2年前、Malica ferments主催で麴学研究家の茉莉花さんにツアーで弊社にお越しいただきました。当時のヤマモは、がむしゃらに実験を繰り返していたときで、Viamver®酵母という命名の頭もなく、10年目の試験醸造から味噌醤油では醸し出せない華やかな香りを出す特殊酵母を発見し、あらゆる角度から実験し、可能性を探っていたころでした。
今年の夏頃、オランダのオンライン展示会MONO JAPANからアサインされた茉莉花さんから単独の出店依頼をいただき、既存製品のヤマモ味噌や白だしについて取り扱いのお話をいただきながらも、Viamver®酵母を利用した商品についてもコミュニケーションを図ってきました。
弊社でもViamver®酵母の製品群であるASTRONOMICA®ラベルシリーズの質と製造を安定させ、いよいよ世間にお披露目できるようになりました。MONO JAPANのページでは茉莉花さんが弊社取組みを丁寧に汲み取り、国内外に伝わるようにライティングしてくれています。本受注会を通じ、業界や海外の発酵をより豊かにすべく、弊社取り組みの本質をお伝えできると嬉しいです。
After the exhibition at MONO JAPAN_1/4
Two years ago, Malica ferments hosted Ms. Marika, a researcher in the field of Koji, to come to our company for a tour. At that time, Yamamo was in the midst of a period of frenzied experimentation, and without even having the idea of naming the yeast Viamver®, we had discovered a special yeast that produced a gorgeous aroma that could not be produced by miso and soy sauce in our 10th year of test brewing, and we were experimenting from all angles to explore the possibilities.
In the summer of this year, Marika, who was assigned by MONO JAPAN, an online exhibition in the Netherlands, asked us to open a stand alone, and while she asked us to handle her existing products, Yamamo Miso and Shiro Dashi, we have been communicating with her about products using Viamver® yeast.
We have also stabilized the quality and production of the ASTRONOMICA® label series, which is a range of Viamver® yeast products, and are now ready to introduce them to the world. We are looking forward to seeing you there. We hope that through this order-taking event, we can convey the essence of our efforts to enrich the industry and overseas fermentation. _Microbiology
在 MONO JAPAN 參展後_1/4
兩年前,由Malica ferments的九曲研究員Marika來訪。當時,Yamamo從試釀第10年,發現了一種特殊的酵母,它散發出用味噌醬油無法生產的華麗香味,沒有名稱Viamver®酵母的頭,他在反複試驗時就出現了。我從一個角度進行實驗並探索可能性的時候。
今年夏天,我們收到了 茉莉花的請求,她被荷蘭在線展覽 MONO JAPAN 指派,要求獨立開設一家商店,並在談論如何處理 Yamamo味噌和 Shirodashi 等現有產品時,使用 Viamver® 酵母的產品。我也試過交流一下。
在我們公司,我們已經穩定了作為Viamver®酵母產品組的ASTRONOMICA®標籤系列的質量和生產,我們終於能夠向世界展示它。在 MONO JAPAN 頁面上,茉莉花女士仔細了解我們的努力並將其寫下來,以便在國內和國際上傳播。如果我們能通過這次接單傳達我們為豐富行業和海外發酵所做的努力的精髓,我們會很高興。

MONO JAPANは、日本の現代クラフトとデザインの祭典です。伝統に裏打ちされた洗練された美しさ、現代的な思考、そして妥協のない技術によって完成された美しさに捧げるイベントであり、プラットフォームなのです。MONO JAPANは、ありふれた日常をくつがえし、シンプルな日常を楽しくするデザインを提案します。
MONO JAPAN is a celebration of contemporary Japanese craft and design. It is an event and a platform devoted to sophisticated beauty grounded in tradition, enriched with contemporary thinking, and refined to perfection with uncompromising skills. MONO JAPAN represents the design that defies the gravity of the mundane and brings joy to the simplest rituals of every day.
MONO JAPAN 是日本當代手工藝和設計的節日。 這是一個活動和平台,致力於以傳統、現代思維為後盾的精緻之美,以及以不妥協的技術完善之美。 MONO JAPAN 提出了一種設計,它顛覆了平凡的日常生活,讓簡單的日常生活變得有趣。

