• 新聞掲載のお知らせ_河北新報



    Notice of Newspaper Publication_Kahoku Shimpo

    Yamamo’s efforts were featured in the Kahoku Shimpo on May 8. From researching the yeast used in miso and soy sauce production to brewing wine, we are delighted to create unknown products that are tied to our company while working across industries. Especially in winemaking, Z. rouxii, to which Viamver yeast belongs, is considered a spoilage organism in wine. This is the world’s first wine made with rouxii, which was created by continuing to explore the yeast without being bound by conventional values. This article was also featured on Yahoo! News. We hope you will take a look at it. _mediainfo._newspaper



    Yamamo的努力於5月8日發表在河北新報上。 從味噌醬油釀造酵母的研究到釀酒,我們很高興在跨行業的同時創造與我們公司相關的未知產品。 特別是在釀酒中,Viamver酵母所屬的Z.rouxii被認為是葡萄酒中的腐敗細菌。 可以說,酵母是世界上第一個rouxii釀造葡萄酒,它是通過不斷探索而誕生的,不受傳統價值的束縛。 在Yahoo!新聞中也有此文章。 我希望你閱讀它。


    Kahoku Shimpo, May 8, 2021



    新酵母 みそから発見 湯沢の醸造元と県の研究センター


    うま味成分約2倍、果実似の香り ワインなど新商品を開発



    New Yeast Discovered in Miso Brewing Company and Prefectural Research Center

    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, which has been brewing miso and soy sauce in Yuzawa City for over 150 years, and the Akita Prefectural Food Research Center (Akita City) have succeeded in collecting new yeast from the company’s miso and developed a fermented liquid of the new yeast. New products such as wine made with the new yeast have been completed, and expectations are high for the spread of fermented foods.
    The new yeast contains 1.5 to 2 times more succinic acid, a component of umami, than other yeasts. It is characterized by an aroma similar to that of fruit or ginjo, and is also effective in tenderizing meat.

    Development of new products, including wine, with about twice the umami ingredients and fruit-like aroma

    The company and the center began joint research in 2018, and discovered a new yeast in the company’s miso in 2007. In 2007, they discovered a new yeast in the company’s miso, completed a fermentation solution for cultivating the yeast, and applied for a patent in February 2008. The new products include wine and bread made with the new yeast, soy sauce, Hinai Jidori chicken paste, salt made by drying the fermentation liquid, and caviar marinated in soy sauce made with the new yeast. The wine is a pale orange color with a distinctly mellow, fruit-like aroma. The caviar’s fishy smell has been removed by the yeast.
    The company plans to make 300 bottles of wine and sell 750ml bottles for 5,000 yen (tax not included) after the summer. The Yamamo Garden Cafe, which is attached to the company, offers a course meal using caviar and other ingredients.
    Yasushi Takahashi, 41, the seventh generation of the company, said, “It has potential as a new seasoning and can be used in a variety of dishes. I hope it will lead the fermented food culture in the prefecture.





    我們將生產300瓶葡萄酒,併計劃在夏季後以5000日元(不含稅)的價格出售一瓶750毫升的酒。該公司附帶的“ Yamamo Garden Cafe”提供使用魚子醬和其他食材的套餐。


    May 16, 2021, 19:22 distributed by KAHOKU SHIMPO ONLINE NEWS


  • 番組放送のお知らせ



    Announcement of Program Broadcast

    The media reported on our courtesy visit to the governor of Akita Prefecture. Many media came to the event, and we felt the growing interest in the application of miso-derived yeast and innovative fermentation technology. The Akita TV broadcast was featured on Yahoo! News and spread across the web. NHK Akita’s coverage was also reported on the national news the next morning. (Yahoo! and NHK web news are currently unavailable.) The team realized the great response to our research and development. We will continue to work on this project so that everyone can experience the world of Viamver yeast fermentation, which is based on miso and soy sauce technology. _mediainfo._tv



