• 記事掲載のお知らせ_ONBEAT News



    News of Article Publication_ONBEAT News

    The bilingual art information magazine “ONBEAT” contains articles about Yamamo’s art activities and the exhibition of Musee Yozo Hamaguchi / Yamasa Collection. The fact that our brewery yeast works led to exhibitions at other galleries was one of the things I wanted to develop in my art activities, and I was very happy to be able to do it quickly. I am also grateful that it has an effect overseas. I feel that pursuing things rooted in the land and region has the power to go out to the world. I would like you to visit the Nihonbashi / Musee Yozo Hamaguchi / Yamasa Collection. _mediainfo._magazine


    文章發布通知_ONBEAT News

    雙語藝術信息雜誌“ ONBEAT”收錄了有關Yamamo的藝術活動和濱口陽三美術館/山佐收藏的展覽的文章。 我的啤酒酵母作品促成了其他畫廊的展覽,這是我在藝術活動中想要發展的事情之一,我很高興能夠很快做到這一點。 我也很感激它在海外發揮了作用。 我覺得追求紮根於土地和地區的事物有力量走向世界。 我希望您參觀日本橋/濱口洋三美術館/山佐收藏。


    ONBEAT News



    そんな滝澤徹也の作品が鑑賞できる「凹凸に降る -ミュゼ浜口陽三・ヤマサコレクション 2019年冬の企画展-」が、日本橋・ミュゼ浜口陽三・ヤマサコレクションで開催中だ。「いちばんたいせつなことは、目に見えない」とは小説『星の王子様』の一節だが、本展では、はっきりと形をとらない大切なものを、てのひらにさぐり、凹凸のあわいを模索する三人の現代作家を紹介。スクリーンプリントを刷り重ね、観念的な立体版画を作り上げる小野耕石、蜘蛛の巣や北欧の岩石を刷りとり、時や歴史を象る滝澤徹也、石膏を型に、樹脂を流し込み、心の結晶を幻影として見せる中谷ミチコ。浜口のやわらかな銅版画と共に、とらえられないものを求めて、その触感を実在化するように表現へ深くもぐりこむ、現代の静かな心の象形を鑑賞するには絶好の機会だ。

    アクセス:半蔵門線 水天宮前駅 3番出口徒歩1分
    入館料:大人600円 大学・高校生400円 中学生以下無料


    ONBEAT_Yamamo’s fermented paintings using Aspergillus are exhibited at Yamasa Collection

    A brewer of miso / soy sauce, a Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce brewing Company / TAKAMO & Corp. that has been in the Akita prefecture for more than 150 years since the end of the late Edo period. The company carries out a variety of activities aimed at attracting customers by telling the appeal of the brewing industry both in Japan and overseas, while continuing the tradition. Recently, the brewery and garden have been renovated to provide tours that allow local cultural experiences, and artists such as Tetsuya Takizawa have made Yamamo seeds and Japanese paper made from Minasegawa. Are produced locally and exhibited in the same gallery.
    “Falling on the uneven surface-Yozo Muze Hamaguchi / Yamasa Collection 2019 Winter Exhibition”, where you can appreciate the works of Tetsuya Takizawa, is being held at the Nihonbashi / Muse Yoyo Hamaguchi / Yamasa Collection. “The most important thing is invisible” is a passage from the novel “Prince of the Stars”, but in this exhibition, we will explore important things that do not take shape clearly in the palm of the hand and search for the unevenness of irregularities. Introducing three contemporary artists. Printed on screen prints to create an ideal three-dimensional print Kono Ono, spider’s web and Scandinavian rocks, Tetsuzawa Takizawa, a model of time and history, poured resin into a mold, cast the crystal of the heart Michiko Nakatani shows it as an illusion. Along with Hamaguchi’s soft copperplate engraving, it is a great opportunity to appreciate the serenity of the modern, quiet mind that seeks something that can’t be captured and immerses itself deeply into expression so as to make that feel real.

    Date: October 5-December 22, 2019
    Closed days: Mondays (except 10/14 and 11/4), 10/15 (Tue), 11/5 (Tue) and 10/19 (Sat) until 16:00.
    Opening hours: 11: 00-17: 00 (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 10: 00-), both last entry 16:30
    Access: 1 minute walk from Exit 3 of Hanzomon Line
    Address: 1-35-7 Nihonbashi Kikokucho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
    Phone: 03-3665-0251
    Admission fee: 600 yen for adults, 400 yen for university and high school students, free for junior high school students and younger
    《Night Museum》 Opening until 20:00 on the 1st and 3rd Friday (10/18, 11/1, 11/15, 12/6, 12/20) during the exhibition, last entry 19:30