MONO MONTHLY with Malica Fermentsオンライン受注会2021年11月10日〜24日
About the maker
ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元は江戸末期から続く秋田の老舗蔵元。世界の食文化と和の調味料が融合し、進化していくことを理念“Life is Voyage”とし、海外展開と共にリブランディングを行う。150年続くレガシーを捉え、庭園やカフェ、ギャラリーを整備し、産業にアートとインバウンドツアーを実装。10年に渡る試験醸造から果実香と旨味を醸成するViamver®酵母(特許出願中)を発見し、日本醸造学会発表。研究者やシェフ、アーティストが参画するチームASTRONOMICA®を醸成。味噌醤油製品のみならずカフェメニューや肉魚の加工品、ワインや飲料に応用し、新たな発酵の世界を追求する。伝統を創造性と美意識により再構築を進める。
11月のMONO MONTHLYは、ヨーロッパ在住日本の発酵を広く伝える茉莉花さん ( Marika Groen ) をお迎えし、茉莉花さんに知られざるスペシャルな発酵食品をご紹介いただくMONO MONTHLY食品コラボ受注会を開催します。
Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company
MONO MONTHLY with Malica Ferments online order-taking event November 10 – 24, 2021
About the maker
Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company is a long-established brewery in Akita that has been operating since the late Edo period. The company’s philosophy, “Life is Voyage”, is to combine and evolve Japanese seasonings with the world’s food culture, and to re-brand as it expands overseas. They have a garden, a café and a gallery, building on a legacy of 150 years, and are also introducing art and inbound tours into the industry. After 10 years of experimental brewing, Yamamo discovered the Viamver yeast (patent pending), which produces fruity aroma and delicious flavours. This yeast is presented at Brewing Society of Japan. ASTRONOMICA is a team of researchers, chefs and artists, and the team pursues a new world of fermentation, not only in miso and soy sauce products, but also in café menus, processed meat and fish products, wine and beverages. Tradition is being rebuilt with creativity and aesthetics.
YAMAMO Products
A product line of miso, soy sauce, dashi, and other products that have been brewed since ancient times and have a long history.
ASTRONOMICA® products are created through innovative research and development by a team of experts, including researchers, chefs, and artists, while maintaining a strong focus on tradition.
For the November MONO MONTHLY event, we will be welcoming Marika Groen, who lives in Europe and is widely known for her knowledge of Japanese fermentation, to introduce her special fermented foods.
MONO MONTHLY 與 Malica Ferments 在線訂購派對 2021 年 11 月 10 日至 24 日
About the maker
Yamamo味噌醤油醸造商是從江戶時代末期開始營業的秋田老字號釀酒廠。 以“Life is Voyage”為理念,融合世界飲食文化與日本調味料,不斷進化,伴隨海外擴張而重塑品牌。 捕捉 150 年的歷史遺產,我們開發了花園、咖啡館和畫廊,並在行業內實施了藝術和入境游。 通過 10 年的試釀,發現了可釀造水果香氣和鮮味的 Viamver® 酵母(正在申請專利),並在日本釀酒協會上公佈。 培養研究人員、廚師和藝術家參與的 ASTRONOMICA® 團隊。 不僅將其應用於味噌醬油產品,還將應用於咖啡館菜單、加工肉類和魚類產品、葡萄酒和飲料,我們將追求發酵的新世界。 用創意和美學重建傳統。
11月,MONO MONTHLY將舉辦MONO MONTHLY食品合作訂購活動,歡迎居住在歐洲並廣泛傳達日本發酵的Marika Groen推出Marika不知道的特殊發酵食品。

Marika Groen (茉莉花) プロフィール
Malica ferments 主催 | 麴学研究家 | 移動する発酵 | カメラマン | 菌と人のコネクティングハブ |
欧州と日本を中心に旅しながらKojiology (コージオロジー、麴学、あるいは麴論)を生きるための哲学として共有し、感覚からの表現、伝達手段を模索中。シェフから主婦まで幅広く糀・味噌・醤油などの発酵教室を行い、暮らしの中の発酵、発酵する生き方を伝える。年に一度は日本の蔵見学、里山ツアーなどを企画し海外の生徒を研修に連れて廻る。日本滞在時には蔵見学、伝統、発酵、アートをテーマに全国を移動し、落とし込んだ情報を欧州に持ち帰り伝達と浸透につとめる。黴アーティスト、カメラマン。
Marika Groen Profile
Organizer of Malica ferments | Researcher in the field of Koji | Mobile fermentation | Photographer | Connecting hub for bacteria and people |
While traveling around Europe and Japan, I share the philosophy of Kojiology as a philosophy for living, and I am searching for a way to express and communicate through my senses. He teaches a wide range of people, from chefs to housewives, about fermentation and how to live with fermentation. Once a year, she organizes a tour of Japanese breweries and satoyama to take overseas students for training. During her stay in Japan, she travels around the country to visit breweries, learn about tradition, fermentation, and art, and brings the information back to Europe to spread the word. She is a mold artist and photographer.
Marika Groen (茉莉花) プロフィール
由 Malica ferments | 九曲研究員 | 移動發酵 | 攝影師 | 真菌與人類連接中心 |
在遊歷歐洲和日本的過程中,他將曲學(曲學、九曲或九曲學說)作為一種生活哲學,從感官中尋找表達方式和交流方式。 從廚師到家庭主婦,我們舉辦了各種各樣的酒麯、味噌、醬油等發酵課程,教他們如何在日常生活中發酵和發酵。 一年一次,我們計劃日本釀酒廠之旅和里山之旅,並帶海外學生參加培訓。 在日本逗留期間,他以釀酒廠參觀、傳統、發酵和藝術為主題走遍了全國,並將他掉落到歐洲的信息帶回來傳達和傳播。 模具藝術家和攝影師。