    據報導,對秋田縣知事進行了訪問。 當天,許多媒體訪問了我們,我感到對味噌衍生酵母和創新發酵技術的應用的興趣與日俱增。 秋田電視台的廣播成為Yahoo!新聞,並在WEB上傳播。 此外,第二天早上,NHK秋田在全國新聞中被報導。 團隊正在感受到研發的巨大反應(目前尚無法獲得Yahoo!和NHK WEB新聞)。 我們想盡一切努力,使每個人都能體驗應用味噌醬油技術的Viamver酵母發酵的世界。


    April 27,2021 21:35 distributed by Akita Television








    Unveiling of Products Using Newly Developed Yeast

    A new product using yeast jointly developed by miso and soy sauce brewers in Akita Prefecture and the Akita Prefectural Food Research Center has been completed, and the people involved visited the Akita Prefectural Government on the 27th to report to Governor Satake.

    The four people who visited the Akita prefectural office included Yasushi Takahashi, Managing Director of Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewery in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture. They reported on the completion of the new products and showed dishes made with Viamver yeast, which was developed in collaboration with the Akita Prefectural Food Research Center based on the yeast strain that produces Yamamo miso and soy sauce.

    A dish using caviar marinated in soy sauce made with Viamver yeast made its appearance. The yeast is said to soften meat and fish as well as soften their odor, eliminating the unique smell of caviar and bringing out their umami. In addition, the wine brewed with the yeast is prepared to go well with any dish.

    Yasushi Takahashi, Managing Director of the company, said, “Completing a table with yeast derived from miso and soy sauce is something we have not been able to do before. I think it’s very rewarding to be able to use our company’s yeast. We would like to show the fusion of tradition and innovation. Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company aims to start mail order sales of the new product by the summer of 2021, and also plans to serve it at the café it operates.






    常務董事高橋泰說:“用味噌和醬油衍生的酵母無法完成一張桌子。我們能夠對付細菌的做法非常有益。我想。我想傳達傳統與創新的融合“ Yamamo Miso醬油釀造商的目標是到2021年夏季開始郵購新產品,併計劃在其經營的咖啡館提供這些產品。


    April 27,2021 18:28 distributed by NHK NEWS WEB


    みそ由来の酵母を使ったワイン 県庁でお披露目









    Wine made with miso-derived yeast unveiled at prefectural office

    On the 27th, new products such as wine made with yeast derived from miso, which were jointly developed by the prefectural government and a miso manufacturing company in Yuzawa City, were unveiled at the prefectural government office.

    Three years ago, the prefectural government provided technical support to Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company in Yuzawa City, aiming at the development of fermentation industries such as miso, and succeeded in developing miso-derived yeast that has the characteristic of producing umami.

    On the 27th, four people from Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce visited the prefectural government and presented their new products to Governor Satake.

    Among them, the wine fermented with yeast derived from miso (soybean paste) has a refreshing taste and is easy to drink, and will be sold at cafes operated by the company by summer of this year.

    Governor Satake, who tasted the wine beforehand, said, “It has a very mild taste and I think it will be popular among women. I would like to see it further developed while making use of local products to attract young people,” he said.

    Yasushi Takahashi, the seventh generation of Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, said, “The wine has been made with the umami of yeast from miso. We would like to continue developing new products while aiming to expand overseas.

    Kiichi Kimura, a senior researcher at the Prefectural Food Research Center, said, “We would like to develop the food industry by supporting initiatives like this one that step into other fields.











