café in the brewing house. Following the old practice of promoting culture and art in this district, Yamamo also established an art gallery (photo p.109) in the brewing house. Artist Tetsuya Takizawa exhibited in the gallery works he created on site. High expectations are pinned on the next move of Yamamo, which has demonstrated the brand value of fermented food from the local district in Japan to the world and has been attracting visitors from Japan and other countries.


    在2018年底,咖啡館也在釀酒倉庫的一樓開業。我們提供使用水的咖啡,使用用於烹飪的天然鹽和含味噌醬的冰淇淋。 此外,藝術畫廊(照片第109頁)在二樓開放,因為前名人在該地區推薦文化藝術。滝澤徹也,一位藝術家,製作了當地的作品,如Yamamo種子和皆瀬川製造的紙張,並在同一個畫廊展出。








    About “ONBEAT”

    “ONBEAT” is a complete Japanese-English bilingual book, published twice a year at the same time as a print edition and an electronic edition, introducing Japanese art and culture from a wide variety of genres. In addition to large-scale bookstores such as Kinokuniya Bookstore and Yodoya Bookstore through the Japanese edition and Touhan, it is also sold at museum shops such as the National Art Center, Tokyo National Art Museum and the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. It is also sold at overseas bookstores through a daily overseas business with sales networks in more than 78 countries.

    In “ONBEAT” magazines, artists such as Senju Hiroshi, Takashi Murakami, Miwa Komatsu, Yuji Inoue, as well as leading artists from Japan, as well as Tadao Ando, ​​Issei Miyake, Hiroko Koshino and Junko sisters, Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, etc. We did exclusive coverage to celebrities and released special feature articles. There are no other magazines that introduce Japanese art and culture in complete Japanese-English parallel writing, and they have received high acclaim overseas as well, such as the Sainsbury Institute for Japanese Arts and Sciences (UK), Japan Society (US, UK), and the International Cultural Center. It is stored in prestigious research institutes specializing in Japanese culture, libraries of various educational institutions such as Women’s Art University and Tamagawa University, and Roppongi Hills Library. In addition, the lounges and libraries of large-scale passenger ships such as The Ritz-Carlton Tokyo and Hilton Tokyo, as well as foreign-owned hotels such as Nippon-maru and Pacific Venus are always on hand.



    “ONBEAT”是一本完整的日英雙語書籍,每年出版兩次,同時出版印刷版和電子版,介紹各種類型的日本藝術和文化。 除了通過日本版和Touhan的紀伊国屋書店和蔦屋書店等大型書店外,還在國家藝術中心,東京國立美術館和東京都藝術博物館等博物館商店出售。 它還通過日常海外業務在海外書店銷售,銷售網絡遍布78個國家。

    在“ONBEAT”雜誌,千住博、村上隆、小松美羽、井上萬二等藝術家,以及日本的主要藝術家,以及安藤忠雄,三宅一生,Koshino Hiroko和Junko姐妹,諾貝爾生理學和醫學獎等。我們對名人進行了獨家報導,並發布了專題文章。沒有其他雜誌在完整的日英並行寫作中介紹日本的藝術和文化,並且在海外也獲得了很高的讚譽,如塞恩斯伯里日本藝術與科學研究所(英國),日本學會(美國,英國)和國際文化中心。它存儲在專門從事日本文化的著名研究機構,女子藝術大學和多摩川大學等各種教育機構的圖書館,以及六本木山圖書館。此外,東京麗思卡爾頓酒店和東京希爾頓酒店等大型客船的休息室和圖書館,以及日本丸和太平洋金星等外資酒店隨時待命。



    ONBEAT vol.10_Amazon





    Report That YAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION _NO.004 Has Ended

    Many communities are difficult to obtain and form as a business, which makes long-term operation difficult. Urban developers in the world are living with and dealing with art, intermingling, living communities, living them in a transported state. On the other hand, there were many things from the direction of urban environmental design, and the way Mr. Ono was going from urban and community development to urban development was very interesting.



    許多社區很難獲得併形成一個企業,這使得長期運營變得困難。 世界各地的城市開發商與藝術,混合,生活社區一起生活和處理,並將他們生活在一個被運輸的國家。 另一方面,從城市環境設計的方向來看,有很多東西,小野先生從城市和社區到城市發展的方式非常有趣。














    Mr. Akimoto, a facilitator, always listened to the perspectives of the community and people involved in it and carefully listened to Mr. Ono’s changes in thinking in the time series and how he understood things. Focusing on the questions of the participants and their worries, we drew out the opinions of all, and gave Mr. Ono a time to answer them. There continued to be pointed out strictly in terms of “does it become a business” and “can I be an individual?”, And I could think of it as warm advice.


