

    About “YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR with PAIRING STARTER” Promotion Video

    We have promoted the development of gardens, cafes, galleries, etc., and have promoted efforts to enhance the tour by stacking content not only on the brewery but also on the brewery itself. With the discovery of Viamver yeast (patent pending), a project “ASTRONOMICA” was cultivated by a team of chefs and researchers from Japan and overseas, and yeast fermented meat and seasonal fruits that started pairing at Moromi-Gura, which is lined with wooden barrels. We decided to have a combined appetite and first drink. In order to convey the value of the experience in advance, I thought that the format of the promotion video was the most suitable, so I decided to convey the world view by taking a long shot from the entrance to Moromi-Gura. In cooperation with each staff, we reflect the environment and working style of the warehouse. I would like you to take a look.



    我們促進了花園,咖啡館,美術館等的發展,並通過將內容不僅堆積在啤酒廠上,而且堆積在啤酒廠本身上,促進了旅遊業的發展。 隨著Viamver酵母(正在申請專利)的發現,來自日本和海外的廚師和研究人員團隊培育了一個“ ASTRONOMICA”項目。 我們決定同時使用開胃酒和第一杯飲料。 為了提前傳達體驗的價值,我認為宣傳視頻的格式是最合適的,因此我決定從諸味蔵的入口遠眺,傳達世界觀。 通過與每個員工的合作,我們反映出倉庫的環境和工作風格。 我希望你看看。


    Design & Text Editor_YASUSHI TAKAHASHI
    Director of Photography_TOSHIKI SATO





    * Recordings and recordings, and photography in some areas are not allowed.
    * Bacillus natto may have an adverse effect on the ecosystem of the fungus with storage. Please come without eating natto by the day before.
    * Access may be limited depending on the season, such as during preparation work.
    * There is a limit on the number of parking lots. Please contact us in advance when you come with multiple units.
    * Due to the old building, it is expected to cool down during the winter season. Please come in warm enough.


  • イヴェント登壇のお知らせ_家業イノベーション・オンラインセミナー





    Announcement of the Event_Family Business Innovation Online Seminar

    The 7th generation Takahashi will be on stage at an online seminar hosted by the Family Business Innovation Lab. People who are advancing advanced initiatives all over the country gather and have discussions.

    The family business is like a curse as an invisible constraint, and it also drives an individual’s mission and saves himself. It is a very complicated thing that changes for good or bad depending on the environment and conditions. We believe that this complexity may lead to unique innovations, and we are working on it.

    I hope that people with similar feelings and environments will sympathize with each other and support each other, while heading toward a place where they can shine. We hope you will join us in this online seminar.



    第7代高橋將在家族企業創新實驗室主辦的在線研討會上上演。 那些正在全國范圍內推行先進計劃的人們聚集在一起並進行討論。

    家族企業就像詛咒一樣,是一種無形的約束,它還推動著個人的使命並拯救了自己。 這是一件非常複雜的事情,根據環境和條件的好壞而變化。 我們相信這種複雜性可能會導致獨特的創新,我們正在努力。

    我希望具有相似感受和環境的人們在朝著光輝燦爛的地方前進的同時,彼此同情並互相支持。 希望您能加入我們的在線研討會。





    18:55 ~ 受付開始
    19:00 ~ 19:05 オープニング
    19:05 ~ 19:35 《第一部》基調講演:食の潮流「2021年に向けて」
     TNC 代表取締役社長 小祝 誉士夫氏
    19:35 ~ 20:15 《第二部》パネルディスカッション
     ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 常務取締役 髙橋 泰氏(パネリスト)
     中尾食品工業 代表取締役 中尾 友彦氏(パネリスト)
     フルプロ 代表社員 徳永 虎千代氏 (パネリスト)
     モデレーション:TNC 小祝氏
    20:15 ~ 20:55 時《第三部》視聴者参加型質疑応答
    20:55 ~ 21:00 クロージング


    株式会社TNC 代表取締役社長 小祝 誉士夫氏(基調講演兼モデレーター)

    秋田県湯沢市・ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 高茂合名会社 常務取締役 髙橋 泰氏(パネリスト)
    ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元・7代目。150年以上続く蔵元をリブランディングし海外展開を開始。醸造業の魅力を伝える一連の取り組みがGOOD DESIGEN賞受賞。蔵元に残るレガシーを捉え、100年を越す庭園やカフェレストラン、ギャラリーを整備し、産業にアートとインバウンドを実装。10年目の試験醸造から特許出願微生物Viamver酵母を発見し、日本醸造学会発表。研究者やシェフ、アーティストが参画するチームASTRONOMICAを醸成。革新的発酵技術を味噌醤油のみならず、メニュー開発やワイン、飲料に応用。発酵を「生態系との共存」とし、国内外の都市開発と社会変革の文脈を取り入れる。伝統を創造的美意識で再構築を行う。

    大阪府堺市・中尾食品工業株式会社 代表取締役 中尾 友彦氏 (パネリスト)

    長野県長野市・株式会社フルプロ 代表社員 徳永 虎千代氏 (パネリスト)




    In the food industry, where there are many family businesses, the key to innovation is to create what society and consumers demand while preserving the technologies and traditions inherited from the predecessor. This time, we invited Mr. Yoshio Koiwai, President and CEO of TNC Co., Ltd., which conducts overseas research and marketing centered on “Lifestyle Researcher,” a network of 600 Japanese women living in 100 regions in 70 countries around the world. In the keynote speech, we will talk about major trends related to food (food trends) and examples of global food trends that support them, centering on keywords that have become a hot topic in the world. In the second part, Mr. Yasushi Takahashi, the 7th managing director of Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce Brewer, a former Takashige General Partnership Company, who has taken on the challenge of innovation while preserving the tradition of the family business and has spun the local culture and history, and the family business We invite two young family innovators who are trying to update to the panelists and explore hints of food innovation in a discussion format with Mr. Kogure. In the third part, we will prepare a question and answer time for viewers to participate.

