• 記事掲載のお知らせ_Asahi_Dec.13 2018

    12月13日の朝日新聞「みちのく経済」にて“若き経営者 百年企業に新風”のタイトルで弊社ヤマモの取り組みがご紹介されております。改革的企業を取り上げたいということで依頼があり、この度の運びとなりました。6年前の海外展開や3年前の庭園整備からはじまり、ファクトリーストアとツアーの開始、ガーデンカフェ、ギャラリーの新設と一つの蔵元にコンテンツを積層させてきました。ここには4代目・彦四郎や本家の七之助による改革の遺産(レガシー)をいかに踏襲するかをコンセプトとして進めて参りました。様々な想いを持った人の行動の連続で今があります。創業から151年の間に関係した人々の想いや遺産をどう紡いでいくのか、その追及はまだまだ終わりません。


    Notice of Article Posting

    At the Asahi Newspaper December 13 “Tohoku Economy” we are introducing our efforts of Yamamo in the title of “New Wind for Young Businessman 100 Year Company”. There was a request as we wanted to take up a reforming company, and this time it was carried. Beginning with overseas development six years ago and garden improvement three years ago, we have laminated the contents to a brewery with the opening of the factory store and tour, the establishment of a garden cafe, a gallery and a brewery. Here we are advancing as a concept how to follow the reform legacy (legacy) by the 4th generation · Hikoshiro and the head family Nanosuke. There are now a series of actions of people with various feelings. The pursuit of how to spin the thoughts and heritage of the people involved during the period from the establishment to 151 is not over yet. _mediainfo._newspaper



    在朝日新聞12月13日的“東北經濟”中,我們正在介紹Yamamo在“年輕商人100年公司的新風”中的努力。 有一個要求,因為我們想要成立一家改革公司,而這次它被帶走了。 從六年前的海外發展和三年前的花園改良開始,隨著工廠店的開業和旅遊,花園咖啡廳,畫廊和啤酒廠的建立,我們將內容層壓到啤酒廠。 在這裡,我們作為一個概念推進如何遵循第四代·彦四郎和頭部家族七之助的改革遺產(遺產)。 現在有一系列具有各種感受的人的行為。 從建立到151期間,如何轉變所涉人員的思想和遺產的追求尚未結束。


    Asahi Shimbun_13 Dec. 2018


    若き経営者 百年企業に新風





    Young Managers One Hundred Years Companies Have New Winds

    There are young managers who breathe a new sense while inheriting that tradition in Michinoku’s “100-year company” with a history of more than a hundred years. We are focusing not only on improving our core business but also on regional revitalization and overseas.

    Miso Soy Sauce Send Information Abroad

    Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, known for heavy snow areas. Mr. Yasushi Takahashi (39) is the seventh generation of Yamamo Miso sauce brewing company, founded in 1867 (Keio 3) year. I studied design engineering at Chiba University and I was worried about succeeding my family business. However, he came back with “I better to crush by myself than to regret without being inherited.”
    First we began making labels to put on brochures and soy sauce containers. The design which shaped the shop name in English notation won the Good Design Award in 2013. Besides expanding sales channels overseas, it is up to foreign tourists to put in power now.
    On the company’s website you can also send product information in English. In addition, we upgraded the cafe and gardens by the in-house reconstruction, and began a fee-based tour that allows us to experience soy sauce builds three years ago. Last year, about 250 people participated, with 1,500 yen per person, of which about one-third of foreigners. Mr. Takahashi said, “I would like to advance the diversification of programs such as incorporating workshops in the future.”



    年輕的經理們在東北“百年公司”中繼承了這一傳統,並且擁有一百多年的歷史,他們帶來了新的感覺。 我們的重點不僅是改善我們的核心業務,還關注區域振興和海外業務。


    在公司網站上,您還可以用英語發送產品信息。此外,我們還建立在房子的裝修咖啡廳和花園,房子之旅,體驗醬油的建築開始從三年前的費用。去年,約有250人參加,每人1,500日元,其中約三分之一是外國人。 高橋先生說:“我希望推進各種計劃的多樣化,例如在未來舉辦研討會。”


  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_Sakigake_Nov.30 2018

    11月30日付けの秋田魁新報様にて弊社のギャラリーとカフェについて記事にしていただきました。数世代に渡り守り続けてきた庭園の価値を広く皆様に知っていただくこと、この場所でゆっくりと時間を過ごしていただくこと。この2つを満たすものがカフェ利用であると考えておりました。 また、ギャラリーでは地域に伝わる歴史や生活を次世代に伝えていくものとして適していると捉えています。それをかつて名士と言われた人達はよく知っていて、絵画や襖に残すことをしていました。現代にその手法を取り入れ、次世代が土地に根付く大切なものに気付くきっかけになることができればと考えています。記者の藤田さん、弊社取り組みの素晴らしいまとめ、ありがとうございました。  

