• 記事掲載のお知らせ_ソトコト_2021年3月号



    Notice of Article Publication_Sotokoto_March 2021 Issue

    Our “YUKIDKE” is featured in the March issue of Sotokoto, “Local Souvenir Design Collection.” The “snow country-like taste and fermentation design” behind the product and the package design associated with it have been created with the intention of proposing a new concept of miso to the market and industry. I am glad that you evaluated such a part. I would like you to take a look at the magazine. _mediainfo._magazine



    我們的“ YUKIDKE”刊登在3月號的Sotokoto的“本地紀念品設計收藏”中。 產品背後的“雪國風味和發酵設計”以及與此相關的包裝設計旨在向市場和行業提出味噌的新概念。 我很高興您評估了這一部分。 我想請你看一下雜誌。


    Sotokoto_March 2021 Issue_Local Souvenir Design Collection


    Sotokoto_March 2021 Issue_Local Souvenir Design Collection


    Sotokoto_March 2021 Issue_Local Souvenir Design Collection




    Miso wrapped in a high-class cosmetic-like package made by “Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company” in Akita Prefecture. Miso that has been left to stand for a year in a low-temperature aging store, and then strained for a smooth finish. You can eat it as it is as a dip sauce, or it is perfect for seasoning seasonings.


    味噌包裹著秋田縣“Yamamo味噌醬油釀造廠”生產的高級化妝品狀包裝。 味已經在低溫老化商店中放置了一年,然後拉緊以獲得平滑的外觀。 您可以將其作為蘸醬食用,也可以作為調味料的完美之選。



    『 ソトコト 』は、株式会社 sotokoto online から発行、株式会社RRから発売されている「社会や環境がよくなって、そしてもしろい」をテーマとした未来をつくるSDGsマガジン。 


    〇About Sotokoto
    “Sotokoto” is an SDGs magazine published by sotokoto online Co., Ltd. and released by RR Co., Ltd. that creates the future with the theme of “improving society and the environment and making it interesting”.


    “ Sotokoto”是由sotokoto在線有限公司發行並由RR Co.,Ltd.發行的SDGs雜誌,其主題是“改善社會和環境並使其有趣”。


  • Jonasの退社について

    昨年の夏からYAMAMO GARDEN CAFEに参画してくれていたシェフのJonasがヴィザの関係で今月末に退社します。彼の料理やペアリングのセンスは弊社を大きく前進させてくれました。また、そのジェントルなパーソナリティや仕事をする上での鋭い指摘がチームを強固にし、違うフェーズを迎えることができました。感謝しております。



    About Leaving Jonas

    Chef Jonas, who has been participating in YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE since last summer, will leave the company at the end of this month due to visa. His sense of cooking and pairing has made us a big step forward. In addition, his gentle personality and sharp points in his work strengthened the team and allowed him to enter a different phase. I am grateful.

    A full course is made with Viamver yeast (patent pending, announced by the Brewing Society of Japan) found from many years of research on brewed yeast, wine is brewed with the yeast, and paired with the same fungus. Creating a unique dining experience service in the world that originated in the traditional Japanese industry. Jonas has contributed significantly to achieving this goal. I left the company without waiting for the wine to be completed in February, and I have only a short time left, but I would like to take over the dishes produced and supervised by Jonas as a team and provide the world view. You will meet Jonas in person this month on Friday and Sunday. We would appreciate it if you could contact us in advance to prevent infectious diseases.



    自去年夏天以來一直參加YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE的大廚Jonas將因簽證而在本月底離開公司。 他的烹飪和配對意識使我們向前邁了一大步。 此外,他溫柔的性格和敏銳的工作表現使團隊更加強大,並使他進入了另一個階段。 我很感激。

    經過多年對釀造酵母的研究發現,Viamver酵母(由日本釀造協會宣布正在申請專利)是一門完整的課程,葡萄酒是用酵母釀造的,並與同一真菌配對。 在源自日本傳統產業的世界範圍內創造獨特的就餐體驗服務。 Jonas為實現這一目標做出了重大貢獻。 我離開公司時沒有等待2月葡萄酒的完成,只剩下很短的時間,但我想接手Jonas生產和監督的菜餚,並提供世界視野。 您將在本月的星期五和星期日親自見喬納斯。 如果您可以提前與我們聯繫以預防傳染病,我們將不勝感激。




