「BEST OF PACKAGEGING IN JAPAN 2016 / パッケージデザイン総覧33」にヤマモの商品が掲載されました。商品掲載のお声掛けいただき、その際にこれから発売する新商品をご紹介し、未発売商品の掲載に至りました。和の調味料の新しい使い方や世界に貢献できるところを追求し、産業を前進させるべく生み出した商品です。商品の安定供給、発売まではもう少々お時間をいただきますが、きっと新しい道筋をつくることができると思います。ぜひ、掲載商品をご覧いただきたいと思います。
    Information of articles published
    Product Yamamo was published in the “BEST OF PACKAGEGING IN JAPAN 2016 / package design overview 33”. We apologize for the voice of goods posted, to introduce new products that you will release at that time, has led to the publication of unreleased products. We seek to contribute to the new use and the world of the seasoning of the sum. And this is a product that was produced in order to advance the industry. Stable supply of goods, we’ll have a little longer your time until the release, but I think you can surely create a new path. By all means, we would like seeing the products listed._mediainfo._book
    產品Yamamo發表在“BEST PACKAGEGING在日本2016/封裝設計概述33”。我們張貼貨物的聲音道歉,推出新的產品,你會在那個時候釋放,導致未發布產品的發布。我們力求以促進新的用途和金額的調味料的世界。這是是為了推動行業生產的產品。貨源供應穩定,我們將有更長一點的時間,直到釋放,但我想你一定能創造一個新的路徑。通過一切手段,我們希望看到列出的產品。

    *“YAMAMO VOYAGE TRUNK”という商品に弊社の哲学“Life is Voyage「人生は航海である」”を形に落とし込んだものです。こちらの商品の安定供給、発売まではもう少々お時間をいただきますが、きっと新しい道筋をつくることができると思います。来春の改築後、弊社ショップスペースにて受注販売をする予定です。私たちヤマモは和の調味料の新しい可能性を模索し続けていきます。

    *In the product “YAMAMO VOYAGE TRUNK” our philosophy “Life is Voyage”. In the form of stable supply of this product, we will have some more time to market, I think that we are sure to be able to create a new path.We are planning to sell orders at our shop space after renovation next spring We will continue to search for new possibilities of Japanese seasoning.

    *“YAMAMO VOYAGE TRUNK”來那是什麼投進形狀我們的理念“Life is Voyage「人生之旅」”的產物。這種穩定的貨源,我們將有更長一點的時間,直到釋放,但我想你一定能創造一個新的路徑。裝修的明年春季預定後是在我們的商店銷售的空間秩序。我們Yamamo仍將繼續探索和的調味料的新的可能性。

  • 記事掲載のお知らせ_地域の魅力を引き出す!リニューアルデザイン

    Information that our work was published

    Yamamo to “bring out the charm of the region! Renewal design” will have been introduced. In a very firm structure, our company we have focuses on product packaging and brochures. Number of pages are many 217 and the case, it felt to have been nationwide coverage. Distinctive local industry of Japan, should take advantage of the unique strengths in each of the road. I think it is presenting a new richness of Japanese industry. Renewal design is a methodology that intuitively convey the things that have been followed in the past. Therefore, the birth of the sympathy of the people of a lot, I thought it was assumed that many people enjoy. We certainly would like seeing to everyone. _mediainfo._book


  • グッドデザイン賞受賞年鑑掲載のお知らせ


    Information of Good Design Award yearbook printing

    The work in and outside the country expressed to the shop name of Yamamo was published at the Good Design Award yearbook in the 2013 fiscal year. We are glad that there is logo mark of our company in many award companies. We obtained the prize not only in a product but in the whole measure. We think that we have to tell this intelligibly to you. In the world, it is hoped brewing of Japan continues from now on! _mediainfo._book

    Good Design Award获奖年鉴刊载的告知

    被Yamamo的商号表示的国内外的工作,在2013年度的Good Design Award获奖年鉴被刊登了。我们在很多的获奖企业中有敝社的标志标志的高兴。我们不仅仅是产品还有,以工作全部领受了奖。我们考虑这个必须易懂地传达在(到)大家。在世界中,请求着今后日本的酿造持续!