• 記事掲載のお知らせ_Kahoku_Nov.29 2016

    Information of articles published
    In the Kahoku newsletter dated November 29, I got an article about the work of Yamamo. It is introduced as a brewery that provides intellectual experiences as a new service, as in the heading “Look, taste, learn at a brewery”. After publication, we received inquiries mainly about other prefectures, and the article was also reprinted not only in the Kahoku newsletter but also in Yahoo! News. I feel the significance of this approach to the magnitude of the echo. I hope to improve the position of cultural standing in the world by comprehensively experiencing the culture of miso and soy sauce at the brewery._mediainfo._newspaper


    *Yamamo’s homepage “TOUR” content is under construction, but we are doing factory tours on site. I’d like to make a reservation in advance by phone or e-mail. Thank you.


    「見て味わって学ぶ蔵に」 秋田の蔵元がツアー
    “To a brewery where you can taste and learn” A brewery tours in Akita
    “看到品嚐和學習啤酒廠” 啤酒廠秋田旅遊