    OPEN 10: 00 ~ 17: 00 (LO / 16: 30)
    124 Iwasaki, Yuzawa-shi, Akita 0120801 Japan
    Customer Service : +81-(0)183-73-2902
    Closed holiday indefinite
    Number of seats 16 seats
    Parking lot available
    Chef : Tatsunori Sato & Jonas Kang
    Researcher : Kiichi Kimura


  • イヴェント登壇のお知らせ_DESIGN-DRIVEN MANAGEMENT SEMINAR #02 レガシーを創造的価値で再構築する





    Announcement of the Event_DESIGN-DRIVEN MANAGEMENT SEMINAR # 02 Rebuilding Legacy with Creative Value

    Last year, I worked with Nishigaki-san of the Japan Patent Office at an intellectual property-related event, and as the value of the world changes, I have to move toward the future and take on new initiatives, as well as a flexible corporate organization and the outside world. We talked about various things such as how to foster a team. There are many places where both sides share the same idea, and we received two requests from Nishigaki-san. The first is that we would like you to participate in the in-team verification of the concept of “design management” promoted by the Japan Patent Office, “creating an ecosystem that combines branding and innovation.” The second was that we would like our Yamamo to take the stage at the design management seminar “Design Management of Long-established Companies” as a practical example of small and medium-sized enterprises. From the end of the year, we formed a team with our partner company, Kunori-san of KESIKI, and the staff of the Japan Patent Office, and had many meetings.

    Japan, where many traditional industries remain, is pioneering in the world in terms of cultural systems and ideas that place a value axis on maintaining the ecosystem of “corporate survival” rather than economic power and technological power. In that process, the pursuit of sustainability centered not only on the region and environment but also on people’s lives is being pursued, and we believe that they have been operated reasonably for a long time. Ecosystem maintenance values ​​are a mixture of mercy and cruelty, some of which are driven by it, while others are like erasing personal life choices. There is a question about the fundamental meaning of why human beings are in a human-like situation and their lives in the position of survival of the family business. This idea is also the only cultural ontology that human beings can do in all living things, that is, the will and thought are kept alive by metabolism and alternation of generations. We would like to make decisions and make efforts based on this idea and convey its value to the world.

    This online seminar will be distributed on Youtube LIVE and can be attended by many people. I am very much looking forward to the conversation between Nishigaki-san and Kunori-san, who have had many meetings so far. I hope you can watch it.





    該在線研討會將在Youtube LIVE上進行,很多人都可以參加。我非常期待西垣先生與九法先生之間的對話,到目前為止,他們已經舉行了許多次會議。我希望你能看得到。



    経済産業省・特許庁と、カルチャーを軸に新規事業支援やブランディングなどを手がけるデザインファームKESIKI INC.の共催で、主に中小企業の経営幹部に向けた「事業継承」オンラインセミナーを開催します。
    多くの中小企業にとって、「事業承継」は悩みの種。これまでの伝統のどこを守り、どこを変えていくのか。今回はゲストに、秋田県で1867年から続くヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元の髙橋 泰氏をお迎えし、「事業継承」にも深く関連する「企業ビジョンや文化の形成」についてお話しいただきます。


    ・日本の中小企業・伝統産業の未来を考えるヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元の髙橋 泰氏は同社の7代目として、自らウェブサイトやパッケージデザインを手掛けリブランディングを行うほか、様々なアーティストや建築家、研究者、シェフたちとともにコラボレーションしながら、国内外への発信を続けてきました。また、10年に渡る試験醸造から果実香と旨味を醸成する特許出願微生物Viamver酵母を発見し、味噌醤油製品のみならずカフェメニューや肉魚の加工品、ワインや飲料に応用し、新たな発酵の世界を追求しています。伝統をチャンスと捉え、新たな価値を創り出すためにはーー。建築・ファッション・音楽などを通じた文化的な視点をビジネスに取り込む高橋氏の経営手法に迫ります。

    150年以上続く蔵元をリブランディングし海外展開を開始。醸造業の魅力を伝える一連の取り組みがGOOD DESIGEN賞受賞。蔵元に残るレガシーを捉え、100年を越す庭園やカフェレストラン、ギャラリーを整備し、産業にアートとインバウンドを実装。10年目の試験醸造から特徴的な果実香と旨味を有するViamver酵母(特許出願中)を発見し、日本醸造学会発表。研究者やシェフ、アーティストが参画するチームASTRONOMICAを醸成。革新的発酵技術を味噌醤油のみならず、メニュー開発やワイン、飲料に応用。発酵を「生態系との共存」とし、国内外の都市開発と社会変革の文脈を取り入れる。伝統を創造的美意識で再構築を行う。

