• コロカル商店でのお取り扱いのお知らせ_"feature" colocal x RING BELL

    Information of handling by colocal market_”feature” colocal x RING BELL

    Yamamo received coverage of colocal before. It serves as a cause and you can purchase from “colocalmarket.” There are three items, a gift set with a tote bag, a gift set with a towel, and an apron. The apron is a sales schedule from April. The digest board of former coverage is written on the page of goods introduction. It is combination of “a seasoning and tableware”, and we are pleased if you try our products. @feature

    colocal market在的处理的告知_”feature” colocal x RING BELL


    colocal market

    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company 3 items + tenugui set
    Yamamo醤醤油釀造商 3份+手擦(掉)組套

    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company 6 items + totebag set
    Yamamo醤醤油釀造商 6份+大手提袋組套

  • 3331×10 でのお取り扱いのお知らせ_"feature" 3331 Arts Chiyoda

    3331 Arts Chiyodaの一角にあるショップ、3331×10にてヤマモの商品の取り扱いが始まりました。従来の販売方法も勿論大切に思うのですが、共有する意志からくる新たな販売形式には心躍るところがあります。芸術空間の中に日常の商品がある景色は、人々に新しい価値観をもたらすのでしょう。新たな価値を築く試みに参加できること、同時代性を共有できること、非常に感謝しております。そんなワクワクが詰まった店舗を、ぜひ、体験してみてください。

    Information of handling by 3331x10_”feature” 3331 Arts Chiyoda

    Handling of the goods of Yamamo started in 3331×10 in one corner of 3331 Arts Chiyoda. I consider the conventional sales method carefully. And I further expect a new sales form which comes from the will to share. The scene which has everyday goods in art space builds a new sense of values to people. I am happy that it can participate in building new value. Moreover, I appreciate that contemporaneity is sharable. Please experience a store with expectation of such many. @feature
    3331×10在的处理的告知_”feature” 3331 Arts Chiyoda

    3331 Arts Chiyoda一角有的3331×10Yamamo的商品的处理开始了。我重要地考虑以前的销售方法。又我更加期待着来自(源于)共享的意志的新的销售形式。艺术空间中有日常的商品的景色,形成向(到)人们新的价值观。我对能参加为制作新的价值的感到高兴。还有,对能共享同时代性的表示感谢。请试着体验有那样的多的期待的店铺。

  • 47 GIFT 2013 -お中元- での販売のお知らせ_"feature" D&DEPARTMENT

    会期 2013年7月19日 – 2013年9月29日

    時間 11:00 – 20:00(入場は19:30まで)※9月17日、18日は休館となります

    場所 d47 MUSEUM



    Information of sales of 47 GIFT 2013 – summer gift- _”feature” D&DEPARTMENT

    Date   July 19 – September 29, 2013
    Time   11:00 – 20:00 (Entrance is to 19:30)  *It will be closed on September 17,  18. 
    Place  d47 MUSEUM

    < Extract > 

    Japan divided into 47 has a mountain and the sea, and has rich nature. A historied traditional dainty. The famous sweets produced because the tourist industry is prosperous. Alcohol, rice, dried noodles, etc. We did boxing of the vessel which eats them as unique GIFT together. We exhibited the assortment of 47 kinds of such food. You need to feel individuality of Japan and need to present GIFT to the person who was indebted. Please realize Japan.