    秋元先生,協調人,總是傾聽社區和參與其中的人的觀點,並仔細聆聽小野先生在時間序列中思考的變化以及他如何理解事物。 我們專注於參與者的問題和他們的擔憂,我們提出了所有人的意見,並給了小野先生一個時間來回答他們。 在“它成為一個企業”和“我能成為一個人嗎?”方面仍然嚴格指出,我認為這是一個溫馨的建議。












    七代目 高橋泰


    There is always a gap between the dreams and ideals that activists see, the future created by the media, and the reality. For those who solve problems and confront society, it has always been a proposition. How do you bury it? Mr. Ono’s words are derived from media management, business people, outside directors, various positions and experiences, and they are sharp cuts leading to solution methods, but there are many things that can be salvation, creating empathy for the participants. I was there.
    The times and cities created by humans and social environments are living beings, and they are associated with them and live. It can be said that urban development is something that makes it fun and fun as individuals in a chaotic society. This place that thinks about the ecosystem of the society and talks taking advantage of one’s individuality among diverse opinions while eating food and alcohol of the chef who made use of the feature also play similar to urban development I felt like I was doing it. Thank you very much for everyone who participated, Mr. Ono and Mr. Akimoto.

    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company
    The 7th generation Yasushi Takahashi



    七代 高橋泰


    Organized by: Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company / TAKAMO & Corp.








    今回のYAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION_004ではゲストとしてメディアgreenz等の幅広い分野で活躍する小野裕之氏をお招きします。同氏はコミュニティ運営やマネタイズのスペシャリストであり、また、個人でおむすびスタンドANDONを経営されております。最近では下北沢や日本橋など、都市部の再開発にも携わっておられ、その知見と最近の関心事をお話しいただきたいと思います。


    Notification of YAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION _NO.004 Holding

    “Improvisation creates culture”

    Creators of various genres have built culture on the occasion of the session. Guests are invited at the location of Yamamo who has rebuilt a certain house from the foundation against the backdrop of a 100-year-old garden and will hold a session by creators. Through this session we hope that a new culture will be born.



    Community formation and its operation are the most important keys in the pursuit of regional sustainability and the continuation of human social activities. In addition, creative classes around the world generate and operate communities. The importance of communities will be huge in the coming years.In this YAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION _ 004, we invite Mr. Hiroyuki Ono who is active in a wide range of fields such as media greenz as a guest. He is a specialist in community management and monetization, and also runs a privately owned rice stand ANDON. Recently, I am also involved in the redevelopment of urban areas such as Shimokitazawa and Nihonbashi, and I would like to share their findings and recent concerns.The core of the session is to make sustainable urban formation in the area where high quality community management is to be made from the perspectives of community and work (monetization), management perspective (entrepreneurship) and urban formation (urbanism). I would like to think about the area of ​​the next generation and the way of life.








    社區的形成及其運作是追求區域可持續性和人類社會活動延續的最重要的關鍵。此外,世界各地的創意課程都會產生和運營社區。未來幾年,社區的重要性將是巨大的。在這個YAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION _ 004中,我們邀請了Onoyuki Ono先生,他積極參與媒體綠色等廣泛領域的嘉賓。他是社區管理和貨幣化方面的專家,還經營著一家私營大米架ANDON。最近,我也參與了Shimokitazawa和Nihonbashi等城市地區的重建,我想分享他們的發現和最近的關注。會議的核心是在社區和工作(貨幣化),管理視角(企業家精神)和城市形成(城市化)的角度,在高質量的社區管理領域實現可持續的城市形成。我想想想下一代的領域和生活方式。



    – THEME –



    [ TIME ]

    2019.03.09 / 18:30-21:30 [Door18:00]


    [ ENTER FEE ]

    4,500yen with Special Dinner


    [ SCHEDULE ]

    18:00 開場
    18:30 挨拶(高橋)
    18:45 食事提供
    19:00 第一部セッション「コミュニティと仕事(マネタイズ)について」
    19:45 休憩
    20:00 第二部セッション「コミュニティと経営的視点(アントレプレナーシップ)について」
    20:45 休憩
    21:00 第三部セッション「コミュニティと都市形成(アーバニズム)について」
    22:00 閉会


    [ FOOD ]