  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_25ans(ヴァンサンカン)4月号



    Notice of Article Publication_25ans(VINGT-CINQ ANS)_April 2021 Issue

    Yamamo’s dining set is featured in the April issue of 25ans (VINGT-CINQ ANS), “I want to order and taste the” happiness “of Tohoku!” I think that a set of seasonings can add color to your eating habits in a new rye style such as a new life. I would like you to read the article. _mediainfo._magazine


    Notice of Article Publication_25ans(VINGT-CINQ ANS)_April 2021 Issue

    Yamamo的餐桌椅在《 25ans》(VINGT-CINQ ANS)的四月號中有特色,“我想點餐並品嚐東北的“幸福”! 我認為,一組調味料可以以新的黑麥風格(例如新生活)為您的飲食習慣增添色彩。 我希望您閱讀這篇文章。


    25ans(VINGT-CINQ ANS)_April 2021 Issue


    25ans(VINGT-CINQ ANS)_April 2021 Issue


    25ans(VINGT-CINQ ANS)_April 2021 Issue




    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company | Dining Set
    Soy sauce and miso with a modern design are products that a long-established brewery that has been in business since the late Edo period pursues a new fermentation position. A set of seasonings that come in handy in the dining scene is also appreciated as a gift.


    自江戶時代後期開始營業的老字號啤酒廠,將具有現代設計的醬油和大醬作為一種新的發酵產品。 用餐場合中可用的一系列調味料也被視為禮物。





    ○About 25ans(VINGT-CINQ ANS)
    A fashion magazine for women around the age of 25, published by Hearst Fujingaho.


    ○About 25ans(VINGT-CINQ ANS)


  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_じゃらん_4・5月号




    Notice of Article Publication_Jaran_April-May 2021 Issue

    An article is published in the April / May issue of Jalan, which features a long-established renovation. We believe that renovation is the most effective solution for pursuing the sustainability of traditional industries in rural areas, where various issues such as climate change, environmental changes due to technological innovation, and adaptation to modern life are piled up.

    Improving the living and working environment will lead to an improvement in living culture, and it will be possible to pursue new value while following the legacy that remains in the brewery. The cafe department is positioned as a part of it, and you can taste innovative dishes and products using new yeast. What will the values and traditional industries that continue from the past to the present move toward the future, change and leave behind? Experiments through the business will continue. We hope that you will come to our company and experience it with many people.



    一篇文章發表在Jaran的4月/ 5月號上,其特色是悠久的翻新工程。 我們認為,翻新是實現農村傳統產業可持續發展的最有效解決方案,在農村地區,諸如氣候變化,技術創新帶來的環境變化以及對現代生活的適應等各種問題不斷堆積。

    改善生活和工作環境將改善生活文化,並且有可能在遵循啤酒廠的遺產的同時追求新的價值。 咖啡廳部門是其中的一部分,您可以使用新酵母品嚐創新的菜餚和產品。 從過去延續到現在的價值和傳統產業將朝著未來,改變和落後的方向發展嗎? 通過該業務進行的實驗將繼續進行。 我們希望您能來我們公司並與許多人一起體驗。


    Jaran_April-May 2021 Issue


    Jaran_April-May 2021 Issue


    Jaran_April-May 2021 Issue





    Experience the latest fermented food at a long-established store that has been in business for 3 years.

    A miso brewer that has been around since the late Edo period. The current 7th generation has added an innovative vision to tradition and converted the factory into a shop-in-cafe. It can be said that it is a brewery at the forefront of the world’s fermented food movement, such as new products using the uniquely extracted “patent application Viamver yeast” and application to fermented gourmet foods. I want you to feel free to experience the taste of Only One.



    自江戶時代末期以來一直存在的味噌啤酒釀造商。 當前的第7代為傳統增添了創新的視野,並將工廠轉變為咖啡館。 可以說,它是世界發酵食品運動的最前沿的啤酒廠,例如使用獨特提取的“專利應用Viamver酵母”的新產品以及在發酵美食中的應用。 我希望您可以隨意體驗“獨一”的味道。



  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_colocal



    Notice of Article Publication_colocal

    We asked the colocal team of WEB media, who interviewed us when we started overseas expansion, to interview us for the first time in about 8 years. Why do you renovate and do not only miso soy sauce but also eating and drinking and art activities? Will we foster teams inside and outside the country and include new areas? Do you seek objective evidence such as patents and conference presentations? I felt that you often wrote about our diversifying activity areas. You can see the current situation and way of thinking of Yamamo. I would like you to read it. _mediainfo._magazine