    在47 GIFT 2013-中元節節禮物品-的銷售的告知 _”feature” D&DEPARTMENT

    會期 2013年7月19日-2013年9月29日

    時間 11:00 -20:00(入場連19:30)※9月17日,18日成為閉館

    地方 d47 MUSEUM

    < 摘錄 >


    渋谷ヒカリエ8階、47 GIFT 2013 -お中元- で「あじ自慢 300ml」が販売されます。稲庭うどん、つゆ、いぶりがっこ、曲げ輪っぱという秋田のお中元の中に選んでいただきました。木桶で一定期間熟成させ、まるみと熟成感のある「あじ自慢」を、秋田の食材で味わうことができます。また、各県にちなんだキャッチコピーとディスプレイの展示も見応えがあります。弊社パンフレットもディスプレイの一部に組み込んでいただいております。合わせてお楽しみいただければと思います。ぜひ、足を運んでみてください。

    “Ajijiman 300ml” is sold in the event of the eighth floor of Shibuya Hikarie. The gifts of Akita are Inaniwaudon, Tsuyu, Iburigakko, and Magewappa. Our products were chosen into this gift. “Ajijiman” carries out certain fixed period maturing with wooden barrels, and becomes a taste with balance and a feeling of maturing. This can be tasted with the foods of Akita. Moreover, the catch copy of each prefecture and exhibition of a display are also wonderful. Our pamphlet is also exhibited as a display. I think if you can enjoy also here. Please visit. @feature


    The purchase of “Ajijiman” is from here. 


  • Time to Wonder




    News of Article Publication_Japan Global Expo

    An article about Yamamo is featured in NIHONMONO, a travel magazine that explores the ‘real things’ of ‘Japan’. Hidetoshi Nakata visited us and explained the benefits of Viamver®︎ yeast and the process that led to its discovery during the tour, and paired wines and food with the same yeast. We had a very interesting discussion about their views on the intended fermentation and the thoughts of the creators and how they communicate their values to the world.


    報紙出版_Japan Global Expo

    一篇關於 Yamamo 的文章發表在“NIHONMONO”上,這是一本關於“日本”中“真實事物”的旅遊雜誌。 中田英寿先生拜訪了我們,並在參觀過程中解釋了 Viamver®︎ 酵母的功效和導致發現的過程,並將葡萄酒和食物與相同的酵母搭配在一起。我能夠非常感興趣地談論如何傳達對預期發酵的看法,創作者的感受以及他們對世界的價值。



    ヤマモ – 1867年創業の味噌・醤油醸造元



    Protected: Yamamo – Japanese Miso And Soy Sauce Brewer Since 1867

    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company is a long-established brewery in Akita that has been around since the late Edo period. It has, to this day, brewed fundamental condiments that are essential ingredients for people’s daily lives. Many Yamamo products can be used beside you as a great source of your life. The company will continuously seek for ways to create products that are healthy and simple to use from now till generations ahead..


    Yamamo – 自 1867 年以來的日本味噌和醬油釀造商

    Yamamo味噌醬油釀造公司是秋田的一家歷史悠久的啤酒廠,自江戶時代後期以來就已經存在。 時至今日,它釀造的基本調味品是人們日常生活必不可少的成分。 許多 Yamamo 產品可以在您身邊使用,作為您生活的重要來源。 從現在到未來幾代人,公司將不斷尋求創造健康且易於使用的產品的方法。







    Since Yamamo was founded in 1867, it has continued to reach new milestones. During the 4th generation of the production, they achieved nation-wide demand. From the 1970’s, they started door to door delivery service for the elderly. Capturing the 150-year-old legacy, Yamamo has developed gardens, cafes and galleries, and implemented art and inbound tours in the industry. 


    150 歲的遺產

    自 1867 年 Yamamo 成立以來,它不斷達到新的里程碑。 在第 4 代生產中,他們實現了全國性的需求。 從 1970 年代開始,他們開始為老人提供送貨上門服務。 Yamamo 繼承了 150 年的遺產,開發了花園、咖啡館和畫廊,並在該行業實施了藝術和入境旅遊。





    時代とともに変化しながらも、ヤマモの味噌・醤油への愛着と誇りは揺るぎません。その想いをもっと多くの人に届けたいというのが、今のヤマモの想いです。世界の食文化と日本の調味料を融合・進化させる “Life is Voyage “の理念のもと、リブランディングを行い、海外展開を進めていく予定です。



    Yamamo discovered Viamver® yeast (patent pending) that brews fruit aroma and umami from 10 years of trial brewing, and announced it at the Brewing Society of Japan. Fostering a team of ASTRONOMICA® in which researchers, chefs, and artists participate, Yamamo will pursue a new world of fermentation by applying it not only to miso and soy sauce products but also to cafe menus, processed meat and fish products, wine and beverages. 