    [Date and time]
    Thursday, December 10th, 19: 00 ~ 21: 00

    18:55 ~ Reception starts
    19: 00 ~ 19: 05 Opening
    19:05 ~ 19:35 << Part 1 >> Keynote Speech: Food Trends “Towards 2021”
     TNC President and CEO Mr.
    Yoshio Koiwai
    19:35 ~ 20:15 << Part 2 >> Panel discussion
     Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, Managing Director Yasushi Takahashi (Panelist)
     Nakao Food Industry CEO Tomohiko Nakao (panelist)
     Full professional representative employee Toranaga Tora Chiyo (panelist)
     Moderation: Mr.
    Yoshio Koiwai
    20:15 ~ 20:55 《Part 3》 Viewer participation type Q & A Discussion in a round-table discussion between panelists and viewers
    20:55 ~ 21:00 Closing

    Everyone who has a family business (regardless of whether it has been succeeded or will be succeeded)
    * Those who have a family business other than the food industry are also welcome.

    [Speaker profile]
    Yoshio Koiwai, President and CEO of TNC Co., Ltd. (Keynote Speech and Moderator)
    Born in 1973, from Daigo Town, Ibaraki Prefecture. After graduating from university, after working in Indonesia for 5 years, engaged in the advertising and marketing industry as a founding member of TNC Co., Ltd. from 2004. In 2008, he became president of the company. He has been a producer of overseas research, marketing, and PR work centered on “Lifestyle Researcher,” a network of 600 Japanese women living in 100 regions in 70 countries. In September 2014, we opened “Maison Tsuyuki”, a tasting salon that connects overseas and Japan with the theme of “food” in Kagurazaka, Tokyo.

    ◎Yasushi Takahashi, Managing Director of Yamamo Misoand Soy Sauce Brewing Company, TAKAMO & Corp., Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture (Panelist)
    Yamamo miso soy sauce brewer, 7th generation. Rebranded the brewery that has continued for more than 150 years and started overseas expansion. A series of efforts to convey the appeal of the brewing industry won the GOOD DESIGEN Award. Capturing the legacy that remains in the brewery, we have developed a garden, cafe restaurant, and gallery for over 100 years, and implemented art and inbound in the industry. Discovered the patent-pending microorganism Viamver yeast from the 10th year of trial brewing, and announced it at the Brewing Society of Japan. Fostered a team ASTRONOMICA in which researchers, chefs, and artists participate. Innovative fermentation technology is applied not only to miso soy sauce, but also to menu development, wine and beverages. Fermentation is regarded as “coexistence with the ecosystem”, and the context of urban development and social change at home and abroad is incorporated. Reconstruct tradition with creative aesthetics.

    ◎Tomohiko Nakao, Representative Director, Nakao Food Industry Co., Ltd., Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture (Panelist)
    Born in 1988. Born as the 4th generation of konjac shop, he grew up in a house adjacent to the factory. When I was in my first year of high school, I decided to become president someday. After graduating from university, got a job at a securities company. After receiving his grandfather’s second stroke, he decided to return to his family business. In November, six months after he changed his job as a director, he took over the representative right from his father and then president and became the representative director. Since then, we will promote the strengthening of the sanitary environment, employee education, and visualization and digitization of manufacturing sites. Currently, it has been exported not only to Japan but also to San Francisco, Hawaii, Paris, and Taiwan. We are aiming for global expansion with healthy noodles that are unfamiliar to foreigners.

    ◎Tokunaga Torachiyo, representative employee of Furupuro Co., Ltd., Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture (Panelist)
    The fourth generation of apple farmers who have been in Nagano City for 100 years. With the passion of “changing agriculture with young power !!”, we are engaged in projects to brighten future agriculture, such as introducing high-density planting cultivation, which has high production efficiency and is easy for beginners to cultivate, in abandoned cultivated land. In response to the disaster of Typhoon No. 19, he launched the “Nagano Apple Line Reconstruction Project” in cooperation with farmers in Akanuma, Nagano City, and is active in many fields as a “problem-solving farmer”.

    Family Innovation Lab.

    [Special cooperation]
    TNC Co., Ltd.




    19:05〜19:35 << Part 1 >>主題演講:食品趨勢“邁向2021”
    19:35〜20:15 << Part 2 >>小組討論
     主持人:TNC 小祝先生
    20:15〜20:55《 Part 3》觀眾參與類型問答 小組成員和觀眾之間的圓桌討論中的討論


    ◎TNC Co.,Ltd.總裁兼首席執行官小祝 誉士夫先生(主題演講和主持人)
    1973年生,來自茨城縣Oko鎮。大學畢業後,在印度尼西亞工作了5年,從2004年開始擔任TNC Co.,Ltd.的創始成員,從事廣告和營銷行業。 2008年,他成為公司總裁。他一直從事以“生活方式研究者”為中心的海外研究,市場營銷和PR工作,該網絡由生活在70個國家的100個地區的600名日本女性組成。 2014年9月,我們在東京神樂坂開設了以“食品”為主題的品味沙龍“ Maison Tsuyuki”。