    我們要求WEB媒體的同地團隊在我們開始海外擴張時採訪了我們,這是大約8年以來的第一次。 您為什麼要裝修,不僅味mis醬油,而且還要飲食和藝術活動? 我們是否會在國內和國外培養團隊並包括新領域? 您是否在尋找客觀證據,例如專利和會議介紹? 我覺得您經常寫關於我們多元化活動領域的文章。 您可以看到Yamamo的現狀和思維方式。 我希望你閱讀它。







    A long-established but innovative. A new world of fermentation pursued by Yuzawa’s <Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company> at a cafe

    Yuzawa City is located in the southernmost part of Akita Prefecture. It borders Yamagata and Miyagi prefectures, and its prefectural border is one of the leading geothermal fields in Japan. The magma that created the land of Yuzawa City continues to operate as an “invisible volcano” and is being utilized in tourism and industry.

    In Yuzawa City, there are local people who have the “self-heat” to live hot, powerful, and strong while benefiting from the natural energy of “geothermal”. The 4th serialization that introduces the new excitement of this town where new things are happening is Mr. Yasushi Takahashi, the 7th generation of <Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company> that has continued since 1867 in the Yuzawa Iwasaki district. I’d like to introduce_______


    悠久而創新的。 湯沢的<Yamamo 味噌醬油釀造商>在一家咖啡館追求的發酵新世界

    湯澤市位於秋田縣的最南端。 它與山形縣和宮城縣接壤,其縣界是日本主要的地熱田之一。 創造湯澤市土地的岩漿繼續作為“看不見的火山”運行,並被用於旅遊業和工業。

    在湯澤市,當地居民在受益於“地熱”自然能源的同時,擁有“自熱”的生活方式,能夠生活得熱,有力。 第四次介紹這個小鎮正在發生的新變化的連載是高橋泰先生,他是第7代<Yamamo 味噌醬油釀造商>,自1867年以來一直在湯澤岩崎地區繼續營業。






    地元で愛され続ける定番商品をつくりながら、「世界の食文化と和の調味料が融合し、進化していくこと」を理念に、2012年より味噌醤油製品の海外輸出を開始。最初は蔵の軒先に小さなショップをつくり、やがて回遊式庭園を整備、〈YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE〉とアートギャラリーをつくり、地域の活性化にもつながるインバウンドツアーも行うようになりました。

    蔵に併設する〈YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE〉。蔵元が存続した背景やその世界観を伝えたいという思いからリノベーションし、自社の味噌醤油を使用したジェラートの提供から営業がスタートしました。



    Evolving traditional industry

    In the snowy Iwasaki district of Yuzawa City, there is <Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce Brewer> that has continued since the late Edo period. It has been more than 150 years since Mosuke Takahashi was founded in a land rich in water resources.

    Mr. Yasushi Takahashi, the 7th generation, is attracting attention as he continues to carry out advanced activities while preserving tradition. “Customers want the same taste, but if it doesn’t change, the industry will end. We have to evolve,” he says, pursuing a new world of fermentation.

    Mr. Yasushi Takahashi, the 7th generation who entered a university in Kanto and took over the family business in 2007. In addition to his traditional products, he has gradually shaped his vision, such as designing new packages himself. Click here for the article I covered in Corocal before.

    In 2012, we started exporting miso soy sauce products overseas, with the philosophy of “Fusing and evolving the world’s food culture and Japanese seasonings,” while creating standard products that continue to be loved by the locals. At first, a small shop was built at the eaves of the warehouse, and then a strolling garden was built, an art gallery was built with <YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE>, and inbound tours that led to regional revitalization began.

    <YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE> attached to the warehouse. We renovated from the desire to convey the background of the brewery’s survival and its world view, and started business by providing gelato using our own miso soy sauce.

