We at Yamamo have accepted many interns and feel that there are many people who are not sure what they should be doing. You can only find out what you want to do from what you have experienced. Therefore, it is necessary for you to spend more time experiencing things that you have never done before, and to reevaluate yourself. Finding one’s own path can be found by honestly doing what is right in front of you, which is the most direct way.
Nagasaki-san joined the project from the revitalization project of the community garden field that started last summer and stayed with us until the end of last year. As a university student from her hometown, she has a good understanding of regional characteristics such as dialect and climate, and she told us that she had been thinking in terms of her own local environment, especially in her work where she comes into contact with local people. If the work of the seasons and human connections rooted in the land sometimes manifests itself as something rare in future experiences, and becomes an opportunity to think things through, I think it would be meaningful to have engaged in local traditional industries. I hope that Nagasaki-san will jump into the future environment with her heart on her sleeve. _internreport

Message from Mei Nagasaki
Last summer, I had to cancel my study abroad program in Germany due to the spread of the coronavirus, so I started looking for an alternative internship. I was fascinated by Yamamo’s activities to open up the future of the region from the industrial world, and that’s when I contacted them.
Ever since I was in junior high school, I have had a vague desire to contribute to the local community. I think it was because I experienced the closing of my alma mater, and I was afraid that my hometown would eventually become obsolete and disappear. However, having grown up in my hometown and knowing the current situation, I also felt that it would be very difficult to achieve this goal. Perhaps contributing to the local community was not something I wanted to do, but more of a sense of mission. However, Yamamo’s local activities were connected to my pursuit of my own identity. The idea is to create an environment where you want to live and where you can be yourself, from your workplace to the city. For me, the idea of pursuing an ideal was something that eased my mind, as I had been so focused on solving problems. Of course, it is important to do things for someone else, but now I think it is okay to let my own crush be the driving force first.
When people think of internships, they tend to imagine a period of time to experience the workplace before entering society, but an internship at Yamamo is not something superficial like that. As a member of Yamamo, I needed to express my individuality while clarifying my personal direction and ideal image. In order to do this, we need to constantly confront ourselves and our weaknesses. Through daily conversations with my Yamamo colleagues, I was able to constantly ask myself what I want to do, who I want to be, and what I need to do to make it happen. It is painful to face one’s own challenges, but I believe that by doing so repeatedly, one can find a strong self that cannot be shaken.
From spring, I plan to study abroad in Germany for six months. In order to open up your own future, I think it is important to take action first. It is easy to hesitate when taking the first step, but before worrying, I will take action and embody my ideals.
去年夏天,由于冠狀病毒的傳播,我在德國的留學被取消了,我開始尋找實習機會。這一切都始於我對 Yamamo 的行業為開拓該地區的未來而進行的活動著迷並與他們聯繫。
說到實習,很容易想像在進入社會之前有一段時間的工作經歷,但在山茂的實習並不是那麼膚淺的。作為 Yamamo 的一員,我需要在表達我的個性的同時明確我的個人方向和理想形象。要做到這一點,你必須始終面對自己,面對自己的弱點。通過與 Yamamo 同事的日常對話,我總是能夠問自己我想做什麼,我想成為什麼,以及我應該做些什麼來實現它。面對自己的挑戰很難,但我認為通過重複這一點,你會發現自己變得堅強和堅定不移。

長崎 芽衣
ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 社会変革事業部インターン。
Mei Nagasaki
Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, intern at the Social Change Division.
Currently enrolled in the GB course at Akita International University, aiming to become a bridge between Akita and the world. He is currently enrolled in the GB program and plans to study abroad in Germany this spring. She is interested in sustainable urban development in rural areas.
長崎 芽衣
以成為秋田與世界的橋樑為目標進入秋田國際大學。 目前就讀於GB課程。 我計劃從今年春天到德國留學。 對農村地區的可持續社區發展感興趣。