    Yamamo has changed with the times, but its love and pride for fine miso and soy sauce remain strong. The brand’s current wish is to share this passion for its products with a yet wider audience. Rebranding will be carried out along with overseas expansion under the philosophy of “Life is Voyage”, in which the world’s food culture and Japanese seasonings are fused and evolved. 



    amamo通過10年的試釀,發現了釀造果香和鮮味的Viamver®酵母(專利申請中),並在日本釀酒協會上公佈。 Yamamo 將培養一個由研究人員、廚師和藝術家參與的 ASTRONOMICA® 團隊,不僅將其應用於味噌和醬油產品,而且還將應用於咖啡館菜單、加工肉類和魚類產品、葡萄酒和飲料,從而探索發酵的新世界 .

    Yamamo隨著時代的變化而變化,但它對優質味噌和醬油的熱愛和自豪感依然強烈。 該品牌目前的願望是與更廣泛的受眾分享對其產品的熱情。 品牌重塑將與海外擴張一起在“Life is Voyage”的理念下進行,世界飲食文化和日本調味料在其中融合和發展。









    Mosuke Takahashi started miso and soy sauce production when the Shogun age was coming to an end and modern Japan was about to flourish. He found a place to start his business in Akita, where there was plenty of clean water and quality rice. Rice and Akita Miso have one thing in common: care and attention of the crafts people. Like planting rice, miso production starts when snow melts in spring.

    From there, miso requires a full year of fermentation through the seasons. While rice farmers pray for protection from drought and typhoons, miso crafters watch over the fermentation process with similar reverence. The cold winter sees through the last stage of miso production and the spring table quietly awaits its arrival.

    In Akita famed for its quality rice, the miso is made with twice the amount of rice-malt than in other areas. Its sweet and nutritious flavour comes not only from the rice-malt they use but also from the care and decades-long experience that Yamamo’s crafts people put into the final product.



    Mosuke Takahashi 在幕府時代即將結束和現代日本即將繁榮時開始生產味噌和醬油。他在秋田找到了創業的地方,那裡有很多乾淨的水和優質的大米。大米和秋田味噌有一個共同點:手工藝人的關心和關注。就像種植水稻一樣,當春天的雪融化時,味噌的生產就開始了。


    在以優質大米而聞名的秋田,製作味噌的大米麥芽量是其他地區的兩倍。它的甜美營養不僅來自他們使用的大米麥芽,還來自 Yamamo 的手工藝人對最終產品的精心呵護和數十年的經驗。


    Japan Global Expo
    Yamamo – Japanese Miso And Soy Sauce Brewer Since 1867


  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_Conde Nast Traveller December 2023

    ラグジュアリートラベル誌Conde Nast Traveller December 2023にてヤマモの記事が掲載されております。以前、弊社のDinner Tourに起こしいいただいたコンシェルジュの方がメディアにご紹介し、今回の掲載に至りました。記事は”BIG IN JAPAN”というタイトルで日本各地の最新のコンテンツを取り上げており、その中の”ART AND ARTISTRY(芸術的な食)”の特集で取り上げていただいております。カフェ業態からはじまり、現在はレストランとしてViamver®酵母を活用した革新的発酵の取り組みを続けてきたことがグローバルで評価されたこと、非常に嬉しく思います。ぜひ皆様にも、ヤマモ独自の発酵の世界を味わっていただきたいと思います。