    A gallery that displays works related to the 4th generation and the head family, Shichinosuke Takahashi, who also served as the mayor, which Mr. Yasushi respects. We believe that the role of traditional industries is to convey the message of 100 years ago as an art work and to give local people a sense of beauty.





    2012年,我們以“融合和發展世界的飲食文化和日本調味料”為理念,開始向世界各地出口味噌醬油產品,同時創造出深受當地人喜愛的標準產品。最初,在倉庫的屋簷下建了一個小商店,然後建了一個漫步花園,並用<YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE>建造了一個美術館,並開始了導致區域復興的入境旅遊。

    <YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE>連接到倉庫。我們從傳達啤酒廠生存背景及其世界觀的願望進行了革新,並通過使用我們自己的味噌醬油提供意式冰淇淋來開展業務。











    Discover special yeast!

    Some of the products designed by Mr. Yasushi. Soy sauce <AMASIO> has been loved locally for a long time. The central <KIJOYU> has the effect of enzymes such as not burning and softening the meat.

    While maintaining the stance of preserving the taste, Mr. Yasushi challenges new things. Through repeated trial brewing and continuing various researches, we discover a special yeast from our own brewery.

    The yeast cultivator “cultivator” is located in the space connecting the cafe and the warehouse, and can be visited through the glass.

    The yeast found has the property of not only preparing miso soy sauce, but also improving the quality of meat and fish and brewing wine. The probability of discovering a fungus that can be applied to various dishes is an astronomical number equivalent to finding a new planet, and because the found fungus has succinic acid that creates the taste of seafood, planets and minerals ( Amber: amber) was multiplied and named <Viamver>.

    “The yeast in liquor can’t be used in cooking because it dies when it has salt, and on the contrary, it dies when yeast that likes salt is made salt-free. Vianver has salt. It works without it, so you can make sake and food, and it’s a yeast like no other. “





















    Connect all menus with one yeast

    Chef Tatsunori Sato, who has supervised the cafe since its opening, and Kiichi Kimura, a senior researcher at the Akita Research Institute for Food Research, who gives scientific knowledge to verification, have been working on menu development using Viamver. In the early summer of 2020, we met German-born Chef Jonas Kang to offer a full-course meal with Viamba on all menus.

    <Vianver> yeast fermented liquid with the aroma and saltiness of yeast like natural wine and the taste of seafood. Due to its characteristics, it was presented at the Brewing Society of Japan, made into a patented microorganism, and the fermented product was applied for with a manufacturing method patent.

    “It’s a coincidence and I’m lucky. I couldn’t meet without Corona, and I didn’t even know that there was Akita in Japan. It’s very interesting that (Yasushi-san) is paying attention to the fungus. I think we are very fortunate to have an environment where you can immediately experiment with fresh materials when you come up with an idea. ”

    Chef Jonas, who was born in Cologne and studied materials engineering before becoming a chef. I came to Japan to work in <INUA> (Tokyo), which inherits the DNA of <noma> in Copenhagen, which is known for its original cooking using fermentation, but the store is closed for a long time to prevent new coronavirus infections. When she was looking for a place to improve her skills, she arrived at Mr. Yasushi through an acquaintance.

    Now that Jonas Chef, who has knowledge of fermentation and has experience in providing courses for vegetarians, is ready to stay, the full course at the cafe will become a reality.

    Course antipasto / seasonal vegetable salad. Sprinkled with carrots and sweet potatoes cooked in Viamver’s yeast fermented liquid, nuts roasted in soy sauce, etc. Sautéed local mushrooms are served with yeast-fermented mushroom sauce and yogurt dressing.

    “I think there are courses that use only fermented foods, but I don’t think there is any other course in the world that consists of only one yeast,” says Yasushi, who enjoys taking on the challenge of new fields.

