• Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2の登壇を終えて



    Report That Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2 Has Ended

    Mr. Yamada of Okurayama Studio has found the value of a natural stone with a rust pattern called “伊達冠” as one of art materials and works, and has been working on expanding the field of activity around the world. On the other hand, Mr. Ando of TOHOKU360 has been exploring new forms of media by putting the eyes of the community and the general public into the press. Creativity is something that springs from within. The ability to create value by continuing to curate responsibly. It was confirmed in the discussion that the three parties were doing the same. What was particularly impressive in the story was how people can harmonize with nature as a way of beauty. Believing in natural stones and megaliths as a source of activity as an aid to thinking about that question. It was the moment when Mr. Yamada’s industrial spirit continued from the Meiji period. I would like to pursue it throughout my life, focusing on the beauty and spirituality that can be spun from generation to generation, from unraveling the fourth-generation garden and Nananosuke’s Martial Arts Monument.


    Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2 通知召開

    Okurayama Studio的山田先生一直致力於通過發現帶有生鏽圖案的天然石材“Date-Kanmuri”的價值作為藝術品和作品之一來擴展世界。另一方面,TOHOKU360的安藤先生則通過將社區和公眾的視線投向媒體來探索新的媒體形式。創造力源於內部。通過繼續負責任地策劃來創造價值的能力。討論中確認,三方都在這樣做。故事中特別令人印象深刻的是,人們如何與自然和諧相處,成為一種美麗的方式。相信天然石材和巨石是一種活動來源,有助於思考這個問題。從明治時代開始,山田先生的工業精神就在這一刻得以延續。我本人希望一生都在追求它,關注於世代相傳的美麗和靈性,從揭開第四代留下的花園和七之助的七之助紀念碑開始。







    From the facilitation of Sawaguchi in the Social Transformation Division, we were able to deliver the thoughts of the speakers to the venue in a difficult theme, creating a sense of unity in the venue. From previous experience, Talk Events considers it important to be aware of your intentions without having too much prior discussion. This time, I was able to speak without thinking too much about the situation from the prior meeting of the speakers, and the fact that I could develop it was because of the preparation and consideration of facilitation. I think it was because there was.


    在社會轉型部門的澤口的協助下,我們能夠以一個困難的主題將演講者的思想傳達給會場,從而在會場中營造了一種團結感。 根據以往的經驗,Talk Events認為在沒有過多討論的情況下了解您的意圖很重要。 這次,我能夠發言而無需過多考慮演講者上次會議上的情況,而我之所以能夠發展它,是因為準備工作和對便利的考慮。 我認為是因為有。






    After the stage, people who came and speakers gave us suggestions, especially to connect friends who share a sense in the field of art and to act together. I am delighted that I was able to expand from an abstract and deep theme of aesthetics and art. I would like to be able to gain a wide range of studies in this area while making everyone aware of their activities at the event and embodying their own aesthetics and spirituality as activities. TThank you to everyone who came and related people.


    舞台之後,來訪者和演講者給了我們一些建議,特別是結識在藝術領域有共同想法的朋友並共同行動。 我很高興能夠從美學和藝術的抽象而深刻的主題中得到擴展。 我希望能夠在這一領域獲得廣泛的研究,同時使每個人都知道自己在活動中的活動,並在活動中體現出自己的美學和靈性。 感謝所有來訪的人和相關人員。


  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_AKITA RAIL TRIP2019.9-11

    JR秋田タブロイド版「AKITA RAIL TRIP」の表紙にヤマモの外観が掲載されております。時に蔵元は外観がアイコンやアイデンティティとして紹介される時があります。働く蔵人や地域の方々にとっても、それは精神的に大きな役割を果たすと考えています。家業を継ぎ13年、現役世代の自身の考え方やヤマモに残る精神やレガシーについて折り合いやそのハイブリットな表現について考え、取り組んできました。その一つの表現、アウトプットが外観でもあります。外観の化粧や改築を繰り返し、納得のいくものになってきました。お陰様で広く皆様の目に触れるようになったこと、全県の中でも想いを馳せる方々いらっしゃるようになったこと、外観をアイコン化していくことは仕事冥利につきます。