    特許庁デザイン経営プロジェクトCDO補佐官 兼 審査業務部長。東大法学部卒業後、通商産業省(現経済産業省)に入省。Duke大学LL.M、シカゴ大学LL.M.取得。クリエイティブ産業課長時代に、「The Wonder 500」(~日本が誇る優れた地方産品~」)プロジェクト)を手がけ、日本の隠れた産品をブランディングして世界に発信するなどの事業を推進。Gマークやキッズデザイン賞を担当するデザイン政策室に二度配属。「デザインの力」を活用した新たなビジネス展開を支援する「第四次産業革命クリエイティブ研究会」を開催し、後に、経済産業省/特許庁による「産業競争力とデザインを考える研究会」へと発展させる(本研究会にて「デザイン経営宣言」を発信)。特許庁では、ブランディング支援につながる商標部門を担当するとともに、デザイン経営プロジェクトチームのCDO補佐官として各種デザイン経営の推進に携わる。

    KESIKI INC. Partner, Narrative / Community。一橋大学商学部卒業後、NTTコミュニケーションズを経て、編集者に。「PRESIDENT」副編集長、「Forbes JAPAN」編集次長兼ウェブ編集長、「WORK MILL」エディトリアル・ディレクターなどを務め、国内外の起業家やクリエイターを数多く取材。2019年、デザインディレクターの石川俊祐らとKESIKI設立。カルチャーを軸として企業や官公庁のブランディングやイノベーションを支援するほか、「WWD JAPAN」エディトリアル・アドバイザー、東京都青山スタートアップアクセラレーションセンター・メンターなどとしても活動。





    歴史ある企業やブランドであっても苦境に立たされてしまうほど、目まぐるしく変化する時代。独創的な技術や特徴ある技法などの強みを持つ企業であっても、「商品力アップ」や「認知の拡大」、「優秀な人材の採用」など、たくさんの悩みを抱えている企業が多いのではないでしょうか。その解決方法として、大きな可能性を秘めているのが、デザインの力をブランドの構築やイノベーションの創出に活用する「デザイン経営」です。大企業に限らず、中小企業やスタートアップが導入し、成果を挙げるケースも増えています。2018年、特許庁は『「デザイン経営」宣言』を掲げ、以降、その導入を推進してきました。その中で、今年度の特許庁デザイン経営プロジェクトのパートナーである KESIKI INC.と共に、「デザイン経営」を浸透させるための支援事業の一貫としてオンラインセミナーを企画いたしました。2020年11月から2021年3月にかけて、全5回での開催を予定し、「デザイン経営」を導入するための方法について様々なゲストを交えながらお伝えしていきます。ロールモデルとなる全国の様々な企業のケーススタディを紹介し、参加する方々の悩みも共有しながら、課題解決のきっかけをつくることを目的としています。

    デザイン経営プロジェクト https://www.jpo.go.jp/introduction/soshiki/design_keiei.html

    KESIKI公式ウェブサイト https://kesiki.jp/
    KESIKI公式ブログ https://note.com/kesikijp
    KESIKIフェイスブックページ https://www.facebook.com/KESIKI-110182390642012

    KESIKI INC. コミュニケーション担当:若尾・九法


    Co-sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Patent Office, and KESIKI INC., A design firm that handles new business support and branding centered on culture, we will hold an online seminar on “business succession” mainly for executives of small and medium-sized enterprises. This seminar will be the second in a series of five sessions planned as part of a support project to introduce the concept of “design management”, which has been attracting attention in recent years, to companies. For many SMEs, “business succession” is a source of trouble. Where will the tradition be preserved and what will be changed? This time, we will invite Mr. Yasushi Takahashi, the brewer of Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce, which has been in Akita Prefecture since 1867, to talk about “corporate vision and cultural formation” that is deeply related to “business succession”. Anyone can participate, even if it is the first time, without any application procedure. If you are interested, you do not need to apply and you can join from the Youtube LIVE link on the page.

    [Speaker guest]
    ◎ Yasushi Takahashi
    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, 7th generation Rebranded the brewery that has continued for more than 150 years and started overseas expansion. A series of efforts to convey the appeal of the brewing industry won the GOOD DESIGEN Award. Capturing the legacy that remains in the brewery, we have developed a garden, cafe restaurant, and gallery for over 100 years, and implemented art and inbound in the industry. Discovered Viamver yeast (patent pending) with characteristic fruit aroma and umami from 10th year of trial brewing, and announced it to the Brewing Society of Japan. Fostered a team of ASTRONOMICA in which researchers, chefs, and artists participate. Innovative fermentation technology is applied not only to miso soy sauce, but also to menu development, wine and beverages. Fermentation is regarded as “coexistence with the ecosystem”, and the context of urban development and social change at home and abroad is incorporated. Reconstruct tradition with creative aesthetics.