    Yamamo味噌醬油釀造商,第7代。重新命名啤酒廠,該啤酒廠已有150多年的歷史,並開始向海外擴張。傳達釀造業吸引力的一系列努力獲得了GOOD DESIGEN獎。抓住釀酒廠留下的遺產,我們已經開發了花園,咖啡館餐廳和畫廊超過100年,並在行業中實施了藝術品和藝術品。在試釀的第10年發現了正在申請專利的微生物Viamver酵母,並在日本釀造協會上宣布了該技術。建立了一個由研究人員,廚師和藝術家參加的ASTRONOMICA團隊。創新的發酵技術不僅應用於味o醬油,而且還應用於菜單開發,葡萄酒和飲料。我們稱發酵為“與生態系統共存”,並結合了國內外城市發展和社會變革的背景。用創意美學重建傳統。

    1988年出生。他出生於Konnyakuya的第4代,在工廠附近的房子里長大。高中一年級時,我決定有一天成為校長。大學畢業後,在一家證券公司找到了工作。受到祖父的第二次腦梗塞後,他決定重返家族企業。 11月,在換了一個董事的六個月後,他從父親和總統手中接任代表,成為代表董事。從那時起,我們將加強衛生環境,對員工進行教育,並促進生產現場的可視化和數字化。目前,它不僅出口到日本,而且還出口到舊金山,夏威夷,巴黎和台灣。我們的目標是使用不為外國人所熟悉的健康麵條向全球擴張。

    ◎長野縣長野市Full Pro Co.,Ltd。的代表員工徳永虎千代先生(參加小組討論)





    そのために家業を継いだ人、同じように継ぐことを考える人たちが出会い、刺激し合い、つながれる場所がある。家業の学びと実践のためのコミュニティ、「家業イノベーション・ ラボ」へようこそ。 


    Is it boring to take over the family business? Is family business awkward? No, one manager said: “The family business is how to connect the tasuki and how to challenge the times while receiving it. The real pleasure is the privilege of the person who succeeds the family business.” Japan is said to be a long-established corporate powerhouse with the largest number of companies in the world that have continued for more than 100 years. The person who is handed the tasuki has always seen the previous runner’s way of running up close, so he has improved the form or added the challenge of “new way of running”, and as a result, he has driven the Japanese economy. It is. The family business has a reason to continue and is of essence. And if you take the challenge seriously, you may be able to evolve it with your own hands. For that reason, there is a place where people who have inherited the family business and those who are thinking of inheriting the same business can meet, inspire, and connect with each other. Welcome to the FAMILY BUSINESS INNOVATION LAB., a community for learning and practicing family business.


    ◯什麼是 “商業創新實驗室
    接管家族企業很無聊嗎?家族企業尷尬嗎?不,一位經理說: “家族企業是如何連接動感風琴,以及如何在接收它們時以自己的方式挑戰時代。真正的樂趣是成功家族企業的人的特權。” 據說日本是一家歷史悠久的公司,在世界上擁有超過100年曆史的公司數量最多。交給小田健的人總是看到前一個跑步者的跑動方式,因此他改進了形式或增加了“新的跑步方式”的挑戰,從而帶動了日本經濟。它是。家族企業繼續存在是有原因的,它具有內在價值。如果認真對待它,您也許可以用自己的雙手來發展它。 因此,在這裡有一個繼承家族企業的人們和那些想繼承同一家族企業的人們可以聚會,啟發和聯繫的地方。歡迎來到家族企業創新實驗室,這是一個學習和實踐家族企業的社區。


  • NEXT Local Gastronomyの受け入れを終えて

    学生団体Next gastronomia主催のイヴェント、“NEXT Local Gastronomy”の「伝統食材を使用し、農業と食文化の持続可能性を問うスペシャルローカルディナー」の受け入れを行いました。具体的なイヴェント内容を記述します。(以下、HP抜粋)




    Report of the NEXT Local Gastronomy

    We accepted “NEXT Local Gastronomy”, an event sponsored by the student group Next gastronomia, “Special local dinner that uses traditional ingredients to question the sustainability of agriculture and food culture.” Describe the specific event content. (Hereafter, HP excerpt)

    Akita has potential
    Akita Prefecture has high-quality agricultural and marine products and a variety of “traditional vegetables.” Many traditional vegetables such as Mitsuseki auction, Sekiguchi eggplant, Hirokko, Yuzawa chrysanthemum, and Chinese artichoke are cultivated in Yuzawa City, which was selected as the venue. At the event, traditional vegetables such as “Numayama radish” and “Tazawa Nagaimo”, which are traditional ingredients, will be used for dinner. It is also a city where the “fermentation” culture is strongly inherited. Due to the geographical environment with a lot of snow, fermentation culture has been developed for a long time to preserve food, and there are many breweries such as the historic “Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce Brewer” and “Ishison Main Store”
    At this event, we will have a dinner experience at an innovative brewer, Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce Brewer, and offer meals that bring out the value of fermented foods. By paying attention to the traditional ingredients and fermentation culture in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, I think it will lead to solving the problems that Japan and the world are facing. Because Akita has a wonderful food culture, I think that we should disseminate the Japanese food culture from Akita to the whole world.

    Akita local dinner by top chef
    Using traditional and fermented ingredients that remain locally in Akita, the top chef will offer a full-course meal that expresses that “people and nature coexist in local gastronomy.” As a background, environmental problems are occurring globally, and the relationship between nature and people is being reviewed. On the other hand, I think we can show a solution by focusing on the food culture of Akita area. What is the significance of using local ingredients? What and how should we eat in order for nature and culture to sustain? Make it a food experience that makes you think about the question of “coexistence of people and nature”.
    Two chefs who are active in Japan and overseas will be in charge of cooking this time. Chef Hitoshi Sugiura, who served as the representative chef of Japan at the reception where about 300 state guests from around the world, including former Prime Minister Abe, gathered at the Ambassador’s residence of the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations. And Chef Hitoshi Takayama, who is the chef at the old folk house luxury hotel “zenagi” in Nagano prefecture. A special dinner in collaboration with two chefs. The venue will be the Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce Brewer, which has inherited the tradition of fermentation culture since the Edo period and is making innovative efforts.