    ・その日の野菜 温かいソースと
    ・ヤマモ フォースープ〜トリュフの香り〜レモン胡椒添え


    [ DRINK ]

    ・デトックスウォーター 仕込水とローズマリー、フルーツ
    ・ヤマモ ワールドトレードコーヒー(深煎りor浅煎り)
    ・ヤマモ スパイシーレモネード(ホットorソーダ)


    ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 / 高茂合名会社
    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company / TAKAMO & Corp.
    124 Iwasaki, Yuzawa-shi, Akita 012-0801 Japan
    Tel +81 (0)183 73 2902
    E-mail info@yamamo1867.com



    【 GUEST 】

    ◎小野 裕之 | Hiroyuki Ono

    中央大学総合政策学部を卒業後、ベンチャー企業に就職。その後、ソーシャルデザインをテーマにしたウェブマガジン「greenz . jp」を運営するNPO法人グリーンズの経営を6年務め、2018年、同法人のソーシャルデザインやまちづくりに関わる事業開発・再生のプロデュース機能をO&G合同会社として分社化、代表に就任。
    ジュエリーブランドSIRI SIRI共同代表。おむすびスタンド ANDON共同代表。


    【 HOST 】

    ◎高橋 泰 | Yasushi Takahashi

    ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 七代目
    千葉大学デザイン工学科建築系、東京農業大学短期大学部醸造学科卒業後、大手醸造会社で修行。その後、家業であるヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元の七代目として150年続く伝統産業を継ぐ。2011年からブランドの海外展開を開始し、醸造業の魅力を伝える一連の取組みが2013年GOOD DESIGEN賞を受賞。また、世界を旅した経験や建築、ポスターを通じた視覚的な見方、ファッションや音楽を通じた文化的な見方を持って経営を行う。



    ◎秋元 悠史 | Yushi Akimoto



    – THEME –

    Part 1 Session “About Community and Manetize”
    Part 2 Session “About Community and Entrepreneurship”
    Part 3 Session “About Community and Urbanism”



    2019.03.09 / 18: 30-22: 00 [Door 18: 00]
    ENTER FEE 4,500yen with & Special Dinner
    * Capacity will be 30 in advance, venue will be Yamamo Miso sauce brewer, store part under renovation
    * If you wish to participate please let us know your name, address and telephone number
    * The venue is an old building, please come in in a warmly wearing shape


    – TIME TABLE –

    Opening at 18:00
    18: 30 Greeting (Takahashi)
    18: 45 Dinner Time
    19: 00 Part 1 Session “About Community and Manetize”
    19: 45 break
    20: 00 Part 2 Session “About Community and Entrepreneurship”
    20: 45 break
    21: 00 Part 3 Session “About Community and Urbanism”
    22: 00 Closed
    * Schedule is subject to change


    [ FOOD ]

    ・ Sliced minced meat and salted ratatouille

    ・ Marinated raw vegetables source of firefly squid

    ・ The day’s vegetables with warm sauce

    ・ Lemon oil marinade of domestic olive and cheese

    ・ Yamamo Four soup ~ smell of truffle ~ with lemon pepper


    [ DRINK ]

    ・ Natural wine variety

    ・ Stout beer・ Detox water Charge water and rosemary, fruit

    ・ Yamamo World Trade Coffee (deep roasted or light roasted)

    ・ Yamamo Spicy lemonade (hot or soda)

    * In order to make the taste of the material low temperature cooking · low salinity · non-additive, it is used for sticking to Japanese sake with accented with Japanese cuisine technique and seasoning


    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company / TAKAMO & Corp.
    124 Iwasaki, Yuzawa-shi, Akita 012-0801 Japan
    Tel +81 (0)183 73 2902
    E-mail info@yamamo1867.com
    * If you are coming by car, the staff will show you the parking lot dedicated to the event

    Organized by Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company


    【 GUEST 】

    ◎Hiroyuki Ono

    Born in Okayama Prefecture in 1984.After graduating from Chuo University’s Faculty of Policy Studies, he got a job at a venture company. After that, he spent six years managing the NPO corporation Greens, which operates a web magazine “greenz. Jp” with a theme of social design, and in 2018, O & G joint production function of business development and reproduction related to social design and community development of the corporation. Segregated as a company, became a representative.Co-representative of the jewelry brand SIRI SIRI. Rice Stand Stand ANDON co-representative.


