• Vincent & Klara “Studio The Future”_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR

    アムステルダムと日本で活動するStudio The FutureのアーティストVincentとKlaraにお越しいただきました。彼らはアート作品単体での表現に留まらず、地域や街の在り方やそれに付随する表現の追求をしているユニークな方々です。土地に残るレガシーを基礎にした街や産業の在り方について考えを深める弊社ヤマモの取り組みにも多くの共感をしていただき、今後も関係を持っていくことをお話しました。醸造とアート活動、地域やその持続可能性についてこれからもご一緒できればと思います。お越しいただき、ありがとうございました。


    Vincent & Klara “Studio The Future”_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR

    The artists Vincent and Klara from Studio The Future in Amsterdam and Japan visited us. They are unique people who are pursuing not only the expression of art works alone, but also the way in which the area and town are located and the accompanying expressions. He told us that we had a lot of sympathy for Yamayama ’s efforts to deepen the idea of the city and industry based on the legacy that remains on the land, and that we will continue to have relationships. I hope we can continue to work together on brewing and art activities, the region and its sustainability. Thank you for coming.


    Vincent & Klara “Studio The Future”_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR

    來自阿姆斯特丹和日本的Studio The Future的藝術家Vincent和Klara參觀了我們。 他們是獨特的人,他們不僅要追求藝術品的表達方式,而且還要追求地區和城鎮的定位方式以及伴隨的表達方式。 他告訴我們,我們對山山在土地上留下的遺產基礎上加深城鎮和工業構想的努力表示同情,並且將來我們將繼續保持聯繫。 我希望我們可以繼續在釀酒和藝術活動,該地區及其可持續性方面開展合作。 謝謝您的光臨。








    〇About “Studio The Future”

    Studio The FutureはVincent SchipperとKlaravan Dijkerenによって2013年に設立され、アムステルダムを拠点とする編集とデザインスタジオ・キュレーター・アーティストユニット・実験的な試みにフォーカスする出版社です。現在の出版のイメージを打ち破り、本来の「アイディアを公にする」という意味に戻すことで、彼らは、これまでとは違う選択肢を生み出し、我々の日常に新たに入り込むことができる空間と可能性を創り出します。積極的にコラボレーションを行うことで、The Futureはインスタレーション、展示会、研究者、アーティスト・イン・レジデンス、講義、ワークショップやフェスティバルについて印刷物、雑誌、パンフレット等を出版しています。


    〇About “Studio The Future”

    Studio The Future, founded in 2013 by Vincent Schipper and Klaravan Dijkeren, is a publisher based in Amsterdam that focuses on editorial and design studios, curators, artist units and experimental trials. By breaking the image of current publishing and returning it to the original meaning of “publishing ideas”, they create a different choice and can enter into our daily lives and possibilities. Create. By actively collaborating, The Future publishes prints, magazines, brochures, etc. about installations, exhibitions, researchers, artists in residence, lectures, workshops and festivals.


    〇About “Studio The Future”

    Studio The Future由Vincent Schipper和Klaravan Dijkeren於2013年創立,是一家總部位於阿姆斯特丹的發行商,專注於編輯和設計工作室,策展人,藝術家單位和實驗作品。 通過打破當前發布的形象並將其恢復為“發布思想”的初衷,他們創造了不同的選擇,可以融入我們的日常生活和可能性。 創建。 通過積極合作,The Future出版有關裝置,展覽,研究人員,住宅藝術家,講座,講習班和節日的印刷品,雜誌,小冊子等。



    ALL YOURSの木村様と夏堀様とトークイヴェントでご一緒したことがご縁となり、YAMAMO FACTORY TOURにご参加いただきました。ALL YOURSのブランド価値は、時代によって変化するアパレルの社会的意義を現代に再解釈し、また人間が“纏う”という原始的な行為を考慮したうえで、素材の本質を追求し、製品に反映させているところでした。木村さんがアパレルのみならず、その周辺のカルチャーを深掘りしながら、ブランドをアップデートしていく姿勢が素晴らしいと思いました。ヤマモが調味料メーカーとして、伝統産業として、今後どのような役割を担っていけるのか。ローカルやその土地の人々に根付いたカルチャーをどのように捉えていくのか。イヴェント中やツアー後にも多くの問いを立て、お話することができ、有意義な時間を過ごすことができました。またお話しする機会を得たいと思います。木村さん、夏堀様、ありがとうございました。



    Mr. Murase who is active in the name of “Misoshiru boya” participated in the factory tour. Pursuing a rich life through fermentation is in many ways similar to our efforts, and it was a very meaningful time to exchange ideas after the tour. Last year, there were some yeasts with strong fruit incense in the yeast collected from the storehouse, and I was able to talk deeply in the technical aspect, such as having them functioned. We are pleased to see more people understanding our activities outside the region. We had the article of our tour. Thank you very much, Mr. Murase.