    NEXT Local Gastronomy的演講報告

    我們接受了由學生團體Next gastronomia贊助的活動“ NEXT Local Gastronomy”,“使用傳統食材來質疑農業和飲食文化的可持續性的特殊地方晚餐”。 描述特定事件的內容。 (此後,HP摘錄)

    在秋田縣,有高質量的農產品和水產品以及各種“傳統蔬菜”。被選為會場的湯澤市種植了三関Seri,関口Nasu,Hirokko,湯沢菊和Chologi等許多傳統蔬菜。活動期間,將使用傳統食材如“ 沼山蘿蔔”和“ 田沢長芋”等傳統蔬菜作為晚餐。另外,“發酵”文化也有很強的繼承性。由於積雪的地理環境,發酵文化已經發展了很長一段時間來保存食物,並且有許多啤酒廠,例如歷史悠久的“Yamamo味噌醬油啤酒廠”和“石孫本店”。

    這次在日本和海外活躍的兩名廚師將負責烹飪。曾擔任日本代表廚師的杉浦仁先生在招待會上聚集了包括前首相安倍首相在內的約300名來自世界各地的國賓,在聯合國日本政府駐紐約大使館住所。還有長野縣一所老式民居豪華酒店“ zenagi”的廚師高山仁先生。與兩位廚師合作的特別晚餐。會場將是Yamamo味噌醬油釀造商,自江戶時代以來就繼承了發酵文化的傳統,並在不斷創新。



















    On the final day of the event, Takahashi, the 7th generation, took the stage at the same Iwasaki Ishison main store with the title “About the possibility of fermentation and yeast”, closing the meeting, discovering patent-applied microorganisms, and the future of the industry. I talked about the future application of fermentation technology. It was a very meaningful time to interact with many food-related participants such as university professors and NYC venture capitalists. We have already created a project in which we participate, and we are feeling the results of matching between different industries with a high degree of seriousness. The sponsoring student groups were also busy planning in advance and managing the day. I am grateful. We look forward to seeing you again. Thank you very much.


    在活動的最後一天,第7代高橋在岩崎石孫本店以“關於發酵和酵母的可能性”為主題進行了演講,閉幕會議,發現了專利申請微生物以及該行業的未來。 我談到了發酵技術的未來應用。 與許多與食品相關的參與者進行互動是非常有意義的時刻,例如大學教授和紐約市風險投資家。 我們已經創建了一個我們參與的項目,我們感受到了不同行業之間的嚴格匹配的結果。 贊助學生團體也忙於提前計劃和管理一天。 我很感激。 我們期待再次與您見面。 非常感謝你。


  • あきた未来塾の講義を終えて



    Report of the Lecture of Akita Future School

    We accepted the Akita Mirai Juku, a group of young business owners sponsored by Akita Bank. Many of the participants have inherited the family business, and they are asked what kind of services and businesses should be developed in the new era. Based on the recent efforts made by Yamamo, we proceeded with the lecture in the form of a discussion-style dialogue with participants in the same situation.
    With Sawaguchi of the Social Transformation Division as a facilitator, I deepened my understanding of new initiatives and reconstruction of traditional industries from the perspectives of employees, young entrepreneurs, and venture companies. In the middle of the lecture, we deepened the discussion while offering Jonas’ course lunch and pairing drinks, and Jonas’ interpreter was Ms. Kinoshita, an internship, and photography was done by a team called Mr. Toshiki Sato.



    我們接受了秋田銀行贊助的一群年輕經理人“秋田未來會”。 許多參與者都繼承了家族企業,並被問及在新時代應發展什麼樣的服務和企業。 著眼於Yamamo最近所做的努力,我們以與其他情況相同的參與者進行討論的同時進行的形式進行了講座。
    在社會變革部的澤口口先生的協助下,我們從員工,年輕企業家和企業的角度加深了對新舉措和傳統產業重構的理解。 在講座的中間,我們在為喬納斯提供午餐和配對飲品的同時加深了討論,喬納斯的翻譯是實習生木下先生,而攝影則由佐藤俊樹先生完成。 做到了。









    This time, I gave a lecture under the title of “Subjective Management Theory”. It is expected that the accuracy of objective judgment will increase in the digital world. However, the actions and judgments that create the future are inferred from digital data, that is, they are pioneered by judgments based on subjectivity rather than optimization from the past. The big difference is whether we can tackle this with courage and responsibility. Management and leaders are required to make such a judgment.


    這次,我以“主觀管理理論”為主題進行了演講。 在數字化世界中,客觀判斷有望更加準確。 但是,創造未來的行動和判斷是從數字數據中推斷出來的,也就是說,它們是基於主觀性而不是基於過去的優化的判斷而開創的。 最大的區別在於我們是否可以勇於承擔責任。 管理層和領導者必須做出這樣的判斷。







    In the lectures at our company Yamamo, we can prepare an environment optimized for the purpose of the event such as composition and team, so we can make effective and experimental efforts. We are very grateful to the people in charge of Akita Bank for taking part in such an attempt. Thank you to everyone who participated.