    ◎Junko Nishigaki
    Assistant to the CDO of the Japan Patent Office Design Management Project and General Manager of the Examination Operations Department. After graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo, joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (currently the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry). He holds a Master of Laws from Duke University and LL.M. from the University of Chicago. When he was the chief of the creative industry section, he worked on the “The Wonder 500” (-Japan’s excellent local products-) project) and promoted businesses such as branding hidden Japanese products and disseminating them to the world. She has been assigned twice to the Design Policy Office, which is in charge of the G Mark and Kids Design Awards. Held the “Fourth Industrial Revolution Creative Study Group” to support new business development utilizing “the power of design”, and later went to the “Study Group on Industrial Competitiveness and Design” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / Japan Patent Office. (Send “Design Management Declaration” at this study group). At the Patent Office, she is in charge of the trademark department that leads to branding support, and she is involved in promoting various design management as a CDO aide to the design management project team.

    ◎ Takao Kunori
    KESIKI INC. Partner, Narrative / Community. After graduating from the Faculty of Commerce at Hitotsubashi University, he worked for NTT Communications before becoming an editor. He has served as Deputy Editor-in-Chief of “PRESIDENT”, Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Web Editor-in-Chief of “Forbes JAPAN”, and Editorial Director of “WORK MILL”, and has interviewed many entrepreneurs and creators in Japan and overseas. In 2019, KESIKI was established with design director Shunsuke Ishikawa and others. In addition to supporting branding and innovation of companies and government agencies centered on culture, he also works as an editorial advisor for “WWD JAPAN” and a mentor for the Aoyama Startup Acceleration Center in Tokyo.

    [Target person]
    ・ Those who have problems in business succession
    ・ Executives and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises
    ・ Those who are interested in “design management”
    ・ Designers who are interested in SMEs and regional brands

    [Entry fee]

    [Way to participate]


    [Background and outline of the seminar]
    An era in which even historic companies and brands are changing so rapidly that they are in trouble. Even companies that have strengths such as original technology and distinctive techniques often have many problems such as “improvement of product power”, “expansion of recognition”, and “recruitment of excellent human resources”. Isn’t it? “Design management,” which utilizes the power of design to build brands and create innovation, has great potential as a solution. Not only large companies but also small and medium-sized companies and start-ups have introduced it, and the number of cases where it produces results is increasing. In 2018, the Japan Patent Office set up the “Declaration of” Design Management “” and has been promoting its introduction since then. Among them, together with his KESIKI INC., A partner of this year’s JPO Design Management Project, we planned an online seminar as part of a support project to spread “design management”. From November 2020 to March 2021, we plan to hold a total of 5 times, and we will talk with various guests about the method for introducing “design management”. The purpose is to introduce case studies of various companies nationwide that serve as role models, share the concerns of the participants, and create opportunities to solve problems.

    Patent Office Design management project

    KESIK is a design farm established in November 2019 with the mission of “designing a friendly economy.” Members with various backgrounds such as design, finance, business consulting, and editing help design and disseminate various things and things from organizations to products. KESIKI official website https://kesiki.jp/ KESIKI official blog https://note.com/kesikijp KESIKI Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/KESIKI-110182390642012

    [Contact for inquiries regarding this event]
    KESIKI INC. Communication: Wakao / Kunori


    由經濟產業省和專利局與KESIKI INC.(一家致力於以文化為中心的新業務支持和品牌設計的設計公司)共同贊助,我們將舉辦一次針對“企業繼承”的在線研討會,主要針對中小型企業的高管。 作為支持項目的一部分,本次研討會是由五個部分組成的系列中的第二個,旨在介紹“設計管理”的概念,該概念近年來已引起公司的關注。 對於許多中小企業來說,“業務接班人”是麻煩的根源。傳統傳統將保留在哪裡,什麼將會改變?這次,我們將邀請自1867年以來一直在秋田縣生產的Yamamo味噌醬油的釀造商高橋康史先生談談與“業務繼承”密切相關的“企業願景和文化形成”。 任何人都可以參加,即使是第一次,也無需任何申請程序。如果您有興趣,則無需申請,您可以從頁面上的Youtube LIVE鏈接加入。


