• 記事掲載のお知らせ_LIXIL eye JANUARY 2023 no.28

    建築・まちづくり情報誌”LIXIL eye”に弊社ヤマモの取り組みが掲載されております。白井晟一の残した建築群を御令孫の原太さんが丁寧にご案内するものです。白井晟一関連の書籍からも中々確認することができない生きた情報が掲載されています。取材チームには弊社にもお越しいただき、レストラン利用を含めてお話させていただき、よく意見交換をすることができました。




    News of Article Publication_LIXIL eye JANUARY 2023 no.28

    LIXIL eye”, an information magazine on architecture and urban development, features the work of Yamamo. Mr. Genta, a grandson of Seiichi Shirai, carefully guides visitors through the architectural complexes left behind by Seiichi Shirai. The article contains information that cannot be found even in books related to Seiichi Shirai. The interview team also visited our company and had a chance to talk with him, including the use of our restaurant, and exchange opinions with him often.

    We have been in contact with Mr. Genta since 2010, and we have been working together with him on the tea house, garden, and other stately initiatives. I was deeply moved by the fact that the “Yugen-seki,” which is the basic information about the building and his work with Mr. Genta, will remain as the name of the building.

    Many architectural works were born from the relationships with the “masters” that Seiichi Shirai came in contact with in Yuzawa, and they shaped the city. Their work has been handed down to future generations. We are delighted that our work has played a part in this and that we are able to stay close to the community throughout the ages. We will continue to pursue what only we can do, connecting industry and culture. Please take a look at our magazine._mediainfo._magazine


    報紙出版_LIXIL eye JANUARY 2023 no.28

    我們公司 Yamamo 的努力已刊登在建築和城市發展信息雜誌“LIXIL eye”上。 白井徵一的孫子原太先生將細心帶您參觀白井徵一留下的建築物。 它包含即使是與白井晟一有關的書籍也無法輕易確認的實時信息。 採訪組還參觀了我們公司並談到了使用餐廳的情況,我們能夠很好地交換意見。

    我從 2010 年開始接觸原太先生,我們共同致力於茶室和花園等具有深遠意義的項目。 這次稍稍涉及了歷史,原先生的作品“遊元石”的建築物的基本信息仍保留為名稱,這讓我深受感動。

    白井晟一在湯澤結識了被稱為“丈夫”的人,許多建築由此誕生,城市也隨之成型。 作品留傳後世,流傳至今。 我們很高興我們的工作在其中發揮了作用,並且隨著時間的推移,我們與當地社區的關係越來越密切。 我們願連接產業與文化,追求只有我們能做的。 請看一下雜誌。







    建築のまちを旅する 湯沢・横手










    白井原太 しらい・げんた




    改修設計(幽玄席)|白井原太 / 白井晟一建築研究所・アトリエNo.5



    Traveling in the City of Architecture Yuzawa/Yokote

    Seiichi Shirai’s attempts at vernacular architecture that spread from his relationships with people

    Navigator|Genta Shirai

     Seiichi Shirai, considered an unorthodox architect, designed many buildings in the Yuzawa and Yokote areas of southern Akita Prefecture from the late 1940s to the 1960s after World War II. Several of these buildings are still in use today. Yuzawa is also the site where the “Prototype Small House” that Shirai designed in Tokyo was relocated.

     The work in Yuzawa and Yokote became the starting point for Shirai’s postwar work. But how was he able to obtain design work when he had no geographical ties to the area? We visited Shirai’s architectural works in this area, which still remain today, guided by Mr. Genta Shirai, grandson of Seiichi Shirai, architect, and Yuzawa City hometown support ambassador.


     Shirai began working on public buildings in his later years, and few of the buildings he designed in his early years can actually be seen. However, in Yuzawa, there are buildings that remain in clusters, and some of them, like ryokan (Japanese-style inns), offer lodging. Why not take advantage of this and use it to revitalize Yuzawa? Mr. Yasushi Takahashi, the seventh-generation owner of Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce Brewery, will be a powerful ally for Mr. Genta. Mr. Takahashi studied architecture at university, and since taking over the family business, he has focused on creating new value for the traditional miso and soy sauce industry, while at the same time promoting community development in the Iwasaki district of Yuzawa City, where he is based.

     Since his first visit to Yuzawa when the prototype small house was relocated, Mr. Genta has deepened his connection with the people of the area. My father, Hyosuke, has never brought me to Yuzawa, but I sometimes bring my son here. It’s not that I want him to do architecture in the future, but I wanted to show him something that was born out of my connections with people. My father once came here with my grandfather,” he says.

     Shirai has created a number of architectural “objects” in Yuzawa and Yokote based on human connections. Mr. Genta is trying to create “things” in Yuzawa and Yokote based on human connections. In every generation, new movements are born from the connections among people, and Shirai’s legacy in Yuzawa is not limited to buildings alone. (Excerpts from the article)


    Genta Shirai

    Born in Tokyo in 1973, Shirai graduated from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tama Art University in 1997. After working for a design firm, he joined the Shirai Seiichi Architectural Institute in 2000. In addition to his work in architecture and interior design, he is also involved in the preservation and utilization of the work of his grandfather, architect Seiichi Shirai. Drawing cityscapes and architecture is his life’s work. He has written and edited several books, including “Shirai Seiichi’s Hands and Eyes” (Kajima Press) and “Shirai Seiichi, Talking about Architecture: Dialogue and Discussion” (Chuokoron Shinsha) He has served as a hometown support ambassador for Yuzawa City in Akita Prefecture since 2020.