    活躍在“Misoshiruboya”名下的村瀬先生參加了工廠參觀。 通過發酵追求豐富的生活在很多方麵類似於我們的努力,這是一個非常有意義的時間來參觀旅遊後的想法。 去年,從倉庫採集的酵母中有一些帶有強烈果香的酵母,我能夠在技術方面深入談論,比如讓它們起作用。 我們很高興看到更多人了解我們在該地區以外的活動。 我們有我們巡演的文章。 非常感謝,村瀬先生。




    〇About “ALL YOURS”


    オールユアーズの服は着飾るためのものではありません。着る人を中心に服を考えると、ファッショントレンドや見た目、誰がつくったかという情報よりも大切なことがあると私たちは考えています。アメリカで150年前に創業したLEVI’Sはファッションの会社だったでしょうか?CHAMPIONは? HANESは?彼らは懸命に働く人のために、その人たちの生活のために生まれたブランドだったはずです。2015年7月に創業した私たちは、未来を夢見ていまを楽しんでいる人たちに向けて、現代のワークウェアを提供したい。その一心でブランドを立ち上げました。近年、私たちの生活が変わってきています。仕事と日常生活。個人と組織。都市と地方。これまではっきりとしていた境界線が、インターネットをはじめとするテクノロジーの進歩によって次第に曖昧になってきています。この移りゆく時代の中で、本当に必要なものとはなんだろうか?“仕事と日常生活関係なく着られる。着ているときはストレスがなく、その後の手入れも簡単。それでいてちゃんとして見える”いまこの時代でそんなものが必要とされていると思うのです。目新しいものではないかもしれない。特別なものでもないかもしれない。でも朝起きたら、なぜかそれを選んでしまう。気づいたら日常に溶け込んでいる。特別な日のためではなく、日々の暮らしのための服。オールユアーズはあなたの生活に寄り添う服を目指しています。


    〇About “ALL YOURS”

    Clothing as “UnFashion”

    All Yours clothes are not meant to be worn. When thinking about clothes, especially those who wear them, we believe that there are more things than fashion trends, appearances, and information about who made them. Was LEVI’S founded 150 years ago in the US a fashion company? What about CHAMPION? How about HANES? They should have been a brand that was born for those who work hard and for their lives. Founded in July 2015, we want to provide modern workwear for people who dream of the future and enjoy it. The brand was launched with that heart. In recent years, our lives have changed. Work and daily life. Individuals and organizations. City and locality. The boundaries that have become clear until now are becoming increasingly vague due to advances in technology, including the Internet. What is really necessary in this changing era? “I can wear it regardless of work and daily life. When I wear it, there is no stress, and it is easy to care for it. It may not be new. It may not be special. But when I get up in the morning, I choose it for some reason. If you notice it, it blends into everyday life. Clothes for everyday life, not for special days. ALL YOURS aims to be a clothing that is close to your life.


    〇About “ALL YOURS”


    所有你的衣服都不適合穿。在考慮衣服時,特別是那些穿著它們的衣服,我們認為除了流行趨勢,外觀和有關誰製作衣服的信息外,還有更多的東西。 LEVI’S是在150年前在美國成立的一家時裝公司嗎? CHAMPION怎麼樣? HANES怎麼樣?他們應該是一個為那些努力工作和生活的人而生的品牌。成立於2015年7月,我們希望為那些夢想未來並享受它的人們提供現代工作服。這個品牌是用這顆心推出的。近年來,我們的生活發生了變化。工作和日常生活。個人和組織。城市和地方。由於包括互聯網在內的技術進步,迄今為止變得清晰的邊界變得越來越模糊。在這個不斷變化的時代真正需要什麼? “無論工作和日常生活如何,我都可以穿著它。當我穿著它時沒有壓力,事後很容易照顧。它看起來仍然很好。”我認為現在需要這樣的事情。它可能不是新的。它可能不是特別的。但是當我早上起床時,我會出於某種原因選擇它。如果你注意到它,它會融入日常生活。日常生活的衣服,而不是特殊的日子。 ALL YOURS旨在成為貼近您生活的服裝。








