このチームでヒアリングをした岩崎地域の各世代の方々をお招きし交流会を開催したり、弊社社員に向けて石川さんにFACTORY TOURを行っていただくことで社内組織の課題意識を醸成させることなど、多くの試みを行い、多方面から課題解決に向けて取り組みを進めて参りました。今回、このように大学側から評価を受けたことで、一般的なインターンシップだけではなく、地域や世代を巻き込んだ取り組みも一般的な手法となる事や、それに自ら飛び込み、参加する意識ができていくことに期待したいと思います。地域や社内の活動において、石川さんのコミュニケーションやパーソナリティが大きく貢献したのだと考えております。石川さん、豊留さん、本当にありがとうございました。
About Problem Solving Type Internship
In June of last year I received a direct contact from Ishikawa of AIU, and told me that I would like to do an internship at our company. Therefore, we proposed a long-term problem-solving internship from our company, and decided to work on appropriate inheritance of historical culture due to the decline in recognition of Nobe legend transmitted to Iwasaki area and lack of intergenerational interaction. There was a strong team that could mutually complement each other’s three issues of students, businesses, and administration with the cooperation of a mentor etc. by Ms. Toyodome of the Yuzawa area community revitalization cooperation team.
To invite people from each generation in the Iwasaki area who conducted interviews with this team to hold exchange meetings, and to have Ms. Ishikawa perform FACTORY TOUR for our employees to foster a sense of issues in the in-house organization, etc. We have made many attempts, and we have been working on solving problems from various fields. In this way, having received such evaluations from the university side in this way, not only general internships, but also efforts involving areas and generations become general methods, and it is possible to become aware of participating in and participating in oneself. I would like to look forward to We believe that Mr. Ishikawa’s communication and personalities have greatly contributed to local and in-house activities. Thank you very much, Ms. Ishikawa and Ms. Toyodome. _mediainfo._local _internreport
去年6月,我收到了國際文理大學石川的直接聯繫,並告訴我,我想在我們公司實習。 因此,我們提出了一個長期解決問題的實習機制,並且由於對岩崎地區傳播的能恵姫說的認知度下降和缺乏代際互動,決定對歷史文化進行適當的繼承。湯沢地區社區振興合作團隊的豊留先生與導師等合作,有一個強大的團隊,可以相互補充學生,企業和行政三個問題。
邀請岩崎地區的每一代人進行交流會,並讓石川先生為員工進行FACTORY TOUR,以培養內部組織的問題,等等。 我們做了很多嘗試,我們一直致力於解決各個領域的問題。 通過這種方式,以這種方式從大學方面接受了這樣的評價,不僅是一般的實習,而且涉及地區和世代的努力成為一般方法,並且可以意識到參與和參與自己。 我很期待 我們相信石川先生的溝通和個性對本地和內部活動有很大貢獻。 非常感謝,石川先生和豊留先生。