    【 HOST 】

    ◎Yasushi Takahashi

    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company Seventh Generation

    Born in Akita prefecture in 1979.
    After graduating from Department of Design Engineering, Chiba University Department of Design Engineering, Tokyo Agricultural University Junior College Department, training at a major brewery company. After that, succeeding the traditional industry which lasts 150 years as the seventh generation of Yamamo miso soy sauce brewing company which is family business. Beginning overseas expansion of brands from 2011, a series of efforts to convey the appeal of the brewing industry received the GOOD DESIGEN award in 2013. In addition, we carry out management with the experiences traveling the world, the architectural view, the visual view through the poster, the cultural viewpoint through fashion and music.
    In recent years, we have over 100 years of gardens and renovating certain houses from our founding, we will entertainment the brewery industry and focus on the comprehensive experience of Kuramoto. We find values in Kuramoto itself and the work done by Kuramoto and conduct activities to push the traditionally done industry into the context of the world.



    ◎Yushi Akimoto

    Born in Daisen City, Akita Prefecture in 1986.I quit an IT company in Tokyo that I joined for a new graduate in a year and a half, and moved to Ama Town in Shimane Prefecture in the fall of 2010. Participates as a staff member of the Oki Kokugo Learning Center in the Okijima Pre-School High School Attractiveness Project, and takes charge of project learning, hiring, general affairs, accounting, etc. from planning and management of curriculum guidance for high school students who have just been established.Emigrated to Gojomachi in Akita Prefecture in April 2016. We cover a wide range of areas, such as design and facilitation of educational programs for university students and high school students, migration and settlement to Gojome town, writing, centering on support to create encounters with environments where people make better use of themselves.


    – THEME –

    第一部分會議 “社區與工作(貨幣化)”
    第二部分會議 “社區與管理觀點(創業)”
    第三部分會議 “社區和城市形成(阿爾巴尼亞主義)”



    2019.01.18 / 18: 30-22: 00 [Door 18: 00]
    ENTER FEE 4,500yen with Special Dinner


    – TIME TABLE –

    18:30 問候(高橋)
    18:45 膳食報價
    19:00 第1部分會議“關於社區和工作(貨幣化)”
    19:45 休息
    20:00 第2部分會議“社區與管理視角(企業家精神)”
    20:45 休息
    21:00 第三部分會議“社區與城市化(阿爾巴尼亞主義)”
    22:00 關門


    [ FOOD ]






    [ Drink ]




    ·Yamamo World Trade咖啡(深烤或輕烤)




    Yamamo味噌醬油釀造商 / 高茂合名会社
    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company / TAKAMO & Corp.
    124 Iwasaki, Yuzawa-shi, Akita 012-0801 Japan
    Tel +81 (0)183 73 2902
    E-mail info@yamamo1867.com



    【 GUEST 】

    ◎小野 裕之 | Hiroyuki Ono

    共同代表珠寶品牌SIRI SIRI。 Rice Stand Stand ANDON共同代表。


    【 HOST 】

    ◎高橋 泰 | Yasushi Takahashi

    Yamamo味噌醬釀造商 第七代

    畢業於千葉大學設計工程系,東京農業大學初級學院系,在一家大型啤酒公司培訓。 之後,繼續作為家族企業的第7代Yamamo味噌醬油釀造公司,持續150年的傳統產業。 從2011年開始海外擴張品牌,一系列努力傳達釀酒行業的吸引力,於2013年獲得了GOOD DESIGEN獎。 此外,我們通過環球旅行的體驗,建築觀,海報的視覺觀,時尚和音樂的文化觀來實施管理。
    近年來,我們擁有100多年的花園,並通過我們的創建改造某些房屋,我們將娛樂啤酒行業,並專注於蔵元的綜合體驗。 我們在蔵元本身和蔵元所做的工作中找到了價值,並開展了將傳統上完成的行業推向世界背景的活動。



    ◎秋元 悠史 | Yushi Akimoto








    Media Posting Announcement_YAMAMO LOCATION RENTAL

    Yuzawa-shi and Higashisease village became the subject, and I made animation of Short Movie of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter with the title “Come to find important things” as a promotion for foreign countries in these two areas. Yamamo was used as one of the winter-deviated locations. Currently summer bias and autumn bias are published on the web.

    Unlike the promotion so far, the scene where the stage actors perform acting was a special one, and I was able to feel professionalism in the whole air, expressions after the signal of starting shooting, the sense of tension of the staff. After taking a picture, we asked the performers and staff members to go through the tasting of Yamamo’s products, use cafes, take pictures, etc. I felt that the next development will be born from the edge of this time. I am looking forward to the completion of the work. Mr. Ohdaira, Ms. Ogata, thank you for the director of Yamato and the performers, thank you very much.