    News of Article Publication_AKITA RAIL TRIP2019.9-11

    The appearance of Yamamo is listed on the cover of JR Akita tabloid version “AKITA RAIL TRIP”. Occasionally, Kuramoto’s appearance is introduced as an icon or identity. I think that it also plays a major role for the working brewers and local people. Over the past 13 years, I have been thinking about and working on my own thinking of the active generation, the spirit and legacy of Yamamoto, and their hybrid expressions. One expression, the output is also the appearance. Repeated makeup and renovation of the exterior, it has become convincing. Thanks to you, it has become a work advantage to be able to see everyone widely, to come to think people in all prefectures, and to iconify the appearance.

    In this fiscal year, we will focus not only on the external parts that we have been working on so far, but also on the original expression of bacteria with a brewery and the legacy of bacteria. I would like to continue my activities from home and abroad based on thought, philosophy and spirituality. I would like you to take a look at the page. _mediainfo._magazine


    文章發布通知_AKITA RAIL TRIP2019.9-11

    Yamamo的外觀被列在JR秋田小報版“AKITA RAIL TRIP”的封面上。有時,蔵元的外觀是作為圖標或身份引入的。我認為它對於工作的釀酒商和當地人來說也起著重要作用。在過去的13年裡,我一直在思考和研究自己對山本的活躍一代,精神和遺產的思考,以及他們的混合表達。一個表達式,輸出也是外觀。外觀的反复化妝和翻新,已經成為令人信服的。感謝你們所有人,能夠看到每個人的眼睛,思考所有縣的人,並使外觀成為一個偶像,已經成為一種工作優勢。



    AKITA RAIL TRIP2019.9-11


    AKITA RAIL TRIP2019.9-11


  • イヴェント登壇のお知らせ_Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2

    主催の山崎さんからお声掛けいただき、テクノロジーとカルチャーの祭典”Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2″のトークセッション「プラットフォーム化するクリエイティヴィティ」のディスカッションに登壇します。山田さん、安藤さんという素晴らしいゲストの方々とご一緒することができ、非常に嬉しく思います。また、当日は場の仲介者として弊社社員、社会変革事業部の澤口がファシリテーターの手伝いとして参加します。トークセッションの紹介文にありますよう、「クリエイティビティ」「キュレーション」「アート思考」を軸に深い議論に展開することができればと思います。ぜひ、お越しいただければと思います。


    Event Announcement_Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2

    Mr. Yamazaki, the organizer, will talk to the talk session “Creativity as platform” at the technology and culture festival “Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2”. I am very happy to be able to be with wonderful guests such as Mr. Yamada and Ms. Ando. On the day of the event, our employees and Sawaguchi from the Yamamo Social Change Division will participate as facilitators as mediators. As you can see in the introductory text of the talk session, I hope to be able to develop a deep discussion centering on “creativity”, “curation”, and “art thinking”. I hope you will come.


    活動公告_Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2

    組織者山崎先生將在技術和文化節“Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2”上發表關於“創意作為平台”的演講。 我很高興能夠和山田先生和安藤先生這樣的優秀客人在一起。 活動當天,我們的員工和社會轉型部的澤口將作為調解員參與調解員。 正如您在談話會議的介紹性文本中所看到的,我希望能夠圍繞“創造力”,“策展”和“藝術思維”進行深入討論。 我希望你會來。



    ○About “Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2”

    2019年9月21日(土)、仙台市国際センター駅「青葉の風テラス」で『Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2』を開催致します。「東北の現在地と未来」をテーマに、東北の起業家やトップランナーをお呼びしたトークセッションや音楽・グルメ・アート・ファッションなど様々な切り口で東北について思考し、挑戦、発信する次世代型フェスです。


    ○About “Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2”

    On September 21, 2019 (Saturday), Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2 will be held at Aoba-no-kaze Terrace, Sendai City International Center Station. With the theme of “Tohoku present location and future”, this is a next-generation festival that thinks about, challenges, and communicates about Tohoku from various perspectives such as talk sessions, music, gourmet, art, and fashion that invite Tohoku entrepreneurs and top runners.


