• 木下明夢樹_社会変革事業部インターンレポート




    Anju Kinoshita_YAMAMO SOCIAL CHANGE DIVISION Intern Report

    We have suddenly become a society living with infectious diseases, and the nature of society, organizations, and individuals is changing dramatically. In addition, due to the vast overflow of information and services, many things, both public and private, are becoming multitasking. In an age where the waves of change are too great, it may have become difficult to carry on as an individual.

    Kinoshita-san achieved his biggest goal of going to graduate school while working at Yamamo, a traditional industry and locally located company. I think it was a great pleasure for both him and the team to be able to accomplish his dream in the midst of a mixture of new approaches and problem solving. While solving problems locally, we tackle new things on an individual subjective basis. We are happy and grateful that our human and cultural environment has some impact on people in their adolescence and youth, and that they return it to us. I wonder what Kinoshita-san will learn, what he will gain, and where he will go in this foreign land of layered history and culture. As a member of the team, I look forward to seeing what he will learn, what he will gain, and where he will go. _internreport



    突然地,它已經成為與傳染病共存的社會,社會,組織和個人的生活方式應該發生巨大的變化。 此外,由於信息和服務的大量氾濫,許多公共和私人事物都在處理多任務。 在變革浪潮過大的時代,可能很難滲透到個人。

    木下先生在就讀於本地的傳統產業Yamamo時實現了進入研究生院的最大目標。 我認為,我,我的團隊和我自己能夠在新舉措和解決問題的結合中實現自己的願望,這是我的榮幸。 在本地解決問題時,應在個人主觀的基礎上研究新事物。 我們感到高興和感激,我們的人類和文化環境對青春期和青年時期的人們產生了一定影響,我們為他們的回歸感到高興。 木下將學到什麼,學到什麼?在歷史和文化積澱的異鄉他鄉會去哪裡? 作為團隊的一員,我將繼續期待它。









    After 7 months of internship at Yamamo

    This intense seven months has given me more learning and blessings than I can express in a few words. My learning at Yamamo cannot be summed up in the inorganic term of “duties”; I believe that my learning was generated by a mixture of the situation Yamamo was in from the second half of 2020 to 2021, my personal situation, and the individuality of each person involved.

    For seven months, I survived in Yuzawa under record-breaking snowfall, while taking entrance exams for graduate school, applying for scholarships, and working as a research assistant during my last semester as an undergraduate student. Even when I doubted my potential and felt overwhelmed by anxiety, the Yamamo team, with whom I constantly talked about hope for the future, pushed me forward. It was because of my friends who believed in me more than I believed in myself that I was accepted into three overseas graduate schools.

    Through our activities on the theme of the word “creative,” we believe that we have been able to glimpse the duality of the “hope” and “curse” of being creative. If abnormal obsession is the source of creativity, then sacrifices are sure to follow in the process. The pain and joy that comes from people living together may be a small thorn in the side of humanity that is both universal and unnoticed. Now that I am aware of their existence, I feel that I am being asked to grow further and be more determined.

    I guess the unique thing about Yamamo is that even after the internship is over, there is still a sense of tension. A comfortable sense of urgency, if you will. This feeling of being driven to take on a challenge is both a blessing and a curse for me as I fly to an unknown country. It is a blessing and a curse for me as I fly to an unknown country. I feel that I must live my life in a way that does not shame the people I have fought with.









    木下 明夢樹
    ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 社会変革事業部インターン。
    高校の英語教育に疑問を持ち、より楽しい英語を教えられる教師になるために国際教養大学に入学。「楽しい」学習とは何かを学ぶうちに、自分の疑問は日本の教育界のクリエイティビティの欠如だと気づく。国際教養大学を卒業し、秋からは英国ケンブリッジ大学の修士課程(Arts, Creativity, and Education)へ進学予定の研究者の卵。


    Anju Kinoshita
    Intern at Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, Social Change Division.
    With doubts about high school English education, she enrolled in Akita International University to become a teacher who can teach English in a more fun way. As she learned what “fun” learning was, she realized that her doubts were due to the lack of creativity in the Japanese education system. After graduating from Akita International University, she is now an aspiring researcher who plans to enter a master’s program (Arts, Creativity, and Education) at the University of Cambridge in the UK in the fall.


