喜ばしいことに、複数言語能力ある国際教養大学の学生、鈴木 晴日(すずき はるひ)さんが、5月よりインターンシップで働いてくれています。学生と云うにはおこがましく、既に正社員の気概で仕事をこなしていただいています。ヤマモはこれにより、新しい時代の働き方を経験することができました。また未来に希望を抱ける状況に感謝しています。彼女の存在から、社に新しい機運が芽生えた気がします。
About the internship of Yamamo.
The student of Akita Prefecture of these days had high academic ability, and excellent talented people increased in number. However, the company within the prefecture which employs them is restricted. Our Yamamo employed them and we thought that we would like to contribute to a community. Existence of a digital native and a new generation will surely start a revolution in a conventional generation like me.
“I would like to leave the culture spun with future, inheriting the wonderful culture in the area.”
It is the local revolution which I and Takahashi of the seventh generation desired long. And it is the will exceeding a time. It believes that it becomes surely new breath.
Ms. Haruhi Suzuki of the student of the international culture university which can speak English is working for our company by internship from May. Although she is a student, she is doing work like a full-time employee. Our company was able to experience how this commits a new era. Moreover, I appreciate the situation where we can have hope with future. I feel that new opportunity budded in my company from her existence.
I think if allowed to speak with people which the measure of not only internship but Yamamo understands from now on. I would like to advance a pace that the future of a better community improvement and attractive smokestack industries should be created. I am asking for our company Yamamo well from now on. _internreport
The student of Akita Prefecture of these days had high academic ability, and excellent talented people increased in number. However, the company within the prefecture which employs them is restricted. Our Yamamo employed them and we thought that we would like to contribute to a community. Existence of a digital native and a new generation will surely start a revolution in a conventional generation like me.
“I would like to leave the culture spun with future, inheriting the wonderful culture in the area.”
It is the local revolution which I and Takahashi of the seventh generation desired long. And it is the will exceeding a time. It believes that it becomes surely new breath.
Ms. Haruhi Suzuki of the student of the international culture university which can speak English is working for our company by internship from May. Although she is a student, she is doing work like a full-time employee. Our company was able to experience how this commits a new era. Moreover, I appreciate the situation where we can have hope with future. I feel that new opportunity budded in my company from her existence.
I think if allowed to speak with people which the measure of not only internship but Yamamo understands from now on. I would like to advance a pace that the future of a better community improvement and attractive smokestack industries should be created. I am asking for our company Yamamo well from now on. _internreport
インターン生、鈴木 晴日さんからメッセージ
From Haruhi Suzuki of an intern student to a message
This is Haruhi Suzuki, a student of Akita International University.
Inside of Kura is little bit cooler than outside and smell of soy sauce and miso reminds me of my mother’s dish which she cooks every New Year’s Days.
It has been a week since I started working for Yamamo as an internship.
It has been a week since I started working for Yamamo as an internship.
My job is mainly office work. This first week I have learned many new things and just trying to get used to them was the best I could do. I would like to be a person who can suggest idea and opinion to the company in the future. However, I need more time to learn about this business before I make any of them. Thus, I would like to learn as much as I can at first while I am getting used to daily work.
我是鈴木晴日。我是Akita International University的學生。
〈 追記 〉
サンコーホーム様のレシピブック「Kitchen Pia」にヤマモの取り組みをご紹介していただきました。同郷と云えるほどの近い距離感の企業様のメディアにご紹介いただけたこと、大変嬉しく思っております。また、ライターの伊藤さんには丁寧に取材をしていただき、本当に感謝しております。関係者の皆様、ありがとうございました。
〈 postscript 〉
The activity of our company Yamamo was introduced in the recipe book like the Sanko Home “Kitchen Pia.” We are very happy that you introduced to the media of the company of the suburbs. Moreover, Mr. Ito of a writer covers carefully and I am truly thankful to him. Thank you for you, the persons concerned.
〈 補記 〉
用Sanko Home先生的菜譜書「Kitchen Pia」被介紹了敝社Yamamo的活動。我們對在近郊的企業的媒體上(裡)能介紹感到非常高興。還有,請對打火機的伊藤先生謹慎認真地採訪,真的感謝。有關人員的大家,謝謝。