• “ASTRONOMICA Cultivator(培養発酵室)”について

    微生物に香りや風味などの目的の物質を醸成させるためには、一定の温度条件を満たさなければなりません。味噌醤油の醸造に安定的な環境をつくり出すために、先人たちが土蔵を利用して低温の環境をつくり出していたことも、同様のことと思います。特許出願微生物”Viamver酵母”発見のように、新しい効果を発揮する菌自体やその特性を詳細に経過観察していくためには、丁寧な温度管理が必要であり、それを専用に研究していくのが”ASTRONOMICA Cultivator(アストロノミカ カルティヴェーター:培養発酵室)”になります。


    About “ASTRONOMICA Cultivator”

    Certain temperature conditions must be met in order for microorganisms to produce the desired substances such as aroma and flavor. I think that the same was true when the ancestors used soil to create a low-temperature environment in order to create a stable environment for brewing miso soy sauce. As with the discovery of the patent application microorganism “Viamver yeast”, careful temperature control is necessary for the detailed observation of the bacteria and their properties that exhibit new effects. Go to “ASTRONOMICA Cultivator”. _Microbiology


    關於”ASTRONOMICA Cultivator(培養發酵室)”

    為了使微生物產生所需的物質,例如香氣和風味,必須滿足某些溫度條件。 我認為這與祖先利用倉庫創建低溫環境以創造釀造味噌醬油的穩定環境的事實是一樣的。 如同發現專利申請微生物“ Viamver酵母”一樣,為仔細觀察細菌及其發揮新作用的特性,必須小心控制溫度。 轉到“ ASTRONOMICA Cultivator(培養發酵室)”。





    Conventional research was conducted at Moromi-Gura, which performs innovative fermentation inside the factory, but in parallel with this, the Cultivator was installed in front of the built-in facility to conduct research and development of delicate bacteria. We made it widely accessible to customers. The doors are made in the 1930s made in England, and the three sides except the back shelf are made of insulating glass. The antique materials are used to make the ritual a reminder of ASTRONOMICA, which has been named after the research and development of fungi as a dream or romance that was likened to the operation of celestial bodies, the discovery of planets and underground minerals.


    傳統的研究是在諸味蔵進行的,該工廠在工廠內部進行創新的發酵,但與此同時,Cultivator安裝在內置設施的前面,用於研究和開發脆弱細菌。 我們使其廣泛地為客戶所用。 所使用的門是1930年代在英格蘭製造的,除後架以外的三側均由中空玻璃製成。 古董材料使該儀式讓人聯想起ASTRONOMICA以真菌的研發而命名,就像夢或浪漫,類似於天體的運轉,行星和地下礦物的發現。






    Currently, in addition to culturing and fermentation of Viamver, we are isolating and cultivating five types of specific bacteria derived from last year’s test brewing, and we are continuing to observe the flavor and film formation that brew. Here, a gorgeous fragrance like fruit, which cannot be obtained with conventional brewed products, has been confirmed, and we are researching the fungus responsible for this and its characteristics. I would like to continue the pursuit of a profound world of fungi with a pioneering spirit that advances into unknown areas in the traditional industry that has been continuously conducted.


    目前,除了Viamver的培養和發酵外,我們還分離和培養從去年的試驗釀造中衍生的五種特定細菌,並且我們將繼續觀察釀造的風味和薄膜形成。 在這裡,已經確認了傳統的釀造產品無法獲得的像水果一樣的華麗香氣,並且我們正在研究引起這種現象及其特徵的真菌。 我們希望以不斷開拓傳統產業中未知領域的開拓精神,繼續探索真菌世界。