    湯澤市東成瀨村主要是,給了視頻製作的標題下的春,夏,秋,冬的短片的“來找到一些重要的東西”作為海外推廣的兩個區域。 Yamamo被用作冬季偏離的地點之一。目前,夏季偏見和秋季偏見在網上公佈。

    不同於以往的促銷活動,該網站是一個特殊的舞台劇演員的人的作用下,面部表情和工作人員拍攝開始的信號後的緊張,我們能夠敬業精神感覺整個空氣。在大家還表演和拍攝後的工作人員品嚐你和咖啡館使用Yamamo的產品,將進行,如攝影,我覺得從這個時間後緣將誕生下列部署。我期待著完成這項工作。 大平,緒方先生,非常感謝大和表演者的導演。







    Come to Find the Most Important Thing



  • ART(I.L.A.)ページについて

    2017年の春、旅の最中でI.L.A.(Industry Loves Art)構想を思い立ち、翌年の春にギャラリー改築を事業化します。その夏にアーティストの滝澤氏とレジデンスにより制作を行い、秋にI.L.A.GALLERYを開廊しました。弊社ギャラリー初の展示は“TETSUYA TAKIZAWA EXHIBITION”とし、その様子をアートページにてご紹介しております。ページを進みますと、最初に滝澤氏と私の展示に対する想いを綴り、その先に6つの作品をご紹介しております。各作品にはお問い合わせ(INQUIRIES)フォームが付いており、作品に対するご質問やご購入の希望を申し込むことができます。すでに「黄麹胞子を培養し、そのミクロなイメージを黄麹胞子で浮かび上がらせる | Cultivate Huang Koji Spores and Let the Microscopic Image Emerge with Koji-spores」は買い手の方がおられ、納品は会期終了後となります。また、ご希望のサイズやニュアンスがありましたら、会期後にオリジナル制作を行うなど、各種ご相談に応じることができます。ぜひアートページをご覧いただきたいと思います。


    About the ART (I.L.A.) Page

    In the spring of 2017, I will consider the I.L.A. (Industry Loves Art) concept during the trip and commercialize the gallery in the spring of the following year. In the summer, I worked with Mr. Takizawa, an artist, to create a residence and opened I.L.A. GALLERY in the fall. The first exhibition of our gallery is “TETSUYA TAKIZAWA EXHIBITION” and we introduce the situation on the art page. As I go through the page, I first spell out my thoughts on Mr. Takizawa and my exhibition and I will introduce six works ahead. Each work has an inquiries form, so you can apply for questions or purchase wish to the work. The buyer is already “Cultivate Huang Koji Sports and Let the Microscopic Image Emerge with Koji-spores”, delivery will be after the end of the exhibition. Also, if you have the desired size and nuance, you can respond to various consultations, such as doing original production after the exhibition. I’d like to see the art page by all means.



    在2017年春天,我將在旅行期間考慮I.L.A.(行業愛藝術)概念,並在第二年春季將畫廊商業化。夏天使生產的瀧澤和他的藝術家的住宅,陽台是在秋季I.L.A.GALLERY。我們畫廊的第一個展覽是“TETSUYA TAKIZAWA EXHIBITION”,介紹在藝術頁面的狀態。當我瀏覽頁面時,我首先闡述了我對瀧澤先生和我的展覽的想法,我將提前介紹六件作品。每一塊帶有一個聯繫(INQUIRIES)的形式,您可以將所需的疑問或購買工作。已經“培育黃曲孢子,讓顯微圖像的制曲孢子冒出 | Cultivate Huang Koji Spores and Let the Microscopic Image Emerge with Koji-spores”是他更多的是買家,交付將在展覽結束後。此外,如果你有大小和您選擇的細微差別,如在會議結束後執行原有的生產,你可以到各種商量應對。我想通過各種方式看藝術頁面。