    Yamamo Brewery

    Design|Saiji Sato
    Renovation Design (Yugen-seki)|Genta Shirai / Shirai Seiichi Architectural Institute, Atelier No.5
    Renovation (Yugen-seki)|From 2021
    124 Iwasaki, Yuzawa City

    The grandiose storefront is surrounded by a redeveloped, circular garden “Senshitsuen” of approximately 3,000 square meters behind a black wall. The first generation began making miso and soy sauce in 1867. Yasushi Takahashi, the seventh generation head of the family, took over the business in 2007. At the same time, he made a major reform of the business in the belief that he wanted to make the business of miso and soy sauce making more attractive. He revamped the packaging and transformed part of his home into a café. He also started a hands-on dinner tour, where dishes made with his own yeast are served one by one in the café-restaurant, the Moromi-gura, and the “Yugen-seki,” a tea room designed by Genta Shirai and named after the calligraphy “Yugen” by Seiichi Shirai, as well as throughout the building. Mr. Takahashi’s challenge continues as he seeks to revitalize the Iwasaki area beyond the promotion of fermented food culture.





    白井誠一被稱為特立獨行的建築師,從 20 世紀 40 年代後期到戰後的 1960 年代,他在秋田縣南部的湯澤和橫手地區設計了許多建築物。 其中一些至今仍在使用。 湯澤也是白井在東京設計的“原型小屋”搬遷的地方。

    在湯澤和橫手的工作是白井戰後工作的起點。 但是,為什麼即使您與該地區沒有聯繫,您也會得到一份設計工作? 建築師白井晟一的孫子、湯澤故鄉的城市大使白井元太帶領我們參觀了這一地區僅存的白井建築。


    由於白井晚年開始從事公共建築,他早年設計的建築很少能真正看到。 但是,在湯澤,也有可以像旅館一樣住宿的建築物。 難道不能利用這個優勢,振興湯澤嗎? 原先生的得力夥伴是山本味噌醬油廠第七代掌門人髙橋泰先生。 在大學學習建築學並接手家族企業後,髙橋先生專注於為味噌和醬油這一傳統產業展現新價值的活動,同時也在他所在的湯澤市岩崎區推動城市發展.

    原型小屋搬遷時,原太先生第一次訪問了湯澤,此後他加深了與當地人的聯繫。 “我父親美助從來沒有帶我來過湯澤,但我會時不時帶我兒子來這裡。聽說我父親曾經和我爺爺一起來過這裡。”

    白井根據人際關係在湯澤和橫手創造了許多建築“對象”。 基於人際關係,原先生試圖在湯澤和橫手創造“事物”。 白井在湯澤留下的不僅僅是建築物,人與人之間的聯繫催生了新的動向。 (摘自文章)



    1973年生於東京。 1997年畢業於多摩美術大學美術學部建築系。 在設計事務所工作後,他於 2000 年加入白井清一建築研究所。 除了建築和室內設計工作外,他還參與了其祖父建築師白井晟一的作品的保存和利用。 他一生的工作是繪製街景和建築。 著著並編輯了《白井晟一的手和眼》(鹿島出版社)、《白井晟一談建築:對話與圓桌會議》(中央公論新社)。 2020年起擔任秋田縣湯澤市的家鄉支援大使。



    改造設計(幽玄席)| 白井原太 / 白井晟一建築研究所, Atelier No.5
    裝修(幽玄席)| 從 2021 年開始

    在雄偉的店面前,約 300 坪的重新開發的散步花園“辿柒園”在黑色柵欄外展開。 第一代人於 1867 年開始製作味噌和醬油。 此後,歷代當家都致力於這一地區的教育和文化傳播。 2007 年,第七代當家高橋靖接管了家族企業。 與此同時,他懷著要讓製作大醬和醬油的工作更有魅力的信念,著手進行重大改革。 套餐已經更新,部分房子改成了咖啡廳。 參觀咖啡餐廳諸味蔵和由白井源太設計的幽玄席茶室(以白井晟一的書法“幽玄”命名),享用用我們自己的酵母製作的菜餚。我們還開始了親自動手的晚餐之旅. 對於以振興岩崎地區為目標的高橋先生來說,不僅僅是通過傳播發酵食品文化,挑戰還在繼續。



    LIXIL eye


    ”LIXIL eye”とは

    LIXIL eyeは「建築・まちづくりから生活文化を探求する情報誌」として、建築やまちづくりの計画や設計にお役立ていただけるさまざまな特集記事をお届けするLIXIL発行の情報誌です。


    About “LIXIL eye”

    LIXIL Eye is an information magazine that explores lifestyle and culture through architecture and urban development, and provides a variety of feature articles that are useful for planning and designing architecture and urban development.


    什麼是”LIXIL eye

    LIXIL eye 是一本信息雜誌,由 LIXIL 出版,作為從建築和城市發展探索生活方式文化的信息雜誌,提供對規劃和設計建築和城市發展有用的各種專題文章。



  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_BRUTUS®_November Issue





    News of Article Publication_BRUTUS®_November Issue

    The November issue of BRUTUS® features an article on Yamamo. Under the theme of “A delicious overnight trip that will change your life,” eight destinations from across Japan are featured in the article, “Visit the New Star of Fermentation, Innovation in the Northern Tohoku Region. Our new service is featured under the title “Visit the New Star of Fermentation, Innovating in the Northern Tohoku Region.

    The “Dinner Tour,” which allows guests to experience the effects of Viamver®︎ yeast, the core of innovative fermentation, will feature 9 dishes and 9 pairings served in 5 different locations, including a Moromi warehouse with over 100 year old wooden barrels and a tea house associated with architect Chenichi Shirai. The event will be held at five different locations, including a Moromi warehouse with over 100-year-old wooden barrels and a tea house related to the architect Chenichi Shirai. By pairing not only the same yeast but also various architectural spaces, visitors will be able to experience the environment and background that led to the discovery of the special yeast, as well as the culture and climate that has been spun out through the interaction between the Takahashi family and cultural figures.