    ONBEAT_Yamasa Collection展出了Yamamo使用曲霉菌發酵的畫作

    在日本橋/繆斯·濱口繆斯/山崎藏品展上舉辦的“落在凹凸不平的表面上-Yozo Muze Hamaguchi /山佐藏品2019冬季展覽”讓您欣賞滝澤徹也的作品。 “最重要的事情是看不見的”是小說《星星的王子》的一段話,但是在這次展覽中,我們將探索那些手掌上沒有清晰地成型的重要事情,並尋找不規則的不平整。介紹三位當代藝術家。 滝澤徹也印刷在絲網印刷上,以創建理想的三維印刷品小野耕石,蜘蛛網和斯堪的納維亞岩石,滝澤徹也是時間和歷史的模型,將樹脂倒入模具中,鑄就了心臟的水晶中谷Michiko將其顯示為一種幻覺。結合濱口柔軟的銅版雕刻作品,這是一個很好的機會,可以欣賞現代而寧靜的思想的寧靜,這種思想尋求無法捕捉的東西,並深深地融入表達中,以使之真實。



  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_CREA_December issue

    CREA12月号「47都道府県手みやげリスト」にて、弊社のYAMAMO NIKUMISO “ALL NATURAL”が掲載されております。推薦者の方のコメント付きでご紹介いただいており、お客様の素直な感想を知ることができました。長期熟成について価値を与えることができればとの想いから、三年熟成した味噌で糖分を資源にして醸成されたコクや風味に天然由来の原料を合わせるかたちでつくられた商品です。ぜひ、誌面をご覧いただきたいと思います。


    News of Article Publication_CREA

    Our YAMAMO NIKUMISO “ALL NATURAL” is published in the CREA December issue “47 prefectures souvenir list”. It was introduced with the comments of the recommenders, and we were able to know the honest impression of the customers. This product is made in the form of combining natural ingredients with richness and flavor cultivated using sugar as a resource in miso that has been aged for three years. I would like you to read the magazine. _mediainfo._magazine



    我們的YAMAMO NIKUMISO“全天然”發表在CREA 12月的“ 47個縣的紀念品清單”中。 它是在推薦者的評論中引入的,我們能夠了解客戶的誠實印象。 本產品由天然成分和調味料組合而成,並且使用糖作為味噌中的一種資源培育的調味料已經陳化了三年。 我希望你讀這本雜誌。










    All natural ingredients such as rice miso aged three years and pork from Akita Prefecture, beet sugar and salt of Ako. Miso creates a unique richness by aging. “There is no sharp salty taste, and I can feel the taste of miso and meat. First, simply put it on rice and taste it” (51 years old, editor)


    所有天然材料,例如3歲以上的味米和秋田縣的豬肉,甜菜糖和赤穂塩。 味噌通過老化創造獨特的豐富度。 “沒有強烈的鹹味,您可以感覺到味o和肉的味道。首先,只需將其放在米飯上並品嚐一下即可”(51歲,主編)




    ○About “CREA”



    ○About “CREA”

    Lifestyle magazine “CREA” published by Bungei Shunju. The latest information for curious women from a wide range of categories such as beauty, travel, gourmet and culture.


    ○About “CREA”

    豐業順州出版的生活時尚雜誌“ CREA”。 針對美女,旅行,美食和文化等廣泛領域的好奇女性的最新信息。


  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_FRaU TRAVEL_November Issue

    FRaU TRAVELにて“伝統ある調味料に新たな価値を”のタイトルで伝統と革新が融合する蔵元としてご紹介いただいております。伝統が伝統であるためには、革新的な取り組みが続いていくことによってその価値が担保されていきます。しかし伝統の中にどれほどの革新的な取り組みをしていくのかということは、蔵元によって異なります。それが業界や地域社会の必要性と相まったときに広く認知され、変わり始めていくことになります。これからもヤマモは自身の築き上げた伝統にいかに対峙し、取り組みを進めていくことができるのか追求しています。ぜひ、誌面をご覧いただきたいと思います。


    News of Article Publication_FRaU TRAVEL

    FRaU TRAVEL introduces it as a brewery that combines tradition and innovation with the title “New value for traditional seasonings”. In order for tradition to be a tradition, its value is secured by continuing innovative efforts. However, how much innovative efforts will be made in the tradition depends on the brewery. When it is combined with the needs of the industry and the community, it will be widely recognized and will begin to change. Yamamo continues to pursue how it can confront the traditions it has built and continue to work on it. I would like you to read the magazine. _mediainfo._magazine


    文章發布通知_FRaU TRAVEL

    FRaU TRAVEL將該啤酒作為結合傳統與創新的啤酒廠而推出,並命名為“傳統調味料的新價值”。 為了使傳統成為傳統,通過不斷的創新努力可以確保其價值。 然而,傳統上將做出多少創新努力取決於啤酒廠。 當它與行業和社區的需求結合在一起時,它將得到廣泛認可並開始發生變化。 Yamamo繼續追求如何面對已建立的傳統,並繼續為此而努力。 我希望你讀這本雜誌。


