• 神事のしつらえについて



    About The Arrangement of The Ritual

    In Yamamo, each of the seven storehouses had its own Shinto shrine. At the discretion of the head of the family in each period, the altar and its utensils were moved to the present form. The water deity is enshrined in the garden, and the Inari deity is enshrined in the storeroom and Buddhist room. The name of Aki, the wife of the fourth generation, is written on the bell cord of the household shrine altar in the storeroom, giving us an idea of the time period and the handiwork of the owner. Since the beginning of the renovation, we have been conducting research based on these clues, seeking opinions from Shinto priests and scholars, and installing gods and Buddha in their proper places and with their proper content.



    在 Yamamo,七個倉庫中的每一個都有一個神棚。 根據時代所有者的判斷,神棚及其工具已被移至現在的外觀。 此外,園內供奉水神,祭壇和佛壇供奉稻荷神。 櫃檯的神名鈴男上寫著第四代妻子亞希的名字,可以知道是誰在什麼時候做的。 從整修開始,我們就從這樣的線索中摸索,徵求僧侶和學者的意見,把神佛放在合適的地方,準備合適的內容。







    The number of multiple household shrine  shelves and shrines has led to the belief that many gods reside in the brewery. Because of this, we believe that the gods dwell in all of our buildings, and we have decided to provide a shimenawa, which means a boundary, from the entrance of the building. During this year’s rice harvest, we placed a drum-shaped shimenawa at the bottom of the gassho. We also moved the shimenawa and bell cord to the shrine shelf in the storehouse where Viamver® yeast, discovered through years of research, was found, and renewed some of them to preserve their meaning and intent for future generations.


    從神社和神社的數量來看,人們一直認為啤酒廠中有許多神靈。 從這些來看,我認為上帝居住在所有建築物中,並決定裝備一個意味著從入口處設置障礙的shimenawa。 在今年的稻穀收穫季節,合掌底部放置了一個鼓形的石輪。 此外,我們將 Shimenawa 和鈴緒搬到了發現 Viamver® 酵母的倉庫的神棚,我們通過多年的研究發現了這些,並製作了一些新的,以便我們可以將它們的含義和意圖留給後人。








    In both the West and the East, since ancient times, people have made invisible brews from harvests, including sake and wine, and used them in rituals and beliefs. The relationship between breweries and animism, which is a way of expressing gratitude for the land’s climate and harvests, is very interesting, and breweries are a rare industry that has made a living out of it and have done so as a ritual. How can we express this in the modern age, and convey it with a sense of beauty and emotion? We will continue to work on this with a sense of joy.

    Cooperation: Yuhara and Hitachi Inari Shrine


    I自古以來,西方和東方的人們,包括清酒和葡萄酒,都從豐收中無形地釀造出來,用於神道儀式,並前來參拜。 萬物有靈論和釀酒之間的關係,具有感謝土地的氣候和氣候以及利用它們的收成的意義,非常有趣,釀酒廠是一種罕見的行業,使其成為有生命力的行業,並擁有一直把它作為一種神道儀式。 我們如何在當今時代表達它,並用美感和情感來傳達它? 我們希望在為此感到高興的同時繼續我們的努力。