    The article also touches on Chef Sato and researcher Mr. Kimura from the outside team, and captures the efforts that have been made with experts and on an evidence basis. Everyone on the team is delighted that what started as a simple café menu has become a full-fledged restaurant in three years. We hope that this media outlet will be an opportunity for you to experience the new world of fermentation._mediainfo._magazine


    報紙出版_BRUTUS®_November Issue

    一篇關於 Yamamo 的文章發表在 11 月號的 BRUTUS® 上。 以“改變生活的美味過夜旅行”為主題,挑選了來自全國的8個旅遊目的地,以及以“探訪為北東北帶來創新的發酵新星”為主題的新服務。 ”是特色。






    髙橋 泰



    Visit to the New Star of Fermentation, an Innovator in the Northern Tohoku Region.

    Yasushi Takahashi
    Born in Akita Prefecture in 1979.
    <He is the seventh generation of the Yamamo Brewery. In 2020, he discovered the yeast “Vianver” and presented it to the Japanese Society of Brewing Science. Obtained patent for microorganism.

    A brewery that innovates the basic technology of traditional miso and soy sauce and produces dishes unimaginable from a traditional brewery. And a brewery that pioneers a new genre of sake in the world of sake, which is said to be impossible for newcomers to enter. From Yuzawa to Oga, a trip to visit innovative Akita breweries.



    高橋 泰
    <山茂味噌醬油釀造商> 第7代。 我們通過向海外出口產品和接待入境游客來擴大業務。 2020年,他發現了酵母“Vienver”,並將其贈送給日本釀酒協會。 獲得微生物專利。

    創新傳統味噌和醬油的基本技術,生產傳統啤酒廠無法想像的菜餚的啤酒廠。 以及在清酒世界中開闢新酒類的釀酒廠,據說這對新進入者來說是不可能的。 從湯澤前往男鹿,參觀秋田的創新啤酒廠。









    Pursuing a new world of food from a unique yeast.

    In Akita Prefecture, where miso, soy sauce, sake, and other fermented foods have long been popular, there are two people whose unique approaches are attracting attention in the food world. To meet these two new stars of publishing, we first visited the Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce Brewery in Yuzawa City.

    The Iwasaki area of Yuzawa City has long been a popular area for miso and shoyu brewing, and Yasushi Takahashi, the seventh-generation owner of the brewery, has been putting his new ideas into practice one after another. The café-restaurant he has opened in the brewery serves dishes made with a special yeast discovered in the brewery and named “Viamver®. The yeast was analyzed with the help of a microbiologist specializing in microbiology and fermentation, and its characteristics were extracted from the food. We marinate meat and fish in Viamver® yeast solution to soften them, and season them with the flavor and salt necessary for the yeast to ferment,” says Takahashi.

    Furthermore, research has shown that Viamver® produces more alcohol than other yeasts. This is surprising because it has been applied to sake brewing.

    In the wine world, yeast such as Viamver® is considered a spoilage fungus and is frowned upon, but we have developed an original wine using Viamver®,” says Takahashi. This “Proslogion” wine made with Niagara grapes has no peculiarities and goes well with food. Thus, a single yeast full-pairing course was completed, using Viamver® for all dishes and wines.




    湯澤市的岩崎地區長期以來一直是味噌醬油生產的繁榮地區。第七代高橋泰,一個又一個的新想法成型。倉庫中開設的咖啡餐廳使用倉庫中發現的一種名為“Viamver®”的特殊酵母供應菜餚。在專門研究微生物和發酵的千鶴研究員的合作下,分析了這種酵母,並提出了菜餚的特點。 “當我研究它時,我發現它產生的琥珀酸是一種鮮味成分,與味噌衍生的酵母相比,它的產量大約高出 1.5 倍。我們用鮮味和酵母發酵所需的鹽對其進行調味,”高橋說。

    此外,研究表明 Viamver®比其他酵母產生更多的酒精。我很驚訝地發現這被應用於清酒釀造。

    “在葡萄酒的世界裡,像 Viamver®這樣的酵母被認為是腐敗真菌並受到憎恨,但我們使用 Viamver®開發了一種原創葡萄酒。” Proslogion 是一種由尼亞加拉葡萄釀製的葡萄酒,沒有特色,與食物搭配得很好。這樣,一個完整的使用 Viamver®的單一酵母搭配所有菜餚和葡萄酒的課程就完成了。



    1 湯沢市から車で10分ほどの<ヤマモ味噌醬油醸造元>。老舗の佇まいだが、内装はスタイリッシュに改装されている。
    2 店頭のショップには、ヤマモの主力商品である醤油などが並ぶ。パッケージがリデザインされていても昔から変わらぬ味。
    3 ヴィアンヴァー酵母や発酵についてもレクチャーしてくれる。
    4 醤油より旨味の強い「ヴィアンヴァーソイソース」(1,836円)と「ヴィアンヴァーヴェジタブルソルト」(2,052円)。
    5 ヴィアンヴァーを発酵させて造ったオリジナルワイン「プロスロギオン」。これをペアリングのベースにし、アレンジ。


    1 Yamamo Brewery is a 10-minute drive from Yuzawa City. It has the appearance of a long-established business, but the interior has been stylishly renovated.
    2 Yamamo’s mainstay products, including soy sauce, are displayed in the storefront store. The packaging may have been redesigned, but the taste is the same as it has always been.
    3 Viamver® also gives lectures on yeast and fermentation.
    4 “Viamver® Soy Sauce” (1,836 yen) and “Viamver® Vegetable Salt” (2,052 yen) have a stronger flavor than soy sauce.
    5 “Proslogion,” an original wine made by fermenting Viamver®. This was used as the base for the pairing and arranged.


