• 開かれた庭園を目指して_社の御祈祷



    Six people’s of Mosuke has made industry so far from the Edo Period. They have worked as a bellwether in land. So, there would be much grounds at the heart. There are much gods in these land and building. The gods of the harvest who have that in a household altar of YAMAMO. Mr. river-god located in a garden. There is also a household altar in each in seven storehouses. YAMAMO has been protected by many gods._GARDENOPENING




    We have decided to open a garden and do remodeling reconstruction under the thought that we’d like to connect traditional industry with the next generation. That you should pray to the gods of the harvest of a household altar for it, I have worried too much. This year which is increasingly, the coming chance and that case have come. Before fiscal year changes, I have decided to go and worship at Kyoto Fushimi-inari-taisha.



    God of YAMAMO doesn’t know whether he are the gods of the harvest gathered which time. But it’s a happy thing that I could bring that home. Seventh generations of Mosuke Takahashi considers of founder’s feeling. I grope after its shape today. It’s felt that feelings of 6 people’s of Mosuke are also taken by that up to now.


    I may not be able to make business like the former ancestor. But it’s unshapely in order to do that but an effort is being made. I hoped and informed the gods of the harvest without hiding the feeling. The environment that traditional industry in an area is surrounded is severe. But I’d like to make the way I chose and walked by myself something good somehow or other. Again, I prayed to the gods of the harvest in Kyoto Fushimi for the belief manifestation honestly.


  • 開かれた庭園を目指して_融雪の成功



    Snow won’t stop falling. Layers of snow cover the ground again and again. We need to snow off from the roof. The pond in back garden has amazing ability to melt snow. Staff members and family smile with happy surprise. Ground water blessed not only for brewery but also people who live in snowy region._GARDENOPENING


    秋田比往年都成為了積雪多的年初。Yamamo急急忙忙飄雪的風著。去年末使之復活的池超過預想融雪能力高(貴),公司職員和家族對那個效果也感到吃驚。那是投入在selection shop上(裡)懸掛的大屋頂的雪的大半一晚融嗎做事也能的那樣。地下水的恩惠減輕了不僅僅是釀造還有,住在多雪的地方的負擔。


    Drawn groundwater waters a pond and also makes snow who could throw melt from the upper part. When the distance is excessive to the surface of the water, the temperature of the water you watered falls, it’s thrown from about 50 cm of height from a surface of the water. When the water level will be the fixed height, water is drawn by a pump, and it flows to the drain where an outer wall in a garden is circled. The snow removal ability around the outer wall rose with increase of this drainage.
    This a series of equipment was introduced experimentally and it’s removed once in spring. This snow melting function is mounted again to the next winter so that a view in a garden isn’t damaged. It was still far by completion in a garden, but it was possible to succeed in a snow melting test using groundwater for the time being.


  • 開かれた庭園を目指して_池の復活

    ヤマモの庭園は四代目高橋茂助・彦四郎が作庭をし100年以上、現在まで護り続けてきました。内蔵で保管された写真には、彦四郎が妻の“あき”と寄り添う姿も収められております。時は流れ五代目茂助・毅一郎のとき、田畑をより豊かに耕すため水路が変わり、中央の池は潤いを失くしました。また近年の大雪で、幾本かの木が倒れてしまいました。五代目、六代目が豪雪と闘いながらも何とか存続させたこの庭を、七代目の私はそれに堪えうる機能を有したものに再び作庭したいと思います。彦四郎の時代に熟慮された私的な空間から、土地の歴史ある財産として皆様に開かれたものへ。醸造の背景にある雪国の四季。皆瀬川と春の雪解けがもたらす豊かな水資源。借景にはじまる景色の層が織り成す日本庭園。これらの体験を通じ、彦四郎の想い、侘び寂びを承継し、次の世代へと伝えていきたいと思います。ヤマモの“開かれた庭園を目指して”-YAMAMO GARDEN OPENING PROJECT-を見守っていただければと思います。

    七代目 高橋泰

    YAMAMO GARDEN OPENING PROJECT_The Renaissance of the Pond

    The 4th Generation of Mosuke Takahashi, Hikoshiro did landscape, and in more than 100, I was keeping protecting a garden in YAMAMO up to now. The form that Hikoshiro nestles close to wife’s “space” was also put in a picture. Time passes and the pond where The 4th Generation, Kiichiro is the center at  withers up, and the trees have died of recent years’ heavy snow. Landscape would like to make The 7th Generation, Yasushi of this garden The 5th Generation and The 6th Generation, Yoshihiko made continue while fighting against a heavy snow me of an eye again to an opened garden with the snow melting functions which can stand up to a heavy snow. Four seasons in the snowy district in the background of brew and experience of a Japanese garden of the layer structure. In the official one which was opened by everybody from the private garden considered Hikoshiro’s time. Hikoshiro’s, I’d like to think, succeed to taste for the simple and quiet grace with age BI and tell to the next generation. Please take care of “-YAMAMO GARDEN OPENING PROJECT-aiming at a “opened garden in YAMAMO._GARDENOPENING

    Yasushi Takahashi The 7th Generation of Mosuke Takahashi
    TAKAMO & Corp.
    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company


    Yamamo的庭園第四代高橋茂助·彥四郎把作品庭園做成100年以上,到現在護ri持續。彥四郎與妻子的”空隙”挨近的身姿也被收到照片。時候流逝,第五代茂助·毅一郎的時候中央的池枯萎,樹木因近幾年的大雪倒下。第五代,想向有第七代的我能承受大雪的融雪功能第六代與大雪一邊搏鬥一邊使之繼續存在的這個庭園的,被打開的庭園再次作品庭園做。釀造的背景有的多雪的地方的四季和層結構的日本庭園的體驗。彥四郎的時代被考慮的從私人的庭園,被大家開平方的公家的向東西。我承襲彥四郎的感情,過孤寂生活變蒼老,想向下面的世代傳達。請多關照Yamamo的“以被打開的庭園作為目標”-YAMAMO GARDEN OPENING PROJECT-。

    第七代傳人 高橋泰

    First I stick the groundwater pulled from a factory on a pond, mount a hot groundwater pool and make the snow melting function last. The efficiency of snow shoveling is improved by throwing snow on a roof here. The renaissance of this pond is going to be accomplished for function mounting, but this is the part which is a floral pattern in a garden a fountain matches and becomes a face of a project formerly. We’d like to give a beacon of garden revival from the renaissance of the pond in the winter which came unexpectedly.