    木下 明夢樹
    由於對高中英語教育有所懷疑,他進入秋田國際大學成為一名可以更愉快地教英語的老師。 當我了解什麼是“有趣”的學習時,我意識到我的問題是日本教育界缺乏創造力。 秋田國際大學畢業的研究人員的蛋,計劃在秋天繼續攻讀劍橋大學的碩士課程(藝術,創造力和教育)。


  • 佐藤寧々_社会変革事業部インターン(YAMAMO SOCIAL CHANGE DIVISION Intern)





    In a society that coexists with infectious diseases, the living and working environment is changing drastically. Many students are in the midst of that change, and each continues to explore. Yamamo’s internship is also under the influence, and I feel that the number of students who are aiming for our company is increasing to ask for the formulation of a new vision and the preparedness that accompanies it.

    Sato has been connected since he was a high school student, and he has heard that he has passed Akita International University. She met a few years later, she was as straightforward as she used to be, and she had her own style while being humble about her learning. The apparel industry she desires has some applicability to many other industries, and while she is in her different industry, she develops hybrid products, services and organizations in her area of expertise. I think that we will go. Since she is in the second grade, she will be on the scene as a staff member during her studies such as long vacations. I look forward to her. _internreport



    在一個與傳染病共存的社會中,生活和工作環境正在發生巨大變化。 許多學生正處於這種變化之中,並且每個人都在繼續探索。 Yamamo的實習也受到影響,我覺得針對我們公司的學生人數正在增加,要求提出新的構想和隨之而來的準備。

    佐藤先生從高中時代就開始與他建立聯繫,並且聽說他已經通過了秋田國際大學。 她將在幾年後見面,並且像往常一樣長大,擁有自己的風格,同時對學習謙虛。 她想要的服裝行業可以應用於許多其他行業,並且在不同的行業中,她開發自己專業的混合產品,服務和組織。 由於我處於二年級,因此在學習期間(例如長假),我將作為工作人員在現場。 很高興見到你。




    日本での生きにくさを感じ、海外への長期留学を夢見ていた中学校3年生の時にご縁あってヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元7代目当主である高橋泰さんに出会いました。当時から私に真摯に接してくれ、将来の夢の話をしたことを今でも鮮明に覚えています。その後、念願叶って高校1年の夏から1年間、ドイツに留学をしました。出会う人々も言語も食も何もかもが刺激になる毎日でした。異文化に触れると同時に、今まで知りえなかった日本の魅力にも気づかされました。 高校を卒業し、国際教養大学に進学したものの、コロナ過で毎日朝から晩までパソコンに向かうだけだった私に泰さんが声をかけてくれたのをきっかけに、ヤマモの一員として働かせていただくことになりました。来店していただいたお客様との会話はもちろん、日常的に社内で交わされるアクティブな会話やカフェスタッフ全員で行われるコースメニューのテイスティングなどを通して授業では学ぶことのできない、ヤマモの魅力を最大限に引き出すためのこだわりが存分に感じられる経営方法やブランディングを目の当たりにしました。



    Message from Nene Sato

    When I was in the third year of junior high school, feeling the difficulty of living in Japan and dreaming of studying abroad for a long time, I met Yasushi Takahashi, the 7th generation head of Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce Brewer. I still vividly remember talking to me about my future dreams since then. After that, my wish came true and I went to Germany for a year from the summer of my first year of high school. Every day I met people, languages, food, everything was inspiring. At the same time as I was exposed to different cultures, I also realized the charm of Japan that I had never known before. After graduating from high school and going on to Akita International University, I was forced to work as a member of Yamamo when Yasushi called out to me, who only went to the computer every day from morning till night due to corona. It was decided. In addition to conversations with customers who come to the store, we will maximize the appeal of Yamamo, which cannot be learned in class, through active conversations that are exchanged within the company on a daily basis and tasting of course menus conducted by all cafe staff. I witnessed the management method and branding that I can fully feel the commitment to.

    Right now, my experience at Yamamo is invaluable to me, who is interested in marketing and branding in the apparel industry. While it has the Japanese character of being a brewery of miso soy sauce that has been around for a long time, it is said that this space, which is not Japanese in a sense, creates the Yamamo character by removing the difficulty of living in Japan that I felt as a child. think. I am grateful that you will continue to work in the future, and I will do my best to give Yamamo a new breeze.