    He also developed bread fermented with Viamver. Since yeast derived from miso soy sauce produces less gas, we repeated experiments to prepare the environment in which the bacteria work, such as adding grape juice as a nutrient source and lengthening the time to let it rest, and completed it.



















    Grow yeast as a familiar creature

    The yeast fermented liquor is managed separately in the growth phase, steady phase, and convergence phase, and daily experiments are conducted to determine which stage is effective for each dish. Bread uses a growth period in which gas is generated. For cooking, use the stationary period to the convergent period when the taste increases.

    “It’s like growing and farming. The chef adjusts the food and chooses wine according to the aroma and taste of the fungus that changes from stage to stage. Change the cooking method with bananas in ripe and lush states. It’s the same as. It’s close to a musical feeling, like how to match the bass to the rhythm of the drum. “

    It is not tea that is being poured, but three kinds of green onions, Vichyssoise. I’m excited about how to provide this.

    A dish that makes you feel the characteristics of yeast that creates a cheese-like flavor when combined with cream. The ingredients are fermented and aged salmon.

    Pumpkin and brie risotto with yeast doubled in thickness. Accented with tomatoes that have become more acidic like dried plums due to fermentation. “If you mix something with a strong taste, you can eat it in a well-balanced manner.”

    Contrary to the typical full-course meal, the main dishes are served in the order of meat and fish in order to maximize the characteristics of yeast, which has the umami of seafood. The dishes are piled up with the image that the taste is accumulated and happiness grows.

    The main meat is fermented and aged pork from Akita prefecture. The hard shoulder meat that cannot be chewed is soft enough to be loosened with a knife by the power of yeast. Collagen also turns into umami, and a dish that brings out the natural salty taste of yeast fermented liquid. With purple potato puree and pear butter saute with yeast solution.

    The main fish is fermented and aged Pacific cod. It was baked in the oven with a mayonnaise-like seasoning made from yeast fermented liquid and herb bread crumbs. Miso is accented with a sauce made by stir-frying shrimp shells for a long time. Pairing orange wine that gives a refreshing multi-layered taste.

    “I don’t like to force myself to pick up ingredients, so I cook with what I can get at that time,” says Chef Sato. He cherishes connecting with producers and visiting the site, saying, “I only use materials that I can understand,” such as by setting up a ship and pulling a net.

    Chef Sato is from Nikaho City (formerly Konoura Town) in Akita Prefecture, a port town facing the Sea of ​​Japan. He does not have a store and supervises the food and services of various restaurants.

    “It’s a recipe from a miso soy sauce shop, but I rarely use miso soy sauce (laughs). It’s easy to use, but if you do that, it will be a recipe that you can do anywhere.”

    Mr. Yasushi “I have never said that I should not use miso soy sauce (laughs), but I want to make a leap forward as much as possible, and I am grateful that Chef Sato takes that thought into consideration when choosing the ingredients. “

    We trust each other and enjoy ourselves. You can see that a good team is formed.







    帶有酵母的南瓜和法國干酪燴飯的厚度增加了一倍。帶有西紅柿的酸味,由於發酵而變得像李子乾一樣酸。 “如果您將口味濃郁的東西混合在一起,就可以均衡地食用它。”





















    Team <Astronomica>

    Mr. Yasushi said that when he just took over the family business, he was struggling alone because he did not understand the pursuit of originality and innovation.

    “I was like playing music by myself, but the team was about half younger and the groove started to emerge. Some people were able to have a session, and I started to think that I would be able to manage even if there were issues. ”

    The Western and Eastern sensibilities of the two chefs who develop the menu are combined with the perspectives of producer Yasushi and researcher Kimura, and experiments are repeated every day.

    The dessert at the end of the course is also a fusion of the team’s ideas. Miso and soy sauce gelato with nuts and pralines, which are popular even when ordered individually.

    The idea of ​​Chef Jonas was to add bitter popcorn caramelized with miso aged for 3 years to the gelato developed by Mr. Tai when the cafe opened. You can enjoy a different texture by soaking it in melted gelato.