    3.Nov.2018 – 3.Sep.2019



    “Industry Loves Art” 「産業は芸術に恋をする」。ここから産業と美術の新しい関係が生まれることを期待して。

    ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 七代目 高橋泰
    アーティスト 滝澤徹也



    3.Nov.2018 – 3.Sep.2019

    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company is the founder · Mosuke Takahashi starts brewing in the era of great regime of Keio three years (1867). Tradition has been handed over to the seventh generation, and this year marks the 15th year. However, no documents were found at the time of foundation. We understand the era background, history and climate, and regain time at founding by using soybean, rice, koji molds which are raw materials of miso soy sauce. Emperor Meiji visited Iwasaki and was functioning as the prefectural office’s residence because the living culture became rich by modifying the town administration of Takahashi Shichinosuke, the headquarters, especially land premises in Akita prefecture earliest, I will lay the foundation. That achievement has been told today that our company’s fourth generation left it on a stone monument. I took this bold reform and the actions that passed the generations that convey it to future generations as art and asked Mr. Takizawa of the artist to make it as a residence and reached this exhibition. I think that you can feel the installation which reworked silk screen which printed seed koji mold or rewritings of the sixth generation of calligraphers in Minagasegawa.

    Mr. Takizawa heard the history of the Iwasaki region and the Takahashi family from the seventh generation of the family and started production from the point of imaging the Noehime legend which is the origin of the water of this place and the microscopic universe under the water of Tamago well . As a result, I devised a method to make spores of Aspergillus oryzae as a paint and to float on a milky white rice flour panel with a silk screen. This makes it possible to use the image of the yellow Aspergillus oryzae used in the warehouse with a microscope to make it a work and the work of the town government of Shichinosuke Takahashi, especially the photograph of the cultivated landscape and the picture of Iwasaki which is the early childhood emerging paintings We are exhibiting works. Also, since the sixth generation of the family is a calligrapher and the gallery was also the production and the classroom of the area, dissolve the paper in the writings, soaked paper in the Minasegawa, paste it into the floor of the gallery I am keeping it in memory as an installation work. I think if it can become a trigger to be conscious of the town-municipality of Shichinosuke which brought about modernization as the legacy of the land, which is indispensable for Miso soy sauce that flourished as an Iwasaki industry long ago.

    “Industry Loves Art” ” Hoping for a new relationship between industries and art from here.

    Yasushi Takahashi Seventh Generation YAMAMO / TAKAMO & Corp.
    Tetsuya Takizawa Artist



    3.Nov.2018 – 3.Sep.2019




    Yamamo味噌醬釀造商 第七代 高橋泰
    藝術家 滝澤徹也







    1977年東京都生まれ。2005年、東京造形大学造形学部美術学科絵画専攻版表現卒業。美術家、和紙職人。2009年「小川和紙」の技術継承者育成事業を修了後、東京都無形文化財「軍道紙」の再生に関わる。伝統的な手漉和紙の研究、製造を行う一方、場の歴史や自然と人間の物づくりの営みの関係をテーマに日本のみならずインドやノルウェー、リトアニア、ハワイなど各地に滞在しながらや絵画や紙を媒介とした制作、展示を行う。近年の主な展覧会として、2011 International paper art exhibition(台湾)、2013 個展GANGA・PAPER(インド)、AOMORI PRINTトリエンナーレ2014、2017森の箱舟アートプロジェクト森を漉く(西会津)などがある。



    Born in Tokyo in 1977. In 2005, graduated from Tokyo Zokei University School of Art and Design Department of Painting Department of Painting Major. Artist, Washi craftsman. After completing the project for cultivating technologically successor of ‘Ogawa Washi’ in 2009, he is involved in the reproduction of the Tokyo Metropolitan Intangible Cultural Heritage ‘Military Paper’. While researching and manufacturing traditional hand-painted paper, while focusing on the relationship between the history of the scene and the activities of nature and human beings making activities, while staying in India, Norway, Lithuania, Hawaii and other places as well as painting in paintings And paper-based production and exhibition. As the main exhibitions in recent years, there are 2011 International paper art exhibition (Taiwan), 2013 piece exhibition GANGA · PAPER (India), AOMORI PRINT Triennale 2014, 2017 Forest Ark Art Project Projecting Forest (Nishiaizu).



    1977年出生於東京。 2005年,畢業於東京Zokei大學藝術設計系繪畫系主修。 藝術家,和紙工匠。 在完成了2009年“小川外郎”的技術繼承者項目之後,他參與了東京都市非物質文化遺產“軍事報紙”的複制。 在研究和製造傳統手繪紙的同時,重點關注現場歷史與自然和人類活動的活動之間的關係,同時留在印度,挪威,立陶宛,夏威夷等地以及繪畫作品 以紙為基礎的製作和展覽。 作為近年來的主要展覽,有2011年國際紙藝展(台灣),2013年GANGA·PAPER(印度),AOMORI PRINT三年展,2017年森林方藝術項目投影林(西阿蘇)。