    Notice of Article Posting

    On November 30, Akita Sakigake Shimpo, I got an article about our gallery and cafe. To widely notify everyone of the value of the garden which has kept protecting for several generations, to spend time slowly in this place. I thought that using cafe is what satisfies these two. In addition, we recognize that the gallery is suitable for communicating the history and living community to the community to the next generation. People who were once famous for it were familiar and were doing what they would leave in paintings and sliding doors. I hope to incorporate that method into contemporary times and to be able to become a catalyst for the next generation to notice the important things that take root in the land. Mr. Fujita of the reporter, thank you for a wonderful summary. _mediainfo._newspaper  


    11月30日,秋田魁新報,我得到了一篇關於我們畫廊和咖啡館的文章。 為了廣泛地告知每個人花園的價值幾代人一直保護,在這個地方慢慢消磨時間。 我認為使用咖啡館是滿足這兩者的。 此外,我們認識到該畫廊適合將社區的歷史和生活社區傳達給下一代。 曾經以此聞名的人都很熟悉,並且正在做他們在繪畫和推拉門中留下的東西。 我希望將這種方法融入當代,並能夠成為下一代的催化劑,以注意在土地上紮根的重要事物。 記者藤田先生,謝謝你的精彩總結。  
    Akita Sakigake Shimpo_30 Nov. 2018
      湯沢の歴史、アートで伝承 工場にギャラリー開設 湯沢市岩崎の「ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元・高茂合名会社」(高橋嘉彦社長)は、醸造工場の2階に地域の歴史や文化を題材にした芸術作品を飾るギャラリーをオープンした。1階ではカフェの営業も開始。同社は一昨年から自社の醸造蔵や庭園を巡るツアーを開いており、アートの要素を加えて内容を拡充し、国内外から誘客を図る考えだ。 ギャラリーは、従業員の宿直部屋として使われていた部屋を改装して開設。同社の種こうじをキャンバスに貼り付けて描いた絵画や、地元を流れる皆瀬川ですいた和紙を使った作品を展示した。 作品の中には、旧岩崎町の2代目町長で、町の近代化を進めた高橋七之助をモチーフにした絵画もある。同社の7代目・高橋泰常務(39)は「地域をつくってきた人々の歩みが、石碑や遺構として町の中に残っている。ギャラリーの作品と合わせて語り継ぐことで、地域全体のブランド化を図りたい」と話す。 同時オープンしたカフェでは、仕込水を使ったコーヒーや、自社のしょうゆスープを使ったフォー、大豆のジェラートなどを提供。地元住民や観光客ら幅広い層に気軽に訪れてもらいたいという。このほか、蔵でしょうゆ瓶のオリジナルラベル作りを体験できるようにもした。 ツアーは、地域の歴史や醸造業の魅力を生かした観光誘客を進めようと、高橋常務が2016年秋に始めた。自ら蔵や庭園を案内しており、昨年は国内外の約250人が訪れた。見どころの一つである庭園は、園外の景色を背景に用いる「借景」の手法を取り入れている。園内からは、水神を祭った地域の「水神社」を望むことができ、醸造産業が発展した岩崎地域が、豊富な水資源に恵まれていたことを感じることができる。「蔵の歴史とともに、醸造産業を育んできた地域の風土も体感してほしい」と高橋常務。 一般の観光客のほか、起業家や市民活動家、アーティストら国内外のさまざまな分野で活躍する人材に来てもらいたいと考えている。高橋常務は「日本に比べ海外ではアーティストが身近に親しまれている。町に多様な文化や価値観を持った人が関わることで、地域を面白いところにしたい」と話した。   History of Yuzawa, handed down in art Opened a gallery at the factory Yuzawa Iwasaki’s “Yamamo Miso sauce brewing source · Takusho jointly-owned company” (President Yoshihiko Takahashi) opened a gallery decorating artworks based on regional history and culture on the second floor of the brewery. On the first floor, the cafe is also open. The company has been holding tours of its own brewery and gardens since last year, adding more elements of the art, expanding the contents, and planning to attract guests from home and abroad. The gallery was opened by refurbishing the room which was used as a hotel room for employees. We exhibited paintings painted with the company’s seeds on canvas and works using washi in Minasegawa flowing locally. Among the works are second-generation town mayors of former Iwasaki Town and some paintings based on motif Nanosuke Takahashi who promoted the modernization of the town. The company’s 7th generation, Yasushi Takahashi (39) stated, “The walks of the people who created the area remain in the town as a stone monument or remnant.To communicate with the works of the gallery, branding throughout the region I want to try it. “ In the café opened at the same time, we offer coffee using stock water, Four using soy sauce soup of our company, Gelato of soybean etc. It is said that they want to feel free to visit a wide range of local residents