Harvest of purpose, in order to obtain a fruitful crop will take a lot of time and effort. Protect crops from pests for the stable growth of soybean, remove the perimeter of the weed. Agriculture, such as the primary industry of the most important thing is the process of promoting the growth, which seems to be commonplace work as life of our humanity. We are caught it is the essence of life._SUSTAINABLE_FIELD

“Relaxed growth of crops, are similar to our progress in the growth of the human race”. Once learning, in an advanced in Seattle, “food and agriculture of the leadership development program”, it was found that there is a core part of the social change in “human growth”. Also, complete the walk while incorporating spirituality that many of the pioneering companies in the world, including the Zen of Japan (= mindfulness). Its efforts are past the epidemic, today, we have gained a lot of sympathy.

We touch the soil, through the farm work to realize the growth, you have to realize the potential of our own. We know that there are people in the developed modern technology through the pioneering agriculture, it is trying to change society. Yamamo is located in the food processing industry, but perceive the original meaning industry, we believe that if it is possible to continue to embody the activities to be reduced to the land.

from Seattle_11. June. 2015