    現在,我對Yamamo的經驗對我來說是無價的,他對服裝行業的營銷和品牌感興趣。 雖然有一種日式風格的味o醬油啤酒廠已經存在很長時間了,但這個空間在某種意義上不是日文,它消除了我在日本的生活困難,從而創造了一種山毛風格。小時候想。 我很高興您將來能繼續工作,並儘我所能給Yamamo帶來新的輕鬆。



    佐藤 寧々
    ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元 社会変革事業部インターン。


    Nene Sato
    Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company, intern at the Social Change Division. 
    After studying abroad in Germany for a long time in high school, she entered Akita International University, and is currently studying with the goal of going back to Europe to study in the summer of 2022.


    佐藤 寧々


  • 台湾インフルエンサー_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR


    昨年に台湾インフルエンサーの方々にお越しいただき、地域プロモーションの映像作品にご協力させていただきました。以下の動画の中でYAMAMO FACTORY TOURがご紹介されております。感染症問題が解決した暁には、地域文化や固有の豊かさを実感できるコンテンツとして機能していくことができればと思います。関係者の皆様、ありがとうございました。


    Taiwan influencers_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR

    The problem of the spread of the new coronavirus is about to change society’s values. I think that things that have been face-to-face in the past, such as being remote, will change from abstract things, such as the pursuit of happiness of individuals and organizations.
    By opening factories and resolving issues that have accumulated over many years in old houses and through renovation and organizational development, we have provided services with the value that we would not otherwise be able to experience unless we were there. As indirect services and activities expand around the world, we can predict that customers will be less likely to choose a service to visit. Under such circumstances, we believe that the legacy that remains in the invisible fermentation sites and industries spun in the history of 150 years will remain in the future society as a fading charm.
    What survives the era is the idea of ​​the decision-maker and organization at that time, and in many cases, it is possible to realize it by wearing art. Discovering and interpreting the judgments of the times by those living in the present age plays an important role in conveying value to the next era. It is also of great value to know the process in real time, to live and feel in the same era. Our Yamamo intends to work on “value that remains beyond the times” as a traditional Japanese industry.

    Last year, Taiwanese influencers came and cooperated with local promotion video work. The YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR is introduced in the video below. When the infectious disease problem is solved, I hope that it can function as content that allows you to feel the local culture and the unique richness. Thank you to everyone involved.




    去年,台灣有影響力人士來了,並與當地宣傳錄像工作合作。以下視頻介紹了YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR。解決傳染病問題後,我希望它可以作為讓您感受到當地文化和獨特豐富性的內容。謝謝大家參與。










    昨年、自身で経路設計し在来線を乗り継ぎ弊社ヤマモまで辿り着いたスイス出身のSeverinと交流を持ちました。今年はスイスから仲間と来たいということで日本滞在の要望を聞き、YAMAMO FACTORY TOURとFERMENTATION DINNER COURSEをご用意しました。内容は、現場でシェフが調理をするスタイルで酵母を活用した発酵料理7品に合わせ、日本のセレクトしたナチュラルワインや日本酒をご提案しました。微生物学を学ばれた方もいらっしゃったため、皆さんツアーや料理を楽しんでおられました。



    Last year, I had an exchange with Severin from Switzerland, who designed the route by himself and transferred to a conventional line to reach our Yamamo. This year, we asked about staying in Japan because we would like to come with a friend from Switzerland, so we prepared YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR and FERMENTATION DINNER COURSE. We proposed natural wine and sake selected from Japan in line with seven fermented dishes using yeast in the style of chef cooking on site. There were some who had studied microbiology, so they enjoyed the tour and cooking.



    去年,我與瑞士的Severin進行了交流,後者由他自己設計了路線,並轉移到常規線路以到達我們的Yamamo。 今年,我們想與日本的一位朋友一起來日本逗留,所以我們準備了YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR和FERMENTATION DINNER COURSE。 我們推薦了從日本挑選的天然葡萄酒和清酒,並配合現場使用廚師烹飪的方式使用酵母發酵的七種菜餚。 有些人研究了微生物學,所以他們喜歡旅行和烹飪。









    2015年からインバウンドの本格的な受け入れを始め、弊社の位置する岩崎地域に夜間経済をつくることを中間目標として取り組みを進めて参りました。有難いことに、既に複数組のYAMAMO FERMENTATION DINNER COURSEの受け入れを行っております。ものづくりとその背景にある歴史や文化を知ること、さらにそれを総合した上質な食事体験として味わっていただけること。スタッフ一同、最大限のご用意をして皆様をお招きしたいと思っております。


    In 2015, we began accepting inbound in earnest, and we have been working on an intermediate goal of creating a night economy in the Iwasaki area where we are located. Thankfully, we have already accepted multiple sets of YAMAMO FERMENTATION DINNER COURSE. To learn about manufacturing and the history and culture behind it, and to experience it as a high-quality dining experience. All the staff would like to invite you with the maximum preparation.