MONO MONTHLY with Malica Ferments online order-taking event
TEXT_Marika Groen
今年の5月、大好評を博したMONO MONTHLY WHITE からはや半年。もうそろそろ、次の美味しいお味噌やお醤油が欲しいころなのではないでしょうか?
実は、次どうしても皆さんに紹介したい日本の発酵醸造食品の先駆けとして、わたしの中でずっと疼いていた蔵元があります。それが、今回紹介する秋田県湯沢市の ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元さんです。
MONO MONTHLY with Malica Ferments online order-taking event
TEXT_Marika Groen
It’s already been half a year since our last MONO MONTHLY WHITE in May this year.
I believe it’s about time for you to meet another delicious miso and soy sauce (and more). Let me introduce Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewing Company in Yuzawa city, Akita.
I’ve been waiting to talk about this brewery for long. I visited them in 2019 during my fermentation journey and Yasushi Takahashi, the 7th generation of the company showed me around their production area and shared his vision of redefining Japanese fermented products and unlocking the potential in the traditional brewing with me.
Before visiting, their shining website drew my attention because it did not look like the one from a traditional brewery with 150 years of history. As anticipated, the brewery was eye-grabbing and the whole atmosphere made me even confused when I stepped in.
It was classy but good old, and the front store had a showcase of their time-honored miso, shoyu and many other products – with stylishly designed labels on them. This is something you don’t always expect, but Yamamo has a very special scope in this approach. I wish to talk more about it in November.
During the brewery tour, I was offered many types of miso for sample tasting and they all were very tasty. I remember that I licked each small cup of their miso there, and brought some of their products home in The Netherlands.
Their miso uses double the amount of koji and much less salt to make the taste round and mellow. It was easy to use in cooking non-Japanese dishes and blends well with what local friends and family eat in daily basis.
One of other items I brought home and finished too soon, was their shirodashi. Shirodashi is a light-coloured concentrated soup stock made from dashi, soy sauce and rice sweetener etc in general, and their blending was in great balance that I could use it for almost anything. From the noodle dishes to seasoned rice, their shirodashi was the ultimate flavour enhancer that I could rely on.
In Japanese cooking, we need to do this blending ourselves by measuring each condiment but shirodashi is always ready to go and it’s simply impossible to go wrong with cooking. No knowledge, no experience required. Just add it to anything and you will be surprised with how much this complex umami deepens the taste of your dish. The best pairing is egg in any form of cooking.
As a fan of Yamamo products, I kept the very last bit of their miso in the fridge but now that’s also nearly finishing. I wish I could have shared this with friends in Europe because it’s just so easy to introduce in their kitchen.
MONO MONTHLY with Malica Ferments online order-taking event
TEXT_Marika Groen
距離今年 5 月大熱的 MONO MONTHLY WHITE 已經過去半年了。是不是該吃下一道美味的味噌和醬油了?
這也是我在自己的發酵之旅中接觸到的一個地方,網站的氛圍與延續了 150 年的傳統啤酒廠的形象略有不同,讓我好奇並駐足。我做到了。

そんな二点をもう一度手に入れたい、ぜひ皆さんにも味わって頂くチャンスの場を作りたい、という思いと同時に、もうひとつ「成長する日本の発酵調味料」を皆さんに紹介したくて、今回 ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元さんにお声がけしました。
実は、 ヤマモ味噌醤油醸造元さん、日本の発酵醸造調味料のずっと先の未来を見つめながら、究極の美味しさを求めてさらに美味しい製品を研究しておられます。
その一部が、今回MONO JAPANを世界初プレミアの舞台として、皆さんに特別に味わって頂けることになりました。キーワードは、ASTRONOMICA® とViamver®酵母。
Japanese miso and soy sauce are still mainly in demand by a certain segment of the locals, such as Japanese food lovers or health-conscious consumers. However, Yamamo’s miso and soy sauce transcend these barriers.
To put it in an extreme way, I don’t even think we need to call it “miso” or “soy sauce” anymore. I want you to taste first, then the story will follow like music while you close your eyes, enjoying their taste.
Apart from my initial intention of getting their products again and sharing them with more people, I have one more reason why I wanted to invite them to MONO MONTHLY.
I will tell more details in November, but only as a teaser… we are introducing more than just miso and shirodashi this time. They have more, and this would be a premiere stage.
Yamamo has been making continuous effort in rediscovering possibilities in flavour development to reconnect their history and the future of Japanese fermented products.
The passwords are ASTRONOMICA® and Viamver® yeast.
Welcome to MONO MONTHLY YAMAMO edition this winter. Looking forward to sharing their dreams and goals, and inviting you to the first experience of the new tastes.
其中一些會以 MONO JAPAN 作為全球首演的舞台受到大家的特別喜愛。關鍵詞是 ASTRONOMICA® 和 Viamver® 酵母。