    1 從湯澤市<Yamamo味噌醬油釀酒醸造商>開車約10分鐘。 看似老字號的店鋪,內部裝修時尚。
    2 店麵店裡,排列著醬油等山茂的主打商品。 即使包裝已經重新設計,味道還是一樣的。
    3 他還將講授 Viamver®酵母和發酵。
    4 比醬油味道更濃郁的“Viamver®醬油”(1,836日元)和“Viamver®蔬菜鹽”(2,052日元)。
    5 Viamver®發酵釀製的原酒“Proslogion”。 將此用作配對和排列的基礎。









    An interactive dinner tour of five locations

    Finally, we were served the full course. Although the photos do not show all of the dishes, the dinner will be held at five different locations, using not only the regular restaurant space but also the entire warehouse space. It is designed as a culinary experience that allows visitors to enjoy the factory tour and dinner at the same time.

    The dinner begins at the Moromi-Gura. In a space lined with wooden barrels that are more than 100 years old and bearing the target year and have a strong Moromi aroma, you will be served “Proslogion” wine along with finger foods. Next, we moved on to the “first storehouse”. After the second appetizer, we moved to the restaurant space, where three kinds of fresh seafood were served with doburoku. We used doburoku as a rice to make it look like sushi,” said Mr. Takahashi. The doburoku was made from the up-and-coming brewery Ina to Agave Brewery in Oga, which was to be visited the next day, and doburoku from Tonoya, an auberge in Tono City, Iwate Prefecture. Mr. Takahashi commissioned both of these unique brewers to brew doburoku with Viamver®, and it was a success. The product is scheduled to be commercialized in the near future. After the salad and main dish of fish, we were shown to a tea ceremony room called “Yugen-seki,” which was designed by an architect with close ties to Akita. The next stop was a tea room called “Yugen-seki,” named after the calligraphy “Yugen” by architect Seiichi Shirai, who has close ties to Akita Prefecture. The fact that the tea room was set up between the fish and meat entrees, where soup and tea were served, was quite unique. Then it was back to the restaurant for the meat main course. This lamb was again superb. It was juicy without any smell, and the two kinds of sauce made from fermented grapes and mandarin oranges added a complex sweet and sour flavor. The meal ends with dessert and dessert cocktails in the tatami room overlooking the garden. It was an intense experience for all five senses, not just the palate.

    By working with a variety of people across barriers, including sake breweries, we can do innovative things.

    Mr. Takahashi plans to purchase an old house near this site and turn it into an auberge. His innovation has not yet stopped.




    晚餐從森村開始。在裝滿 100 多年曆史的木桶並散發著濃郁的醪香的空間中,您可以享用手抓食物和葡萄酒“Proslogion”。接下來,我們搬到了一個叫做“第一倉庫”的倉庫。在這個歷史悠久的倉庫裡吃了兩道開胃菜後,我們去了餐廳空間。 3個項目是3種新鮮海鮮,每種都配有濁酒。 “我用濁酒作為壽司飯,讓它看起來像壽司,”高橋說。 濁酒的水源來自男鹿的新銳釀酒廠和岩手縣遠野市的Auberge的濁酒。高橋先生委託兩位獨特的釀酒師使用Viamver®釀造濁酒並成功。計劃於近期投入生產。之後,我們繼續在餐廳享用沙拉和魚主菜,然後我們被引導到名為幽玄席的茶室。這是一間以與秋田有深厚淵源的建築師白井晟一的書法“幽玄”命名的茶室。在魚肉主菜之間設置茶室,供應湯品和茶水,頗具特色。然後我們回到餐廳享用肉類主菜。這款朗姆酒也很棒。兩種類型的發酵葡萄和橘子醬增加了複雜的甜味和酸味。晚上在俯瞰花園的榻榻米房間里以甜點和甜點雞尾酒結束。這是一種強烈的體驗,不僅可以品嚐,還可以用所有五種感官感受。















    Dinner tour starts!

    The starter is a space filled with the aroma of Moromi.
    Finger food of pork marinated in Viamver® sommelier (marinade), served on a pie with grapes and blue cheese. The meat is soft and tender.

    The first storehouse
    Gibier is also an elegant dish with improved meat quality.
    At the Hatsudai no Kura, Yamamo’s oldest restaurant. Mushrooms are served with pork, sweet potatoes, maitake mushrooms, and other ingredients. The meat has no odor and melts in the mouth, making it hard to believe it is venison.

    Fresh seafood and doburoku are used as a sushi appetizer.
    Octopus, bonito, and flatfish are served with a mixture of mizumoto and lime, mizumoto and red wine, and mizumoto and doburoku, respectively. The glass is a Gali-style chandigafu.

    Salad representing the Iwasaki area.
    The leafy vegetables are hydroponically grown using geothermal heat from Yuzawa City. Fermented sweetfish liver and tofu, spinach mousse and edible cricket powder are also available. A cup of fermented cherries and prothlogion.

    Tea Room
    Tea and soup at the tea room to refresh the palate before the main course.
    A small amount of iburigakko was added to hojicha tea from in Shizuoka. The tea has a slight smoky flavor, and the addition of Viamver® salt gives it a dashi-like taste. The soup is Shadow Queen Vichyssoise.

    The main dish is the essence of Viamver®.
    The main meat dish is lamb from Shirakami, Akita Prefecture. The lamb is marinated in a yeast sommelier solution, so it is very tender and has none of the characteristic odor. The drink is “Nama-Hashiroshi,” a doburoku made by Toonoya.