    2015年,我們開始認真接受入境服務,我們一直在努力實現中間目標,即在我們所在地的岩崎地區創建夜市經濟。 幸運的是,我們已經接受了多套YAMAMO FERMENTATION DINNER COURSE。 了解製造及其背後的歷史和文化,並將其作為高質量的用餐體驗來體驗。 所有員工都將竭誠邀請您。



    Reservation dinner course offering 4 to 7 dishes depending on your budget

    OPEN 19: 00 ~ 22: 00
    124 Iwasaki, Yuzawa-shi, Akita 0120801 Japan
    Customer Service : +81-(0)183-73-2902
    Closed holiday indefinite
    Number of seats 16 seats
    Parking lot available
    Supervised by Chef Tatsunori Sato


  • 小林様 “Domaine Chaud”_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR

    Domaine Chaud(ドメーヌ・ショオ)の小林さんご家族にお越しいただきました。YAMAMO FACTORY TOURを中心に醸造や味の設計、ライフスタイルなど多岐にわたるお話をすることができ、試験を行うラボでは近年発見した蔵付酵母の特殊性についてワインへの応用領域でも意見交換を行いました。ツアーの最後にはフォーやジェラートなどのお食事をしていただきました。


    Kobayashi’s family “Domaine Chaud”_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR

    Kobayashi’s family from Domaine Chaud came. We can talk about a wide variety of topics such as brewing, taste design, lifestyle, etc. centering on the YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR, and the testing laboratory exchanged opinions on the specialty of the brewery yeast discovered recently in the area of ​​application to wine. Was. At the end of the tour, we had meals such as pho and gelato.
    Mr. Kobayashi, who is also a chemist, thought that his style of incorporating both intended and unsuccessful fermentations and merging them into products with sensibility was unique to him. The new natural wine we received was fresh and was understood to be backed by technology and sensitivity. I would like to talk about not only miso soy sauce but also wine and other deep areas of fermentation. Thank you very much.


    小林的家人 “Domaine Chaud”_YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR

    來自Domaine Chaud的小林的家人來了。我們可以圍繞YAMAMO FACTORY TOUR談論各種主題,例如釀造,口味設計,生活方式等,並且測試實驗室就最近在葡萄酒應用領域中發現的啤酒酵母的特色交換了意見。是。遊覽結束時,我們吃了諸如pho和意式冰淇淋的飯菜。




    〇About “Domaine Chaud(ドメーヌ・ショオ)”





    〇About “Domaine Chaud”

    Domaine Chaud is a small winery that is made by two couples enthusiastically, although a small amount of 100% domestic grape wine. Think from the soil and make wine simply. Domaine is a wine brewery that grows grapes in Burgundy in France to make wine. Domaine Shoo is a small domain named after the “small” of our Kobayashi couple. Chaud also means “hot” or “passionate” in French. We make wine with a hot heart.

    Wine that you can drink one by one. I make such wine. It is easy to drink and does not open. Wine alone or good with food. It has a gentle and pleasant fragrance. For taste, we value the “dullness”. The deliciousness of plants and fruits. It is expressed as dashi. “A refreshing umami” is a wine that you can drink one by one.

    Please come and visit us. Let’s drink wine while feeling the nature of this place.


    〇About “Domaine Chaud”

    Domaine Chaud是一家由兩對夫婦熱情打造的小型釀酒廠,擁有少量100%的國產葡萄酒。從土壤中思考並簡單地釀造葡萄酒。 Domaine是一家釀酒廠,在法國種植葡萄,以在勃艮第地區生產葡萄酒。 Domaine Chaud是一個小域名,以我們小林夫婦的“小”名字命名。 Chaud在法語中也意為“熱”或“熱情”。我們熱心釀造葡萄酒。

    可以一一喝的葡萄酒。我釀這種酒。這很容易喝,而且不會打開。單獨飲用葡萄酒或搭配食物食用。它具有溫和宜人的香味。對於口味,我們重視“無聊”。植物和水果的美味。它表示為高湯。 “鮮爽的鮮味”是一種可以一次喝一杯的葡萄酒。



    Domaine Chaud