Challenge to Yuzawa City’s Uptown Internship
At AIU, we regard internship as an opportunity to learn the way of organization and the way of thinking of working people by actually working students and thinking about their career, and granting credits according to the length of the internship period, etc. Support the positive activities of There are also some internships mediated by universities, but in many cases students themselves find internship destinations.
One such ambitious student, Hyuga Ishikawa (second year), is said to make a regional contribution at the Takamo Joint Name Company (Brand name: Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company) from Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, from June to October 2018. I worked as an intern from the cut end. Students introduce their internships in a proactive manner as an example of their activities through the story of Mr. Ishikawa.
一位雄心勃勃的學生,即Hyuga Ishikawa(第二年),據說將於2018年6月至10月在秋田縣湯澤市的高茂合名会社(屋号:Yamamo味噌醤油醸造商)做地區捐款。我從切入端做實習生。通過石川先生的故事,學生們以積極的方式介紹他們的實習,作為他們活動的一個例子。
Aug. 2018_Normal Work @YAMAMO FACTORY
Q : このインターンシップに参加したきっかけは何ですか?
A : 人口減少や景気低迷が続く秋田県で生まれ育った私は、中高生の時から「まちおこし」などの活動に興味があり、留学前のタイミングで「まちおこしインターンシップ」に挑戦したいと考えていました。大学のキャリア開発センターに相談したところ、秋田県湯沢市で面白い活動をしている経営者がいるとのことで、さっそく連絡を取りました。その後は予想以上に話がスムーズに進み、最初の連絡から1ヵ月もしないうちに、インターンシップに参加させていただきました。
Q: What led you to take part in this internship?
A: Born and raised in Akita Prefecture, where population decline and economic downturn continue, I have been interested in activities such as “Machi Okoshi” since I was in junior high school, and I want to try “Machi Okoshi internship” at the timing before studying abroad. It was When I consulted with the university’s career development center, I immediately got in touch with the fact that there is a manager who has an interesting activity in Yuzawa, Akita Prefecture. After that, the talk went more smoothly than I expected, and I participated in the internship within one month from the first contact.
答:在秋田縣出生和長大,人口下降和經濟衰退持續,我從初中開始就對“鎮振興”這樣的活動感興趣,我想在出國留學前嘗試“鎮振興實習”。 是的 當我諮詢大學的職業發展中心時,我立即聯繫到了一位經理在秋田縣湯澤市開展了一項有趣活動的事實。 之後,談話比我預期的更順利,我在第一次接觸後的一個月內參加了實習。
Aug. 2018_Meeting @YAMAMO
Q : どのような活動をしましたか?
A : 秋田県湯沢市の岩崎地域では、長年、地域を流れる皆瀬川を中心に住民が生活を営んできました。地域には、川にまつわる伝説や祭りなどの伝統行事があるにもかかわらず、川での遊泳が禁止され、さらに人口減少も進んだ現在は、伝説やそれにかかわる行事も廃れていく一方でした。そんな中、岩崎にあるヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元七代目の高橋泰さんが、地域の歴史や文化を後世に残そうと立ち上がります。高橋さんは海外渡航経験を通じて、アートによってコミュニティが再生・復興した光景を目の当たりにし、その事例をモデルに、自身が生まれ育った町も同じようにして、文化や習慣を残していきたいと考えたそうです。今回、彼が活動を開始するタイミングと、私がインターンシップに挑戦するタイミングが偶然合致したことで、この機会に恵まれました。そこで私は高橋さんの補佐として、岩崎の歴史や文化に関する情報を集めることになりました。最初は、地域の歴史や文化を表すアートギャラリーを創るということが第一の目的でしたが、様々な人々との出会いを通じ、活動のゴールが多様化していきました。
Q: What kind of activities did you do?
A: In the Iwasaki area in Yuzawa, Akita Prefecture, residents have lived for many years, with the Minase River flowing through the area. Despite having traditional events such as river legends and festivals in the area, swimming in the river was banned, and as the population declined further, now the legends and related events are becoming obsolete. Meanwhile, Yamamoto miso soy sauce brewery former seventh Taisho Takahashi in Iwasaki stands up to leave the history and culture of the region for future generations. Mr. Takahashi saw the scene where the community was revived and restored by art through the experience of traveling abroad, and using that case as a model, he thought that he wanted to leave the culture and customs in the same way in the town where he was born and raised. This time I was blessed by the fact that when he started his activities and when I challenged the internship happened to coincide. So, as an assistant to Mr. Takahashi, I came to collect information on Iwasaki’s history and culture. At first, the primary purpose was to create an art gallery that represents the history and culture of the area, but through the encounters with various people, the goals of the activities diversified.
It was an organic internship in which students focused on finding and solving new issues, regardless of their purpose or conventional internship type.
答:在秋田縣湯澤的岩崎地區,居民已經生活了很多年,Minase河流經該地區。儘管該地區有傳說中的河流傳說和節日等活動,但禁止在河裡游泳,隨著人口的進一步下降,現在傳說和相關事件已經過時。與此同時,岩崎味噌醬油啤酒廠在岩崎的前第7次大正高橋站起來為後代留下該地區的歷史和文化。高橋先生看到了社區通過出國旅遊經歷復興和恢復的場景,並以此案為模型,他認為他想在他出生的城鎮以同樣的方式離開文化和習俗。這一次,我很幸運,當他開始他的活動,當我挑戰實習時恰好是重合的。 因此,作為高橋先生的助手,我來收集有關岩崎歷史和文化的信息。 起初,主要目的是創建一個代表該地區歷史和文化的藝術畫廊,但通過與各種人的相遇,活動的目標多樣化。