    FRaU TRAVEL_NOV. 2019



    醤油の基本的な原料は、大豆、小麦、塩。同じ原料を使い、同じような作り方をしても、醸造元によって醤油の味が違うのは、香りの決め手となる酵母や、味作りに欠かせない麹がそれぞれ違うから。秋田県内で醤油を醸造している蔵を20カ所調査したところ、4カ所で特異的な〝蔵付きの酵母〞が見つかったという。そのうちのひとつが、〈ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元〉。県南部の湯沢市で150年以上続く醸造所だ。七代目の高橋泰さんは、建築を学んだのちに家業を継いだ人物。「誰が継いでも変わらないものを守るのではなく、伝統と革新を融合させることで、レガシーとして次世代へ残すことに意味がある」と話す。そんな七代目は、伝統の味を守るだけでなく、新たな酵母を用いた醤油づくりにも積極的だ。2012年からは海外展開もスタートさせ、自身がデザインを手がけた商品パッケージにリニューアル。蔵と土地の魅力を伝えるためのファクトリーツアーには、新たな手法としてアートを取り入れた。併設する〈YAMAMO GARDEN CAFÉ〉では、四代目が作庭した庭園を背景に、醤油や味噌を用いたメニューでおもてなし。日本の調味料に馴染みのないインバウンドの旅行者にも受け入れやすいよう、フォーやジェラートなどをアレンジした。ここを訪れれば、醤油ができる工程を見て、実際に味わって、知ることができる。

    1. 秋田県内に流通するのは1.8ℓ瓶がメイン。「これじゃなきゃだめ」と言う地元のお母さんも多いという。 
    2. リニューアルしたパッケージは七代目が手がけたもの。海外輸送に耐えられるよう、断熱性と密封性を併せ持つ素材を採用した。店頭では商品の販売も行っている。
    3. 庭園を望む〈YAMAMO GARDEN CAFÉ〉では、仕込みにも使われる天日塩をベースに味付けしたフォーや、味噌・醤油ソースを使ったジェラートなどを提供。六代目が書家として手掛けた作品の展示もあり、アートの力を伝統産業に生かしている。 
    4. ほんのり甘みがある「あま塩醤油」が、秋田の代表的な醤油。つけ醤油、かけ醤油、煮付けなど、使い勝手のいい日常の調味料。
    5. 1.8ℓ瓶は昔ながらのデザイン。これが秋田ではおなじみのパッケージ。


    Adding new value to traditional seasonings

    Sauce, soy sauce, sashimi, and sashimi are the essential seasonings for a Japanese table. It is classified into “Koikuchi”, “Usukuchi”, “Tamari”, “Saishikomi”, and “Shiro”, and the familiar taste varies depending on the region. Koikuchi accounts for 80% of the circulation in Japan, but Akita ’s taste is “Ama-soy sauce”. It is characterized by modest salt and a slight sweetness.

    The basic ingredients for soy sauce are soybeans, wheat and salt. Even if the same ingredients are used and made in the same way, the taste of the soy sauce differs depending on the brewer because the yeast that is the decisive factor of the fragrance and the koji that is indispensable for making the taste differ. A survey of 20 breweries brewing soy sauce in Akita Prefecture revealed that yeast jars with unique breweries were found in 4 locations. One of them is Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company. It is a brewery that has been in Yuzawa City in the southern part of the prefecture for more than 150 years. Yasushi Takahashi, the seventh generation, was a person who succeeded the family business after learning architecture. “It doesn’t protect anyone who inherits it, but it makes sense to leave it as a legacy by fusing tradition and innovation,” he says. The seventh generation not only protects the traditional taste, but is also active in making soy sauce using new yeast. In 2012, we started overseas expansion and renewed the product package that we designed. Art was introduced as a new technique in the factory tour to convey the charm of the warehouse and the land. At the that comes alongside, you can enjoy a menu using soy sauce and miso against the backdrop of the garden created by the fourth generation. Four and gelato were arranged to make it easier for inbound travelers who are not familiar with Japanese seasonings. If you visit here, you can see the process of making soy sauce, actually taste it, and know it.

    1. 1.8ℓ bottles are mainly distributed in Akita Prefecture. Many local mothers say that this is not good. *
    2. The renewed package was created by the 7th generation. In order to withstand overseas transportation, materials that have both heat insulation and sealing properties are used. The store also sells products.
    3. overlooking the garden offers pho seasoning based on the salt used in preparation and gelato using miso and soy sauce. There is also an exhibition of works by the 6th generation as a calligrapher, making use of the power of art in traditional industries. *
    4. “Ama salt soy sauce” with a little sweetness is Akita’s typical soy sauce. Easy-to-use daily seasonings such as tsuke soy sauce, kake soy sauce and boiled.
    5. 1.8ℓ bottles are traditionally designed. This is a familiar package in Akita.



    醬油,醬油,生魚片和生魚片是日式餐桌的基本調味料。 分為“濃口”,“薄口”,“溜”,“再仕込”,“白”並且熟悉的口味因地區而異。 小池口占日本總流通量的80%,但秋田的口味是“天麻醬油”。 它的特點是適度的鹽和輕微的甜味。

