Information of handling by colocal market_”feature” colocal x RING BELL
Yamamo received coverage of colocal before. It serves as a cause and you can purchase from “colocalmarket.” There are three items, a gift set with a tote bag, a gift set with a towel, and an apron. The apron is a sales schedule from April. The digest board of former coverage is written on the page of goods introduction. It is combination of “a seasoning and tableware”, and we are pleased if you try our products. @feature
colocal market在的处理的告知_”feature” colocal x RING BELL
Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company 6 items + totebag set Yamamo醤醤油釀造商 6份+大手提袋組套
3331×10 でのお取り扱いのお知らせ_"feature" 3331 Arts Chiyoda
3331 Arts Chiyodaの一角にあるショップ、3331×10にてヤマモの商品の取り扱いが始まりました。従来の販売方法も勿論大切に思うのですが、共有する意志からくる新たな販売形式には心躍るところがあります。芸術空間の中に日常の商品がある景色は、人々に新しい価値観をもたらすのでしょう。新たな価値を築く試みに参加できること、同時代性を共有できること、非常に感謝しております。そんなワクワクが詰まった店舗を、ぜひ、体験してみてください。
Information of handling by 3331x10_”feature” 3331 Arts Chiyoda
Handling of the goods of Yamamo started in 3331×10 in one corner of 3331 Arts Chiyoda. I consider the conventional sales method carefully. And I further expect a new sales form which comes from the will to share. The scene which has everyday goods in art space builds a new sense of values to people. I am happy that it can participate in building new value. Moreover, I appreciate that contemporaneity is sharable. Please experience a store with expectation of such many. @feature
3331×10在的处理的告知_”feature” 3331 Arts Chiyoda
3331 Arts Chiyoda一角有的3331×10Yamamo的商品的处理开始了。我重要地考虑以前的销售方法。又我更加期待着来自(源于)共享的意志的新的销售形式。艺术空间中有日常的商品的景色,形成向(到)人们新的价值观。我对能参加为制作新的价值的感到高兴。还有,对能共享同时代性的表示感谢。请试着体验有那样的多的期待的店铺。
47 GIFT 2013 -お中元- での販売のお知らせ_"feature" D&DEPARTMENT
Information of sales of 47 GIFT 2013 – summer gift- _”feature” D&DEPARTMENT
Date July 19 – September 29, 2013
Time 11:00 – 20:00 (Entrance is to 19:30) *It will be closed on September 17, 18.
Place d47 MUSEUM
< Extract >
Japan divided into 47 has a mountain and the sea, and has rich nature. A historied traditional dainty. The famous sweets produced because the tourist industry is prosperous. Alcohol, rice, dried noodles, etc. We did boxing of the vessel which eats them as unique GIFT together. We exhibited the assortment of 47 kinds of such food. You need to feel individuality of Japan and need to present GIFT to the person who was indebted. Please realize Japan.
在47 GIFT 2013-中元節節禮物品-的銷售的告知 _”feature” D&DEPARTMENT
渋谷ヒカリエ8階、47 GIFT 2013 -お中元- で「あじ自慢 300ml」が販売されます。稲庭うどん、つゆ、いぶりがっこ、曲げ輪っぱという秋田のお中元の中に選んでいただきました。木桶で一定期間熟成させ、まるみと熟成感のある「あじ自慢」を、秋田の食材で味わうことができます。また、各県にちなんだキャッチコピーとディスプレイの展示も見応えがあります。弊社パンフレットもディスプレイの一部に組み込んでいただいております。合わせてお楽しみいただければと思います。ぜひ、足を運んでみてください。
“Ajijiman 300ml” is sold in the event of the eighth floor of Shibuya Hikarie. The gifts of Akita are Inaniwaudon, Tsuyu, Iburigakko, and Magewappa. Our products were chosen into this gift. “Ajijiman” carries out certain fixed period maturing with wooden barrels, and becomes a taste with balance and a feeling of maturing. This can be tasted with the foods of Akita. Moreover, the catch copy of each prefecture and exhibition of a display are also wonderful. Our pamphlet is also exhibited as a display. I think if you can enjoy also here. Please visit. @feature
ラグジュアリートラベル誌Conde Nast Traveller December 2023にてヤマモの記事が掲載されております。以前、弊社のDinner Tourに起こしいいただいたコンシェルジュの方がメディアにご紹介し、今回の掲載に至りました。記事は”BIG IN JAPAN”というタイトルで日本各地の最新のコンテンツを取り上げており、その中の”ART AND ARTISTRY(芸術的な食)”の特集で取り上げていただいております。カフェ業態からはじまり、現在はレストランとしてViamver®酵母を活用した革新的発酵の取り組みを続けてきたことがグローバルで評価されたこと、非常に嬉しく思います。ぜひ皆様にも、ヤマモ独自の発酵の世界を味わっていただきたいと思います。
News of Article Publication_Conde Nast Traveller December 2023
Yamamo is featured in the luxury travel magazine Conde Nast Traveller December 2023. The article was written by a concierge who had been on one of our Dinner Tours and introduced Yamamo to the media. The article is titled “BIG IN JAPAN” and features the latest content from around Japan, including a feature on “ART AND ARTISTRY. The article is titled “BIG IN JAPAN” and features the latest content from around Japan. We are very pleased that our innovative fermentation efforts, which began as a café and now as a restaurant using Viamver® yeast, have been recognized on a global scale. We hope that everyone will enjoy Yamamo’s unique world of fermentation._mediainfo._overseas
Develop a taste for Japan’s vibrant visual and culinary arts
At the other end of the country, in Yuzawa Town in the Akita prefecture, Tohoku, seventhgeneration master miso and soy-sauce maker Yasushi Takahashi has created a fine-dining fermentation restaurant within his family’s 150-yearold brewery. Guests of Audley Travel can discover how Tohoku’s deep winters necessitated its culture of food preservation on a Fermented Foodie Day at Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewery as part of a new tailormade itinerary in Northern Honshu.
Conde Nast Traveller is one of the most prestigious travel magazines in the United States, published by Conde Nast, a major American publishing company. Conde Nast Traveller annually announces its Readers’ Choice Awards in the form of rankings of categories related to the tourism industry in each country. The awards are presented in the form of “Readers’ Choice Awards”. The awards are widely known both nationally and internationally for selecting hotels that offer the highest quality of service, and are voted on by the readers of the travel magazine. It is also said to be the oldest and most prestigious travel-related reader-submitted ranking.
News of Article Publication_LIXIL eye JANUARY 2023 no.28
LIXIL eye”, an information magazine on architecture and urban development, features the work of Yamamo. Mr. Genta, a grandson of Seiichi Shirai, carefully guides visitors through the architectural complexes left behind by Seiichi Shirai. The article contains information that cannot be found even in books related to Seiichi Shirai. The interview team also visited our company and had a chance to talk with him, including the use of our restaurant, and exchange opinions with him often.
We have been in contact with Mr. Genta since 2010, and we have been working together with him on the tea house, garden, and other stately initiatives. I was deeply moved by the fact that the “Yugen-seki,” which is the basic information about the building and his work with Mr. Genta, will remain as the name of the building.
Many architectural works were born from the relationships with the “masters” that Seiichi Shirai came in contact with in Yuzawa, and they shaped the city. Their work has been handed down to future generations. We are delighted that our work has played a part in this and that we are able to stay close to the community throughout the ages. We will continue to pursue what only we can do, connecting industry and culture. Please take a look at our magazine._mediainfo._magazine