    Zashiki (tatami room)
    Finish off your meal with a dessert in the living room-like tatami room.
    Soy gelato and crème brûlée made with 20-year-aged miso. For the first time, dessert tastes like miso soy sauce. Served with Proslogion, which is arranged like a noble rot wine.

    Yamamo Brewery
    Established in 1867. Products such as Amashio soy sauce, Ajijman (men-tsuyu), and low-temperature-aged miso “Yukikaze” are also popular.
    Lunch 11:00 – 15:00, Dinner 18:00 – 22:00 (reservation required). Cafe 10:00-17:00. Closed irregularly. Full-pairing dinner tour 33,000 yen.



    用 Viamver® Saumur 液體(醃製液體)醃製的豬肉手指食品,放在帶有葡萄和藍紋奶酪的餡餅上。肉又軟又嫩。


    章魚、鰹魚和比目魚混合米飯和龍舌蘭水本和酸橙,水本和紅酒,以及水本和遠野屋濁酒。玻璃是 Gari 風格的 Shandy Gaff。


    靜岡縣的焙茶中添加了少量的iburi gakko。一種帶有輕微煙熏味的茶。添加 Viamver® 鹽可增加鮮味,使其嘗起來像湯料。湯是影子女王維希索絲。

    Viamver® 真正超值的主菜。
    主要的肉是秋田縣白神產的羊肉。在酵母 Saumur 液體中醃製,沒有獨特的氣味,非常柔軟。飲料是濁酒“生酛”。

    用大豆冰淇淋和 20 年陳釀味噌製成的焦糖布丁。甜點第一次嘗起來像味噌醬油。像貴腐酒一樣排列著序號。

    成立於 1867 年(京王 3 年)。 其他受歡迎的產品包括 甘塩醬油、味自慢、和低溫陳年味噌“雪解”。
    秋田縣湯澤市岩崎124☎0183-73-2902。 午餐 11:00-15:00,晚餐 18:00-22:00(需預約)。 咖啡廳從 10:00 到 17:00。 不定期的假期。 全配對晚餐之旅 33,000 日元。







    ○About “BRUTUS®︎”

    BRUTUS®︎ is a comprehensive pop culture magazine published bi-weekly on the 1st and 15th of every month by Magazine House, Inc.



    BRUTUS®︎ 是由 Magazine House Co., Ltd. 於每月 1 日和 15 日每隔一周出版的綜合流行文化雜誌。


  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_Forbs Japan_September Issue

    Forbs Japan9月号の“POSITIVE IMPACT GUIDE / 「新しい主役たち」が世界に実装するインパクト100”の特集号でヤマモの取り組みが掲載されております。地域にある文化を拾い上げ、価値に変えてきた「CULTUREPRENEURS」の観点で弊社が選定されております。




    News of Article Publication_Forbs Japan_September Issue

    Yamamo is featured in the “POSITIVE IMPACT GUIDE” in the September issue of Forbs Japan. Yamamo was selected as one of the “CULTUREPRENEURS” that have picked up local culture and turned it into value.

    Local cultures are formed in accordance with the local climate. Because we live in an area with heavy snowfall, brewers have long lived and worked collectively at the brewery. They lived together for food, clothing, and shelter, and the boundary between public and private life was blurred, so the tools and daily necessities for the kurain remain in the warehouses, giving visitors a sense of the unique culture. In addition, there remains the wisdom and systems to maintain and manage the fungal ecosystem of brewing in the heavy snow and the seasonal flora and fauna in the gardens.

    We are considering how we can incorporate the values and ideas derived from these wisdoms into our industries and services. Starting with our current project of making products with new yeast, we are thinking of restructuring and touring the culture that remains in the warehouses, such as creating tea houses, tending the gardens, and managing the fields, to keep the old and new attractive values alive for the future while turning the economy around. We hope you will take a look at the article.


    報紙出版_Forbs Japan_September Issue

    Yamamo的文章發表在日本福布斯9月刊的“POSITIVE IMPACT GUIDE / 世界新主角”實施的“積極影響指南100”特刊上。我公司是從“CULTUREPRENEURS”的角度選擇的。








    「文化的成熟度」と「経済的インパクト」/ カルチャープレナーが生む「新価値」






    Impact of the “New Protagonists” on the World
    Cultural Maturity and Economic Impact / New Value” Created by Cultural Planners

    We believe that culture planners who are attached to their culture and region and create added value will play an important role in Japan. There will be a greater need for players who can add new value to national and regional cultural resources and commercialize them. Furthermore, rediscovery and reinterpretation of attractive cultural resources that have not yet been given value will become more important. The role will be to build new circuits of culture and consumption in the “everyday” lives of people around the world, as well as to people around the world who are interested in Japanese culture, such as Japanese food and Zen.

    People who have successfully picked up the culture of a country or region and turned it into value have existed throughout Japan for some time. However, it is necessary to redefine them as important, naming them “culture planners” rather than “people who are doing something revolutionary in the community. If the national government, local governments, and private sector can create an environment that facilitates the sharing of know-how and the dissemination of information to the world, their appeal and value will grow, and Japan’s cultural maturity will likewise increase. (Article excerpt)

    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Co.
    Founded in 1867. Yasushi Takahashi, the seventh generation, rebranded the company and began exporting miso and soy sauce products overseas in 2012. He organized inbound tours and set up his own cafe-restaurant and art gallery. In recent years, he has formed a yeast research and development team.