    醬油的基本成分是大豆,小麥和鹽。即使使用相同的成分並以相同的方式製成,醬油的味道也會因釀造商的不同而不同,這是因為作為香氣的決定性因素的酵母和使味道不可缺少的酒麯不同。對秋田縣20家釀造醬油的啤酒廠進行的一項調查顯示,在4個地點發現了帶有獨特啤酒廠的酵母罐。Yamamo味噌醤油醸造商就是其中之一。這是一家位於縣南部湯澤市超過150年的啤酒廠。第七代高橋泰是在學習建築後繼承家族企業的人。他說:“它並不能保護任何繼承它的人,但是通過融合傳統和創新將其保留為遺產是有意義的。”第七代不僅保護傳統口味,而且還活躍於使用新酵母製作醬油的過程中。 2012年,我們開始了海外擴張並更新了我們設計的產品包裝。在工廠巡迴演出中,藝術品作為一種新技術被引入,以傳達倉庫和土地的魅力。在旁邊的,您可以在第四代花園的背景下享用醬油和味mis的菜單。為了使不熟悉日本調味料的入境旅客更方便地安排了四和意式冰淇淋。如果您訪問這裡,您會看到醬油的製作過程,實際品嚐和了解的過程。

    1.1.8ℓ瓶主要分佈在秋田縣。 許多當地母親說這不好。
    2.更新的軟件包是第七代創建的。 為了承受海外運輸,使用了既具有隔熱又具有密封性能的材料。 該商店還出售產品。
    3.俯瞰花園的提供用於調味的pho調味料,以及使用味o和醬油製成的意式冰淇淋。 還利用書法在傳統工業中的力量,展出了第六代書法家的作品。
    4.有點甜的“阿瑪鹽醬油”是秋田的典型醬油。 易於使用的日常調味料,例如調味醬油,烤製醬油和煮沸的調味料。
    5.傳統上設計了1.8ℓ瓶罐子。 這是秋田人熟悉的軟件包。


    FRaU TRAVEL_NOV. 2019


    ○About “FRaU TRAVEL”



    ○About “FRaU TRAVEL”

    Daily life and small trips are connected comfortably. Travel & Lifestyle Magazine
    CO-TORIP’s seasonal issue was born in May 2014. From the desire of those who like to travel more, we have featured a special destination that has been digging every season with a special look at seasonal destinations. A travel lifestyle magazine for girls who love traveling, such as seasonal travel specials and timely outing information.


    ○About “FRaU TRAVEL”

    日常生活和小旅行之間的聯繫很舒適。 旅遊與生活雜誌
    CO-TORIP的季節性問題誕生於2014年5月。 為了滿足那些喜歡旅行的人的需求,我們提供了一個特殊的目的地,該目的地在每個季節都在挖掘,著眼於季節性目的地。 面向喜歡旅行的女孩的旅行生活方式雜誌,例如季節性旅行特惠和及時的郊遊信息。




  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_Discover Japan_November Issue

    Discover Japan11月号の発酵特集に「新種の酵母を発見!発酵をデザインする七代目の味噌づくり」のタイトルで記事が掲載されております。本業の味噌醤油造りでお伝えできることを嬉しく思います。改めてお伝えしたいことは、新種の酵母菌の発見は“伝統的な造り”という同じ行為の繰り返しだけではなく、“革新的な造り”の積み重ねによるものです。同じ種類、同じ環境の反復からは遺伝子の交配は起き辛く、新種の菌は出現しないのです。また、新種の菌の発生を目的として試験醸造を行うには、天文学的な確率となり、気が遠くなるような作業になります。



    伝統は革新の連続により形成されます。慣れ親しんだ伝統調味料も文化的進化を促せる要素は多分にあるのです。本誌ではヤマモの革新的な造りから製品紹介、アート活動に至るまで全9ページに渡る記事を掲載いただいております。業界のみならず多くの方々にご覧いただければと思います。小倉さん、Discover Japanチームの皆様、ありがとうございました。


    News of Article Publication_Discover Japan

    The article is posted on a fermented special story of Discover Japan November issue by the title of “Discovering a new kind of yeast! Fermented Miso making of seventh generation which designs fermentation”. I am glad to be able to tell you about the miso soy sauce making of my main business. What I want to tell you again is that the discovery of a new species of yeast is not only a result of the same act of “traditional construction” but also “innovative construction”. The gene breeding is difficult to occur from the same type and the same environment, and no new type of fungus appears. In addition, test brewing for the purpose of generating new species of bacteria will be an astronomical probability and will be distracting.

    I will focus not only on the value that the traditional ancestors have created, but also on the value creation of the current owner, and by strategically striving for fungi that can cause new effects on flavor and function by independently mixing ideas and technology I have been using it. Sometime, every year I started to find fun to reflect new ideas and cultures. That made it possible to repeat innovative efforts and led to the discovery of new fungi from the accumulation of test brewing that lasted for more than 10 years.

    It was a happy event that Mr. Hiraku Ogura who oversaw this issue visited us. I gained a comprehensive understanding of what I did from the factory and the way it was made, and the sensuality of the taste of miso, a semi-finished half-finished product, brought out the aim and intention of the flavor. Mr. Ogura’s evaluation that “fermentation is also designed” felt that the hard work of the brewers and the brewing products with low reproducibility that had been done so far was saved.

