TEXT_Marika Groen
MONO MONTHLY YAMAMO が走り出してからもうすぐ2週間経とうとしています。受注受付は明後日の水曜日まで可能ですが、本日までこの企画を楽しみにお付き合いいただいた皆さんにお礼を言いたいと思います。ありがとうございます。
今日は、ASTRONOMICA® (アストロノミカ) と Viamver® (ヴィアンヴァー)の名前の由来について、また、ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元七代目高橋泰さんの想いについて少しお伝えさせて頂きたいと思います。
After the exhibition at MONO JAPAN_4/4
TEXT_Marika Groen
I can’t believe that it’s already been almost two weeks since we launched MONO MONTHLY YAMAMO. You can still pre-order their products until Wednesday. In the meantime, let me tell you a tale of ASTRONOMICA® and Viamver®, and deliver the message from Yasushi Takahashi today.
If you’re familiar with astronomy, you might immediately recognise the name ASTRONOMICA® as referring to the ancient universe. Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company is located in the snowy north-eastern part of Japan. It is in Yuzawa, Akita Prefecture, not far from Hanamaki, Iwate Prefecture, where the poet, researcher and farmer Kenji Miyazawa was born 125 years ago (six years after Van Gogh’s death).
In Iwate, the land is poor, and the strong Yamase winds make it even more difficult for grain to grow well. Kenji wrote imaginary stories as a dreamy pastime for the farmers who toiled in such a harsh land, and as a researcher he studied the celestial bodies and minerals to make their work as fruitful as possible.
ASTRONOMICA® is inspired by Kenji’s life’s work of discovering minerals, and is the name of the research team at Yamamo Brewery that explores uncharted territory, building on the image of discovering a new planet. “Kenji’s imagination of the celestial bodies and the earth is directly connected to the pioneering spirit of Tohoku, and as a person from Tohoku I can relate to that spirit,” says Takahashi.
Kenji was a scientist, but he also wrote novels and children’s stories as a poet, and you can frequently find scientific terms such as minerals and atom in his work. He played with stones and plants, learned about nature through agriculture and chemistry, and was a man of faith who wrote songs and children’s stories that were close to people’s hearts. He was a researcher, but also an artist with a human approach to express himself that made people understand and sympathize with him.
The name Viamver is also inspired by the fact that the succinic acid produced by this yeast was found in the earth, combining the name of a star with the name of a mineral. It is a very poetic name. Z. rouxii, to which the Viamver® yeast belongs, is considered a spoilage yeast in wine, but ASTRONOMICA® has created the world’s first rouxii-fermented wine through a rational search without being bound by conventional values.
“My desire to use ideas, philosophies and fantasies as motifs in the expression of my new fermentation possibilities may be due to the fact that my background in enduring harsh winters is linked to the ideas of my ancestors on the same land. I believe that the world would be more interesting and richer if everyone could develop on the basis of the history, climate and a body of thought that remains in the land. I want to use the local ethos and philosophies of the region as my identity and develop them from the local Tohoku area to the world in a unique way.” says Takahashi.
The potentials that Yamamo explores from microorganisms. The ASTRONOMICA® label seasoning is the powerful product lines developed in Tohoku.
It was a great pleasure for me to be able to share the results of this dynamic and hopeful research with you at MONO MONTHLY this month.