    ・ Yamamo味噌醬油釀酒師高橋泰是日本的中小型企業和傳統產業的前身,他是公司的第七代。作為公司的第七代,他本人負責網站和包裝設計與品牌重塑,以及各種藝術家和建築師。在與研究人員和廚師合作的同時,我們繼續在國內和國際上傳播信息。此外,我們發現了正在申請專利的微生物Viamver酵母,該酵母經過10年的嘗試釀造可培養出水果的香氣和味道,不僅將其應用於味o醬油產品,而且還應用於咖啡館菜單,加工的肉和魚產品,酒和飲料以及進行新的發酵。追求世界。以傳統為契機,創造新價值。我們將採用高橋先生的管理方法,該方法將文化觀點通過建築,時尚,音樂等融入企業。

    Yamamo味噌醬油釀造商,第7代 重新命名啤酒廠,該啤酒廠已有150多年的歷史,並開始向海外擴張。傳達釀造業吸引力的一系列努力獲得了GOOD DESIGEN獎。抓住釀酒廠留下的遺產,我們已經開發了花園,咖啡館餐廳和畫廊超過100年,並在行業中實施了藝術品和藝術品。在嘗試釀造10年後發現了具有獨特水果香氣和口味的Viamver酵母(正在申請專利),並向日本釀造協會宣布。建立了一個由研究人員,廚師和藝術家參加的ASTRONOMICA團隊。創新的發酵技術不僅應用於味噌醬油,而且還應用於菜單開發,葡萄酒和飲料。我們稱發酵為“與生態系統共存”,並結合了國內外城市發展和社會變革的背景。用創意美學重建傳統。 https://yamamo1867.com/

    專利局設計管理項目CDO助理,審查業務部總經理。從東京大學法學院畢業後,加入了國際貿易和工業部(現為經濟,貿易和工業部)。獲得杜克大學法學碩士和芝加哥大學法學碩士。擔任創意產業部​​經理時,他參與了“ The Wonder 500”(日本優秀的本地產品)項目,並推動了諸如隱藏日本產品的品牌化和向世界傳播等業務。兩次分配給設計政策辦公室,該辦公室負責G標誌和兒童設計獎。成立了“第四次工業革命創意研究小組”,以利用“設計力量”支持新業務發展,後來又進入經濟產業省/專利局的“工業競爭力和設計研究小組”。 (在此研究組中發送“設計管理聲明”)。在專利局,他負責商標部門,負責商標支持,並作為CDO助手向設計管理項目團隊推廣各種設計管理。

    KESIKI INC. 敘事/社區合夥人。從一橋大學商學院畢業後,在NTT Communications擔任編輯之前。曾擔任《總統》副主編,《福布斯日本》副主編和網絡編輯,以及《 WORK MILL》的編輯總監,並採訪了許多國內外企業家和創作者。在2019年,KESIKI與設計總監石川俊介等人一起成立。除了支持以文化為中心的公司和政府機構的品牌推廣和創新外,他還擔任“ WWD JAPAN”的編輯顧問,並擔任東京青山創業加速中心的導師。





    在這個時代,即使是歷史悠久的公司和品牌也瞬息萬變,以至於陷入困境。即使是具有原始技術和獨特技術等實力的公司,也經常會遇到“提高產品能力”,“擴大知名度”和“招聘優秀人力資源”等許多問題。是不是利用設計的力量來建立品牌和創造創新的“設計管理”作為解決方案具有巨大的潛力。不僅是大型公司,而且是中小型公司和初創公司都引入了它,並且產生結果的案例數量正在增加。專利局於2018年設立了“外觀設計管理聲明”,並從那時起一直在推廣它。其中,我們與今年專利局設計管理項目的合作夥伴KESIKI INC。一起計劃了一個在線研討會,作為支持項目的一部分,以傳播“設計管理”。從2020年11月到2021年3月,我們計劃共舉行5次,我們將與各種嘉賓討論引入“設計管理”的方法。目的是介紹全國范圍內的各種公司的案例研究,這些案例研究可以作為榜樣,分享參與者的擔憂,並創造解決問題的機會。

    專利局 設計管理項目https://www.jpo.go.jp/introduction/soshiki/design_keiei.html

    KESIK是一家設計農場,成立於2019年11月,使命是“設計友好的經濟”。 具有設計,財務,業務諮詢和編輯等各種背景的成員可以幫助設計和傳播從組織到產品的各種事物。 KESIKI官方網站https://kesiki.jp/ KESIKI官方博客https://note.com/kesikijp KESIKI Facebook頁面https://www.facebook.com/KESIKI-110182390642012

    KESIKI INC. 通訊費用:若尾・九法


  • 木下明夢樹_社会変革事業部インターン(YAMAMO SOCIAL CHANGE DIVISION Intern)





    Internship students are now always enrolled at our company Yamamo. There are various entrances and motivations for Yamamo internships, such as the connections between seniors and juniors that I met through activities, and for my own skills and career advancement. As we accept diverse human resources, changes are seen in the diversity of the company and the way we work, and the ecosystem of the organization continues to change.