    Tradition is formed by a series of innovations. Familiar traditional seasoning has many factors that can promote cultural evolution. This magazine features nine pages of articles covering everything from yamamo’s innovative construction to product introduction and art activities. I hope you can see it not only in the industry but also in many people. Thanks to Mr. Ogura and the Discover Japan team. _mediainfo._magazine


    文章發布通知_Discover Japan

    題為“發現新酵母!使第七味噌發酵的設計”的文章發表在Discover Japan11月號上。我很高興能夠向您介紹我的主要業務大醬油。我想再次告訴你的是,發現一種新的酵母不僅是“傳統建築”的同一行為的結果,而且是“創新建築”的結果。在相同類型和相同環境下很難進行基因育種,也不會出現新型真菌。此外,以產生新細菌種類為目的的試釀將是天文概率,並且會分散注意力。





    Discover Japan_November 2019_Go East to West to See The World of Fermentation





    Discover a new kind of yeast! Making the 7th generation miso to design fermentation

    Iwasaki, Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, once prospered as a castle town and post town. In the late Edo period, with the benefits of rich nature, rice, sake and miso making took root, the first brewer of Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce was founded by Mosuke Takahashi. Yamamo, which has been making miso and soy sauce in Iwasaki for over 150 years, is attracting attention as a brewery that makes innovative miso and soy sauce. This time, I focused on miso and asked Yasushi Takahashi, the seventh generation. “Until now, seasonings have been demanding the same taste, but unless we innovate somewhere, we can’t build new assets. Since 13 years before we succeeded in the family business, I’ve been mixing and continuing new brewing”.


    發現一種新型酵母! 製作第7代味噌以設計發酵

    秋田縣湯澤市的岩崎市曾經是一個城堡之鄉和郵政之鄉。 在江戶時代末期,高橋茂助憑藉豐富的自然資源,大米,清酒和大醬製作紮根,創立了第一家Yamamo味噌醬油釀造商。 在岩崎縣生產味噌和醬油已有150多年曆史的Yamamo,作為一家生產創新味噌和醬油的啤酒廠而受到關注。 這次,我集中在味噌上,問了第七代高橋泰先生。 “直到現在,調味料一直要求相同的口味,但是除非我們在某個地方進行創新,否則我們將無法建立新的資產。自從我們在家族企業成功的13年之前, 我一直在混合併繼續進行新的釀造”。


    Discover Japan_November 2019_Go East to West to See The World of Fermentation


    家業を継いで間も無く、配合比率や発酵・熟成の期間、工程も試験した。また、酵母や乳酸菌の活動を活かすため、 製品によっては塩分濃度は一般的な13%から7%まで減塩を行った。このように様々な試験を行う中、近年、泰さんが味噌づくりで注目するのは酵母。酵母に関わる環境を変化させながら検証をしたところ、3年前に新種の酵母菌を発見。最適な環境を実現するため、熟成工程もホーロータンクを採用するなど、酵母の働きを最大化し、狙った風味を引き出すため発酵をデザインしているのだとか。「酵母はその地域によって特性があるので、それを生かして味噌づくりをするのは合理的。ヤマモさんの味噌には 〝コンセプト〞を感じます(小倉)」。


    Soon after inheriting the family business, the mixing ratio, fermentation / aging period, and process were also tested. In order to take advantage of the activities of yeast and lactic acid bacteria, the salinity of some products was reduced from 13% to 7%. In such a variety of tests, in recent years, Yasushi is focusing on yeast for making miso. After verifying the environment related to yeast, we discovered a new type of yeast three years ago. In order to realize an optimal environment, the aging process employs a hollow tank, and the fermentation is designed to maximize the function of the yeast and bring out the targeted flavor. “Yeast has its own characteristics, so it is reasonable to make miso by making use of it. Yamamo-san’s miso feels the“ concept ”(Ogura).”


    在繼承家族企業後不久,還對混合比例,發酵/陳化期和工藝進行了測試。 為了利用酵母和乳酸菌的活性,某些產品的鹽度從13%降低到7%。 近年來,在如此多的測試中,泰先生專注於製作味噌的酵母。 在驗證了與酵母有關的環境後,我們三年前發現了一種新型酵母。 為了實現最佳環境,老化過程使用了一個空心罐,發酵的設計旨在最大程度地提高酵母的功能並帶出目標風味。 “酵母具有自己的特徵,因此合理利用它來製作味噌。山本山的味噌感受到了“概念”(小倉)”。


    Discover Japan_November 2019_Go East to West to See The World of Fermentation


    「酵母の働きには可能性があります。 狙いを定めてそこに対して検証していく。新種の酵母は華やかな香りを生み出すだけでなく、肉や魚を柔らかくする作用もあります。また味噌由来の菌では珍しいことに無塩でも働くため、今後は加工食品など新たな商品や酒づくりも視野に入れています(高橋)」。ヤマモの味噌づくりは革新的だが、その背景には、先祖代々受け継いできた追求心とつくり手の思いがあるのだ。先祖が脈々と受け継いできたものを生かしながら、現当主のエッセンスを加えていくことこそが、革新的な味噌づくりなのだろう。


    “There is a possibility for the function of yeast. We will aim and verify it. The new yeast not only produces a gorgeous scent, but also softens meat and fish. Unusually, it works even without salt, so in the future we are also looking at new products such as processed foods and sake making (Takahashi). Yamamo’s miso making is innovative, but behind it is the pursuit of spirit and the creativity of the ancestors. The creation of innovative miso is to add the essence of the current owner while taking advantage of what the ancestors have inherited.