Pre-orders can be made until Wednesday 24th. The ASTRONOMICA® label’s range of products are delicious as they are, but they can also be used in simple ways to make your food taste even better and more professional. You don’t have to wait to go to Akita – grab this chance to enjoy them at home. _Microbiology
在 MONO JAPAN 參展後_4/4
TEXT_Marika Groen
MONO MONTHLY YAMAMO 開始運行已經快兩週了。訂單可以接受到後天的星期三,但我要感謝直到今天一直期待這個項目的所有人。謝謝。
如果您熟悉天文學,您可能會立即想到ASTRONOMICA®是一個意為古代宇宙的名稱。 Yamamo味噌醤油醸造商位於白雪皚皚的東北地區。
那是125年前(梵高逝世6年後),秋田縣湯澤市,岩手縣詩人、研究員、農民宮澤賢治出生的地方,離岩手縣花卷市不遠。岩手縣地勢薄,山瀨的強風吹來,穀粒長得不好。賢治為在如此惡劣的土地上繼續經營的農民寫了一個夢想的娛樂故事,作為一名研究人員,他正在研究天體和礦物,以便盡可能地豐富人們的生活。 ASTRONOMICA®得名於 Yamamo味噌醤油醸造商的研究團隊,他們從發現新行星的形像中探索未知領域,靈感來自於發現礦物,這是賢治畢生的工作。…
我相信,如果你能根據留在這片土地上的歷史、氣候和思想體係來發展,這個世界會更加有趣和繁榮。我想發展與土地相關的思想和哲學作為身份,同時從東北地區向世界賦予個性。 ”

So far today, I’ve told you about my encounter with Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewery, their charms, their products and their simple recipes, Viamver® yeast, the ASTRONOMICA® research team, and the thoughts of Mr. Yasushi Takahashi, the 7th generation.
If you haven’t read it yet, please take a look back at the post until today. I think you will feel much closer to the story that you just heard for the first time.
This fall, Yamamo Brewery introduced two groups of products to you: “traditional” and “innovative” flavors. Traditional Akita miso and white soup stock. And ASTRONOMICA® label’s soy sauce, salt, and hot sauces that utilize the talent of Viamver® yeast in a creative approach.
The two seem to be heading in completely different directions, but actually they are not.
The other day, I had a sample tasting with a chef in Amsterdam, and when he tasted first the miso and white dashi, and then the ASTRONOMICA® products, he said, “You say this is a different series from ASTRONOMICA, but this miso has the same aroma that runs through all the products. There is an aroma that runs through all the products. He said, “In Europe, specialties from each region, such as cheese and wine, have the same local flavor, and I can sense the same YAMAMO flavor in YAMAMO products. When he said that, I also got an idea.
The reason I wanted to visit Yamamo Brewery was because I enjoyed all the different types of miso I tasted during the tour, as well as the white dashi and other seasonings I brought home.
I hadn’t tasted any of the ASTRONOMICA® products until I received a sample. However, the taste of the miso I tasted two years ago and the smell of Viamver® yeast in the brewery gave me absolute confidence and peace of mind that if this brewery makes it, it must be good. I was very satisfied with the result. And these two product labels go hand in hand firmly at the root. This can be felt from the terroir, as the chef said, and also exuded from Takahashi-san’s attitude in applying a piece of kimono from the back of the warehouse to the design of the ASTRONOMICA® label products.
Two weeks flew by, but I was able to enjoy the delicious experience before everyone else. Thank you very much. If you like, you can also enjoy the taste of these two ferments. Orders will be accepted until today. You can treat yourself or give it as a gift to someone special. I hope this deliciousness will reach you all.
今年秋天,我們為大家介紹了一組產品,分為兩組,Yamamo味噌帶來的“傳統”和“創新”的味道。這是老式的秋田味噌和白色。還有 ASTRONOMICA® 標籤醬油、鹽和辣醬,它以獨創的方法利用了 Viamver® 酵母的才能。
實際上,直到樣品到達我才知道 ASTRONOMICA® 產品組的味道。但是,兩年前嚐過的那個味噌的味道和巨大的Viamver®酵母的香氣,讓我有絕對的信心和安心,如果是這家啤酒廠做的,那絕對是美味的……結果,我非常滿意。而這兩種產品標籤則牢牢地牽手在根。正如主廚所說,從風土可以感受到,也從高橋先生把從倉庫後面出來的和服碎片應用到ASTRONOMICA®標籤產品設計上的態度散發出來。