    News of Article Publication_Conde Nast Traveller December 2023

    Yamamo is featured in the luxury travel magazine Conde Nast Traveller December 2023. The article was written by a concierge who had been on one of our Dinner Tours and introduced Yamamo to the media. The article is titled “BIG IN JAPAN” and features the latest content from around Japan, including a feature on “ART AND ARTISTRY. The article is titled “BIG IN JAPAN” and features the latest content from around Japan. We are very pleased that our innovative fermentation efforts, which began as a café and now as a restaurant using Viamver® yeast, have been recognized on a global scale. We hope that everyone will enjoy Yamamo’s unique world of fermentation._mediainfo._overseas


    報紙出版_Conde Nast Traveller December 2023

    豪华旅游杂志Conde Nast Traveller 2023 年 12 月刊对 Yamamo 进行了专题报道。 这篇文章是由一位曾经参加过我们晚餐之旅的礼宾员撰写的,并介绍给了媒体。 文章标题为 “BIG IN JAPAN”,介绍了日本各地的最新内容,包括 “ART AND ARTISTRY(艺术与艺术) “专题。我们非常高兴,我们的创新发酵举措,从咖啡馆业务开始,到现在使用 Viamver® 酵母的餐厅,已经在全球范围内得到认可。 我们希望大家都能喜欢 Yamamo 独特的发酵世界。










    Develop a taste for Japan’s vibrant visual and culinary arts

    At the other end of the country, in Yuzawa Town in the Akita prefecture, Tohoku, seventhgeneration master miso and soy-sauce maker Yasushi Takahashi has created a fine-dining fermentation restaurant within his family’s 150-yearold brewery. Guests of Audley Travel can discover how Tohoku’s deep winters necessitated its culture of food preservation on a Fermented Foodie Day at Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewery as part of a new tailormade itinerary in Northern Honshu.




    在东北另一端的秋田县汤泽镇,第七代味噌和酱油制作大师高橋康(Yasushi Takahashi)在其家族拥有 150 年历史的酿酒厂内创建了一家高级发酵餐厅。奥德利旅行社(Audley Travel)的客人可以在山茂味噌和酱油酿造厂的 “发酵美食日 “活动中,了解东北的深冬是如何造就其食品保存文化的,这也是本州北部全新定制行程的一部分。



    Conde Nast Traveller


    Conde Nast Traveller”とは

    Conde Nast Travellerとは、アメリカの大手出版社コンデナスト社が出版するアメリカで最も権威ある旅行雑誌の一つです。主にラグジュアリートラベル、ホテル、レストラン、買い物などに関する最新情報が掲載されています。Conde Nast Travellerでは毎年各国の観光業界に関連する部門を、「Readers’ Choice Awards」としてランキング形式で発表しています。高品質のサービスを提供するホテルを選出していることで国内外に広く知られており、旅行誌の読者の投票で発表されます。また、旅に関する読者投稿のランキングとしては最も歴史と権威があるといわれています。


    About “Conde Nast Traveller

    Conde Nast Traveller is one of the most prestigious travel magazines in the United States, published by Conde Nast, a major American publishing company. Conde Nast Traveller annually announces its Readers’ Choice Awards in the form of rankings of categories related to the tourism industry in each country. The awards are presented in the form of “Readers’ Choice Awards”. The awards are widely known both nationally and internationally for selecting hotels that offer the highest quality of service, and are voted on by the readers of the travel magazine. It is also said to be the oldest and most prestigious travel-related reader-submitted ranking.


    什麼是”Conde Nast Traveller

    Conde Nast Traveller 是美国最负盛名的旅游杂志之一,由美国著名出版商 Conde Nast 出版。 Conde Nast Traveller 每年都会以 “读者选择奖 “的形式对各国旅游业的相关类别进行排名。 该奖项以各国相关旅游业类别排名的形式发布。 该奖项由旅游杂志的读者投票选出,在评选提供优质服务的酒店方面得到了国内外的广泛认可。 据说这也是历史最悠久、最负盛名的由读者提交的旅游排名。