    “酵母的功能可能存在。我們將進行瞄準和驗證。新酵母不僅會散發出誘人的氣味,而且還能使肉和魚變軟。 通常,即使不加鹽也可以使用,因此將來我們還將尋找加工食品和清酒(高橋)等新產品。 Yamamo的味噌製作具有創新性,但背後卻是對祖先精神和創造力的追求。 創新味噌的創建是在利用祖先繼承的遺產的同時,增加當前所有者的精髓。


    Discover Japan_November 2019_Go East to West to See The World of Fermentation



    ヤマモが革新的だといわれている理由は醸造工程だけではない。ヤマモのもつ歴史や地元・岩崎の文化を後世に継承するため、蔵や醸造工程、岩崎の歴史を発信する「ファクトリーツアー」を2017年から開始。味噌、醤油づくりの現場を歩く蔵見学に加え、室町時代から伝わる岩崎の竜神伝説を背景とした日本庭園、アートギャラリー、 カフェへと案内される。「受け継いできた歴史を発信することは大切。僕らは生きている限り何かを失い、そして生み出すようにサイクル化されています。先祖たちも、石碑や街の貢献などさまざまなかたちで生み出し、後世に伝えてきたように、私自身も古いものを再発見して、そこから新しいものを生み出していきたいんです。その表現方法のひとつにアート的なアプローチがあるということですね」。確かに泰さんの話す通り、伝統産業も歴史も同じ。そこには、かたちは違えど紡いでいく美学を表現するという精神が息づいているのだ。


    Factory tour with emphasis on sending

    The reason why Yamamo is said to be innovative is not just the brewing process. In order to pass down the history of Yamamo and the local culture of Iwasaki to future generations, a “factory tour” was started in 2017 to convey the history of brewing and brewing processes and Iwasaki. In addition to tours of breweries where you can make miso and soy sauce, you will be guided to a Japanese garden, art gallery, and cafe, backed by the legend of Iwasaki’s dragon gods from the Muromachi period. “It is important to disseminate the history that has been inherited. As long as we live, we are cycled to lose and produce something. I wanted to rediscover the old things and create new ones from that, as one of the expression methods has an artistic approach. Certainly, as Mr. Tai says, the traditional industry and history are the same. There is a spirit that expresses the aesthetics of different forms.



    Yamamo被認為具有創新性的原因不僅在於釀造過程。為了將山毛的歷史和岩崎的當地文化傳承給子孫後代,2017年開始了“工廠參觀”,以傳達釀造和釀造工藝以及岩崎的歷史。除了參觀釀造醬油和醬油的啤酒廠之外,您還將被帶到日本花園,美術館和咖啡館,並以室町時代的岩崎龍神傳說為後盾。 “傳播已被繼承的歷史很重要。只要我們生活,我們就會循環不斷地失去和生產某些東西。我想重新發現舊事物並從中創建新事物,因為一種表達方式具有藝術性。當然,正如戴先生所說,傳統工業和歷史是相同的。有一種精神可以表達不同形式的美學。


    Discover Japan_November 2019_Go East to West to See The World of Fermentation





    To pass on tradition and history to the region

    A part of the storehouse was renovated and a new gallery and cafe were opened. I’m surprised that Misozo is an art, but there is a good aim there too. Attracting domestic and foreign creators by incorporating art elements. From that, a new transmission is born, and it is possible to brand and revitalize the region. Cafés are also open to the local people and tourists so that they can feel free to visit and serve as a place where various cultures can interact. The food menu has also been reworked so that foreigners can see traditional culture as a hybrid. Even so far, Yamamo’s activities are not limited to making miso and soy sauce.



    倉庫的一部分進行了裝修,並開設了新的畫廊和咖啡館。 我對味噌蔵是一門藝術感到驚訝,但那裡也有很好的目標。 融入藝術元素,吸引國內外創作者。 由此,新的傳播方式誕生了,它可以為該地區打造品牌並使其煥發活力。 咖啡廳還向當地人和遊客開放,使他們可以自由參觀並成為各種文化互動的場所。 美食菜單也經過了重新設計,使外國人可以將傳統文化視為一種融合。 到目前為止,Yamamo的活動不僅限於製作味噌和醬油。


    Discover Japan_November 2019_Best of Fermented Gourmet



    現在ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元の製品は 海外にも輸出をする。輸出開始を機にデザインも一新。泰さんが手がけるスタイリッシュで洗練されたデザインに生まれ変わった。もちろん、デザイン性だけでなく機能性も申し分ない。味噌は海外輸送に耐え得る断熱性と密封性を兼ね備えた素材を採用し、美味しさをそのままに海外へ届けている。またパッケージにもこだわり、袋型の味噌の前面はあえて中身が見えないものを起用。日本の調味料は中身が見えるも のが一般的だが、海外製品では中身が見えないものも多い。固定概念を捨て、デザインでも革新を起こす。その狙い通り、ヤマモの味噌はアパレル業界でも取り扱われ、食品業界とは異なるジャンルからも注目されているのだ。


    Yamamo miso reborn with a refined design

    Currently, Yamamoto miso soy brewer’s products are exported overseas. The design has been renewed with the start of export. It has been reborn as a stylish and sophisticated design by Yasushi. Of course, not only design but also functionality is perfect. Miso uses heat-insulating and sealing materials that can withstand overseas transport, and delivers the taste to overseas. In addition, we are particular about the package, and we dared to use a bag-shaped miso with a front that cannot be seen. Japanese seasonings are generally visible, but many overseas products do not. Abandoning fixed concepts and innovating in design. As its aim, yam miso is also handled in the apparel industry, and is attracting attention from a different genre than the food industry.



