Report That Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2 Has Ended
Mr. Yamada of Okurayama Studio has found the value of a natural stone with a rust pattern called “伊達冠” as one of art materials and works, and has been working on expanding the field of activity around the world. On the other hand, Mr. Ando of TOHOKU360 has been exploring new forms of media by putting the eyes of the community and the general public into the press. Creativity is something that springs from within. The ability to create value by continuing to curate responsibly. It was confirmed in the discussion that the three parties were doing the same. What was particularly impressive in the story was how people can harmonize with nature as a way of beauty. Believing in natural stones and megaliths as a source of activity as an aid to thinking about that question. It was the moment when Mr. Yamada’s industrial spirit continued from the Meiji period. I would like to pursue it throughout my life, focusing on the beauty and spirituality that can be spun from generation to generation, from unraveling the fourth-generation garden and Nananosuke’s Martial Arts Monument.
Tohoku Innovation Festival Vol.2 通知召開
Okurayama Studio的山田先生一直致力於通過發現帶有生鏽圖案的天然石材“Date-Kanmuri”的價值作為藝術品和作品之一來擴展世界。另一方面,TOHOKU360的安藤先生則通過將社區和公眾的視線投向媒體來探索新的媒體形式。創造力源於內部。通過繼續負責任地策劃來創造價值的能力。討論中確認,三方都在這樣做。故事中特別令人印象深刻的是,人們如何與自然和諧相處,成為一種美麗的方式。相信天然石材和巨石是一種活動來源,有助於思考這個問題。從明治時代開始,山田先生的工業精神就在這一刻得以延續。我本人希望一生都在追求它,關注於世代相傳的美麗和靈性,從揭開第四代留下的花園和七之助的七之助紀念碑開始。
From the facilitation of Sawaguchi in the Social Transformation Division, we were able to deliver the thoughts of the speakers to the venue in a difficult theme, creating a sense of unity in the venue. From previous experience, Talk Events considers it important to be aware of your intentions without having too much prior discussion. This time, I was able to speak without thinking too much about the situation from the prior meeting of the speakers, and the fact that I could develop it was because of the preparation and consideration of facilitation. I think it was because there was.
在社會轉型部門的澤口的協助下,我們能夠以一個困難的主題將演講者的思想傳達給會場,從而在會場中營造了一種團結感。 根據以往的經驗,Talk Events認為在沒有過多討論的情況下了解您的意圖很重要。 這次,我能夠發言而無需過多考慮演講者上次會議上的情況,而我之所以能夠發展它,是因為準備工作和對便利的考慮。 我認為是因為有。
After the stage, people who came and speakers gave us suggestions, especially to connect friends who share a sense in the field of art and to act together. I am delighted that I was able to expand from an abstract and deep theme of aesthetics and art. I would like to be able to gain a wide range of studies in this area while making everyone aware of their activities at the event and embodying their own aesthetics and spirituality as activities. TThank you to everyone who came and related people.
舞台之後,來訪者和演講者給了我們一些建議,特別是結識在藝術領域有共同想法的朋友並共同行動。 我很高興能夠從美學和藝術的抽象而深刻的主題中得到擴展。 我希望能夠在這一領域獲得廣泛的研究,同時使每個人都知道自己在活動中的活動,並在活動中體現出自己的美學和靈性。 感謝所有來訪的人和相關人員。