I ran the car and went to northern Akita for about 3 hours on the event day. The weather is pleasant at fine weather. Taking for going north, rows of houses faded. I notice that southern Akita in which I live is a different atmosphere. I felt that the cry of the cicada was able to be heard greatly to me.
The target Hikage hot spring* is a hot spring of the northernmost end located in a border between prefectures with Aomori Prefecture. People decrease gradually. I became the feeling which became a part of Nature. Then, it becomes primitive and frank feelings, such as appetite and sleep avarice. At the hot spring, there was the sulphuric smell, and since it was the location which extended far back, I felt non-every day.
数十名のイヴェントスタッフの中でも、面識がある方は今回の企画の主宰、casane tsumuguの田宮慎さん*と新政酒造株式会社の代表取締役社長、佐藤祐輔さん*だけだ。軽い挨拶と情報交換、打ち合わせが続き、いただいた名刺はみるみるうちに束になった。そのなかでも、二足の草鞋を履きながら活動する人たちが印象的だった。
Although tens of staff of an event was, there were two persons whom I know. They are superintendence of this plan, Makoto Tamiya* of casane tsumugu and the president of Aramasa Co,.Ltd., and Yusuke Sato*. An easy greeting and information exchange, and an arrangement continued. There were so many cards which I exchanged that they became a bunch. The people to whom I got interested in it were doing two or more activities.
数十名活动的职员在,不过,我知道的人是二人。是此次的企划的主持,casane tsumugu的田宫慎*和新政的社长,佐藤佑辅*。与简单的寒暄信息交换,洽商继续了。我交换的名片向(到)束诚然多。在那个中我有兴趣的人们,活动着复数。
いよいよトークセッション『THINK EDGE』がはじまった。次々と自身の蔵元を楽しそうに紹介していくNEXT5の山本友文さん(山本合名会社*常務取締役)と佐藤さんに驚きながらも、自分の業界が世間にどれだけ説明不足であったかを考えさせられた。われわれ味噌醤油業界も結束を強めているが、互いの蔵の特性を理解するまでには至っていなかった。頭の中で種々の課題が浮かび上がっていく。
The talk session “THINK EDGE” started still more. I was surprised at Tomofumi Yamamoto(Yamamoto Gomei Co.,* Managing Director) and Mr. Sato who introduce one own distiller after another happily and who are two persons of NEXT5. Which was made for me to think explanation of its industry to have been insufficient. The information about the industry of our bean paste soy sauce is also exchanged. However, we did not understand the characteristic of the mutual warehouse. Many subjects emerge in my head.
终于座谈会『THINK EDGE』开始了。我对作为不断地看起来快乐地介绍自己的仓库管理者的NEXT5二人的山本友文先生(山本合股公司*常务董事)和佐藤先生吃惊。我被迫考虑自己的业界是是不是多少说明不足。我们的酱酱油的业界也信息交换着。可是,我们没理解彼此的仓库的特性。在我的头中许多的课题浮起去。
The talk I wanted to talk also under such circumstances is a future type-oriented talk. A challenge is continued and it becomes frantic there. At the spreading information society, if he is invested there, it will be easy to stop at someone’s eyes. I wanted to tell that efforts are rewarded easily also in society more unstable than before. I wanted to tell as it is what was said to people which play an active part overseas.
Akita Prefecture has a low average income. Therefore, the person of Akita feels economic evaluation in vain. It is important for us to ask for the place of the next life the affluence which is not evaluated, and to continue trial and error. On the other hand, the economic activity which is the basis of the life is unstable. A future type company is an economic activity which has a feeling of ethics to the area. A nonprofit institution is a value activity returned to regional economy. I think that managing both being together in fact and maintaining the balance here is a figure which we search for.
As for me, it was glad to have talked after many directions, such as Mr. Masato Nakamura of 3331 Arts Chiyoda*, and the end of an event. Moreover, I wished to be the power of much staff who offered this place from now on. I believe that a friend’s existence becomes a driving force of each activity.
Thank you for everything. Thank you very much for the visitor by whom attendance was done, and the visitor view and listen. I would like to meet you again. (Report printing of the event is introduced to 0DATE*. If very well, please have a look.)
我在3331 Arts Chiyoda*的中村政人先生等,很多一方和活动结束后,说高兴。我想再今后,成为提供这个场,很多的职员的各位的力量。我相信朋友的存在,成为各个的活动的原动力的。