• 番組放送のお知らせ_Discovery Channel

    220カ国以上の国々で放送されるディスカバリーチャンネルにて弊社ヤマモのViamver®︎酵母を中心とした取り組み内容が放送されています。撮影と編集は秋田のローカルチームが行い、イギリス人プロデューサーのDaniel Brookesとフランス人映画監督Yves Montmayeurが監修したものです。




    News of Program Broadcast_Discovery Channel

    The Discovery Channel, which broadcasts in more than 220 countries, is broadcasting the content of our Yamamo’s Viamver®︎ yeast and other initiatives. It was filmed and edited by a local Akita team and supervised by British producer Daniel Brookes and French filmmaker Yves Montmayeur.

    We are very happy that even from a foreigner’s point of view, we were able to have an impact on the discovery of special yeast through experimentation while unraveling the roots of the land and environment of the snow country and the breweries located there, and the reconstruction of a traditional industry through innovative fermentation techniques that take advantage of this yeast.

    We believe that indigenous culture and aesthetics unique to a place and its people enrich the landscape of life and become a value to be preserved for the future. Mankind has made the world more colorful by creating a continuum of these things. We would like to contribute to the land and promote our efforts to be part of the beauty of continuity. We hope you will watch the broadcast._mediainfo._overseas_tv


    節目播出公告_Discovery Channel

    在 220 多個國家/地區播放的探索頻道播放了我們 Yamamo 以 Viamver®︎ 酵母為中心的努力。 由秋田當地團隊拍攝和剪輯,由英國製片人丹尼爾布魯克斯和法國電影製片人伊夫蒙馬耶監督。


    我們相信,每一片土地及其人民所特有的原住民文化和審美情趣,將豐富生活的風景,成為未來應該保留的價值。 人類通過將它們連接起來,使世界變得豐富多彩。 我們願繼續努力,為這片土地做貢獻,成為源源不斷的美麗的一部分。 我希望你能看一下廣播的內容。









    Discovery Channel_Explorer’s Collection JAPAN


    ”Discovery Channel”とは

    Discovery Channel は多様性と驚きに満ちた世界の素晴らしさを視聴者に伝える、最高級品質のノンフィクションコンテンツを制作しています。224の国と地域で視聴可能なこのネットワークは、私たちの世界を形作る科学技術、探検、冒険、歴史、そして人々や、場所、組織の舞台裏に至るまで、多岐にわたるジャンルを魅力的でハイエンドな制作技術と鮮明な撮影技術を駆使して提供します。


    About “Discovery Channel

    Discovery Channel produces top-quality nonfiction content that brings viewers into the wonder of a world full of diversity and wonder. 224 countries and territories, the network offers a wide variety of genres that shape our world, from science and technology to exploration, adventure and history, and behind-the-scenes looks at people, places and organizations. The network offers a wide variety of genres ranging from behind-the-scenes looks at the people, places, and organizations that shape our world through engaging, high-end production techniques and crisp, clear cinematography.


    什麼是 “Discovery Channel

    Discovery Channel 製作最高質量的非小說類內容,為觀眾呈現一個多元化和奇妙的世界。 該網絡覆蓋 224 個國家和地區,提供各種類型的引人入勝的高端報導,從科學和技術、探索、冒險和歷史,到塑造社會的人物、地點和組織的幕後故事我們的世界。我們將通過充分利用生產技術和清晰的拍攝技術來提供它。


    Discovery Channel