    “文化成熟度”與“經濟影響力” / 文化策劃者創造的“新價值


    成功地接受並重視一個國家或地區的文化的人遍布日本。但是,有必要將他們命名為“文化規劃者”而不是“在該地區做革命事情的人”,並將他們重新定義為重要的存在。如果國家政府、地方政府和私營部門創造一個易於向世界分享知識和傳播信息的環境,它的吸引力和價值就會增加,日本的文化成熟度也會隨著時間的推移而增加。出色地。 (文章節選)

    1867 一般業務。 2012年第七代高橋泰更名並開始向海外出口味噌和醬油產品。 他計劃了一次入境旅遊,並自己開設了一家咖啡館餐廳和藝術畫廊。 近年來,他組建了酵母研發團隊。


    Forbs Japan


    ○”Forbs Japan”とは



    ○About “Forbs Japan”

    Newly launched in June 2014 as the Japanese edition of Forbes, a global business magazine that operates in 47 countries around the world. For readers with a global perspective, Forbes curates articles from Forbes’ home country editions and editions from around the world, and presents the world’s most cutting-edge information along with original articles from Japan. Forbes’ mission is to bring the people, ideas, and technologies that are changing the world to the business executive community. Forbes Japan is building on Forbes’ 100-year history, trust, and network of influential and powerful people to deliver the world’s most cutting-edge information in a variety of formats through the magazine, the Web, events, and other platforms.


    ○什麼是“Forbs Japan

    2014 年 6 月作為全球商業雜誌《Forbs》的日文版新推出,該雜誌在全球 47 個國家/地區開展業務。 對於具有全球視野的讀者,我們為福布斯的祖國和每個國家策劃文章,並將世界上最先進的信息與來自日本的原創文章一起發送。 Forbs的使命是將有關改變世界的人、思想和技術的信息帶給企業高管社區。 Forbs Japan基於“Forbs”100年的歷史和信任以及具有影響力的權勢人物網絡等資產,通過雜誌、網絡和活動等平台,以各種形式提供世界上最先進的信息。我正在發送。




    世界160の国と地域、約3億8000万世帯に向けて放送されるNHK-WORLD JAPANの「BIZ STREAM」にて、ヤマモの取り組みが紹介されます。番組内の特集On-Site Reportの “発酵によるイノヴェーション / Innovation Through Fermentation”のテーマでVTRとスタジオのコメントがあるようです。




    Notice of Program Broadcast_BIZ STREAM / NHK-WORLD JAPAN

    Yamamo’s efforts will be introduced in NHK-WORLD JAPAN’s “BIZ STREAM” broadcast to about 380 million households in 160 countries and regions around the world. The program will feature a special On-Site Report on “Innovation Through Fermentation,” which will include a VTR and studio commentary.

    At the time of the interview, it was during the preparation period, so the crew stayed at the brewery for three days. In addition, Mr. Kimura, a researcher from the Akita Prefectural Food Research Center who is a member of the development team, Chef Sato who supervises our café, and Mr. Kobayashi from Domaine Chaud who worked with us on the Viamver®︎ wine were also there for the interview.

    Communicating the characteristics of the fungus discovered from the brewer’s yeast must be done from many angles. We are looking forward to reporting on the wide range of activities, including product development, gastronomy, and tours, while including the voices of the people involved. We hope you will take a look at it._mediainfo._overseas_tv



    Yamamo的努力將在NHK-WORLD JAPAN的“BIZ STREAM”中介紹,該節目將向全球160個國家和地區的約3.8億家庭播出。在節目的專題現場報導中,似乎有來自VTR和工作室的評論以“發酵創新 / Innovation Through Fermentation”為主題。

    面試的時候,因為是準備期,面試組在倉庫里呆了3天。此外,我們還接受了開發組秋田縣食品研究中心的木村研究員、咖啡廳監督的佐藤主廚以及Viamver®︎葡萄酒的Domaine Chaud的小林先生的採訪。









    Innovation Through Fermentation
    From sake and soy sauce to miso paste, fermented foods are a cornerstone of Japanese cuisine. This episode features food manufacturers that are hoping to see sales rise by getting creative with yeast. A miso brewery is serving up full-course meals that feature dishes made with a flavor-enhancing yeast.


    從清酒和醬油到味噌醬,發酵食品是日本料理的基石。 這一集的特色食品製造商希望通過酵母的創意來增加銷售額。 一家味噌啤酒廠正在供應全餐,其中包括用增味酵母製成的菜餚。














    ○About BIZ STREAM
    BIZ STREAM provides the world with the latest economic information from Japan and Asia. We take a close-up look at corporate strategies, the frontlines of development, etc., and introduce their background and impact from a global perspective. It is an economic program that conveys information quickly and in depth, with cutting-edge information from Asia.


    ○什麼是BIZ STREAM
    我們將向世界發送有關日本和亞洲的最新經濟信息。 公司戰略和發展前沿的特寫,從全球的角度介紹了其背景和影響。 這是一檔快速、深入地傳達亞洲最新信息的經濟節目。


  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_NIHONMONO





    News of Article Publication_NIHONMONO

    An article about Yamamo is featured in NIHONMONO, a travel magazine that explores the ‘real things’ of ‘Japan’. Hidetoshi Nakata visited us and explained the benefits of Viamver®︎ yeast and the process that led to its discovery during the tour, and paired wines and food with the same yeast. We had a very interesting discussion about their views on the intended fermentation and the thoughts of the creators and how they communicate their values to the world.

    Because of the yeast’s ability to work across technologies and genres, we continue to explore its potential in collaboration with other industries, such as winemaking. This is very rewarding, but it is not easy to communicate completely new products and values. The invisible bacteria and delicate flavours may sometimes have to be made easier to understand or from a different angle. Our conversation with Mr Nakata, who is also involved in efforts to communicate the value of sake to the world, made us think about this.

