The brewing start in 2012.
I began rice cleaning of Akita rice for preparation this year. I become it tense, if this work is done. The quality of bean paste went up according to the new process* of operation introduced last year. I “brew” by myself. I “sell” by myself. This pleasure can be felt. A new trial requires courage. I ask for the good taste and regard it as it tackling this year also.
We tasted the product awarded by the national bean paste soy sauce competitive show by the study meeting the other day. Moreover, we performed the market research of the new seasoning. There is much information exchange between contractors, the contractor of Akita Prefecture has good relations and they are eager for progress of technology.
The label of “Yukidoke” was changed in connection with the various conditions by overseas shipment. It changes from the square seal label to the label of a circular lowering card. Moreover, we begin the Internet sales of “Yukidoke”, taking advantage of this opportunity. The product here was continuation of improvement. Quality was stabilized and it became a good product. Although this will be the manufacture which restricted quantity every year, I would like you to taste it to more people. I explain this product below.
原料 : あきたこまち、国産大豆、赤穂の塩
酵母 : 秋田香酵母ゆらら
熟成樽 : 七号樽
熟成期間 : 丸一年
Description of Yukidoke
This bean paste is prepared at the time of a thaw by “Akitakomachi which was able to be taken locally.” It was made to ripe in a low-temperature maturing warehouse. Please eat this as it is first. Natural sweetness which snow solves in a mouth can be tasted. If it will ripe for one year, there will be the scent of careful distillation sweet taste most. This product is shipped at this time. Please taste with relish.
[Chief brewer memo]
Materials : Akitakomachi, Japanese soybean, Ako salt
Yeast : Akita scent yeast YURARA
Maturing barrel : No. 7 barrel
Maturing period : One year
[Best-before date]
Six months
[Method of preservation]
Cold storage