    在Yamamo公司的講座中,我們可以準備一個針對活動目的而優化的環境,例如人員組成和團隊合作,以便我們可以進行有效的實驗性工作。 我們非常感謝秋田銀行的負責人與我們分享這個故事。 謝謝所有參加的人。





    ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元の高橋常務のセッションは、県内にいながら今までの自分の考え方・価値観で触れてき たことがない斬新さと、代々事業継承を繰り返している経営者なら誰でもぶち当たる課題に対するアプローチが上手にミックスされたものだったと思う。
    「罪のない社員へ指摘する必要」「どのような企業だったら自分自身が継ぎたかった か」等、印象に残るキーワードがいくつもあったが、特に「主観と客観の線引きをする、 という主観(自社を残さなくてはいけないという“客観”と、変えるときには責任を持って“主観性”を持ちながら多仕事をすることのバランス)」という言葉が印象に残った。自分自身、経営者となってから2年弱が経とうとしているが、社員や他役員等の状況・様子を見ながら、「自分自身がこうしたい!」という方向に100%全力を出し切れていないし、こうしたい!と100%自信をもって断行するだけの自信が付き切れていないことに気付いた。自分自身にも他の関係者にも納得できるように、自社の事業に対して実力を付けて“プロ”にならなければならないと強く感じた。
    また、午後のセッションで話題に出てきた「自分自身・自社を投資される対象に捉える」という考え方に対しても感銘を受けた。これは特に秋田県内で上場済み、または上場を検討している数社以外はなかなか生じ得ない考え方だと思った。この考え方を常に意識してみると、業務にあたる時間軸・考え方・財務指標・透明性に対するコミットメ ントが相当異なってくるはずである。自分自身を客観的に見た時に、“お金をかけても成長を見たい”と言ってもらえるような徳性・戦略性を会社としても個人としても身につけたい。


    [Participant’s impression _1]
    The session of Managing Director Takahashi, the brewer of Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, is a novelty that has never been touched by his own way of thinking and values ​​while in the prefecture, and a problem that any manager who has repeatedly inherited the business for generations will encounter. I think it was a good mix of approaches to.
    There were many memorable keywords such as “need to point out to innocent employees” and “what kind of company I wanted to succeed”, but in particular, “subjectivity to draw a line between subjective and objective” (The balance between the “objective” that you have to leave your company and the “subjectivity” that you take responsibility for when you change) “was impressive. It’s been almost two years since I became a manager, but while watching the situation and situation of employees and other officers, I can do my best in the direction of “I want to do this!” I realized that I wasn’t confident enough to do it with 100% confidence. I strongly felt that I had to develop my ability in my business and become a “professional” so that I could be convinced by myself and other stakeholders.
    I was also impressed by the idea of ​​”taking yourself and your company as an investment target” that came up in the afternoon session. I thought that this is a concept that can hardly occur except for a few companies that have been listed or are considering listing in Akita Prefecture. If you keep this idea in mind, the timeline, way of thinking, financial indicators, and commitment to transparency in your work should be quite different. I want to acquire the morality and strategy that people can say, “I want to see growth even if I spend money” when I look at myself objectively, both as a company and as an individual.


    Yamamo Miso味噌醬油釀造商高橋董事總經理的會議是一種新穎性,即使他在縣內也從未被他自己的思維方式和價值觀所感動,這是任何幾代代代相傳的經理人都會遇到的問題。我認為這是多種方法的完美結合。
    有很多令人難忘的關鍵字,例如“需要指出無辜的員工”和“我想成功成為什麼樣的公司”,但尤其是“在主觀和客觀之間劃清界限的主觀”。 (您必須離開公司的“目標”與變更時承擔責任的“主觀性”之間的平衡)“令人印象深刻。我成為經理已經快兩年了,但是在觀察員工和其他管理人員的狀況以及狀況的同時,我可以朝著“我要這樣做!”的方向努力。我意識到我沒有足夠的信心以100%的信心做到這一點。我強烈感到自己必鬚髮展自己的業務能力並成為一名“專業人士”,這樣我和其他利益相關者才能被說服。


    講義のテーマが「主観的経営論」だったのですが、今までは客観的に見なさい、相手の立場に立って考えなさい、と事あるごとに言われてきたので、 聞いたことのない言葉だなと思いました。講義の冒頭で高橋氏から、会社を継ごうと考えたとき正直ダサいなと感じた。あーしたいこうしたいと思った事をNEXT5の先輩達がもう実践していた。と聞いて、絶対今日の講義面白いと思いました。大学ではデザイン建築の道に進み、その後バックパッカーや醸造の勉強と修行をされていた経験と、ファッションや音楽など若者にグッとくる目線での経営論はまさに次世代の考え方で、むしろこう考えていかないと昔からの伝統は淘汰されていくんだろうなと思います。外国人シェフの雇用や、若者を引き付け自ら県内に移住を決断させるほどの魅力を発信するのは簡単ではないです。福祉業界でも外国人実習生の受け入れ、首都圏からの移住者雇用、チェーン展開と、数年前では笑われていた取り組みが今は当たり前になりました。 その当たり前をこの地域で創った人の会社は、頭打ちと言われた福祉業界で年々成長していて、若い人財が多く在籍しています。誰も想像していなかったし、私も正直軽視していましたが、今では若手経営者のリーダー的存在ですし、 よくアドバイスをいただいています。自信をもって周りが認めるまで続ける忍耐力と企業体力が必要とのことで、体現している高橋氏は業界のリーダーでありパイオニアだと感じました。


    [Participant’s impression_2]
    The theme of the lecture was “subjective management theory”, but until now, I have never heard of it because I have been told to look objectively and think from the standpoint of the other party. I thought it was a word. At the beginning of the lecture, Mr. Takahashi told me that when I thought about taking over the company, I honestly felt that it was awkward. Ah, the seniors of NEXT5 were already practicing what they wanted to do. I thought that today’s lecture was definitely interesting. At university, I went on to the path of design and architecture, and after that I had the experience of studying and training as a backpacker and brewer, and the management theory from the perspective of young people such as fashion and music is exactly the idea of ​​the next generation. If you don’t think about it, the old traditions will be eliminated. It is not easy to hire foreign chefs and to convey the appeal of attracting young people and making them decide to move to the prefecture. Even in the welfare industry, accepting foreign trainees, hiring migrants from the Tokyo metropolitan area, developing chains, and other efforts that were laughed at a few years ago are now commonplace. The company of the person who created it in this area is growing year by year in the welfare industry, which is said to have peaked, and many young human resources are enrolled. No one had imagined it, and I honestly disregarded it, but now I am a leader in young business owners, and I often receive advice. Mr. Takahashi, who embodies the need for patience and corporate strength that continues until others recognize it with confidence, felt that he was a leader and pioneer in the industry.
    What I remember is that if you outsource the design, it will be created by the concept of the company and you can only “choose” it from the set sample. I think that is the evil of Japan. Was being talked about. I didn’t care about the golden ratio, and I thought about it with a sense to show my own personality. Your work will be more enjoyable than it is now, and you may be able to rebrand naturally.