    Kinoshita-san sees him as a person who has clearly found what he wants to do. Implement course meals in cafes and add restaurant elements, team foreign chefs and researchers, and collaborate with new artists. She is currently in the process of spending a lot of change with her, but her style remains unwavering. There is none. Such a way seems to be a surefire way to reach her goals. She will stay with us until she pursues her dream of becoming a researcher and is ready to go abroad. Kinoshita-san is also a clerk and a cafe staff, and she has many opportunities to interact with customers. She wants you to see her as she pushes towards her dreams. _internreport



    現在,實習生總是可以加入我們的Yamamo公司。 Yamamo實習的入口和動機各不相同,例如我們通過活動結識的關係,老年人與大三學生之間的聯繫以及我們自身技能和職業的提高。當我們接受多樣化的人力資源時,公司的多樣性和我們的工作方式就會發生變化,並且組織的生態系統也在不斷變化。

    木下先生認為他是一個清楚地找到了他想做什麼的人。 在咖啡館實施套餐,添加餐廳元素,與外國廚師和研究人員合作,並與新藝術家合作。 她目前正經歷著許多變化,但她的風格始終如一。 這種方法似乎是達成目標的必由之路。 我將被加入我們的公司,直到一個研究者的夢想和出國的前景。 木下先生還是店員和咖啡館員工,並且有很多與客戶互動的機會。 我希望每個人都能看到她在向夢想前進的過程。









    Message from Anju Kinoshita

    I had doubts about English education in Japan, so I went to university with the aim of becoming a teacher. However, after studying abroad and performing arts activities during the leave of absence, I realized that my awareness of the problem was a lack of creativity in the Japanese educational world as a whole. Fascinated by the possibilities of art and technology, I am aiming to take up a research position under the theme of “designing a learning environment that fosters creativity.”

    About a year ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to hear from Mr. Yasushi Takahashi, the 7th generation owner of Yamamo, in a class at Akita International University. I was ashamed to say that I didn’t know much about Akita at that time, and the name of the Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company was new to me. However, I was impressed by the deep connection between Mr. Yasushi’s story and the academic discipline I was interested in, so I rushed to Mr. Yasushi after class.

    I think that Mr. Yasushi’s management method and way of life, which challenges traditional industries with the keyword “subjectivity,” truly embodies creativity. Following my intuition that this encounter was something of a match, I hit the gate of Yamamo. As a shadow warrior of Yamamo who is requested to give various events and lectures, and as a margin of normal work, what is a space that can bring out human creativity, what is more exciting “learning”, etc. I would like to work on.

    At the same time, as an individual challenge, I am preparing for the goal of going on to an overseas graduate school next year. I am always worried that I will be able to compete in the world’s top educational institutions, but with my patience and curiosity, I will do my best to do what I can do now.









    木下 明夢樹
    ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 社会変革事業部インターン。


    Anju Kinoshita
    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, intern at the Social Change Division.
    I had doubts about high school English education and enrolled in Akita International University to become a teacher who can teach more enjoyable English. As I learn what “fun” learning is, I realize that my question is the lack of creativity in the Japanese education world. I am the egg of a researcher who pursues the three rabbits of art, technology, and education in order to challenge educational transformation from the field of academia.


    木下 明夢樹
    我對高中英語教育存有疑慮,因此就讀於國際人文學院,成為一名可以教授更多英語的老師。 當我了解什麼是“有趣”的學習時,我意識到我的問題是日本教育界缺乏創造力。 我是一位研究人員的蛋,他追求藝術x技術x教育的三隻兔子,以挑戰學術界的教育變革。




    12/31 2020 (Thu) Closed
    01/01 2021 (Fri) Closed
    01/02 (Sat) 10:00-17:00


    12/31 2020 (Thu) Closed
    01/01 2021 (Fri) Closed
    01/04 (Mon) 9:00-17:30