    Visited Eva, a city developer in Amsterdam. In addition to participating in the tour, we had lunch together, and we exchanged many opinions on the sustainability of the Iwasaki area and how it should be in the garden and galleries. In particular, I gained sympathy for taking over the context from the past sleeping in the land, fusion with art, and community involvement. The development that revives her city is dynamic, artistic and full of streets. I was very happy to meet you directly. We hope that you will purchase products because you like soy sauce and create synergies on a project basis. The following is an explanation of the dynamic city development “NDSM SHIPYARD” conducted by Eva. Thank you to all the people concerned.



    訪問了阿姆斯特丹的城市開發商Eva。 除了參加旅行,我們一起共進午餐,我們就岩崎地區的可持續性以及它在花園和畫廊中的應用方式交換了許多意見。 特別是,我對從過去在土地上睡覺,融入藝術和社區參與的背景中獲得了同情。 振興她的城市的發展是充滿活力,藝術和充滿街道的。 我很高興直接見到你。 我們希望您購買產品是因為您喜歡醬油並在項目基礎上創造協同效應。 以下是伊娃對動態城市發展“NDSM造船廠”的解釋。 感謝所有有關人員。











    〇About “NDSM造船所”






    〇About “NDSM SHIPYARD”

    For years, since the bankruptcy of the Nederlandse Scheepsbouw en Droogdok Maatschappij (NDSM, the Dutch Shipbuilding and Dry dock Company) in 1984, the NDSM Shipyard in the Northern part of Amsterdam stood abandoned. With the exception of the occasional flea market or show by the experimental theatre group Dogtroep, not much was happening on the grounds.

    In 1998, a dozen old factories and wharves in Amsterdam were cleared or nominated to be cleared. More than thousand artists, designers, theatre makers, and other creative entrepreneurs were about to lose their workspace, including Eva.

    In 2000, Eva won the competition held by Stadsdeel Noord (Northern district authority of Amsterdam) to find a temporary function for the eastern part of the NDSM grounds (84.000 m2). She gathered the right people around her, wrote the concept of development, conducted a feasibility study, arranged the necessary financing and additional subsidies, and was responsible for the whole process, from design until building permit. Under the name Kinetisch Noord (Kinetic North), and together with a group of theatre makers, skateboarders, and sustainable entrepreneurs, she moved into a gigantic shipbuilding hall. Initially, the foundation Kinetisch Noord was ‘just’ a workgroup, but it became the managing foundation and the initiator of special projects, such as Kunststad, Skatepark Amsterdam and restaurant Noorderlicht. In 2008, Eva had finished this major accomplishment, and the management fell into the hands of the authority owning the building and working closely with the community of creative tenants.

    NDSM has got what it takes. As early as 2002, the Ministries for Urban Planning, Environmental and Economic Affairs nominated Eva’s project the exemplary project for city renovation in the Netherlands. In just a few years, NDSM Shipyard became one of the cultural hotspots in Amsterdam, and is still worthy of that description today. NDSM has meanwhile grown into one of Europe’s largest incubators. The ever-growing Kunststad with its many creatives, the skate park, MTV, the many festivals organized there, such as Over ‘t IJ Festival and Valtifest, and of course restaurants Pllek and Noorderlicht, once again make the once-abandoned NDSM Shipyard appealing to all ages. The ferry docks at NDSM again!


    〇About “NDSM造船廠”


    2000年,Eva在阿姆斯特丹北部地區辦事處舉辦的拍賣會上獲得暫時使用84,000平方米NDSM東區的權利。她聚集了適當的人,指定了發展理念,建議了可行性研究評估,並安排了從設計到建築許可的所有流程責任,包括必要的財務資源和額外的補助。 。該公司以Kinetech Node(北區造船廠)的名義搬到了一個擁有劇院人員,滑板運動員和可靠企業家的龐大造船廠。起初,Kinetech Node只是一個工人聚會,但它是由Kunststad(藝術之城),Skatepark(滑板公園)和餐廳’Noorderlight’等獨特項目的參與管理的。我成長為一個基金會。