    今回の企業見学に参加することによって、自分の中で 1 つの方向性が定まったように感じる。それは経営者にとっては当たり前のことだが、「自分がやりたいことを実行する」という強い意思を持つことと、実際に「実行する」ということである。
    まず初めに、第一部で講義を頂いた髙茂合名会社の高橋様のお話では、正にこのことを追求しているスタイルであると感じることができた。講義中に「自分のセンスで心地良いと感じることが重要」というお言葉があったが、実際に150年もの長きに渡って受け継 がれてきた伝統的家業を、あれだけ独創的かつ伝統を壊さない空間や商品コンセプトに結び付けても、決して不快には感じない。むしろ、どこか感じる懐かしさのなかに、時代に合ったテイストが混ざり合うことで自然とあの空間や料理を受け入れることができたように感じた。「やりたい」と思えることにかける情熱を、実際のその場で体感することができ、 とても良い刺激を受けたと感じる。また、何か新しいことを始めるには「やめること」、そ の考えに賛同しない社員との対立も受け入れる必要があるとのお話しも非常に印象に残った。自分は今の業界での経験は比較的浅く、現社長と長い間共に会社を成長させてきた社員達に対して、どこか遠慮する部分があったのではと考える。だが、今後自分がこれだと信じて取り組むべき方向性を定めるからには、その様な社員達に対しても真正面から情熱をぶつけ、「新社長のやりたいことはこれだ!」と理解してもらえるまで忍耐強く向き合っていきたい。


    [Participant’s impression _3]
    By participating in this company tour, I feel that one direction has been set within me. It is natural for managers to have a strong will to “do what they want to do” and to actually “do” it.
    First of all, in the story of Mr. Takahashi of Takashige General Partnership Company, who gave a lecture in the first part, I could feel that it is a style that is pursuing this very thing. During the lecture, there was a saying that “it is important to feel comfortable with your own taste”, but in fact, the traditional family business that has been passed down for 150 years is so original and traditional. I never feel uncomfortable even if I connect it to a space or product concept that does not destroy the product. Rather, I felt that I was able to naturally accept that space and food by mixing the tastes of the times in the nostalgia that I felt somewhere. I was able to experience the passion for what I wanted to do on the spot, and I felt that it was a very good stimulus. I was also very impressed by the fact that in order to start something new, it is necessary to “stop” and accept conflicts with employees who do not agree with that idea. I have relatively little experience in the current industry, and I think that there was something to refrain from the employees who have grown the company together with the current president for a long time. However, in order to believe that this is the case and set the direction in which I should work in the future, I will give such employees a head-on passion and understand that “this is what the new president wants to do!” I want to face each other patiently.




    今回、自分は拝見させて頂く企業を全く下調べしていかなかったのですが、 最初にメールで味噌醤油醸造と見たとき「白い帽子被って、マスクして、白衣着て、醤油とは何かみたいな話を聞いたあとにラーメンでも食べに行くのだろうな」と正直思っていました。しかし、実際はお店の前に立った時に「ここ!?」 といういい意味で全く想像とは違うものが目の前にありました。中に入って、 最初に拝見した高橋氏は自分が想像する味噌醤油醸造の人とはかけ離れたファンキーな人物で、お店の雰囲気も素晴らしく、昼食に頂いたランチも大変すばらしいものでした。講義も、知識や小手先のテクニックではなく、高橋氏の思考のプロセスを教えて頂いたので、非常に有意義に感じました。今度は個人的にディナーを食べに伺いたいと思います。


    [Participant’s impression _4]
    This time, I didn’t do any preliminary research on the companies I would like to see, but when I first saw an email saying that it was miso soy sauce brewing, I said, “Wear a white hat, a mask, a white coat, what is soy sauce?” I wonder if I will go to eat ramen after hearing such a story. ” However, in reality, when I stood in front of the store, there was something completely different from my imagination in the good sense of “here !?”. Mr. Takahashi, who I first saw when I went inside, was a funky person who was far from the person who brewed miso soy sauce that I imagined, the atmosphere of the shop was wonderful, and the lunch I had for lunch was very wonderful. did. The lecture was also very meaningful because he taught me the process of thinking by Mr. Takahashi, not the knowledge and the technique of small hands. Next time, I would like to personally visit you for dinner.