    ○About “Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2”

    2019年9月21日,Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2將在仙台市國際中心站的”青葉沒有風露台”舉行。 以“東北現在的位置和未來”為主題,這是一個下一代的節日,從談話會,音樂,美食,藝術,以及邀請東北企業家和頂級選手的時尚等各種觀點來思考,挑戰和傳播東北。



    【イノフェストークセッション プラットフォーム化するクリエイティヴィティ】

    高橋 泰氏×山田 能資氏×安藤 歩美氏

    美意識・こだわりはもちろん、継承者として過去から未来へ自身・地域に対して責任・覚悟を持つヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 七代目高橋泰氏。自然の美しさを引き出し、人々に伝える。そして人々に自然への結びつき、自然への感覚を呼び覚ます大蔵山スタジオ山田 能資氏。東北の多様で独創的な文化や生活様式、美しい風景や人々の生き方を伝えるため、住民一人一人が主役となって創るメディア「TOHOKU360」編集長安藤 歩美氏。三人から、「創造性とは何か?」「引き継いだものと残していくもの」「美学・美意識・在り方」などお話いただきます。「東北だからこそ、生まれるクリエイティヴィティ」「個人の内面から湧き出る創造の可能性」探ることができたらと思います。「自分が何をしたいのか?」「何を残していきたいか?」の問いのヒントになると思います。刺激的なセッションぜひご参加ください!

    高橋 泰様(ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 七代目/高茂合名会社・常務取締役)
    1979年秋田県生まれ。150年続く蔵元をリブランディングし海外展開を開始。醸造業の魅力を伝える一連の取り組みがGOOD DESIGEN賞を受賞。蔵元に残るレガシーを捉え、100年を越す庭園やカフェ、ギャラリーを整備し、産業にアートとインバウンドツアーを実装する。発酵を「生態系との共存」と捉え、都市開発と社会変革の文脈を取り入れ、地域改革を進める。伝統を創造性と美意識で再構築し、産業再生の好例として評価される。

    山田 能資(大蔵山スタジオ株式会社 代表取締役)

    安藤 歩美(TOHOKU360 代表・編集長​)



    [Innofest talk session creativity to become a platform]

    Mr. Yasushi Takahashi × Mr. Takasuke Yamada × Ms. Ayumi Ando

    Yasushi Takahashi, the seventh-generation Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company who has responsibility and determination for herself and the community as a successor, not to mention her beauty and commitment. Bring out the beauty of nature and tell people. And Okurayama Studio Takasuke Yamada, who connects people with nature and arouses a sense of nature. Ayumi Ando, ​​Editor-in-Chief of TOHOKU360, a media created by each resident to convey the diverse and original culture and lifestyle of Tohoku, beautiful scenery and the way people live. The three will talk about “What is creativity?” “What is inherited and what is left behind”, “Aesthetics, aesthetics, how to be”. I would like to explore “Creativity that is born in Tohoku” and “Possibility of creation that springs from the inside of individuals”. I think it will be a hint for the question “What do you want to do?” And “What do you want to keep?” Join us for an exciting session!

    Yasushi Takahashi (Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce Brewery, 7th / TAKAMO & Corp. Managing Director)
    Born in Akita Prefecture in 1979. Rebranded Kuramoto, which has been operating for 150 years, and started overseas expansion. A series of efforts to convey the appeal of the brewing industry won the GOOD DESIGEN Award. Capturing the legacy that remains in the brewery, we have established gardens, cafes and galleries that are over 100 years old, and have implemented art and inbound tours in the industry. Considering fermentation as “coexistence with ecosystems”, adopting the context of urban development and social change, and promoting regional reform. The tradition is reconstructed with creativity and aesthetics and is regarded as a good example of industrial revitalization.