    目前,Yamamo味噌醬油啤酒的產品遠銷海外。 該設計已隨著出口的開始而更新。 戴先生將其重新設計為時尚精緻的設計。 當然,不僅設計而且功能都是完美的。 味噌使用的隔熱和密封材料可以承受海外運輸,並將味道傳遞到海外。 此外,我們對包裝特別關注,我們敢於使用前部看不見的袋狀味噌。 通常可以看到日本調味料,但許多海外產品卻沒有。 放棄固定的概念並進行設計創新。 Yamamo味噌也用於服裝業,並引起了與食品業不同類型的關注。




    ○About “Discover Japan”

    時代の流れをつかみながら、広く、深く、わかりやすく。Discover Japanは日本を元気にする、日本の入門書です。
    いま、“日本”を知りたい人が増えています。 伝統あるものづくりやデザイン、 豊かな気候と風土から生みだされる食文化やライフスタイル。世界に誇るべき魅力にあふれる日本のことを、 私たちはどれほど知っているのでしょうか?『Discover Japan』は、「日本を知りたい」 という想いにこたえる、日本の入門書。伝統工芸、伝統芸能、食文化、風土など 日本人が忘れかけている豊かな文化の魅力を時流に即した切り口で、現代人が楽しめるエンター テイメントとして発信し続けています。目指すのは、 日本の再発見を通して、日本を元気にすること。日本文化が未来へ継続していくきっかけづくりをめざし、価値ある“上質なモノ・コト・ヒト”を再発見し、 本当に届けたい想いを見極め、読者のみなさまへわかりやすく、 そして詳細に、届けていきます。


    ○About “Discover Japan”

    Wide, deep and easy to understand while grasping the flow of the times. Discover Japan is an introductory Japanese book that encourages Japan.
    Now, more people want to know “Japan”. Traditional manufacturing and design, food culture and lifestyle created from rich climate and climate. How much do we know about Japan, which is full of world-famous charm? “Discover Japan” is an introductory book about Japan that responds to the desire to know Japan. Traditional crafts, traditional performing arts, food culture, climate, etc. We continue to disseminate the appeal of the rich culture that Japanese people have forgotten as an entertainment that can be enjoyed by modern people with a timely cut. The aim is to rejuvenate Japan through rediscovery of Japan. Aiming to create an opportunity for Japanese culture to continue into the future, rediscover valuable “quality goods, things, and people”, identify the feelings that you really want to deliver, make it easy for readers to understand, and deliver in detail To go.


    ○About “Discover Japan”

    在把握時代潮流的同時,廣泛,深入和易於理解。 “發現日本”是一本鼓勵日本的日語入門書籍。
    現在,更多的人想知道“日本”。豐富的氣候和氣候造就了傳統的製造和設計,飲食文化和生活方式。我們對充滿世界著名魅力的日本了解多少? “Discover Japan”是一本介紹日本的書籍,它回應了了解日本的願望。傳統手工藝,傳統表演藝術,飲食文化,氣候等。我們繼續傳播日本人已忘記的豐富文化的吸引力,作為現代人可以及時享受的娛樂方式。目的是通過重新發現日本來振興日本。旨在為日本文化提供一個延續到未來的機會,重新發現有價值的“優質產品,事物和人物”,確定您真正想要傳達的感受,使讀者易於理解並詳細傳達我去


    Discover Japan


  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_ことりっぷMagazine_Vol.22



    News of Article Publication_CO-TORIP MAGAZINE

    Yamato’s article is published in CO-TORIP MAGAZINE. We chose us from the viewpoint of delicious trip and Akita fermented food. When I talked with Mr. Hoshi in charge, I realized that I had come after a considerable survey based on the amount of information about our efforts such as renovation and test brewing. In order to boost the cultural position of the miso soy sauce industry, I think that it is possible to convey the world view by preparing everything from product manufacturing, factory settings, brewer behavior and store services. The Understand the thoughts and culture and history that have been cultivated by the predecessors, arrange them into the present, and convey their values. I would like to create a place of brewery and brewery by layering this feeling. I would like you to read the magazine. _mediainfo._magazine



    大和的文章發表在CO-TORIP MAGAZINE。 我們從美味的旅行和秋田發酵食品的角度選擇了我們。 當我與負責公司的星先生交談時,我意識到我是經過大量調查的基礎上進行的,該調查是基於有關我們的改造和試釀等努力信息的。 為了提高味o醬油產業的文化地位,我認為可以通過安排從產品製造,工廠設置,啤酒廠行為和商店服務等各個方面來傳達世界觀。 的了解前輩所培養的思想,文化和歷史,將其安排在當下並傳達其價值。 我想通過層疊這種感覺來創建一個釀酒廠。 我希望你讀這本雜誌。