    対話式にて進められる非常に面白いスタイルでの講義に斬新さを感じました。事業継承者として『変えてはいけないものと、変えなければならないところがある』という一 言には非常に重さを感じました。持論と先を見据える目がぶれずに邁進しているところを感じました。様々な考え方や方向性について、ヤマモ醸造さんほどの歴史はないが、 私も会社を継承した者であり、とても共感を得ました。弊社自身も、もともとは卸業のみでしたが、先を見て製造業を始め、今、弊社も変化の時であります。
    ヤマモ醸造さんは、ただお洒落なパッケージに変えて販売するだけでなく、そこに味噌醤油を使用したカフェを展開し、自社の味噌醤油で料理の提供という『食べ方の発見』 というものをプラスしていました。そもそも商品は完成したら、ちょっとしたイメージ写真POPを商品とともに展示し販売するのが一般的ですが、カフェにて料理を提供し、食べてもらうことにより新しいターゲットの開拓につながっていると感じました。


    [Participant’s impression _5]
    I felt the novelty of the interactive lectures in a very interesting style. As a business successor, I felt the weight of the phrase, “There are things that should not be changed and things that must be changed.” I felt that my theory and my eyes looking ahead were moving forward without blurring. I don’t have as much history as Yamamo Brewery about various ways of thinking and directions, but I am also a successor to the company, and I got a lot of sympathy. Originally we were only a wholesaler, but we looked ahead and started the manufacturing industry, and now we are in a time of change.
    Yamamo Brewery not only sells it in a fashionable package, but also develops a cafe using miso soy sauce and adds “discovery of how to eat” to serve dishes with its own miso soy sauce. was doing. In the first place, when the product is completed, it is common to display and sell a small image photo POP together with the product, but I felt that serving food at the cafe and having it eaten led to the development of new targets.




  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_Frieze

    世界有数のコンテンポラリー・アートとカルチャーの専門誌“frieze”にI.L.A. Galleryの活動や展示内容が掲載されております。第一回目の滝澤徹也氏の展示に至る経緯とその表現方法について詳細に記述されています。記事はYAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION 006ゲストでお招きした一般社団法人BOOTの矢部佳宏氏の寄稿によるものです。




    Notice of Article Publication_Frieze

    The activities and exhibition contents of I.L.A. Gallery are published in “frieze”, one of the world’s leading magazines specializing in contemporary art and culture. It describes in detail the process leading up to the first exhibition by Tetsuya Takizawa and how to express it. The article was contributed by Yoshihiro Yabe of BOOT, a general incorporated association, who was invited as a guest of YAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION 006.

    It was a very rare time to create a work of land-based history and the world of fungi, and it was a great experience for me, including the staff, to be able to work with him from the beginning of production to the announcement as a residence. I also feel that it is meaningful that the effect will be taken up by the global media beyond the sea. Once again, I feel that Tetsuya Takizawa is very wonderful about the land, history, attitude toward invisible bacteria, and the quality of expression of the deliverables.

    Because it is a global era, focusing on the unique things that shape the land and creating unique things that include roots is not only for the present but also for the future residents of the land that will be created in the future. I see it as an effective means. I think that the acceptance of that idea and method from the locals of Japan to the world is extremely significant. Please take a look at the “frieze” article. __mediainfo._overseas



    I.L.A. Gallery的活動和展覽內容髮表在“ frieze”上,這是世界領先的當代藝術和文化雜誌之一。 它詳細描述了滝澤哲也先生首次展覽之前的過程以及如何表達它。 這篇文章是由一般社團法人BOOT的矢部佳宏先生邀請作為YAMAMO CREATIVE SESSION 006的邀請受邀的。


    因為這是一個全球時代,所以專注於塑造土地的獨特事物並創造包括根源的獨特事物不僅對於現在,而且對於將來將要創造的土地的未來居民而言。我認為這是一種有效的手段。我認為,從日本本地人到全世界對這種想法和方法的接受都是極為重要的。無論如何,我希望您閱讀有關“ frieze”的文章。









    Tetsuya Takizawa Invokes the Memory of the Yuzawa Mountains

    For the inaugural exhibition at I.L.A. Gallery, the artist used the Japanese paper-making technique of washi to connect with rural histories


    With the current pandemic prompting many of us to reflect on the fragility of the relationship between nature and humanity, a show of work by Tetsuya Takizawa – whose practice is undergirded by such concerns – feels especially timely.

    After completing his painting studies, Takizawa mastered the craft of washi (Japanese paper-making) – fundamental to almost all traditional Japanese art forms –, later incorporating the process into his practice. In the resulting body of organic artworks, the artist interweaves layers of meaning by employing natural materials and utilizing water as a means of ‘drawing’ images onto canvas, enabling nature to express itself. Takizawa believes that, by visualizing nature’s attempts to communicate with us, we can discover new perspectives for achieving a sustainable co-existence between humans and the environment.


    Tetsuya Takizawa喚起了湯澤山脈的回憶




    在學習繪畫之後,T澤先生學習了幾乎是日本傳統藝術基礎的“ 和紙”手工藝,後來將生產過程納入了他的作品。他說,滝澤作為一種有機藝術品的最終形式,使用天然材料和水作為在畫布上繪製圖像的方式,交織了各層含義,使大自然得以表達其本質。通過可視化自然交流嘗試,我們相信我們可以發現人類與環境可持續共存的新視角。



    150年前に湯沢地方の小さな地域、岩崎に設立されたヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元は、近年自社を歴史的な変化の渦中にあると捉えています。日本の全国的な過疎化は、家族経営の地元企業に大きな影響を与えており、多くの企業は新しい市場への参入を検討しなければなりませんでした。ヤマモの7代目オーナー、高橋泰氏はブランドの素朴なイメージを再考し、近年スーパーフードとして注目されている発酵食品・発酵文化の観点から製品を宣伝することにより、新しい道を模索しています。刷新された国際的にも魅力的なパッケージと並んで、このブランドの再構築として主要な要素の1つが、I.L.A. (インダストリー・ラヴズアート)ギャラリーの立ち上げです。I.L.A.ギャラリーとは、高橋氏が滝澤氏を同社初のレジデンス・アーティストとして作品制作を依頼し、展示しているスペースの名称です。




    Established 150 years ago in the Iwasaki region, in the small provincial town of Yuzawa, the Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company recently found itself at an historical juncture. Japan’s nationwide rural depopulation has heavily impacted family-run local businesses and many of them have had to look to tap into new markets. Yamamo’s seventh-generation owner, Yasushi Takahashi, has been exploring new avenues by re-envisaging the brand’s rustic image and promoting its products under the rubric of hakko culture – fermented foods that have recently been recognized as superfoods. Alongside revamped, internationally appealing packaging, one of the major elements of this rebrand has been the launch of I.L.A. Gallery (Industry Loves Art), with Tahakashi selecting Takizawa to be the company’s first artist-in-residence and to produce work for the space’s inaugural exhibition.