Aug. 2018_Hearing @Yuzawa North Junior High School
Q : 特に印象に残ったことはありますか?
A : この活動の印象深い点は、学生である私が主体となって客観的に地域の現状を見つめ、課題とそれに伴う具体的な解決策を考えることができたということです。通常のインターンシップと比べ、様々な挑戦をさせてもらえました。
Q: Have you had any particular impressions?
A: The impressive point of this activity is that I, as a student, was able to objectively look at the current situation in the area, and to consider issues and concrete solutions that accompany it. Compared to regular internships, I was given a variety of challenges.
About two months after I started my activities, I discovered a new issue: connecting management and employees. It was more difficult than expected to have many employees understand the innovative and creative activities of the management. However, when I was in charge of planning and managing information sessions for employees and creating materials, I was able to realize that the company was well-understood.
Being able to experience an internship that requires a flexible response in a timely manner as such, and being able to lead to a solution to a problem discovered by myself, have a major impact on my future work style.

Sep. 2018_Meeting with People in Iwasaki Area @ YAMAMO GARDEN CAFE
Q : 活動を通じて実感したことや伝えたいことがあれば教えてください。
A : 当初の目標だったアートギャラリーの立ち上げ以外に、組織開発という課題も交えながら行ったインターンシップは、中高生の時に思い描いていた単なる「まちおこし」とは大きく異なり、そのギャップに戸惑うことも多々ありました。地域や町に活力を吹き込むという活動は、外部の人材による単発の取組では持続しません。外から新たな発想やアイデアをその土地に持ち込むことも大切ですが、同時に、地元に根付く価値観や習慣を尊重することも必要だと感じました。今回のインターンシップを通して、行動を起こす人間が地域住民と目線を合わせ、地域全体を巻き込んでいく重要性に気づくことができました。
Q: Please let us know what you realized or wanted to convey through your activities.
A: In addition to the initial goal of the art gallery, the internship conducted with the issue of organizational development is very different from the simple “machishining” I had in mind when I was in middle school, and I often got confused by the gap. was. The activity to bring vitality to the area and the town is not sustained by single-person efforts by external personnel. It is also important to bring new ideas and ideas from the outside into the area, but at the same time I felt that it is also necessary to respect the values and customs rooted in the local community. Through this internship, we were able to realize the importance of engaging in action with the local residents and involving the entire area.
There are many students who want to take the lead in internship at AIU, but I think the first problem they face is that they can not find an ideal internship destination in Akita Prefecture. Certainly, compared to urban areas, there may be less companies doing advanced activities and companies that frequently accept interns. However, according to the words “You can do the job you want, you can make it locally”, which is the key word in this internship, the scope and goals of the activity can be expanded to any extent, depending on the student’s own motivation.
答:除了藝術畫廊的最初目標之外,在組織發展問題上進行的實習與我在中學時想到的簡單“機械化”非常不同,我經常對這個差距感到困惑。 有。 外部人員的單人努力不能維持為該地區和城鎮帶來活力的活動。 將新的想法和想法從外部帶入該地區也很重要,但與此同時,我覺得有必要尊重植根於當地社區的價值觀和習俗。 通過這次實習,我們能夠認識到與當地居民一起參與行動並涉及整個地區的重要性。
有許多學生想要在AIU實習帶頭,但我認為他們面臨的第一個問題是他們在秋田縣找不到理想的實習目的地。 當然,與城市地區相比,可能會有較少的公司從事高級活動,而公司經常接受實習生。 然而,根據“你可以做你想做的工作,你可以在當地做”,這是實習的關鍵詞,活動的範圍和目標可以擴展到任何程度,取決於學生自己的動機。

Oct. 2018_Tour for YAMAMO Employees @YAMAMO
While there are many problems in rural areas, there are also many undiscovered local charms and potential human resources. Looking at them from an objective point of view and taking action to improve the current situation in the area is a very interesting and challenging thing. I would like to convey that I can make a job depending on my own actions without grasping the point that I live in Akita Prefecture.
雖然農村地區存在許多問題,但也有許多未被發現的當地魅力和潛在的人力資源。 從客觀的角度看待它們並採取行動改善該地區的現狀是一件非常有趣和具有挑戰性的事情。 我想說的是,我可以根據自己的行為找到一份工作,而不必理解我住在秋田縣的觀點。

Oct. 2018_Intergenerational Exchange @ Town Interior Hall
2019.03.18 AIU 生 Watch_本学学生が湯沢市のまちおこしインターンシップに挑戦
2010.03.18 AIU student Watch_ Student of The University Takes A Challenge in Town in Yuzawa City Internship
2010.03.18 AIU 學生觀察_大學的學生在湯澤市實習在市鎮挑戰