    Takasuke Yamada (President of Okurayama Studio Co., Ltd.)
    It is a company that mines, processes and constructs Date crown stones with a rare expression worldwide. While collaborating with creators who are active in the fields of art, design, and architecture, we are bringing out the strength and beauty of Date Crown in various ways.
    At the same time, through mountain tours and dissemination of stone culture, we provide a place and experience that reaffirms the connection between nature and people and awakens the sense of nature that ancient people had.

    Ayumi Ando (TOHOKU360, CEO / Editor)
    Born in Chiba Prefecture. After graduating from the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy, worked as a reporter for the Sankei Shimbun, mainly in Miyagi Prefecture, in charge of coverage of the affected areas after the earthquake. After independence, he wrote numerous Yahoo! Topics articles. In 2016, he founded TOHOKU360, a participatory news site that conveys the current situation in Tohoku. NHK Radio 1 “Gojicha!” Thursday personality.

    Click here for tickets (Http://ptix.at/LuOQhX)



    高橋 泰先生×高橋 泰氏×山田 能資氏×安藤 歩美氏先生×安藤 歩美先生

    Yasushi Takahashi,第七代yamamo味噌醬油釀酒師,對自己和社區作為繼任者負有責任和決心,更不用說她的美麗和承諾。帶出大自然的美麗,告訴人們。和Okurayama Studio山田能資將人與自然聯繫起來,喚起人們的自然感。 TOOHOKO360的主編安藤歩美,由每位居民創建的媒體,傳達東北多樣化的原始文化和生活方式,美麗的風景和人們的生活方式。這三個人將談論“什麼是創造力?”“什麼是繼承,什麼是遺留”,“美學,美學,如何成為”。我想探索“在東北出生的創造力”和“從個人內部產生的創造的可能性”。我想這將是一個暗示“你想做什麼?”和“你想保留什麼?”的問題。加入我們的精彩會議!

    高橋泰(Yamamo味噌醬油醸造商,第7代伝人 / 高茂合名会社,常務董事)
    1979年生於秋田縣。品牌重創的蔵元已經運營了150年,並開始海外擴張。一系列努力傳達釀酒行業的吸引力,贏得了GOOD DESIGEN獎。捕捉啤酒廠遺留下來的遺產,我們建立了超過100年的花園,咖啡館和畫廊,並在該行業實施了藝術和入境旅遊。將發酵視為“與生態系統共存”,採用城市發展和社會變革的背景,促進區域改革。傳統以創造力和美學重建,被視為工業振興的一個很好的例子。

    這是一家在全球範圍內以罕見的表達方式挖掘,加工和構建Date冠石的公司。在與藝術,設計和建築領域活躍的創作者合作的同時,我們以各種方式展現了Date Crown的力量和美感。

    生於千葉縣。從東京大學公共政策研究生院畢業後,作為產經新聞的記者,主要在宮城縣,負責地震後受災地區的報導。獨立後,他撰寫了大量雅虎專題文章。 2016年,他創辦了TOHOKU360,這是一個參與式新聞網站,傳達了東北的現狀。 NHK Radio 1“Gojicha!”星期四的個性。



  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_ソトコト_October Issue



    News of Article Publication

    An article about the 7th generation, Takahashi is published in the October issue of SOTOKOTO, “Nationwide! As the title says, “Tradition × Future born of innovation”, we interviewed the miso soy sauce industry from the perspective of how to mix the senses of the current owner. Yamamo is a heavy snowfall area where it is necessary to take down the snow, so the brewing site and the living site are integrated, so today we have a special way of working in the first place. We are pursuing whether we can organize and realize products and services. I hope I can work in an area full of rich industries that reflect my hobbies and preferences. I would like you to look at the magazine. _mediainfo._magazine