    In earlier projects, such GANGA・PAPER (2013), Takizawa waded chest-deep into rivers to collect the water required to make washi paper because he wanted to connect physically with the natural environment in order to understand the spirit of the place in which he was working. Likewise, for his I.L.A. Gallery project, Takizawa set out to identify the specific ‘DNA’ of Yuzawa. Using water drawn from the local well, the artist cultured koji-kin mould (yellow aspergillus), photographing it under a microscope. For the final installation, Fermented Painting (2018), he made washi to cover the floor of the gallery using a combination of water from the nearby Minasegawa River and found paper left over from the gallery space’s former incarnation as a school for Japanese calligraphy. Takizawa spread the washi over the gallery floor, on top of a layer of rice and soybeans (the ingredients for miso and soy sauce) mixed with soil wall from the building, as if to invoke the room’s strata of memory.

    To create the wall-mounted works, Takizawa silkscreen-printed onto canvas the photographs he had taken of the koji-kin mould, as well as historical maps and landscapes of the Iwasaki region. Having primed the canvas several times with a milky, rice-powder wash, he then applied a layer of ink made from koji-kin mould. Acting as a living paint, the mould turned a dense ochre over time; Takizawa coated the surface with a final layer of transparent acrylic and gel to prevent the mould from developing further when he felt the work was complete. Many who know Takizawa call him yamabushi – mountain priest – for the way in which he explores the meaning of life through his daily activities: planting, harvesting, washi-making. He follows the traditional Japanese path of living in harmony with nature, allowing his intuition to guide him to discover new moments of beauty and awe.


    Yamamo味噌醬油釀造廠成立於150年前,位於湯澤地區的一小塊岩崎,在近年的歷史性變革中正處於自己的地位。日本全國人口的減少對當地家族企業產生了重大影響,許多人不得不考慮進入新市場。 Yamamo的第7代所有者高橋泰先生正在考慮重新考慮品牌的簡單形象並從發酵食品和發酵文化的角度尋找產品的新方法,而發酵食品和發酵文化近年來已成為超級食品,因此受到了關注。除了改頭換面的具有國際吸引力的包裝外,品牌重組的關鍵要素之一是推出了I.L.A.(行業熱愛藝術)畫廊。 I.L.A. Gallery是高橋先生要求T澤先生作為公司的第一位居住藝術家創作作品的空間的名稱。

    在諸如GANGA PAPER(2013年)之類的早期項目中,T澤先生踏入河中至胸高,以獲取日本紙所需的水。我想與自然環境保持身體聯繫,以便了解自己所在的精神。同樣,在I.L.A.畫廊項目中,T澤先生專注於識別湯澤中的特定“ DNA”。在這項工作中,曲霉菌是用從本地井中抽出的水培養的,並在顯微鏡下拍照。在最終作品《發酵繪畫(2018)》中,日本紙通過將曾經存放在畫廊空間中的書法課中存儲的誤寫紙與附近的美瀨河相結合,覆蓋了畫廊的地板。我做了。此外,T澤在建築物的粘土牆上鋪上了日本紙,並鋪上了一層米飯和大豆(味噌和醬油的材料),彷彿讓人聯想到房間的記憶層。

    此外,滝澤先生還用絲網印刷術繪製了酒麯模具的圖片,岩崎地區的歷史地圖以及畫布上的風景,以創作壁掛作品。用乳白色米粉給畫布上底漆幾次後,他在由苦曲模具製成的油墨上分層了一層。作為活性塗料,黴菌隨著時間的推移會變成深黃色。當T澤覺得工作已經完成時,他在表面塗了透明的丙烯酸和凝膠作為最後一層,以防止模具發生進一步變化。許多認識T澤先生的人稱他為“ 山伏”,因為他的態度是通過種植,收割和製作日本紙等日常活動來探索生活的意義。遵循傳統的日本人與自然和諧相處的道路,將引導他發現美麗與敬畏的新時刻。


    About Friese

    フリーズは、フリーズマガジン、フリーズマスターズマガジン、フリーズウィークの3つの出版物で構成されるメディアおよびイベント会社です。 4つの国際アートフェア、フリーズロンドン、フリーズLA、フリーズニューヨーク、フリーズマスターズがあり、フリーズアカデミーでのコースとトークのプログラム、およびfrieze.com-コンテンポラリー・アートとカルチャーのための決定的なリソースです。


    About Friese

    Frieze is a media and events company that comprises three publications, frieze magazine, Frieze Masters Magazine and Frieze Week; and four international art fairs, Frieze London, Frieze LA, Frieze New York and Frieze Masters; a programme of courses and talks at Frieze Academy, and frieze.com – the definitive resource for contemporary art and culture.


    About Friese

    Frieze是一家媒體和活動公司,由三份出版物組成:弗里茲雜誌,弗里茲大師雜誌和弗里茲週; 以及四個國際藝術博覽會,倫敦弗里茲,洛杉磯弗里茲,紐約弗里茲和弗里茲大師。 Frieze Academy和frieze.com上的課程和講座計劃,這是當代藝術和文化的權威資源。