    They have written an article about the efforts of the 7th generation so far. We hope you will take a look at it._mediainfo._magazine



    一篇關於 Yamamo 的文章發表在“NIHONMONO”上,這是一本關於“日本”中“真實事物”的旅遊雜誌。 中田英寿先生拜訪了我們,並在參觀過程中解釋了 Viamver®︎ 酵母的功效和導致發現的過程,並將葡萄酒和食物與相同的酵母搭配在一起。我能夠非常感興趣地談論如何傳達對預期發酵的看法,創作者的感受以及他們對世界的價值。

    由於酵母可以跨越技術和流派,我們將繼續與釀酒等其他行業合作,挖掘其潛力。 這是非常有益的,但要傳達一個全新的產品或價值並不容易。 看不見的細菌和微妙的味道有時可能不得不簡單易懂,或者你可能不得不改變角度。 與同樣致力於向世界傳達清酒價值的中田先生交談,讓我想到了這一點。

    我們讓你寫一篇關於迄今為止第七代的努力的文章。 我想讓你看看。







    In search of the future, the 7th generation head of the family chose the evolution of fermentation, ‘Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company’

    The Minase River flows through the southern part of Akita Prefecture, descends the Oyasu Gorge, enriches the Inaniwa Udon noodle village and joins the Naruse River in the town of Yuzawa. In 1867, Mosuke Takahashi, founder of the Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, began making miso and soy sauce near the Minase River. The beautiful water was essential for miso and soy sauce production, and the proximity of the river made it possible to transport the products by boat. After 150 years, the Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company is now in the hands of the seventh generation of the family, Yasushi Takahashi. The name “Yasushi” is inscribed in his name, but Yasushi’s first choice was the path of change.

    He had previously set his sights on a career in architecture, but at the age of 27 he returned to Akita to take over the family business. His decision to take over the business was driven by his love for the brewery, which had unknowingly taken up residence in his heart, and he thought that if someone else was going to take over the business, it should be him. However, the small brewery in Akita, in the north of Japan, was feeling a sense of entrapment. Tai felt that this was not good enough. He was not attracted to the miso and soy sauce business himself. He decided that he had no choice but to change things himself, and started working on the rebranding of the company on his own.



    流經秋田縣南部的水瀨川流下親安峽,滋潤稻庭烏冬村,匯入成瀨川,匯入湯澤町。 再往下,與縣南部最大的河流——大物川匯合的一級河流,是滋養地區的富饒河流。 1867年,“Yamamo味噌醬油釀造商”的創始人高橋茂助在水瀨川附近開始製作味噌醬油。 美麗的水是製作味噌醬油的必要條件,如果附近有河流,可以乘船運輸。 就這樣,倉庫逐漸拓寬了銷售渠道,規模越來越大。 150年後,Yamamo味噌醬油由第7代老闆大高橋先生釀造。 名字上刻著“安泰”二字,但泰先生首先選擇了改變的道路。

    在那之前,他一直以建築世界為目標,但在 27 歲時,他回到秋田並接手了家族企業。 如果有人成功了,我就繼承它,如果有人粉碎了它,我想讓它成為我的替代品,我會做出決定,繼承那份在不知不覺中牢牢紮根在我心中的倉庫的愛。 然而,在日本北部秋田的一個小倉庫裡,有一種堵車的感覺。 靖先生覺得:“這樣不行。” 畢竟,我發現自己並沒有被味噌醬油的工作所吸引。 然後我不得不自己改變它,所以我開始自己重新命名公司。



    最初から目を向けたのは海外だった。誇り高い日本の伝統文化を海外に発信していく使命を自分が担うのだという決意もあった。醤油のラベルを日英表記にし、外国語対応の公式HPを制作、伝統産業の良さを残しながらも、その過程から生まれたデザインは、従来とは180度違うもののように見えた。いや、傍目には「違うもの」としか映らない。古参の社員とぶつかり、ついには両親とも衝突する。疲弊し迷う日々、それでも仕事の成果が泰さんを後押しする。海外貿易に取り組んだ2年目で台湾での取引が始まり、翌年には海外での展示会に積極的に出品し本格的な海外進出を果たした。2013年にはグッドデザイン賞を受賞するなど、業界でも注目を集める存在へとなっていく。そして代々大切に受け継がれてきた高橋家邸宅の庭を見学の一部としたファクトリーツアーを企画するなど、蔵内を以前とはまったく異なる体験型蔵元へと刷新した。さらに、庭の景色を楽しみながら特殊酵母を使った料理だけでコースをつなぐ「YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE」をオープンした。


    From the very beginning, it was abroad that he set his sights on. There was also a determination that I would be the one to take on the mission of communicating the proud traditional Japanese culture overseas. The soy sauce labels were changed to Japanese and English, an official website was created in foreign languages, and while retaining the good qualities of traditional industry, the design that emerged from the process looked 180 degrees different from what had been done before. No, to the casual observer, it only looked ‘different’. He clashes with old employees and finally with his parents. Tired and lost day after day, Yasu is still encouraged by the results of his work. In the second year of his involvement in overseas trade, he began doing business in Taiwan, and the following year he made a full-fledged foray overseas by actively exhibiting his products at overseas trade fairs. The brewery was also revamped into a completely different experience-oriented brewery by organising factory tours that include the garden of the Takahashi family mansion, which has been carefully passed down from generation to generation, as part of the tour. Furthermore, they opened the YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE, which connects courses with dishes made only with special yeast while enjoying the view of the garden.