and tourists. In addition, I made it possible to experience original label making of soy sauce bottle at warehouse. The tour began in autumn 2016 by Mr. Takahashi, who wanted to promote tourism attendants that made full use of the region’s history and the charm of the brewing industry. About 250 people both domestically and abroad visited last year, guiding their own storage and gardens. The garden, which is one of the highlights, incorporates the method of “borrowed landscape” that uses the scenery outside the park as a background. From within the park, you can wish for the “water shrine” in the area where the water god was celebrated, and you can feel that the Iwasaki area where the brewery industry developed was blessed with abundant water resources. “I want you to feel the climate of the area where you cultivated the brewing industry, along with the history of the warehouse,” Takahashi Managing Director. In addition to general tourists, I would like people to come to work for entrepreneurs, civic activists and artists who are active in various fields both in Japan and abroad. Mr. Takahashi said, “Compared to Japan, artists are familiar to families, and I want to make the area an interesting place by involving people with diverse cultures and values ​​in the city.”   湯澤的歷史,傳世藝術 在工廠開了一家畫廊 湯沢岩崎的“Yamamo味噌醬釀造來源·高茂共同擁有的公司”(總裁高橋嘉彦)在啤酒廠二樓開設了一個基於區域歷史和文化裝飾藝術品的畫廊。 在一樓,咖啡廳也是開放的。 自去年以來,該公司一直在舉辦自己的啤酒廠和花園之旅,增加了更多的藝術元素,擴大了內容,併計劃吸引國內外的客人。 畫廊通過翻新房間而被打開,房間被用作員工的酒店房間。 我們在畫布上展出了用公司的種子繪製的繪畫作品,並使用當地流動的島前的作品。 其中包括前岩崎鎮的第二代鎮長和一些基於主題高橋七之助的畫作,他們推動了城鎮的現代化。 該公司的第7代,高橋泰(39)說,“創建該地區的人們仍然留在城裡作為石頭紀念碑或遺跡。與畫廊的作品溝通,整個地區的品牌 我想嘗試一下。“ 在同時開業的咖啡廳,我們用庫存水提供咖啡,四用我公司的醬油湯,大豆冰淇淋等。 據說他們想隨意訪問各種當地居民和遊客。 另外,能在倉庫體驗醬油瓶的原創標籤製作。 這次旅行於2016年秋季由高橋先生開始,他希望推廣充分利用該地區歷史和釀酒行業魅力的旅遊服務員。去年,國內外約有250人參觀,指導他們自己的倉庫和花園。花園是其中一個亮點,採用了“借景”的方法,以公園外的景觀為背景。從公園,有可能希望在被崇拜的神仙水區“水神社”,岩崎地區在那裡釀造行業已經放出,可以認為它已經幸運地擁有豐富的水資源。 “我希望您能夠感受到釀造行業所在地區的氣候,以及倉庫的歷史,”高橋董事總經理。 除了一般遊客,我希望有人來為在日本和國外各個領域活躍的企業家,公民活動家和藝術家工作。高橋,董事總經理“通過讓人們在海外的藝術家比日本在熟悉的已經普及。不同的文化和價值觀鎮,要放置感興趣的區域,”他說。  
      記事掲載当日は秋田県主催の弊社ギャラリーの内覧会となっており、秋田魁新報様、日経新聞様、ABS秋田放送様、AAB秋田朝日放送様にお越しいただき、夕方のニュースで内覧会の様子を報道していただきました。ありがとうございました。   On the day of posting of the article, it is an exhibition of our gallery organized by Akita prefecture, and we are going to see Akita Saki Shimpo, Nikkei Newspaper, ABS Akita Broadcasting, AAB Akita Asahi Broadcasting and visiting the evening news I got a news report. Thank you very much.   在發表文章的那天,它是由秋田縣組織的我們畫廊的展覽,我們將看到秋田崎新報,日經報,ABS秋田廣播,AAB秋田朝日廣播和訪問晚間新聞 我收到了一則新聞報導。 非常感謝你。  
  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_Kahoku_Nov.29 2016

    Information of articles published
    In the Kahoku newsletter dated November 29, I got an article about the work of Yamamo. It is introduced as a brewery that provides intellectual experiences as a new service, as in the heading “Look, taste, learn at a brewery”. After publication, we received inquiries mainly about other prefectures, and the article was also reprinted not only in the Kahoku newsletter but also in Yahoo! News. I feel the significance of this approach to the magnitude of the echo. I hope to improve the position of cultural standing in the world by comprehensively experiencing the culture of miso and soy sauce at the brewery._mediainfo._newspaper


    *Yamamo’s homepage “TOUR” content is under construction, but we are doing factory tours on site. I’d like to make a reservation in advance by phone or e-mail. Thank you.