    NDSM有一個未來。 2002年初,該項目被城市發展計劃和環境與經濟部推薦為“荷蘭城市更新模式”。幾年後,它將成為阿姆斯特丹最新的文化景點,其受歡迎程度不會下降。 NDSM是歐洲最大的地方,您可以充分發揮其潛力。

    這是一個無與倫比的藝術城市,擁有滑板公園,MTV,眾多大型節日場所以及Pllek和Noorderlight等餐廳。 。 。逃避處置危機是一次偉大的複活。由於這個原因,渡輪恢復了阿姆斯特丹中央火車站的往返路線。




  • 湯沢翔北高校インターンシップについて



    About Yuzawa Shohoku High School Internship

    We accepted the intern of Yuzawa Shohoku High School. In addition to the usual operations involved in the manufacture of miso sauce, we have pursued the process of demonstrating the independence by finding areas where the individual is interested and planning issues and solutions there. While Yamamo is advancing inbound, we found a problem in the badness of traffic before coming to our company, and decided to carry out a project to make the route design from Shimoyuzawa station to our company interesting. We went around the route by bicycle, entered a path, and found and collected local attractions. In addition, we decided to work on how to encourage customers who aim for product sales like before to the cafe by starting the cafe, and how to encourage the opposite usage as a task. We repeated the tests while devising ourselves, such as calling to customers and the timing of payment. In order to bring out the charm of the garden further, we arranged the stones and redesigned the rainfall. _internreport






    篠原 龍太郎



    Ryutaro Shinohara

    The 3-day internship has become the most creative and hard experience in high school life to date. While carrying out the regular operations of Yamamo from the first day to the second day, in order to develop the traffic line from Shimoyuzawa Station to Yamamo, the bicycle cycle in the Iwasaki area was conducted utilizing the Yamamo rental cycle. On the final day, we maintained the garden’s rain basin and restored the garden. It took me three days to see how important it would be to carry out both routine work and creative work.
    Also, the lunch time was also creative for all three days. While having lunch, the internship of other establishments, such as the story of career choice for creative occupation and career, was also a full three days that you would not be able to taste.
    I would like to connect what I felt and experienced during these three days to project execution, event holding, and career improvement.


    篠原 龍太郎




    高橋 涼花



    Shizuka Takahashi

    The three-day internship was not only an ordinary work experience, but I was able to think specifically about my future in the future. What I actually did was maintenance of the garden, labeling of products, and design of flow lines.
    Among the many things I learned, the most change in my mind is thinking about the future and the path. For the first time in this internship, I heard many stories from a creative perspective. Among them, I suggested you not to think along the direction of the regular course that is done in high school etc., but to be able to think in a different direction so far. As my idea before the internship began, I was thinking that I would normally study and work in high school or university, but by going abroad I could try changing the perspective or having my own interest I was able to develop new ideas, such as thinking about a project about an issue I want to solve.
    At this internship, I was able to broaden my horizons and change my point of view by meeting adults who have different thoughts from my previous thoughts. From now on, I would like to connect with people with various viewpoints and people with ideas, and to connect them with my future formation.


    高橋 涼花

    為期三天的實習不僅僅是一次普通的工作經歷,而且我能夠具體思考未來的未來。 我實際上做的是維護花園,標記產品和設計流線。
    在我學到的很多東西中,我腦海中最大的變化是思考未來和路徑。 在這次實習中,我第一次從創造性的角度聽到了許多故事。 其中,我建議你不要在高中等常規課程的方向思考,但到目前為止能夠朝不同的方向思考。 正如我在實習開始前的想法一樣,我以為我通常會在高中或大學學習和工作,但出國後我可以嘗試改變觀點或有自己的興趣 我能夠開發新的想法,比如考慮一個關於我想要解決的問題的項目。
    在這次實習期間,我能夠通過與那些與我以前的想法有不同想法的成年人會面,開闊視野,改變我的觀點。 從現在開始,我想與具有各種觀點和有想法的人聯繫,並將他們與我未來的形成聯繫起來。





    It became an internship that worked closely with the ideas and attitudes of the individual, changing the program, and intermingling the area suggested by the company and the area in which the person moved independently. The high school students were most interested in their future in the program and seemed to be more concerned about living in the area. We thought that it would be good for both sides to make it an achievement by carrying out local efforts and problem solutions with our company, and to advance activities that can be made into future careers. In this way, increasing the number of individuals who can find and solve their own problems is a regional asset, and I think it is one of the initiatives to revitalize the region. I would like to continue the relationship with you from now on. Thank you for your participation.