    “We have more good friends who can stimulate each other. There are more friends who are not here, such as researchers, Kimura, artists and architects,” says Yasushi. The team gathered around Vianvar named it “Astronomica”, which means the universe in ancient Greek, so that the world of fungi can be imagined as a dream area.

    Shunsuke Sawaguchi, who serves, is also a member of the team. We will carefully convey the thoughts of Mr. Yasushi and the features of the menu.

    Chef Sato also said, “Since Mr. Takahashi (Yasu) himself has an atmosphere where he can brave himself, it is interesting that people who are inspired by it gather and mix here to create new ideas. Outside the prefecture and abroad. It’s a place that is more inspiring than going to, so I think it’s amazing and fun. “




    “我就像一個人玩音樂,但是這個團隊年輕了大約一半,並且開始出現槽路。有些人能夠參加一次會議,而且我開始認為即使有問題,我也能應付自如。 ”




    泰說:“我們有更多可以互相刺激的好朋友。還有更多不在這裡的朋友,例如研究人員,木村,藝術家和建築師。”該團隊聚集在Viamvar周圍,並將其命名為“ Astronomica”,意為古希臘語中的宇宙,因此真菌世界可以想像成一個夢幻的地區。
















    Rebuild tradition with creativity

    Mr. Yasushi’s experience of traveling abroad is also the essence of the traditional image of miso soy sauce brewery and the ideas and uniqueness that go beyond the realm.

    “I knew I had to take over the family business, but I didn’t want to take over. I thought I wouldn’t be able to move if I took over, so when I was young, try to go out as much as possible, even if someone wasn’t interested in what they did. I was trying to experience it. ”

    While inheriting the tradition of 150 years, Mr. Yasushi creates original and innovative ideas by incorporating his own experience, technique and art, and forms them one after another with his friends.

    He is planning to renovate the warehouse next to the Moromi warehouse located in the back of the site into a dining space, the mezzanine floor into a tea room, and the outside warehouse into a wine sales office. We are planning to serve finished dishes at the cafe near the entrance and experimental dishes at the back warehouse.

    Moromi brewery with soy sauce. If you apply for a full wine pairing in addition to the full course, the experience begins with the “starter” here. The scent of soy sauce drifts from the passage leading to the brewery, making you feel as if you are already tasting the food.

    Finger food that combines locally produced Minase beef soaked in yeast fermented liquid with cream cheese kneaded with pear and figs. In order to propose pairing between yeasts of the same Akita, we paired the fruity <No. 6> of a friend’s brewery <Aramasa Sake Brewery>, which brews sake only with No. 6 yeast found by an ancestor with roots, at Moromi-Gura. I will. It is a special time where you can enjoy the characteristics of yeast, such as “creating umami” and “softening meat and fish,” in a space where yeast is poured.

    “As long as I’m doing miso soy sauce in an old building, there will continue to be” Japanese “in products and spaces, no matter how innovative. But I don’t want to do anything similar. How do you mix the world’s essence? I’m thinking about whether it will be new if I arrange it. ”

    Wine to be brewed at Viamver is scheduled to be completed in February. The day when all dishes and cups are connected with only the same yeast, which is unprecedented in the world, is just around the corner. We are also looking to reform distribution and bring out miso soy sauce products brewed in Viamver.

    Team Astronomika creates a hot, strong and new era. I am looking forward to future developments.













    営業時間:10:00~17:00(16:30 L.O.)


    Address: 124 Iwasaki, Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture
    TEL: 0183-73-2902 Business hours: 10:00 to 17:00 (16:30 L.O.)
    * Lunch course requires reservation from 11:00 to 15:00, dinner course requires reservation only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (reservation required 3 days in advance).
    Regular holiday: Irregular holiday


    電話:0183-73-2902 營業時間:10:00至17:00(16:30 L.O.)