    「見て味わって学ぶ蔵に」 秋田の蔵元がツアー
    “To a brewery where you can taste and learn” A brewery tours in Akita
    “看到品嚐和學習啤酒廠” 啤酒廠秋田旅遊

  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_Sakigake_Jun.24 2016

    Information of articles published
    Seventh generation of Takahashi talk in Sakigake Akita newspaper was published on June 24. This is the last article of the popular series, which was taken up in the prefecture of young Akita “Wind of Sprout”. Appeared in the past young with each other was the planning that talk in different industries. In the conversation, I talked about the future of the Akita. “Even population decline is followed on the number, if the density of interesting people and things dark prefecture, or not than being felt rich in the perceived”. Facing the coming future, many of the young force we take action. We would appreciate your reading._mediainfo._newspaper
    七代先驅報秋田高橋談話發表於6月24日。這是受歡迎的系列,它溶解在年輕的秋田“風之嫌的”縣內的最後一篇文章。在過去的年輕人彼此出現的是,在不同的行業說話的規劃。在交談中,我談到了秋田的未來。 “即使人口減少之後的號碼,如果有趣的人和事暗縣的密度,或不超過感受到豐富的感知”。面對不久的將來,許多年輕的隊伍,我們採取行動。非常感謝您的閱讀。

    Akita Sakigake Newspaper|Wind of Sprout

    [ 追記 ]
    「uzz.cafeトークイベント -純秋田産デザインの夜-」
    荻谷有花(学生)× 高橋泰(ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元7代目)× 後藤仁(デザイナー)
    【場 所】新屋表町通り 川口邸
    【日 時】2016年7月10日(日)18:00~20:00
    [ Postscript ]
    Seventh generation Takahashi as a panelist of “uzz.cafe Talk event” night of pure Akita production design “” is on stage. Introduction to the “You are try to show the entire brewing as entertainment,” one way, I think that if you can talk from the point of view of their own traditional industries. By all means, please join us.
    “Uzz.cafe Talk event -Night of pure Akita production design-“
    To two people who work in Akita, captured how the local Akita, whether at work, what kind of have a field development, such as outlaw specific way of working, we will think about the way of working of the local.
    Ogiya Yuka (student) × Yasushi Takahashi (Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company 7th) × Hitoshi Goto (designer)
    [Place] Arayaomote the town street Kawaguchi House
    [Day when] July 10, 2016 (Sun) 18:00 to 20:00
    [Entry fee] 500 yen (with one drink)
    [ 後記 ]
    “Uzz.cafe講座活動 -純秋田生產設計之夜-“
    荻谷有花(學生)×高橋泰(Yamamo味噌醬油釀造源 七代目)×後藤仁(設計師)

  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_Sakigake_萌芽の風


    Information that our products were published
    Article in Sakigake Akita newspaper was published. I have interviewed finely carefully, it will be posted in all three times. I was depending on the coverage to convey the heart of the movement and the way of the people who will lead the family business and local industry. I believe that traditional industries venture my company. Re staring at anything that comes from ancient times, and put the wind of culture. And the pursuit of beauty and love spinning people. Life to spend with such things I think that those rich and human. We also introduce to suit WEB article. All three times, I think that you see._mediainfo._newspaper

    Or the first time is what is my own, I am in the article in my digest the activities of the past. Background and overseas deployment of up to take over the family business, such as the award of the Good Design Award 2013 by the re-branding has been introduced. I have captured what the family business, you can see that I began to change and work experience.

    I we have summarized conflict from in the footsteps family business. Recently, I have more opportunity to receive consultation from the direction of the plan to take over the family business. I also have a hang on decision in the presence of seniors in the same circumstances. It is a movement of very big heart is the person, I also believe that if it is possible to become so.

    What long-established and brand will remain in the current continues to cultural evolution. Pay history to what the human race has been left up to now, birth to new value, we seek to richness. From the standpoint of traditional industries, I would like to live dedicate my body to its culture and spirituality. Challenge and evolution of the brand, now for our Yamamo, I think that if you can read.