    它成為一個實習,與個人的想法和態度密切合作,改變計劃,混合公司建議的區域和人員獨立移動的區域。 高中生對他們未來的計劃最感興趣,似乎更關心生活在該地區。 我們認為,通過與我們公司一起進行本地努力和問題解決方案,以及推進可以在未來的職業生涯中開展的活動,雙方都可以成為一項成就。 通過這種方式,增加能夠找到並解決自身問題的個人數量是一項區域資產,我認為這是振興該地區的舉措之一。 我想從現在開始繼續與你建立關係。 感謝您的參與。





    Mr. Meguro and Ms. Sakaguchi “AL FIORE”_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR

    Mr. Murase who is active in the name of “Misoshiru boya” participated in the factory tour. Pursuing a rich life through fermentation is in many ways similar to our efforts, and it was a very meaningful time to exchange ideas after the tour. Last year, there were some yeasts with strong fruit incense in the yeast collected from the storehouse, and I was able to talk deeply in the technical aspect, such as having them functioned. We are pleased to see more people understanding our activities outside the region. We had the article of our tour. Thank you very much, Mr. Murase.



    活躍在“Misoshiruboya”名下的村瀬先生參加了工廠參觀。 通過發酵追求豐富的生活在很多方麵類似於我們的努力,這是一個非常有意義的時間來參觀旅遊後的想法。 去年,從倉庫採集的酵母中有一些帶有強烈果香的酵母,我能夠在技術方面深入談論,比如讓它們起作用。 我們很高興看到更多人了解我們在該地區以外的活動。 我們有我們巡演的文章。 非常感謝,村瀬先生。





    During various exchanges of ideas, I was invited by an invitation-based event on the theme of pursuit of sustainability from “Agriculture and Food” that Meguros are working on. Although it was a closed event, there were many cooks and producers of former chef Meguro-san, and I was surprised at the quality, detail and performance of the dish itself. We also have a product sales request, and we have provided them at the venue for a while.


    在各種思想交流期間,我受到邀請式活動的邀請,主題是追求目黒先生正在努力的“農業和食品”的可持續性。 雖然這是一個封閉的活動,但是有許多廚師和前廚師目黒先生的製作人,我對這道菜本身的質量,細節和性能感到驚訝。 我們也有產品銷售要求,我們已經在會場提供了一段時間。








    The role that industry plays in the area has been a big one for a while, but I think that the scope of the role is becoming larger for the realization of a sustainable area including the environment. I was impressed by the attitude of facing “agriculture and food” from there. We hoped that we would be able to do something like that. Thank you, Mr. Meguro, Ms. Sakaguchi, and related people.


    行業在該領域發揮的作用在很長一段時間內都是一個很大的作用,但我認為,為實現包括環境在內的可持續發展領域,這一作用的範圍正在變得越來越大。 從那裡面對“農業和食品”的態度給我留下了深刻的印象。 我們希望我們能夠做到這樣的事情。 謝謝目黒先生,坂口先生和相關人員。



    〇About “AL FIORE”


    代表 目黒 浩敬


    〇About “AL FIORE”

    Alfiore supports people who gather around agriculture and food in Kawasaki-cho, Miyagi Prefecture, which is rich in nature, where various creatures live. Cultivating the fields, providing a place for learning, making all the dishes, eating at all, meeting with people at the market, and disseminating what I felt here as media. Everything is Alfiore’s activities. Without fear of experimenting, I draw a dream and cultivate unknown things. We share the joy of engaging in agriculture and food while feeling the circulation of life on earth in space. We are creating a community where such friends gather.

    Representative Hiroki Meguro


    〇About “AL FIORE”

    Alfiore支持在宮城縣川崎町聚集農業和食物的人們,這裡有各種各樣的生物。 耕種田地,提供學習場所,製作所有菜餚,吃飯,與市場人士會面,並傳播我在這裡作為媒體的感受。 一切都是Alfiore的活動。 我不用擔心嘗試,而是畫一個夢,培養出未知的東西。 我們分享從事農業和食品的快樂,同時感受太空中地球上的生命循環。 我們正在創建一個這樣的朋友聚集的社區。

    代表 目黒 浩敬


    Fattoria AL FIORE