    To a long-established brewery where the 7th generation Mosuke Takahashi plays an active role

    In the southern part of the Yokote Basin, along the Minase River, the Iwasaki area of ​​Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, is still an old townhouse and storehouse. “Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company” is a long-established store that has been in this area for over 150 years. Appearance is a solid warehouse structure reminiscent of the end of Edo. Inside, a purely Japanese image turns around, a chic chandelier shining in a space with British antique furniture of the 1930s, and a modern cafe space. Beyond the glass door, you can see the Japanese garden where the clear stream flows, and the Japanese and Western mix beautifully.
    The representative brewer is Yasushi Takahashi. As the 7th generation of the name “Mosuke Takahashi” that has been handed down from generation to generation, while maintaining tradition, it combines the content of brewing such as art galleries and cafes with different content to deliver the charm of a new local industry that fuses tradition and innovation.



    在橫手盆地的南部,沿著皆瀬河,秋田縣湯澤市的岩崎地區仍然是一座古老的聯排別墅和倉庫。 “ Yamamo味噌醬油釀造商”在該地區已有150多年的悠久歷史。外觀是堅固的倉庫結構,讓人想起江戶時代的終結。內部,純粹的日本形象轉過身,別緻的枝形吊燈在帶有1930年代英國古董家具的空間中閃耀,並設有現代咖啡廳。在玻璃門之外,您可以看到清澈的小溪流過的日式花園,日式和西式的混合效果很美。







    “Factory tour” of the brewer who watches the cocoon

    This brewery offers a “factory tour” by appointment. Go through the goodwill with the name of the shop and go to the factory area. Inside the dim and large warehouse where the facilities are lined up, there is a scent of soy sauce and miso, and you can feel the presence of yeast with the warehouse.
    Since the preparation is made in accordance with the growth of Aspergillus oryzae, the work contents vary depending on the day. This day was the day of Koji Koji, when the work of making rice cakes for breeding koji mold on steamed rice was completed. In a room with a room temperature of 45 degrees and a humidity of 60%, the rice bran is completed by keeping a close watch on the growth of Aspergillus while mixing hands at the required timing for 3 days and 3 nights. Then, when combined with boiled soybeans and slowly fermented, a tasteful miso is produced for one year.



    這家啤酒廠需要預約“工廠參觀”。 用商舖名稱進行商譽,然後轉到工廠區域。 在排列有設施的昏暗而又大的倉庫內,有醬油和味噌的香味,您可以在倉庫中感受到酵母的存在。
    由於製備是根據米曲霉的生長而進行的,因此工作內容隨天而變化。 這一天是of司的日子,完成了用米飯製作k曲模具的年糕的工作。 在室溫為45度,濕度為60%的房間中,通過密切注視曲霉的生長,同時按要求的時間攪拌3天3晚,完成米糠的製作。 然後,當與煮沸的大豆結合併緩慢發酵時,會產生一種味噌,持續一年。







    After the tour, taste miso and soy sauce at the cafe

    At the end of the tour, sample soy sauce and miso at the cafe. There are 8 types of miso and soy sauce on a wooden tray. Why don’t you just know miso and soy sauce? You may feel that. However, the thought should be blown away at the moment when you have a smooth and delicious miso “YUKIDOKE” in your mouth. You will be amazed by the fruity scent and sweetness that spreads in your mouth. Ginjo incense like Japanese sake is produced by using a lot of koji and aging at a low temperature rather than the local traditional koji miso.
    If you are impressed by the taste of miso and soy sauce that is born by the crab, time and people, you can buy it as a souvenir. The stylish package that you can’t think of as a seasoning is also fresh.



    遊覽結束時,在咖啡館品嚐醬油和味噌。 木托盤上有8種味o和醬油。 你為什麼不只知道味噌和醬油? 您可能會感到。 但是,當您的嘴中有味美滑的味Y“ YUKIDOKE”時,應該將這種想法吹走。 口中散發出的果香和甜味會讓您驚訝。 像日本清酒一樣的銀城香是通過使用大量的曲酒並在低溫下陳化而不是當地傳統的曲酒大醬製成的。
    如果您對螃蟹,時間和人所產生的味噌和醬油的味道印象深刻,則可以將其作為紀念品購買。 您無法將其視為調味料的時尚包裝也很新鮮。



    ○About “ことりっぷMagazine”




    Daily life and small trips are connected comfortably. Travel & Lifestyle Magazine
    CO-TORIP’s seasonal issue was born in May 2014. From the desire of those who like to travel more, we have featured a special destination that has been digging every season with a special look at seasonal destinations. A travel lifestyle magazine for girls who love traveling, such as seasonal travel specials and timely outing information.



    日常生活和小旅行之間的聯繫很舒適。 旅遊與生活雜誌
    CO-TORIP的季節性問題誕生於2014年5月。 為了滿足那些喜歡旅行的人的需求,我們提供了一個特殊的目的地,該目的地在每個季節都在挖掘,著眼於季節性目的地。 面向喜歡旅行的女孩的旅行生活方式雜誌,例如季節性旅行特惠和及時的郊遊信息。