Viamver® Yeast
TEXT_Marika Groen
Viamver®酵母とは、ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元さんのお味噌の中から見つかった蔵付き酵母です。酵母菌の属性はZygosaccharomyces rouxii(以下Z.rouxii)。お味噌やお醤油の発酵では代表的な耐塩性酵母のうちのひとつです。
After the exhibition at MONO JAPAN_3/4
Viamver® Yeast
TEXT_Marika Groen
Viamver® yeast is a “house” yeast found in the miso of Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company. The genus of the yeast is Zygosaccharomyces rouxii (hereafter referred to as Z. rouxii). It is one of the most typical salt-tolerant yeasts in the fermentation of miso and soy sauce.
So what is so special about Viamver® yeast? Normally, when we talk about “salt-tolerant yeast” we are talking about yeast that can operate in the presence of salt. You might think of yeast that promotes alcoholic fermentation in wine or liquor without salt, but there are also yeast strains, like Z. rouxii, that are more active in miso and soy sauce that use salt.
This means that this strain is not suitable for brewing alcohol. It’s even considered a spoilage fungus in wine making.
However, Viamver® yeast is different: it is Z. rouxii, and yet it is able to continue fermentation without weakening at all, even under unsalted conditions. Why was such a yeast found in Yamamo’s miso in the first place?
It was a discovery that came about after Yasushi Takahashi, the seventh generation, took over the company and started to use microbes used in industries outside the miso and soy sauce industry. He applied technologies from other industries and conducted unusual experiments that did not follow conventional theories.
In the tenth year of this irregular research, the yeast was discovered in his experimental miso. This was a microbe that he would never have encountered in the same method of miso production. On the top of it, even if a microbe is a new species or has a new efficacy, it wouldn’t have been possible to use if it kills other useful microbes. This means that the chance of finding useful microbes is very low and difficult.
In fact, in the second year of his experiment, Takahashi was already able to produce 6% alcohol from miso (normally less than 3%). This inspired him to see the potential of this yeast for more than just miso and soy sauce, so he asked experts in alcoholic beverages and lactic acid bacteria to analyse it. He has taken a rather unique approach and conducted multifaceted tests, such as trying salt-free conditions and using fruits, nuts, and mushrooms unrelated to miso and soy sauce as ingredients. _Microbiology
在 MONO JAPAN 參展後_3/4
Viamver® Yeast
TEXT_Marika Groen
Viamver® 酵母是一種在 Yamamo味噌醤油醸造商的味噌中發現的帶有啤酒廠的酵母。酵母的屬性是Zygosaccharomyces rouxii(以下簡稱Z.rouxii)。它是味噌和醬油發酵中典型的耐鹽酵母之一。
那麼 Viamver® 酵母有什麼特別之處呢?通常,“耐鹽酵母”是指即使在含鹽環境中也能運作的酵母。很多人可能會認為酵母是在無鹽葡萄酒和白酒中促進酒精發酵的酵母,但對於使用鹽的味噌和醬油,如Z.rouxii。鹽的存在。
通常,這種Z.rouxii是一種適合用味噌醬油等鹽發酵的酵母,因此不適合釀造清酒,並且被認為是釀酒中的腐爛菌。但是,Viamver® 酵母不同。儘管是 Z.rouxii,但 Viamver® 酵母被發現是一種即使在無鹽條件下也可以繼續發酵而不會減弱的細菌。首先,為什麼在山毛釀酒廠的釀酒廠中會發現這種細菌?
這個發現在第 7 代高橋先生接手公司並繼續使用味噌醬油以外的行業使用的細菌,並在其他行業重複技術應用和特殊實驗後結束。理論…在重複這種不規則研究的第10年,這種細菌是在試制的味噌中發現的。如果我一直使用相同的製造方法製作味噌,我就不會遇到這種細菌的存在。此外,即使真菌是新物種或具有新效果,如果它是殺死其他人的殺手酵母,則不能使用。如您所見,找到有用細菌的概率極低且非常困難。

As I mentioned in my last post, this was a rather outlandish idea in the miso and soy sauce industry, where people expect miso to “stay the same”;. Takahashi didn’t care. He thought that this yeast should be used not only for miso and soy sauce, but also for fermentation and brewing of sake and wine across the board.
He set up a research team called ASTRONOMICA® to explore fermentation that makes the most of this yeast. (Read more at
As the research progressed, it was discovered that this yeast could produce succinic acid, a flavour component obtained from fish and shellfish, twice as much as normal Z. rouxii. In addition, it has the ability to ferment without salt and to produce around 6% of alcohol.
Moreover, it also has a gorgeous aroma similar to that of fruit or ginjo, ability to improve the quality of the flesh, and even has a masking effect.
“I can’t waste the potential of such a multi-talented yeast like this.” Takahashi applied for a microbial patent for the yeast and a production process patent for high succinic acid. Then he went on to present his findings at Brewing society of Japan and applied for international trademarks.
I can tell you that this is an extremely rare story of a small brewery from a rural area that went this far.
All these decisions were made based on his clear vision to preserve the techniques and discoveries in an objective manner, while bringing innovation to the industry as well as introducing the new value of fermentation to the world from Japan.
正如我在上一篇文章中所寫的那樣,這個想法在味噌醬油行業中是非常離譜的,在那裡需要“同樣的事情”。但是高橋先生想。這種酵母不僅可以用於製作味噌和醬油,還可以用於清酒和葡萄酒的發酵釀造。 Yamamo味噌醤油醸造商成立了一個名為 ASTRONOMICA® 的研究團隊,以探索充分利用這種酵母的發酵。 (請閱讀此處了解詳細信息。)
隨著研究的進展,很明顯這種酵母產生的鮮味成分是正常 Z.rouxii 的兩倍,這種成分稱為琥珀酸。另外,如上所述,已經發現它具有無鹽發酵能力和6%左右的酒精釀造能力,還散發出類似水果和吟釀香氣的華麗香氣,甚至還有肉質改善和遮蔽效果。我明白。

今回のASTRONOMICA®ラベルのViamver®製品、ますますどんな味がするのか気になりますね。それはまた、改めてこのMONO MONTHLY期間中にシェアさせて頂きたいと思います。
Takahashi named this yeast strain Viamver®, and applied for international trademark registration on ASTRONOMICA® too.
Since then, ASTRONOMICA® has been experimenting not only to make innovative miso and soy sauce, but also to brew natural wine that uses this gorgeous aroma and flavour of this yeast.
What’s next? Takahashi wants to use this yeast in doburoku and beer even, so more interesting parings can be achieved in the future. No one can stop him now.
At MONO MONTHLY YAMAMO, we share this chance to try the ASTRONOMICA® labelled soy sauce, salt, and hot sauce from their research. How exciting is that What’s the taste like? Well, let’s find that out in the coming posts. Stay tuned.
這種酵母名為 Viamver®,正在向研究團隊 ASTRONOMICA® 申請國際商標註冊。
部分研究成果是這次要介紹的ASTRONOMICA®標籤醬油、鹽和辣醬。 如何? 你的手不因情緒而顫抖嗎?
我想知道這款 ASTRONOMICA® 標籤 Viamver® 產品的味道如何。 我想在這個 MONO MONTHLY 期間再次分享它。