    關於第7代高橋的文章刊登在SOTOKOTO的10月刊“日本全國!工作方式目錄,以創造未來”。 正如標題所說,“傳統×創新的未來”,我們從如何混合當前所有者的感官的角度採訪了味噌醬油行業。 Yamamo是一個大雪地區,需要降雪,因此釀造場地和生活場地是一體化的,所以今天我們有一種特殊的工作方式。 我們正在追求能否組織和實現產品和服務。 我希望我能在一個充滿了反映我的愛好和喜好的豐富行業的地區工作。 我希望你看一下這本雜誌。


    SOTOKOTO No.244 October 2019


    SOTOKOTO No.244 October 2019


    SOTOKOTO No.244 October 2019


    ○About “SOTOKOTO”





    ○About “SOTOKOTO”

    Social & Eco magazine with the theme of “Improving Society and Environment and Interesting”

    A social and eco magazine based on the theme of “Improving Society and Environment and Interesting”. Every month, social good topics from around the world and around Japan will be compiled to provide readers with information to help them in their lives. SOTOKOTO has no similar medium. Always original stance. Knowledge is refined from inspirational articles and ideas that lead to fun behavior are born.

    Since its first issue in 1999, we have been sending out various keywords that lead society, such as “Slow Life”, “Lohas”, “Social”, and “Local”. “SOTOKOTO” is an African Bantu word meaning “under the tree”. Discuss in the shade of “SOTOKOTO” and create good wisdom that leads to the future. And I want to convey it pleasantly. Such feelings are included.


    ○About “SOTOKOTO”


    以“改善社會,環境和有趣”為主題的社會和生態雜誌。每個月,都會匯集來自世界各地和日本各地的社交好主題,為讀者提供信息,幫助他們改善生活。 SOTOKOTO沒有類似的媒介。始終是原始立場。知識從鼓舞人心的文章和想法中提煉出來,導致有趣的行為誕生。

    自1999年首次發行以來,我們一直在發出引領社會的各種關鍵詞,如“慢生活”,“樂活”,“社交”和“本地”。 “SOTOKOTO”是非洲班圖語,意思是“在樹下”。在“SOTOKOTO”的陰影下討論並創造通向未來的良好智慧。我想愉快地傳達它。這種感覺包括在內。




  • 岩崎八幡神社祭典限定”YAMAMO NIGHT GARDEN TOUR”開催のお知らせ

    9月7、8日開催の岩崎八幡神社祭典の夜宮限定で”YAMAMO NIGHT GARDEN TOUR”を開催します。通常はファクトリーツアーに参加いただいたお客様のみご入場いただける弊社の庭園を開放し、スタッフがギャラリーと併せてご案内いたします。2日間限定でワインに合うプレートのご用意も予定しておりますので、夜の庭園を眺めながらお食事もお楽しみください。また、お子様も楽しんでいただけるよう型抜きや金魚すくいの出店もございます。ぜひご家族連れでお立ち寄りいただければと思います。


    Announcement of “YAMAMO NIGHT GARDEN TOUR” limited to Iwasaki Hachiman Shrine Festival

    “YAMAMO NIGHT GARDEN TOUR” will be held at Night Palace only at Iwasaki Hachiman Shrine Festival on September 7th and 8th. Usually, only the customers who participated in the factory tour will be able to enter our garden, and the staff will guide you along with the gallery. We plan to prepare a plate that matches wine for a limited period of 2 days, so you can enjoy your meal while watching the garden in the evening. In addition, there are also die-cutting and goldfish scooping stores for children to enjoy. I hope you will drop by with your family.


    只有岩崎八幡神社節的“YAMAMO NIGHT GARDEN TOUR”的公告

    “YAMAMO NIGHT GARDEN TOUR”將於9月7日和8日在岩崎八幡神社節在夜宮舉行。 通常,只有參加工廠參觀的客戶才能進入我們的花園,工作人員將引導您與畫廊一起。 我們計劃在2天的有限時間內準備一盤與葡萄酒相匹配的盤子,這樣您就可以在晚上觀看花園的同時享用餐點。 此外,還有兒童享受的模切和金魚舀店。 我希望你能和家人一起過去。