• 記事掲載のお知らせ_秋田魁新報


    ・CAFE LUNCH COURSE / 11:00-15:00
    LIGHT COURSE_2,400yen
    STANDARD COURSE_3,500yen

    HALF COURSE_7,000yen
    FULL COURSE_10,000yen




    Notice of article publication_Akita Sakigake Newspaper

    An article by German chef Jonas was published today in the Akita Kai Shimbun on August 5. It’s been about a month since I met Jonas. Ingredients in the region and the local area, fermentation technology and application that we have performed. Sharing with researchers, chef teams, and young people. We have done a lot of communication in a short time and have been making services. All dishes are fermented using the patent application microorganism Viamver and original fermented drinks for pairing are also available.

    ・CAFE LUNCH COURSE / 11:00-15:00
    LIGHT COURSE_2,400yen
    STANDARD COURSE_3,500yen

    HALF COURSE_7,000yen
    FULL COURSE_10,000yen

    The full course will consider the use of fermented duck and game meat, and lunch will be provided as a separate course from dinner. Information will be released on our website.

    I feel that corona has made social issues clearer than before. I think that all of these challenges cannot be awaited, such as the acceptance of minorities from foreigners, the maintenance of the restaurant industry and tourism industry, and the need for continuous research. We believe that if we proceed carefully while unraveling these one by one, new products and services will be born at the same time as solving problems, and society will become better. In addition to our traditional industry, we believe that innovative efforts based on the culture and spirituality that remain in the entire region and Japan will be required around the world. I hope that a team with expertise including Jonas will supervise and experience the dishes and services created. _mediainfo._newspaper



    德國廚師Jonas的文章於8月5日在秋田會刊上發表。 自從我見到喬納斯以來已經過去了大約一個月。 我們在該地區和當地的成分,發酵技術和應用。 與研究人員,廚師團隊和年輕人共享。 我們在短時間內做了很多溝通,並一直在提供服務。 所有菜餚均使用專利申請微生物Viamver進行發酵,還提供用於配對的原始發酵飲料。

    ・CAFE LUNCH COURSE / 11:00-15:00
    LIGHT COURSE_2,400yen
    STANDARD COURSE_3,500yen

    HALF COURSE_7,000yen
    FULL COURSE_10,000yen




    Akita Sakigake Newspaper_August 5, 2020


    ドイツから来日のシェフ ヨナス・カングさん 発酵食生かし独自コース






    Chef Jonas Kung from Germany to cook fermented food

    A German chef, Jonas Kang (30), who came to Japan to learn about fermented foods, works at a cafe restaurant operated by the miso and soy sauce brewer in Yuzawa late last month. Ingredients that are fermented with yeast and bring out the umami have been incorporated into the course dishes and are well received.

    The restaurant is operated by the brewer of Yamamo Miso Soy Sauce, Takashi Gomei Company (President Yoshihiko Takahashi), who has renovated its own store in Iwasaki. Jonas is involved in supervising the lunch course and cooking the special dinner course. The company’s yeast, miso and soy sauce are used for all dishes such as appetizer salads, mousses, main dishes, and desserts. Meat and fish are soaked in yeast solution and baked, and soy sauce is used for gelato to enhance the taste of the dish.

    Jonas from Cologne, Germany, studied engineering and completed a local graduate school. After that, he became a chef and trained at hotels and restaurants. I am interested in fermentation techniques and came to Japan in March this year. I was planning to work for a restaurant in Tokyo that uses ingredients and techniques from ancient Japan, but this store was closed due to the new coronavirus. Due to the visa, it is only this year that you can stay and work for a long time. When I was looking for the “last chance” and a place for activities, a common acquaintance introduced Yasushi Takahashi, Managing Director of Yamamo. Managing Director Takahashi says, “I feel that the problem of foreigners living in Japan, whose life plans are greatly changed due to coronal blight, is one of the social issues. I accepted it as if I could help a little.”

    The company is looking for new ways to sell fermented foods. Promote research at the Prefectural Comprehensive Food Research Center to utilize the yeasts found in its own warehouse for product and service development. “I thought that by incorporating the interpretation of Western chefs into fermentation, we could expand the range of services we offer,” says Takahashi. Mr. Jonas said, “Fermentation, which is a traditional method, has a lot of potential, such as producing various flavors of dishes and improving the preservation of the food itself. I want to experiment extensively and learn about the process.” did.
    There are two types of lunch, which are 2,200 yen and 3,500 yen. There are two types of dinner, 7,000 yen and 10,000 yen only on weekends and holidays. Book lunch 1 day in advance and dinner 3 days in advance. For inquiries, contact the company: 0183・73・2902


    來自德國的廚師Jonas Kang烹飪發酵食品






    ドイツ人シェフの発酵食メニュー好評 湯沢・ヤマモ味噌醤油
    Fermented food menu popular with German chefs Yuzawa and Yamamo miso soy sauce