    從一開始,我就把注意力轉向了海外。我也決心肩負起將日本引以為豪的傳統文化傳播到海外的使命。醬油標籤用日文和英文寫成,外文官網創建,在保留了傳統行業的優點的同時,從那個過程中誕生的設計似乎與傳統的180度不同。不,它只是在側面看起來像“不同的東西”。他與一位老員工相撞,最終與他的父母相撞。即使我筋疲力盡,迷失方向,我的工作成果仍然支持靖先生。對台交易始於從事外貿工作的第二年,次年積極參加海外展會,實現了全面的海外擴張。 2013年榮獲Good Design Award,將成為業界矚目的存在。倉本被改造成了一個完全不同的體驗式倉本,例如計劃工廠參觀,包括參觀代代相傳的高橋宅邸花園。此外,我們還開設了“YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE”,一邊欣賞庭園美景,一邊將課程與僅使用特殊酵母的菜餚聯繫起來。





    Behind the café’s food offerings is the ‘experimental brewing’ that Tai-san has continued to carry out behind the scenes of innovation in traditional industries. Since taking over the company, Yasushi has conducted a number of experiments, such as actively using fungi used in industries other than miso and soy sauce, and adopting technological applications from other industries. These unprecedented experiments led to the discovery that the company’s own special brewer’s yeast fungus can produce large amounts of umami. Furthermore, many of the yeast strains used in miso brewing are said to be halophilic, meaning that they are active in a salty environment. However, this yeast fungus is not only halophilic, but can also live and work without salt and is a special fungus with the ability to produce nearly 6% alcohol. The yeast, which was discovered through 10 years of trial brewing, has been named Viamver® and will be presented at the Japanese Society of Brewing Science in 2020. In 2020, the yeast will be presented at the ‘Japanese Society of Brewing Science’ and a patent for both its production and manufacturing process has been applied for.
    Using this new yeast, the company has succeeded in converting it into a new fermented seasoning and in brewing natural wine with Viamver® yeast. It is now also capable of producing bread, butter and cheese. Furthermore, the company is challenging the possibilities of Viamver® yeast by brewing natural beer and doburoku using the same yeast.


    咖啡廳的菜品背後,有安史先生在傳統產業創新背後不斷做的“試釀”。 泰先生接手公司後,積極利用味噌醬油以外的產業所使用的細菌,並結合其他產業的技術應用等,進行了各種試驗。一場史無前例的實驗,讓我們發現了該公司的啤酒廠專用酵母可以培養出大量的鮮味。此外,據說用於釀造味噌的酵母是嗜鹽酵母,據說其中許多酵母在鹹味環境中具有活性。然而,人們發現,這種酵母不僅嗜鹽,而且是一種特殊的細菌,可以在沒有鹽分的情況下生存並發揮積極作用,並具有產生近6%酒精的能力。 “它是一種酵母,具有類似於水果和吟醸香的華麗香氣,以及改善肉質和掩蔽的效果,以及來自魚類和貝類的鮮味,”泰說。這種經過10年試釀反復發現的酵母被命名為“Viamver®”,並於2020年在“日本釀酒學會”上公佈,並已申請了製造和製造方法的專利。.. 使用這種新酵母,我們成功地將其轉化為一種新的發酵調味料,並使用 Viamver® 酵母釀造天然葡萄酒。現在可以生產麵包、黃油和奶酪。此外,我們正在挑戰使用酵母和 Viamver® 酵母釀造天然啤酒和 浊酒 的可能性。



    「YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE」では肉料理や魚料理だけでなく、デザートやドリンクにもViamver®酵母を使ったフルコースを提供している。単一酵母によるペアリングやコース料理の提供を発酵の新たな可能性と捉え、国内外から人を招き入れるオーベルジュを視野に取り組みを進めている。趣ある蔵内を見学しながら蔵が歩んできた歴史に触れてもらう。そして美しい庭を愛でながら料理を通じて発酵調味料の進化を知ってもらう。泰さんはこうした体験が人々の記憶に永くとどまり、愛され続ける蔵になるきっかけだと考えている。人々の記憶に残る事こそが長く紡いできた先代たちの想いを受け継ぎ、次に繋いで行くことの本質だと考えているからだろう。



    The YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE offers full courses using Viamver® yeast not only in meat and fish dishes, but also in desserts and drinks. The company sees pairings and course meals using a single yeast as a new possibility for fermentation, and is working on this with a view to creating an auberge that invites people from home and abroad. Visitors can experience the history of the brewery through a tour of the atmospheric brewery. They can also learn about the evolution of fermented seasonings through cooking while admiring the beautiful garden. Yasushi believes that these experiences are the catalyst for the brewery to remain in people’s memories for a long time and become a much-loved brewery. This is probably because he believes that remaining in people’s memories is the essence of inheriting and passing on the thoughts of the predecessors who have spun them on for so long.

    Yasushi adds new scenes to the traditional brewery one after another. He says he aims to revitalise the region by combining tradition, which demands that things remain unchanged, with innovation, which requires the creation of new things, and he hopes to weave a new tradition in the area where he was born and raised. We can’t wait to see what innovations he will continue to bring to the Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, and how far its products will go beyond the boundaries of traditional industry.


    “YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE”提供使用Viamver®酵母的全套課程,不僅可以用於肉類和魚類菜餚,還可以用於甜點和飲料。以單一酵母的搭配,提供套餐作為發酵的新可能性,我們正在努力打造一個能吸引海內外人士的旅館。讓他們體驗啤酒廠的歷史,同時觀察啤酒廠古樸的內部。並在欣賞美麗花園的同時,通過烹飪讓他們了解發酵調味料的演變過程。 泰先生認為,這樣的經歷將長期留在人們的記憶中,並將成為成為一家將繼續受到喜愛的啤酒廠的機會。大概是因為人們認為,留在記憶中的,是繼承前人旋轉已久的思想,與後人聯繫起來的精髓。



    In search of the future, the 7th generation head of the family chose the evolution of fermentation, ‘Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company’
